Inventory & Device Management Business Features

Inventory & Device Management Business Features

Business Feature / Process


Business Feature / Process



  • The business has a single Warehouse to keep track of its stockable physical goods balances. Created on sign up

  • The Warehouse maintains a dimension called locations, which allows stock to be allocated (assigned) to any logical dimension, such as a location in the warehouse, an installer van or a service provider.

  • Stockable items are the physical goods for which stock levels are maintained. Only physical goods (traceable or not) can be marked as stockable in their product types.


Stock balances

CRM.COM offers a number of stock balance metrics in a Business's Warehouse

  • Stock Balance/Stock in hand: Total number of items in the Warehouse

  • Reserved: Number of items located in the Warehouse but reserved by various Orders or Service Requests, i.e. contacts order a number of items and these items are reserved so as to be delivered to the contact.

    • A stockable item is marked as reserved for an Order only after that Order’s processing begins, i.e. once it is updated into its first In progress stage.

  • Ownership: Number of items that the Business has ownership to. These items might not be located in the Warehouse, but the business still owns them either because

    • The Business gave these items to contacts such as Rentals or

    • The items were dispatched to a contact as part of fulfilling an Order, but these items are not invoiced yet. Ownership changes only after the items are invoiced

  • Dispatched: Number of items delivered to contact but not yet invoiced

  • Available for sale/rental: Items located in the Warehouse and are not reserved, i.e. they can be ordered by contacts

  • Rentals: Number of items (traceable physical goods) located at contacts' premises as Rentals (Business has ownership)

Warehouse Transactions

The Warehouse's stock is managed via Warehouse transactions:

  • Stock in: Transaction that moves stock in the Warehouse either

    • New items received by the business from one of its suppliers or

    • Items returned back to the Warehouse by a contact

  • Stock out: Transaction that removes stock from the Warehouse on delivering the items to contacts or organisations

    • dispatch during an order's processing

    • on selling the items

    • on renting devices

  • Stock Adjustment: Transaction used for adjusting the existing stock balance by either increasing or decreasing the items in hand

Removing items from the Warehouse

The processes of removing items from the Warehouse are as follows:

  • Issuing an invoice that includes stockable items (traceable or not)

  • Orders where the items might be dispatched to contacts in multiple deliveries or as part of completing the order

  • Adding Rental devices on subscriptions

Returning items to the Warehouse

Items are returned back to the Warehouse (using stock in transactions) through

  • Issuing a Credit Note

  • Returning the items dispatched through an Order (and prior to the Order's completion)


A device is a physical good that is uniquely identified in CRM.COM through a unique identifier, such as serial number or MAC address, and might or might not be related to a product (of classification traceable)

A Device has the following main attributes:

  • A serial number

  • Optionally an electronic identifier

  • It might be related to a traceable (and stockable) physical good

  • Has a set of characteristics. This set of characteristics is defined on the traceable physical good definition. On creating a device of this product, then each characteristic is assigned a value as well.

Depending on how a device is used then additional attributes are:

  • For communication purposes

    • platform (e.g. iOS, Android) and registration token

  • For WiFi purposes

    • mac address and WiFistatus

A device

  • can be registered by a contact in CRM for provisioning & communication (push notification) purposes or keeping track of usage but CRM cannot charge the customer for the product as such

  • can belong to the business's warehouse and is available to be sold or rented to contacts through orders or invoices

  • that is rented or sold to customers can be returned to the business, while devices that were registered (brought) by customers cannot be returned back to the business

A device can be owned by (ownership)

  • the business and such products will be either in the warehouse of the business or be rented to customers

  • the contact (such contact purchased the device)

  • a merchant/service provider (sold by business)

A device can be used for

  • app usage - count the contacts that are using CRM.COM apps

  • billing purposes - bill customers for their rentals, i.e. applied to devices which are provided to a subscription and are responsible for recording the consumption of usage products such as printing or cars

  • communication purposes (push notifications) - used for sending push notifications over to CRM.COM apps.

