To view or manage Promotions, navigate to Commerce > Promotions using the main menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
Promotion configuration closely resembles that of Reward Offers.
Select Create Promotion from the summary screen and start providing the necessary information.
The promotion name is visible on customer-facing devices and during ordering at checkout.
Upload an image for the Promotion, which is visible on customer-facing devices.
Define the duration of time the Promotion will be valid for, leave open-ended for ongoing promotions.
Promotion descriptions are visible on customer-facing devices. Provide a clear and concise description of the offer with any conditions.
Which Contacts are eligible for the Promotion? Enlist the use of a segment if you want to apply selection criteria, not specifying a segment implies that the Promotion is valid for all Contacts of the Business.
Specify the offer's location conditions, such as particular Merchants, Venues, Countries, etc., for which the Promotion applies. If none are specified, then the Promotion applies to all.
Specific dates and times during ordering when the Promotion applies. None implies that the Promotion is valid on all days and times.
Specify the payment method and/or a supply method condition for the Promotion and applicable basket conditions (e.g., the Promotion applies if specific products are included in the basket or the minimum basket amount has been met). If none are specified, then it applies to all.
Set the promotion discount amount or percentage to be applied to the whole basket or selected products.
Once the Promotion has been saved, it must be activated to become effective. This can be done from the Promotions summary screen using the respective Promotion's Options button (…).
There are no settings to configure for Promotions.
You may also find it useful to refer to the following manuals for further reading about Promotions.
Product Catalogue