- Georgia Kountouri
- George Rossides (Unlicensed)
Owned by Georgia Kountouri
 reward_offer_address_completeness_condition object response data
Name | Type | Description |
address_type | String | The type of the address that the rewards participant should provide which can either be HOME, BUSINESS, POBOX, CUSTOM1, CUSTOM2, CUSTOM3, CUSTOM4, CUSTOM5 |
address_fields_set | Address Field Set of Objects | A list address fields that should be provided by the rewards participant. |
Referred Objects Response Data
 address_completeness_values_conditions object response data
Name | Type | Description |
address_field | String | The address field which should be specified by the rewards participant. The supported values are the following: COUNTRY, STREET NAME, STREET NUMBER, FLOOR, AREA, DISTRICT, CARE OF, PO BOX, PO BOX POSTAL CODE, POSTAL CODE, APARTMENT NUMBER, TOWN, MUNICIPALITY From R14.2.0 the following values are also available: ADDRESS_LINE_1, ADDRESS_LINE_2, STATE_PROVINCE_COUNTY |