


Verimatrix Video Content Authority System (VCAS) provides a digital TV security solution for Pay TV services, which streams content to Pay-Per-Channel (PPC) or Video-On-Demand (VOD) based subscriptions. 

CRM.COM provides a ready-made implementation for Verimatrix OMI through the VCAS DVB provisioning module, which handles the activation and deactivation of signals transmitted to subscriber devices.

VCAS DVB integration offers the following:

  • Submit requests to VCAS system in real-time.
    • Subscription actions update the subscription provisioning state in CRM.COM. If the modification should be reflected in VCAS, a request is constructed (using VCAS commands) and sent to VCAS.
  • In case subscription modifications take place while CRM.COM and VCAS are experiencing a communication issue (e.g., during a VCAS downtime), a reset run is available. The run identifies the subscriptions that must be updated, constructs a request (using VCAS commands) and forwards it to VCAS.

Setting Up VCAS

Configuration > Billing > Set up Provisioning Providers > Provisioning Providers

Provisioning Providers

The setup of the VCAS provisioning provider is the same as the one described at Provisioning.

For information on the parameters required to connect to VCAS please contact a CRM.COM consultant.

Using VCAS

Configuration > Billing > Set up Provisioning Providers > Provisioning Providers > VCAS DVB

Managing subscription signals

VCAS integration supports real time communication between CRM.COM and VCAS. This means that at any point in time, given that there is communication between CRM.COM and VCAS, when a subscription action takes place which affects the signals sent to the subscriber's device, such as activation or deactivation of a channel or broadband service, then VCAS will instantly receive a request from CRM.COM to act accordingly. 

Reset multiple Subscriptions

Reset subscription runs are used as a backup to identify and synchronise subscriptions that have gone out of sync, by communicating the necessary commands to the CA/OTT platform. Subscriptions may get out of sync (for example, active in CRM.COM and inactive in VCAS) if any of the two systems suffers from downtime or if the connection from CRM.COM to the platform is lost.

It is possible to preview the subscriptions that will be reset by the run, by using Preview from the Actions menu. The run must be scheduled and executed.

You can limit the subscriptions which will be checked and reset by providing the period during which the subscriptions to be processed were created as well as the Subscription Types. 

Reset Single Subscription

Like in the reset subscription run, you can use the utility to update an out of sync subscription, so that the provider reflects the state in CRM.COM.

Resetting subscription is also available through WEB API.


Send multiple messages

Mail runs are used to send messages to subscriber devices. You can select the Message Display Mode for displaying on-screen messages. The default mode is specified by the provider.

  • Prefix 
    • FX: (FiXed) The subscriber cannot remove the message.
    • RM: (ReMovable) The subscriber can remove the message from the screen using the remote control.
  • Suffix 
    • NEXTSTB: The message appears with the next message shown on the screen.
    • NEXTCA: The message appears with the next message triggered by the conditional access subsystem.
    • STILLCA: The message appears with the next message triggered by the conditional access subsystem and has the same duration.
    • IMMED: The message appears immediately with no further conditions.

Additionally you can set the Display Duration of the on-screen message (OSM) in seconds. Valid values are from '0' to '65535'. When the value is '0' (default), the message stays on the screen until the subscriber acknowledges it. 

The process run does not create the messages; the messages are created in the system as communications (through notifications) and remain 'Pending' in the communication queue until the mail run is executed. The mail run identifies the communications that should be handled by matching each entry in the communication queue 'Communication Queue External System' with one defined in the mail run.

Send a single message

Sends on-screen messages (Message) or inbox messages (Mail) to either a single subscriber device or to all subscribers (Global). 

You can select the Message Display Mode for displaying on-screen messages. The default mode is specified by the provider.

  • Prefix 
    • FX: (FiXed) The subscriber cannot remove the message.
    • RM: (ReMovable) The subscriber can remove the message from the screen using the remote control.
  • Suffix 
    • NEXTSTB: The message appears with the next message shown on the screen.
    • NEXTCA: The message appears with the next message triggered by the conditional access subsystem.
    • STILLCA: The message appears with the next message triggered by the conditional access subsystem and has the same duration.
    • IMMED: The message appears immediately with no further conditions.

Additionally you can set the Display Duration of the on-screen message (OSM) in seconds. Valid values are from '0' to '65535'. When the value is '0' (default), the message stays on the screen until the subscriber acknowledges it. 

As the message text is provided through the utility, there is no related Communication (unlike message runs).


Setting device PIN 

Resets the PIN of a single STB, either to its default value or to a value specified by the user.

Select the device to reset its PIN. To reset to a 'Given Value' also provide a New PIN, otherwise, the PIN's default value is '1234'.

Resetting of PIN is also available through WEB API.