Apps & Portals Business Features

Apps & Portals Business Features

eCRM.COM offers a range of pre-built tools for managing customer relationships. These tools enable businesses to offer their customers a user-friendly interface for completing tasks quickly and efficiently, without the need to write any code. Additionally, businesses can customise these tools to match their own branding and selected features.

This document covers the business features for the following utilities:

Contact App & Contact Portal

Business Feature / Process


Business Feature / Process



Applications is a CRM.COM utility that allows a key user to configure the business’s front-end tools - the Contact app and Contact portal - without writing a single line of source code.

  • Contact mobile app and web portal

    • The business's contacts can use these to carry out numerous self-service processes, such as registering, ordering, creating communities, managing their finances or buying a subscription.

Create & Manage Contact Portal

No code deployment of the business portal and the ability to set up the following self-serve components:

  • Registration & Authentication

    • The business can configure how their contacts will be able to register (sign-up, sign-in) and what type of data will be used to authenticate the Contact when they take actions through the interface (e.g., ordering)

      • Registration

        • Email & Password

        • Email & OTP

        • Mobile Phone & OTP

        • Facebook

        • Google

        • OIDC

  • Homepage

    • CRM.COM Wallet: Cash, Commerce and Business balances

    • Offers: Top used or recommended offers based on the "Featured Offers" set-up

    • Place an Order: the user can select the distribution method, access appropriate order catalogues and make an order.

    • Your Reward Tier: the user can see details about the level of reward tier he gets according to his settings (points)

  • Offers

    • Featured offers are presented

    • The location of the nearest outlet (google maps) and the merchant details (e.g., logo, name, phone) are presented.

  • Maps

    • The map is accessible from the offers section, and it's an integration with google maps.

    • Upon selecting a specific offer (featured or simple) and if the Merchant’s latitude/Longitude details are present (merchant address), the user can observe on the map the exact position of the merchant on the offer.

    • When the user clicks on the map pin, they can see more details about the Merchant (merchant name, address, industry sector.

  • Payments

    • The user can make payment for an order after basket check-out

      • cash

      • card (use integrations with payment processors)

  • Profile

    • Edit Profile: The merchant should configure the information that is needed from the consumer (e.g. name, day, birthday, gender etc. )

    • Account - option to choose between different accounts

      • Add your card to order

      • Spending Preferences

      • Participating schemes

  • Top-up CRM.COM Wallet

  • Redeem a Pass

  • Mobile Pass Card

  • Wallet Journals

  • Orders History

Create & Manage Contact App

Same features as the portal above plus:

  • Ability to select the home page layout

  • Add app store details

Associated Processes

The following processes are related and can be used with the applications.

  • register through a landing page and create/store a mobile pass: the Contact use a landing page to register in a business and, upon successful registration, get a mobile pass and store this in its wallet

  • access consumer portal from a mobile pass: the Contact can access the consumer portal by using the link in the back side of the mobile pass

  • Purchase using wallet funds with a Mobile Pass Card

    • At the time of payment, contacts request an OTP using their Mobile Pass Card (back side of the mobile pass) and provide the OTP to the cashier, who enters it on the POS, enabling the purchase to be made. CRM.COM finally deducts the appropriate amount of funds from the Contact's wallet.

Merchant App

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Business Feature / Process


Merchant App

The purpose of the Merchant app is to … It can be configured using the Applications utility by a key system without writing a single line of source code.

  • Business users can submit purchases to CRM.COM. Two flows are supported: Identify the contact via a barcode/QR code and submit the purchase, and Accept payment, where contacts are identified and securely fully or partially pay off the submitted purchase using their CRM.COM Wallet funds.

Landing Pages

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Business Feature / Process


Landing Pages

Landing Pages is a CRM.COM utility that allows a key user to configure, with no code, purpose-built web pages.

Two types of Landing Pages supported, one for each main CRM.COM features:

  • Register: Page where a person lands on to register to a business. Contacts already registered to the business can use the same page to easily login to the business’s web-portal.

  • Purchase eGift: Page where a person land on and purchases an electronic Gift Pass to sent to a recipient. This Landing page allows secure one-time payment flow via CRM.COM Wallet Gateway.

The landing page can be distributed via URL, QR code, and barcodes.

