

On this page


Rewards enable organizations to remunerate customers for their loyalty and provide them with an incentive to repeat their business.  Through rewards programs, organizations can acquire data on individual customer so as to better understand their behavior.  Using a structured and measurable approach enables a company to construct effective marketing campaigns and achieve  business growth by targeting new customers, increasing the spending of current customers, improving customer churn rate or shift customer spending to products with a higher profit margin.  

Rewards can be converted into cash and redeemed either at the customer's discretion or subject to conditions, such as on specific products and/or at a specific time and place).

Major features

  • Operator board used to:
    • Create new reward schemes and offers
    • View information on current schemes and offers
    • View reward participant, award and spend statistics
    • View the customers participating in selected reward scheme 
    • View the reward partner agreements of a scheme.
  • Reward schemes can group together reward offers applicable to their participants
  • Business specific reward offers 
  • Reward participant by crediting their wallets, either instantly, or subsequently through batch runs
  • Reward participants on specific occasion, such as their birthday, name day or during a recurring period such as the Christmas or Easter season.
  • Handling all reward transactions; awards, spends and expiration from one central location
  • Provision of  instant discounts on purchases through instant spent


If your business model includes several merchants contributing to your rewards platform, also refer to Multi Merchant Reward Platform.


Setting Up Rewards

Configuration > Rewards Application > Access Rewards Admin

Rewards admin

Rewards admin is used to configure CRM.COM to meet the requirements of your rewards program.  Rewards admin can also be used to view:

  • Registered rewards participants
  • Rewards transactions (award, spend, award expiration transactions)
  • Rewards participation agreements


General Settings
Reward Offer Types

Classifications define the behavior of reward offers.

User definable types are used to distinguish between reward offers of the same classification.

Configuring multiple types of the same classification, allows you to include or exclude reward offers of the same classification from evaluation. Additionally, you can define specific categories that will only be applicable for reward offers of each type. 

A single reward offer classification can be selected when creating types:

  • Utilise Free Capacity: Used to reward participants for purchases (possibly of a specific product) made at a specific date/time.
  • Reward Sign Ups: Used to award new reward participants.
  • Reward Referrals: Used to award existing reward participants for referring new participants.
  • Increase Revenue, Transaction Based: Used to reward participants based on the value of their purchase transactions.
  • Increase Revenue, Product Based: Used to reward participants based on the value of their purchased products.
  • Reward Loyalty, Transaction Amount Based: Used to reward participants based on the value of purchase transactions within a specific period.
  • Reward Loyalty, Transaction Number Based: Used to reward participants based on the number of purchase transactions within a specific period.
  • Reward Loyalty, Transaction Item Quantity Based: Used to reward participants based on the number of purchases products within a specific period.
  • Reward Behavior: Used to reward customer for social media activities and website visits.
  • Reward on Birthday
  • Reward on Nameday
  • Reward Subscription Maturity: Used to reward participants for subscriptions that remain effective and uninterrupted over a specific period.
  • Reward Personal Data Completeness: Used to reward participants for a complete set of personal data information, such as an address or date of birth.
  • Reward Achievements: Used to award participants for an accomplishment.
  • Reward Financial Achievements: Used to award participants for an accomplishment of financial nature.
  • Reward Financial Statement: Used to award participants for reaching specific  business objectives, measured through financial statement customer events and their related key performance indicators (KPI).
  • Just Money: Used to award customers based on common business characteristics determined by one or multiple segments.
  • Lottery: Used to award a specific number of participants, that are selected randomly by the system given that they meet specific criteria.
Reward Offer Categories

Categories, such as 'marketing' or 'loyalty', are used to group reward offers and can be used by the business for reward analysis purposes.

Reward Offer Templates

Templates can be used to facilitate the transfer of configured information when creating new reward offers (particularly helpful when setting up multiple reward offers of the same type with common characteristics).

Reward offer templates have the same fields as reward offers of the same classification. Refer to Reward Offers fields for more information.

Reward offer templates can also be easily created using an existing offer, by using 'SAVE AS TEMPLATE' from the Actions menu in the reward offer Data Entry page.

Settlement Settings

Define how financial transactions will be posted against the accounts receivable of reward participating merchants.

The transactions use an interactive and batch settlement process that debits or credits merchant accounts.  The process takes into consideration the rewards awarded and redeemed by each merchant as well as their agreed reward percentage contribution.

The accounts receivable of the merchant cannot be settled unless settlement automation is enabled.

Refer to Multi-partner Rewards Platform for more information on the settlement process.

Rewards Operator Board Settings

Define the default layout of the board including available actions and dashboards. The board brings together reward scheme information including reward offers, participants, and merchants.

'Enable' the classification of reward offers that should be available to be created through the board. 

Select a category for the classification: Common (used most often) or Advanced (less common).

Rewards Participants
A searchable list of all reward participants registered in the system.
Rewards Transactions
A searchable list of all all award, spend, and expiration transactions.

Rewards Participation Agreements

(View Multi-partner Rewards Platform for more information on setting up and using)

Partner Unit/Group Rewards Participation Agreements

 View or create new rewards participating merchants (units) or merchant groups.