  • provisioning purposes - provision termed & one-time services and log consumed usage

  • usage consumption purposes - consuming usage through a device and therefore billing the customer for that consumption OR just for keeping track of the usage which was consumed through that device

  • WiFi authorization - authorize customers over a WiFi platform for consuming usage through that device

A device should be related to a contact in order to start

  • Logging usage consumed by/through the device

  • Authorising services. In this case, the device is also related to the subscription (marked as subscription device) - list subscription devices/get devices to be added to the subscription

Contact should be able to

  • register his/her own devices

  • remove a registered device (not applicable for WiFi, communication devices)

  • view all registered devices

  • use devices for provisioning their subscription services

Device States & Statuses

A Device has a pre-defined list of states that might be updated to

  • New: Stocked into the warehouse from a supplier, never given to a contact

  • Used: Returned back to the warehouse by a contact

  • Sold: Sold to contacts/merchants; Business does not own them

  • Rented: Given to the contact as a rental, the business still has ownership, and contacts should return the device back when they cancel their services

  • Dispatched; the device is owned by the business but is located at a contact's or merchant/service provider's location and is pending to be invoiced (ownership will be changed once it is invoiced, and the state will be set to sold)

  • Blocked; device (new or used) is located in the warehouse and cannot be sold/rented (unblocking a device will return it to the state that was prior "blocked", which could be found in the device history)

  • Own Device; the device is brought by contact and cannot be returned back

On business sign-up, one Device status is created for each one of the available states. Multiple statuses can be created, but they also have to be related to one of the available states. This allows a business to classify the various stock movements, describe the devices in the warehouse etc.

Device Locations

A Device might initially exist in the Business’s Warehouse. A Warehouse however may also have a configurable number of locations at which the device is actually located.

  • Set the Device’s location once imported into the Warehouse

  • Remove the Location of the Device when it’s stocked out

  • Set another Location when the Device is returned back to the Warehouse

Keep track of a Device’s change in locations through its history.

Device Meter Readings

Ability to keep track of a device’s usage consumption through meter readings

  • Set up Meter Readings for various devices

  • Use back-office Web APIs in order to keep track of a Device’s usage consumption which is logged in its meter readings (e.g. a vehicle’s odometer, an air-condition’s power consumption).

Subscription Devices

Devices can also be added on Subscriptions and, more specifically, connected to services to which a contact subscribed for provisioning purposes.

A Device can be added to a subscription through dedicated actions if:

  • The device is in the Warehouse and is also a Rental (has a Rental price)

  • The device is owned by the contact (i.e. the contact either registered the device or previously purchased it from the business)

Subscribers can view:

  • On which devices their service can be enabled on

  • On which devices is the service already enabled, and they might want to remove it (e.g. multi-room solution)

On cancelling the service, the devices are not automatically returned to the warehouse:

  • If the device was a rental, then a dedicated action must be performed to return the device back to the warehouse (no automation exists)

  • If the contact owns the device, then the device remains in the contact's ownership.

While on a subscription, contacts can:

  • Remove it from the subscription (if not enabled on any service)

  • Replace the device with another one

  • Perform multiple device actions determined by the provisioning provider that provisions them. The list is automatically created based on Integrations (e.g. resetting the PIN of an STB)

Devices Import

Import utility that allows batch devices s imported to the Warehouse

  • Match the import file's information to CRM.COM data

  • Ability to additionally specify a number of custom fields for the devices to be imported and created within CRM.COM

Devices Extensibility - Custom Fields & Device Characteristics

Set up Custom fields to store additional information for Devices. A Custom field and its value can be set to any Device, regardless of its related traceable physical goods.

Device Characteristics in another important feature for extending a Device’s information.

  • Set up Product Characteristics and optionally various values

  • Add characteristics to a traceable physical good. these characteristics show any available characteristic that will also be set on Devices created using this product.

  • On creating/updating the Device select the characteristic and also specify its value.

Use Device characteristics to extend an individual service’s information (such as the IP address of a modem, IMEI of a mobile phone etc)


Available Automation when managing the Warehouse via transactions

  • Stock in transaction

    • Set the Device's state/status when stocking in a Device

  • Change a Device’s status in various events


  • Reports

    • Devices: View a list of devices with current location information, whether stored in a warehouse or rented/sold to a Contact

    • Stock Balance: List all Warehouse's stock metrics per product along with quantities of items reserved, rented or returned.

  • MongoDB

    • Devices collection available in MongoDB as well for custom BI


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