Create & Manage Landing Pages

  • Creating a landing page is easy, requires no coding and involves setting up the following

    • Basic information

      • type (register, purchase a pass)

      • support mobile pass cards, and pass plan

    • text: Setup text fields and messages appearing on the Landing Page. The preview screen displays the applied changes instantaneously.

    • Colour: define the colours for all areas of the Landing Page from the pallets by clicking on the relevant colour area.

    • fields: here, we are defining and selecting the fields used to collect the required information from the Landing Page (only for registration)

    • image: Three different types of images (logo, header, background) can be added to the landing page. Transparency can be adjusted for the header and background images.

    • distribution: This option becomes visible once the Landing Page has been saved. The generated QR/bar code and URL distribution methods are displayed and can be copied.

    • success & failure message: definition of messages displayed upon successful or unsuccessful contact registration or e-Gift pass purchasing and sharing.

    • Payment Gateway: Required only when purchasing an e-Gift. Supported gateways are CRM.COM Wallet Gateway, JCC and Cardlink.

Mobile Pass Cards

Business Feature / Process


Business Feature / Process


Mobile Passes

Mobile Passes is a cutting-edge feature of CRM.COM that enables key users to create custom digital pass cards without needing to write any code. Once a contact successfully registers with a business, the digital card is activated and can be downloaded and stored in popular wallet apps like Apple Wallet, Google Wallet, or other compatible applications.

These passes serve as identification for the contact across various business processes. They provide real-time access to the contact’s wallet balance for that business and enable them to request a one-time password (OTP) to spend wallet funds at the point of sale (POS).

Depending on how they are configured, mobile passes can also offer contacts seamless access to the business's contact portal.

Configure a Mobile Pass

CRM.COM already has a default configuration for a mobile pass, but you can customise it with your branding and UI setup. You can also configure how the mobile pass will look for Apple and Google wallets.

Creating a mobile pass involves configuring the following:

  • Configure a Landing Page, this is a prerequisite.

  • Apple design

    • Images - Upload the images that will appear on the Mobile Pass Card. Follow size instructions for a better user experience.

    • Colours - Select colours for three different mobile pass areas.

    • First Row - Select a field to be displayed in the top row of the mobile pass screen.

    • Second Row - Select one item of information to be displayed on the second row of the mobile pass screen.

    • Third Row - You can Select up to three fields to display on the third row of the mobile pass screen.

    • Back - Select as many fields as you would like to be displayed at the back of the pass, such as generating an OTP (to spend money from the wallet), a link to the contact portal, etc.

  • Google Design

    • Information - Provide an easily recognisable name for the Mobile Pass.

    • Images - Upload the images to be used and follow the recommended sizes for a better UI.

    • Colours - Set the background colour for the mobile pass.

    • First Section - Select up to two fields to be displayed in the first section, alignment is managed by Google.

    • Second Section - Select up to three fields to be displayed in this section.

    • Back - Select as many fields as you would like to be displayed at the back of the pass, such as generating an OTP (to spend money from the wallet), a link to the contact portal, etc.

    • Links - External links (e.g. to a URL) can be added to the Mobile Pass Card screen if desired.

  • NFC Barcodes: Near Field Communication used to share data between devices (e.g. scanning the Contact’s Wallet code in barcode or QR code format to submit a purchase at the POS).

    • Type - CRM.COM supports two different formats for bar codes and QR codes.

    • Linked to Value - Select the information that the QR code/barcode represents:

      • CRM.COM Wallet Code (recommended option)

      • Formatted CRM.COM Wallet Code

      • Code - Contact code

      • ID - Contact identifier

      • Loyalty Number - Contact loyalty number


  • Automatic updates and notifications

    • Mobile pass cards will be automatically updated to reflect changes in the contact's wallet balance.

    • CRM.COM supports notification automatons if needed. By default, Apple Wallet and Google Pay support mobile pass update notifications.

Upload a Mobile Pass to a Wallet Application

  • If a contact accidentally deletes their mobile pass card from their wallet or fails/forgets to save it upon creation, they can easily retrieve it again. To do so, they can sign in to the customer portal, go to the profile menu, and use the Mobile Pass Card option.


Business Feature / Process


Business Feature / Process



  • Dashboard - View basic apps-related information on the CRM Overview dashboard.

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