Reward Settlement Runs

Debit or credit merchants accounts. The process takes into consideration the rewards awarded and redeemed by each merchant as well as their agreed reward percentage contribution.


Reward schemes

Rewards > Manage Reward Schemes

Reward schemes are used to group reward offers and keep track of eligible customers participating in each scheme.  Once setup, schemes are added to reward offers and participants.

Reward schemes are also defined in the partner agreements of multi-partner reward platforms.



Main Information

Sign Up Settings

Settings associated to signing up for participating in the scheme.

Enable Self sign up: This information is used by 3rd party systems, (such as a mobile app or portal). If enabled then the scheme will be available to participants to select it and become participants of the scheme.

Requires Reference Code on Sign Up: The reference code is usually a 3rd party id (i.e. student identification number) which is saved on the participant and its authenticity can be validated by external systems. If enabled then a participant won't be allowed to sign up the scheme unless a valid reference code is provided.

This requires additional implementation according to the reference code used and the body responsible for authenticating it

Award Validity SettingsValidity settings can be defined in a reward scheme to define the period within which earned awards can be spent. Reward offers participating in the scheme can either inherit the validity settings define their own.
Marketing Information

The settings that are used to display scheme information on the mobile app and portal

Image: Upload the image that you want to display for the specific scheme. This image will be used in multiple places to represent this scheme. Upload an image in PNG or JPG format

Background Image: Displayed behind the offer's image and behind any background specified at the offer's description section. If the image will be used by the CRM.COM mobile application, the image should be of PNG or JPG format.

Background Colour: The background is displayed behind the scheme's image and description background. You may add an image or specify a color in a hexadecimal format (#XXXXXX)

Long Description: Defines, through a WYSIWYG editor, the scheme's long description 

Short Description: Defines, through a WYSIWYG editor, the scheme's short description 

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Reward offers

Rewards > Manage Reward Offers

Reward offers determine the amount awarded for customer events or other actions, and specify the conditions for giving and spending rewards.

Offers can be created from scratch or by using templates.  Click on NEW in the Manage Reward Offers page and select either Reward Offer and Reward Offer From Template.  In either case, first select the classification, which determines the basic reward offer parameters. Continue by defining the actual awards and the conditions for earning and spending them.

To make a new offer available to reward participants it must be activated by setting its life cycle state to 'Effective'.  Use 'SAVE AS TEMPLATE' from the Actions menu, so that a similar offer can be easily created in the future. 

Reward offer fields

The table describes the fields and sections of the Reward Offers Data Entry page which are available for all classifications, and explains how the fields in the page are used. 

Additional fields available to specific reward offer classifications are documented in the (Additional fields)  table below.

 Mandatory   Configurable

Main Information

Reward Scheme that the offer is a part of. Customers must participate in the scheme to be eligible for offers.

Classification: Select based on the required reward settings.

Type: Determines the business behavior of the offer (i.e what type of award and spend conditions will be available etc). Filtered using the organisational unit of the logged in user and the selected classification


Evaluation Method:

  • Batch process: Awards are evaluated and given only during the execution of the reward run (even if the 'Process immediately' option is enabled on the customer event).
  • Batch process and interactively: Awards are evaluated instantly in case that the customer event carried out can be processed immediately(available only for specific reward offer classifications).See below.
Reward Offer Validity

Latest Effective Date: The last time that the Reward Offer became 'Effective', set or updated each time the life cycle state of the offer is changed from 'Not Effective' to 'Effective'.

Validity defines the period during which that the offer is effective. Validity options include:

  • Valid from latest effective date onward (Inclusive)
  • Valid for a specific period 
  • Valid during birthday period
  • Valid during name day period
  • Valid during a recurring period (e.g., a specific month every year)

Only customer events created within valid periods are rewarded.


Award: Select between Award Amount (specific amount) and Percentage on Awarded Amount within X UOT (calculated based on award over a period).

For the Percentage on Awarded Amount within X UOT also select either Consider all types of awards or Consider specific type of awards (for rewards provided by offers of a specific type or that belong to specific schemes).

Percentage on Awarded Amount within X UOT is available for all classifications, except for Achievement and Financial Achievement IF 'Apply award if all conditions are met' is enabled.


Spend Method: How money earned from an award can be spent

  • 'Spend on Request': Reward earned will be spent on customer request.
  • 'Spend Instantly Through Voucher': Reward earned will be used to generate a voucher of the respective amount. The awarded participant will be able to redeem the voucher (i.e. no awards will be added to his/her account)
    • Voucher Type: The type of the e-voucher to be used to generate vouchers

More award options are available for each classification. View the table that follows.

Award Validity

Valid After a Period of Time Since the Award Was Offered: Represents the period that should pass before an award can be spent.

Award Expires: The period during which a reward can be redeemed (spent).

  • Never Expires : The reward does not expire and can be spent at any time.
  • Valid for a specific period
    • Valid up Until a Specific Date: the date upon which it expires
    • Valid up to X UOT After the Award Transaction's Creation Date: the number of days, weeks,months, years for which the award is valid
  • Valid based on Reward Scheme Award Validity: The reward can be spent up until the date defined in the reward scheme.
Award Conditions

Conditions are evaluated by the system to determine whether an event should be rewarded.

 Different conditions apply according to the classification of the reward offer. View the table that follows.

Spend Conditions

Conditions applied for spending rewards, such as on a specific product, place or time.

Time Conditions

Product Conditions

Organisational Conditions

Contribution Rules

(Available when organisational conditions are defined in the Award Conditions section)

A contribution rule determines the percentage of the awarded amount that should be provided by the rewards partner (organisational unit). By default, the partner contribution is 100%.

A new contribution rule can be created for each partner added in the Award Conditions. Unless a partner is defined the contribution rules cannot be added. An existing rule can be applied by using ADD IN EXISTING CONTRIBUTION RULE. This is only available if existing contribution rules are set to be applied to specific offers and not all offers.  

To create a new rule, provide the required information and click on ADD MORE INFORMATION (below the rule) to provide conditions.

For more information on setting up contribution rules refer to Multi-partner Rewards Platform - Contribution Rules.

Marketing Information

Settings that are used to display offer information when integrating with a mobile app and portal.

  • Text for "No Awards" Status
  • Text for "Times Awarded Status"
  • Text for "Weekly Average Awarded Amount"
  • Offer Image and Image Alternative text
  • Offer Background Image and Image Alternative text
  • Offer Background Color
  • Long Description
  • Short Description


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Additional fields 

Select a classification from the drop-down list to view additional classification-specific reward offer fields.

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Award and spend conditions

The table below describes the award and spend conditions available in reward offer classification tables above.

Award Conditions
Product ConditionsA list of products, product types or product families that should be provided on the customer event.

Payment Medium Conditions

A list of payment medium brands or payment medium types that should be associated with the customer event.

Location Conditions

A list of areas, cities or districts, of which at least one should be included in the active address of the rewards participants.

Period Conditions

The longest period that the Customer Event can remain unprocessed before becoming invalid.

Segment Conditions

Include Rewards Participants Included in Segments: Add segments that can be rewarded.

Exclude Rewards Participants Included in Segments: Add segments that should not be rewarded.

Segments for the following entities can be selected:

  • Accounts Receivable
  • Rewards Participant
  • Contact Information
  • Award Reward Transaction
  • Spend Reward Transaction
Organisational Conditions

A list of groups or units that submitted the customer event and are allowed to award the offer.

Time ConditionsThe day of the week and time during which the event should take place for it to be eligible for a reward.
Spend Conditions
Product Conditions

A list of products, product types or product families that the awards can be spent on.

Time Conditions

The days and/or at time on which the awarded offer can be spent.

Organisational ConditionsA list of groups or units that the reward can be spent on.
For rewards participants to meet the criteria and redeem awards, the unit of the spend request customer event must be included in the organisational conditions.

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Related configuration areas

The following modules are related to rewards and may be configured for the rewards module to operate at its full capacity.

Module LinkAreaDescription
Customer EventsKPISet up KPIs for use in the financial statement reward offer classification.
ProductsProductsSet up the products that can be used in the award and spend conditions of reward offers.
Network ManagementUnit Group CommunitySet up the organisational units which can be used in the award and spend conditions of reward offers.


Using Rewards

Rewards > Rewards Operator Board

Rewards > Manage Rewards Participants

Rewards > Perform Reward Offers Evaluation Runs

Rewards participants are customers registered with CRM.COM who   participate in a rewards program.

When participants are created in the system, they are assigned an accounts receivable associated with a wallet. The wallet is used as an account for financial transactions associated with rewards.

On signup, participants are added to reward schemes.  Each scheme includes a number of reward offers for which participants are eligible.

Reward offers can award events that take place outside CRM.COM (customer events), such as purchases and visits to a website.  Rewards can also be awarded for data supplied to CRM.COM (such as customer registration details), for participant birthdays and name days, and for the period a subscription is effective.

Events are evaluated against reward offers.  Evaluations takes place either directly at the point of sales (where the purchase is registered) or through subsequent processes that handle multiple events and award them in one flow.

Following a positive evaluation, the rewards engine proceeds with the creation of award transactions, which generate credit wallet transactions, that add funds to the wallet of the participant. 

Participants can redeem their rewards by spending their wallet funds, either at their own discretion or subject to conditions (for example, on a designated product at a specific shop and date/time).  To this end, a spend request (customer event) is logged in CRM.COM and if there are sufficient funds in the wallet of the participant, then a spend transaction is created which in turn generates a debit wallet transaction, that deduct funds from the wallet of the participant.

Awarded funds can be subject to an expiration date. If this is the case, the funds are expired through a background recurring process that expires funds in one flow. An award expiration transaction is created, as well as a debit wallet transaction, which deducts the funds from the wallet so that they can no longer be spent. 

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Using the Rewards Operator Board

The rewards operator board is a versatile page that brings together functionality and statistical information pertinent to reward schemes including reward offers, participants and partners. It can be used for setting up offers or to display reward scheme key performance indicators.  Use it to:

  • Create new reward schemes
  • Create new reward offers
  • View information on current schemes and their offers
  • View reward participant, award and spend statistics through charts
  • View a list of customers participating in selected reward scheme
  • View the reward partner agreements of a scheme.

Working with schemes

To create a new scheme, select the Create New Scheme action, provide the required information and save.

For more detail on a scheme, select the scheme from the drop-down list and click on View More Information.

Working with reward offers

To create a new reward offer, hover over its classification and select Create New or Create from Template. The available reward offer classifications are configured in the Reward Admin section.

To view a list the scheme's current reward offers scroll down to the reward offers section. Click on the offer number to view the offer's Data Entry page.


Working with dashboards

Dashboards provide insight on the performance of rewards programs by displaying key performance indicators in an integrated view.

The following charts are available: 

For rewards participants

  • Total number of effective rewards participants
  • Rewards participants termination per month 
  • Rewards participants, scheme sign up per month

For awarding behavior

  • Total awarded amount which was not spent
  • Awarded amount per month during last 12 months 
  • Top 5 offers based on the awarded amount during last month

For spending behavior

  • Spend amount per month during last 12 months
  • Spend amount per day during current week 

Viewing scheme participation

Once a scheme is selected, you can view all its current offers and participants, including any agreements made with participating partners.





Creating and Processing Reward Related Entities

Actions are subject to validations which take place before an action is initiated (prerequisite) or after it is submitted (postcondition).

Rewards participants

Rewards > Manage Rewards Participants

Rewards participants are customers who have signed up or have been automatically selected to participate in the rewards program. Only rewards participants are eligible to be awarded by reward offers.

Reward participant fields

The table describes the sections of Rewards Participant Data Entry page and explains how the fields in the page are used.

 Mandatory   Configurable

Contact Information
The contact details of the participant
Account InformationThe account of the participant which is associated with the wallet that will be credited by awards and debited by spends.
Payment Preferences

The methods used by the participant to get refunded by merchants (usually through an online payment gateway), when the award is not in the form of a discount.

For more information check back-end reductions in participating merchants.

To be available for selection, a payment preference must be included in the active accounts receivable definition. The available fields depend on the type of the configured payment preference.  





The contact details of the participant.
Signup Details

Life Cycle State: Can be 'Effective' or' Terminated'.

Signup Date

Signup by Unit

Participating Reward Schemes: A list of reward schemes that the rewards participant has joined including signup date and unit (merchant). If a reference code is required by the Reward Scheme this is available here. (i.e. a student id)

Termination Information:

Information for terminated participants. The reason for terminating participants is selected from a predefined list:

  • Customer Request
  • Fraud
  • Duplication

If the termination reason is set to 'Duplication', then the rewards participant which replaced this participant is available.

Wallet InformationRead-only information, including wallet balance and conditions on how wallet funds can be spent.
Authorisation & Authentication

Authorisation Settings & Preferred Language

Preferred Language: Used for communication purposes. If none is specified, the system uses the default language.

Send Direct / Affiliate Marketing Material: Enable accordingly to determine whether the contact should be forwarded direct (in-house) and affiliate (partner) marketing material and customer care notifications. 

The date on which the authorization was last updated and the user is displayed.

Customers can opt in and out of mailing lists (i.e., update their authorisation settings) directly from their email.

For information on setting up and using authorization settings, refer to contact notification preferences.

Access Tokens

Tokens which are linked with the participant and are used to identify the participant accessing CRM.COM from third-party systems such as a web portal or a mobile applications.

An access token can be automatically generated if defined in the access token definition.

Automatic Spend Rules


Enable Allow Automatic Awards Spending to automatically redeem award amount available in the wallet of the participant.

Allowed Amount to Spend Range: The amount that will be automatically spent when the participant makes a purchase.

Minimum Required Wallet Balance (to automatically spend upon a purchase)

Authorised Partner Unit Rewards Participation Agreements 

Refer to Spending wallet amount upon purchase without request for more information on how automatic spend works

Spend Blocking Rules

Block participants from spending awards if Allow Rewards Participant to Submit Spend Requests is not enabled.


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Selecting and creating a rewards participants

To select an existing rewards participant navigate to Manage Rewards Participants and specify the criteria that match the participant you are interested in.  

To create a new participant, use NEW from the Actions menu,  provide values for all mandatory fields before you SAVE. 


Signing-off a participant from a reward scheme 

Rewards participants that are signed off from a reward scheme can no longer be awarded from its offers. Participants can still be awarded for any unprocessed events which were generated before they were signed off and spend any amounts which was awarded through the scheme after being signed off.

  1. Navigate to Manage Rewards Participants and EDIT the participant you wish to sign off from a scheme.
  2. Go to the Participating Rewards Schemes section.
  3. Check the check-box next to the scheme that you would like to sign the participant off from.
  4. Click on Remove and SAVE from the Actions menu.

Viewing the history of a rewards participant 

Information on reward participant transactions and communications is available from a dedicated screen accessible from the participant Data Entry screen. 

  1. Navigate to Manage Rewards Participants and select a participant to go to their Data Entry page.
  2. Click on VIEW PARTICIPANT HISTORY from the Actions Menu. 
    A modal window opens with the following information:

Blocking and unblocking reward participants from spending wallet funds

Participants can be stopped from spending wallet funds by blocking the creation of 'spend request customer event', either temporarily (e.g., if they are under investigation) or permanently (e.g., if they committed an act of fraud).

Navigate to Manage Rewards Participant, select a participant and Block or Unblock spending by clicking on the respective action from the Actions menu in the Data Entry page.

Terminating reward participants 

Rewards participants can drop out of a program participation at any time.  Terminated reward participants can no longer submit customer events, be awarded or spend awarded amounts.

If the participant is terminated due to duplication (i.e. 2 rewards participant registered for the same physical person) it is possible to define the original participant and transfer any access tokens or wallet balance from the alias to the actual participant. To terminate a duplicate participant, navigate to Manage Rewards Participants and click on Terminate Participant from the Actions menu. In the modal window, select 'Duplication' as the Termination Reason and enter the Replaced by Rewards Participant.  Optionally, check the boxes to transfer the wallet balance and access tokens, and SAVE.

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Importing reward participants

Foundation > Utilities > Import Data > Import Rewards Participants

The fastest way to create reward participants is by importing an excel or csv file for this purpose.

  1. Navigate to Utilities > Import Data > Import Rewards Participants and create a new definition.
  2. Define the applicable settings applicable and Save.
  3. Prepare an import file in either Excel or CSV format.  A template is provided during the import process. Files in either format contain one column for each field that can be imported and a first row including headers. 
  4. Click on Submit from the Actions menu and proceed by selecting the file with the participants. 


The table describes the sections of Import Reward Participants Data Entry page and explains how the fields in the page are used.

 Mandatory   Configurable

Input Settings

Define the information below, which is used when creating imported rewards participants. You can define a specific type, classification, and scheme for each field. If it is left blank, the information will be taken from the imported file. It is recommended to leave it blank, if you expect to have different information for every imported participant.

Email Type

Address Type

Phone Type

Access Token Classification

Reward Scheme

If the user selects 'Use Specific Scheme' on selecting the scheme, 'Sign-up date' and 'Sign-up by Unit' also become available.

Sign-Up Date: Defaults to current date

Sign-Up by Unit : Defaults to unit of the logged-in user.

Process Runs
Displays the Runs that were executed for the specific definition. Each run includes the participants that were processed. In case of an error, its code and description is displayed.


Preparing the import file

  1. Navigate to Import Reward Participants and click on DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE from Actions menu of the Import Reward Participant Definition Data Entry page. 

    Download the template AFTER you SAVE the definition and BEFORE you SUBMIT it.

  2. Select the type of template you wish to download (Excel or CSV). 

The import file must be prepared according to the downloaded template.


Contact Type

('Person' or 'Company')


First Name


Last Name


ID Number


Company Name

(Applicable for contact of type 'Company')


VAT Registration Number

(Applicable for contact of type 'Company')


Address Type


Address Street Name


Address Street Number


Address Postal Code


Address District


Address Town


Address Country


Phone Type


Phone Country


Phone Number


Email Type


Email Address


Access Token Authentication Code


Access Token Classification


Participating Scheme Name


Participating Scheme Signup Date



Participating Scheme Signup by Unit


UDF String 1- 8


UDF Float 1 - 4


UDF Date 1 - 4


dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm

Error Message

(on re-import following failed attempt)



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Award spend and award expiration transactions

Configuration > Rewards Application > Rewards Admin

Award 'spend' and 'expiration' transactions are used to credit and debit the wallet of the participant, respectively. All transactions are generated by the system and are available through the Rewards Admin screen.

Award transactions

Award transactions are used to award participants with an amount from a reward offer, by creating a credit wallet transaction.  They are generated by  executing a rewards evaluation run or by submitting a customer event which can be instantly processed.  Award transactions cannot be created or modified by users.

Spend transactions

Spend transactions remove money from the wallet of the participant. Wallet money may be the result of award transactions or other deposits made by the participant. Spend transactions are generated by executing a reward evaluation run or by submitting a spend request customer event and cannot be created by a user. 

Award expiration transactions

Award expiration transactions debit the wallet of participants, expiring previously awarded amounts.  Award validity settings of the offer define the period during which awards can be spent and their expiration date. 

Expired amounts can no longer be used.  Award expiration transactions are generated by wallet balance expiration run, a background process, if the wallet credit transaction that is expired is related to an award transaction. To view the results of the wallet balance expiration run go to Foundation > Platform > Manage Admin Settings > Batch Processes Admin Board.

Creating and processing award spend and award expiration transactions

Award spend and expiration transaction cannot be created or modified by users.

Award transaction triggers

The table below displays the event or system information that reward offers of each classification are evaluated against to trigger a reward (create award transactions).

Reward Offer ClassificationEvaluated against / Event that triggers reward

Utilize Free Capacity

Purchase customer event   

Increase Revenue, Transaction Based

Purchase customer event   

Increase Revenue, Product Based

Purchase customer event   

Reward Loyalty, Transaction Amount Based

Purchase customer event   

Reward Loyalty, Transaction Number Based

Purchase customer event   

Reward Loyalty, Transaction Item Quantity Based

Purchase customer event   

Reward Behavior

Reward Achievements

Achievement customer event

Reward Financial Achievements

Financial achievement customer event 

Reward Financial Statement

Financial statement customer event 

Reward Referrals

A referral customer event

Participant that made the referral is rewarded when the referred participant is rewarded. 

Reward Sign Ups

Participant is rewarded by the signup reward offer once they sign up.

Reward on Birthday

When a birthday is set in the Contact Information.

Reward Personal Data Completeness

When information, such as an address or date of birth, is set in the Contact Information.

Reward on Name Day

When a name day is set in the Contact Information.

Reward Subscription Maturity

When a Subscriptions is effective and uninterrupted for a predetermined period.

Just Money

Participant location or inclusion in a segment.

Creating instant award transactions

In order to directly create award transactions:

  • The awarded customer event must have the 'Process immediately' field enabled.
  • The evaluation method of the reward offer, which will award the participant for the event must be set to 'Batch process and interactively'.

Creating instant spend transactions

Refer to Providing an instant discount and Spending wallet amount on a purchase without a request to find out how spend transactions can be automatically created when an event takes place.

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Creating award and spend transactions through a reward evaluation run

Rewards > Perform Reward Offers Evaluation Runs


Reward offers evaluation run definitions are a set of business rules, which generate runs to evaluate participants against offers provided by reward schemes.  

Runs result in award and spend transactions that debit or credit the wallet of the participant, respectively.

  1. Navigate to Perform Reward Offers Evaluation Run and create a new definition. 
  2. Define reward schemes and offer types that should be considered during the evaluation process.
  3. SAVE the definition and click on Submit from the Actions menu to execute and generate award and spend transactions, either immediately or on a recurring basis.



Cancelling an award spend or award expiration transaction

  • An award transaction can be cancelled in case the participant was rewarded by error. 
  • A spend transaction can be cancelled if a good purchased by spending a reward is returned. 
  • An award expiration transaction can be cancelled to avoid removing funds from the wallet.

In any case, the system reverts the reward transaction process accordingly, debiting the wallet in the case of cancelled award transactions and crediting it in case of spend or award expiration transactions.

To cancel any type of transaction navigate to the respective Data Entry page and select the respective action from the Actions menu:

  • Cancel Award Transaction
  • Cancel Spend Transaction
  • Cancel Award Expiration Transaction



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Applying business flows on rewards

Seasonal rewards

Once a reward offer is created and set as effective, customers that participate in the scheme it belongs to are eligible to get awarded.

It is possible to define specific periods during which effective offers will be valid

  • During a Recurring Period: Available during a specific period of the year, such as the Christmas season.
  • During Birthday Period
  • During Name Day Period
  • For a Specific Period
  • From Latest Effective Date Onward

To set the period Navigate to Manage Reward Offers.  In the Reward Offer Validity section define the validity relative to the last time the reward was offered and by which date the award expires. 


Time limited awards

Awards can either be spent conditionally (specific products, times, days of the week, or places) or unconditionally.

An expiration date can also be set on awards.  On the date, the wallet of the participant is debited and the awarded funds made unavailable, pressing customers to spend their award within a specific period.  
It is also possible to allow participants to redeem their awards only after a predetermined period has passed (defined by the Valid After a Period of Time Since the Award Was Offered  field)  

To set a validity date on an award, the Award Validity attribute must be set on the reward offer at the time of setup.  The expiration process is subsequently executed to identify expired awards.

  1. Navigate to Manage Reward Offers > Main Information
    1. Award Validity section
      1. Award Expires Define how long after being given out or by which date the awards should expire.
      2. Valid After a Period of Time Since the Award Was Offered: Define when the award starts being valid


Instant discounts

Depending on the classification of the reward offer there are two models for redeeming awards the user can choose from.

  • The award value can be automatically deducted from the invoice, when making a purchase related to an award, like an instant discount. 
  • Awards can be added to the loyalty account and spent another time upon customer request.

Instant discount  is possible only for reward offers configured using the following classifications:

  • Utilise Free Capacity
  • Increase Revenue, Product Based
  • Increase Revenue, Transaction Based

To set up the system for instant discount

  1. Navigate to Manage Reward Offers > Main Information, and in the Award section select Spend Method 'Spend Instantly' when setting up the reward offer. 


Spending wallet amount upon purchase without request

Reward participants can pre-authorise the use of wallet funds for purchases.  In case a merchant does not allow this method, an explicit request is necessary (i.e., wallet funds are not automatically spent).

To set up the system to support instant spending:  

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Rewards Application > Access Rewards Admin > Rewards Participation Agreements Information.

    Under Partner Unit Rewards Participation Agreement > Spend Rules section: Enable 'Allow Automatic Awards Spending'.

  2. Navigate to Rewards > Manage Rewards Participants.
     Under Authorisation & Authentication > Automatic Spend Rules: Enable 'Allow Automatic Awards Spending'.

Do not confuse Spend Method 'Spend Instantly' (available in a number of reward offer classifications) and 'Allow Automatic Awards Spending'.

  • 'Spend Instantly' directly deducts the award earned from a specific purchase as an instant discount, regardless of the participant and merchant setting.
  • 'Allow Automatic Awards Spending' deducts any awarded amount available in the participant's wallet (possibly in addition to 'Spend instantly').

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Awarding participants with the best possible offer

Participants can be rewarded either for all rewarded events from multiple reward offers or from those that yield the highest reward.

 The selection of the most favorable reward takes place either directly when the participant is awarded  or during a process that evaluates all events in one flow.

If the setting 'Apply If Best Award is Provided' is enabled for all but one applicable reward offer, the participant will be awarded for the specific offer and for the one that yields the highest reward.

To set up the system to support the application of the best offer, navigate to Manage Reward Offers and in the Main information section, enable 'Apply If Best Award Is Provided'.

Awarding for each product or for the transaction total

Participants can be rewarded when they buy individual items or for the aggregate amount of their purchase. The amount or percentage to be awarded is set on the reward offer.   Once the transaction is completed, the reward is calculated based on the total, provided award conditions are met.

Set up the system to give out the defined award once for every item sold in a transaction (irrespective of whether the products are different or identical).

Navigate to Manage Reward Offers and in the Award section set the Award Scope to 'Apply Award per Transaction Item'.

Only the following classifications offer the option to set the award per item:

Previewing awards on purchase customer events

Awards to be given out through a purchase customer event can be previewed through WEB API (exclusively) before they are executed.  The following information is available through the Preview function:

  • Amount to be awarded
  • Amount to be spent instantly
  • Additional amount that can be spent on a purchase customer event (depending on availability in the loyalty account of the customer).

Setting up a multi merchant reward platform

Merchants that collaborate with the rewards platform can participate in reward schemes.

Events  that take place at the location/business of a merchant partner can be rewarded, by using the reward participating merchants module .  For example, merchants can set up a reward offer for goods purchased exclusively from their store. Merchants can also be required to pay the rewards platform a contribution (calculated on a percentage basis), for rewards provided through its offers.

Refer to Multi Merchant Reward Platform information on setting up CRM.COM to meet your business requirements.

Communicating rewards

Participants can be instantly informed of the transactions that take place in their loyalty accounts.  Pre-configured communication templates can be used to trigger messages when an award or a spend takes place.  Refer to Event Based Communications in the Communications manual for setup instructions.
Reward information can also be communicated by the user by applying
the Communicate action available through the Actions menu of the following Data Entry pages:

  • Manage Rewards Participants
  • Manage Award Transactions
  • Manage Spend Transactions
  • Manage Award Spend Transactions

You can use tags (text that is automatically replaced by values specific to selected records)
related to the entities when creating communications. Tags can be selected by typing '#'. Refer to the Communications manual for a comprehensive list of
rewards tags.

Reward offer approvals

Reward offers can be configured to require approval from a specific user (e.g., management personnel) before they are activated and used in a reward scheme. This can be done by setting up approval definitions and triggering workflow rules.  For more information refer to Managing Approval Requests

Notifying participants regarding new reward offers

Reward offer participants can be notified when new offers are introduced or when they are close to being awarded by an offer.  Notifications apply user-defined criteria, such as the 'awarded state' of participants or the reward scheme in which they are registered, to identify and send automated communications to groups. Refer to Notifications for a comprehensive list of available criteria and setup instructions.

Awarding participants with e-vouchers

Alternative to adding money to participant's wallets through rewards it is possible to award them by giving them e-vouchers. The vouchers can then be used by the participant as they wish. This is done by defining the Reward Offer's spend method as 'Spend Instantly through Vouchers'

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Rewards Analytics


Segmenting rewards

Rewards participants with common business characteristics can be grouped together. Use the resulting lists in system business processes for the identification of reward participants or for simple statistical calculations. 

For more information on segmentation and creating lists refer to Segmentation.


A large part of rewards analytics is accessible through the rewards operator board.  View Using Rewards Operator Board for more information.

Dashboards make information regarding the key performance indicators of the progress of rewards available from a single integrated view. Dashboards are made up of components such as charts and summary tables. Refer to Dashboards for information on their use and set-up.

Award expiration amount by month  

The component displays the sum of award expiration transactions which took place over the last 11 months and those which took place more than 12 months ago, in a horizontal bar chart grouped per period.

Award expiration transactions by month 

The component displays the number of award expiration transactions which took place over the last 11 months and those which took place more than 12 months ago, in a horizontal bar chart grouped per period.

Award transactions per offer by month 

The component displays the number of award transactions for each reward offer, which took place over the last 11 months and those which took place more than 12 months ago, in a stacked bar chart grouped per period.

Awarded amount by month

The component displays the total amount awarded over the last 12 months in each rewards scheme in a bar chart grouped by month. The results can be filtered by scheme and reward offer

Awarded amount not spent per scheme 

The component displays the total amount awarded to rewards participants which is not spent in a bar chart grouped per scheme. The results can be filtered by scheme.

Spend transactions by month  

The component displays the total number of award expiration transactions which took place over the last 11 months and those which took place more than 12 months ago, in a horizontal bar chart grouped per period. 

Spend amount by month 

The component displays the total amount spent over the last 12 months in a bar chart grouped by month. The results can be filtered by scheme.

Spend amount by day of the week

The component displays the total amount spent within the current week in a bar chart grouped by month. The results can be filtered by scheme.

Top 5 offers based on awarded amount during last month 

The component displays the top 5 offers during the last month in a bar chart.The results can be filtered by scheme.

Reward participant sign ups

The component displays the number of rewards participants that have signed up to schemes over the last 12 months and those that have signed up more than 12 months ago, in a bar chart grouped per month.

Rewards participant scheme signups per month

The component displays the number of rewards participants that have signed up to the selected reward scheme over the last 12 months, in a bar chart grouped per month.  The results can be filtered by scheme.

Rewards participants per signup unit 

The component displays the number of rewards participants that were signed up by a specific unit (merchant) during a user-defined period, in a pie chart.

Reward participants per scheme

The component displays the number of rewards participants per scheme, in a vertical bar chart grouped per effective scheme. The results can be filtered by scheme.

Rewards participant terminations by month

The component displays the number of terminated rewards participants over the last 12 months, separated into termination reasons, in a stacked bar chart grouped by month. The results can be filtered by scheme.

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Rewards information can be extracted in a structured format for analysis by using reports. The rewards included in the report are selected and grouped based on user-defined criteria.  Users can select the fields displayed in the report.  Refer to Reports for more information.

Reward participants balance report

The report displays reward participants and information associated with their scheme sign up and wallet balance. 


Reward participants report

The report displays a list of rewards participants along with their detailed information.

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Rewards Business Examples

Setting up a reward offer for 'Liking' the company's Facebook page

Award Participants for Liking Facebook Page

Scenario 1

Company ZX would like to set up a reward offer for 'Liking' the company's Facebook page.



  1. Verify that a reward scheme is present in the system (e.g., marketing reward scheme) and that there are participants in the scheme.
  2. Set up a reward offer type that can be used for Facebook 'Likes' exclusively.
    1. Name: Reward behavior Facebook
    2. Classification: Reward behavior
  3. Set up a reward offer so that participants can be awarded €1 for 'Liking' the company's Facebook page.
    1. Name: €1 for 'Liking' Facebook Page
    2. Scheme: Marketing
    3. Type: Reward behavior Facebook
    4. Award Amount: €1
    5. Award Conditions:
      1. Facebook 'Likes'
      2. Enter Facebook page
      3. Specify any segments or Organisational Units that should be included.
    6. Click on SAVE

Providing an instant discount on a per item basis 

Instant Discount on Transaction Item Amount

Scenario 2.

Company ZX would like to provide a 10% discount on each product of type 'Accessory' sold at the time of purchase.



  1. Create a new Utilise Free Capacity reward offer with the following setup:
    1. Award: 10%
    2. Award scope: Apply award per transaction item
    3. Spend method: Instant spend
    4. Award conditions: Product type is 'Accessory'.

User Process
Every time a new purchase customer event is created for an accessory, the system will give out a 10% discount for each item.

Providing an instant discount on a transaction total

Instant Discount on Transaction Amount

Scenario 3

Company ZX would like to offer a €10 discount on the total amount of hardware purchases.



  1. Create a new Utilise Free Capacity reward offer with the following setup:
    1. Award: €10
    2. Award scope: Apply award per transaction
    3. Spend method: Instant spend
    4. Award conditions: Product type is 'Hardware'.

User Process
Every time a new purchase customer event that includes hardware is created, the system will provide a €10 discount on the total amount of the invoice/customer event.

Awarding loyal subscribers for participating in rewards

Award loyal subscribers

Scenario 4

Company ZX would like to award €5 to reward participants who participate in marketing schemes and whose subscription was uninterrupted for at least one year.



  • Set up a rewards scheme: Marketing
  • Set up a reward offer type with classification: Reward subscription maturity 
  • Set up a reward offer.
    • Type: use the type created above with classification 'reward subscription maturity'.
    •  Scheme: Marketing
    • Amount:  €5
    • Conditions:
      • Uninterrupted subscription period: 1 year
      • Segment conditions:
        • Included segments: Effective subscribers.

  • Create a new reward evaluation run definition.
    1. Reward offer type: select the type created above with classification 'reward subscription maturity'.
    2. Under Criteria: specify the criteria that will retrieve subscribers with subscriptions uninterrupted in the last year:
      1. Reward schemes: Marketing
      2. Reward offer types: Reward subscription maturity
    3. Under Scheduling

      1. Schedule the definition to be executed on a specific date and time

      2. Schedule the recurrence for each year

User Process

  • Execute evaluation run and check results:
    • View award transactions: Transactions have been created for eligible participants.
    • Check participant wallets:  Eligible participants have bee credited €5.


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CRM.COM TermDescription
WalletA customer account whose credit balance is used to fund transactions within CRM.COM.  
Accounts ReceivableA ledger of the financial transactions carried out between a company and its customers, such as invoices and payments.  The accounts receivable keeps a running balance of debits and credits and displays the amount a company is owed in exchange for goods supplied and services rendered.
Contact Information

The preferences and details of physical persons or companies with which a business interacts, including customers, leads, users and partners. Contacts are considered to be customers when their contact information is associated with an accounts receivable.

SubscriptionA selection of customer services billed on a recurring, usage or one-time basis.
CommunicationsLog the interaction between customers and agents. Communications can support multiple communication media such as email, SMS, telephony, post and others.
Customer EventAn external financial or marketing event involving customers, registered by CRM.COM for rewarding and additional processing.
NotificationAuto-generated text, used to communicate financial or customer care information to existing or prospective customers in bulk. Notifications are sent through CRM.COM by email or SMS or by using a third-party external system, such as a mobile app or portal.


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