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Table of Contents

When to use Add Service Usage

Use Add Service Usage to add usage servicesUsage to add Services, such as a movie or a telephone log or a gamemovies, telephone logs or games, ordered by a subscriber. The available Usage Services made available for selection are based on the available are those defined in the Usage Service Catalogs
Once the action Action is executed provisioning , Provisioning signals will be are sent to the subscriber's device of the subscriber to enable the ordered item they have ordered, and UDR will be  is created in the system, that will either be billed System and  billed immediately or in the next Billing Run executed. 

InfoIn order to immediately bill the UDRs created by the Add Service Usage action, you need to select the respective setting in the Billing Term Definitions - Usage Service Billing Rules

titleBilling of Usage Services

For Prepaid and Normal: Usage Service orders are either billed right after execution or during the next Billing Run, according to the configuration of 'Usage Service Billing Rules' set in the 'Active' Billing Term Definition.

titleAvailable from CRM.COM R10.0.0

For Prepaid - Usage Service orders for Subscriptions of Prepaid Billing Term Schemes are always billed instantly.

For Normal - Usage Service orders for Subscriptions of Normal Billing Term Schemes are billed according to the configuration of 'Usage Service Billing Rules' set in the 'Active' Billing Term Definition. They can either be billed right after the execution of the Action, if the number of unbilled Services is greater than the defined number, or if the amount of the unbilled Services is more than the defined amount. In all other cases, the Services will be billed by the next Billing Run.

View the Information Table below for information related to the Scheduling, Preview Rating and Classification of the Subscription Action.  Check the Validations & Restrictions Table for a list of available Actions, including each Action's related validations, restrictions and additional information.
View 'Using Subscription Action Modal' available in Managing Subscriptions for more information on executing the Action.


Add Service Usage Information

Subscription Action Information

Action can be scheduledPreview Rate AvailableBehavior Behaviour CodeBusiness Classification Code

Restrictions & Validations

subscription service
  • The action is available only if the subscription has one of the following Life Cycle States:
    • Effective
  • When searching for a Usage service to be added on a subscription the following filtering is done by the system:A termed
    ActionValidationsRestrictionsAdditional InformationSystem Processing
    Add Service Usage
    • The UDR is related with a valid usage subscription serviceThe subscription Subscription should be owned by an active accounts receivable
    • The subscription should have an effective billing term instance
    • The subscription services life cycle states are not Draft, Not Effective or Cancelled
    • The rules defined in the related subscription type are not violated
    • The rules defined in the active subscription definitions are not violated
    • The rules defined in the related billing term scheme are not violated
    • The rules defined in the active billing term definitions are not violated
    • 'Active' Accounts Receivable.
    • If the Subscription follows a Prepaid Billing Term Scheme, the System validates that there are enough funds in the Wallet.
    • If the Subscription follows a Normal Billing Term Scheme and the Add Service Usage Action is in the selected list of events, the System validates that activation conditions defined in the Billing Term Definition are observed.
    • The Action is available only if the Subscription's Life Cycle State is 'Effective'.
    • A Termed Subscription Service should be selected as a prerequisite
      • Only effective termed subscriptions are allowed to be selected


        Applicable for Nagra Live OTT CA system

        The termed service does not need to be available for provisioning. i.e. When setting up the product type for the particular service the "Used for Provisioning" flag should not be selected.
        The reason is that the termed service will never be sent to the provider for provisioning.

      Usage service catalogs are filtered considering , whose Life Cycle State is not
      • Draft
      • Not Effective 
      • Cancelled

    • Usage ServiceCatalogsare filtered on the following conditions:
      • The usage service catalog is effectiveThe usage service catalog Usage Service Catalog is Effective
      • The Usage Service Catalog is valid during the period that the action Action is scheduled to be executed
      • The usage service catalog provisioning provider Usage Service Catalog Provisioning Provider is the same as at least one provisioning provider which is provisioning Provisioning Provider of the selected termed serviceService
      • The subscription Specified Subscription conditions are fulfilled if specifiedThe accounts receivable
      • Specified Accounts Receivable conditions are fulfilled if specified
      • The allowed organisational unit conditions are fulfilled, since usage service catalog is a Controlled Selection Access Entity
      • If a usage service catalog was specified thenThe available usage services
      • The User adding the Service belongs to one of the Allowed Organisational Units of the Usage Service Catalogs
    • If a Usage Service Catalog is specified, then the available Usage Services are filtered based on the services Services included in the usage service catalogUsage Service Catalog.
    • If a usage service catalog was Usage Service Catalog is not specified, then The available usage services the available Usage Services are filtered based on the services Services included in all the available usage service catalogs Usage Service Catalogs (considering the usage service catalogs Usage Service Catalogs filtering logic described above)The product catalog related with the selected service is automatically set


    At least one effective Termed service is available on the subscription

    • Include Page
      Instant Validation and Billing of Prepaid Subscriptions
      Instant Validation and Billing of Prepaid Subscriptions

    Executing Add Service Usage

  • Search for the Subscription you are looking for, using the criteria section
  • Click on the Subscription number to go to the Data Entry page of the subscription
  • On the left hand side of the screen you can see the ACTION PANEL
  • Click on Subscription Service Related Actions 
  • Find the action you would like to execute and click on the link to open the action details in a modal window
    ADD USAGE SERVICEImage Removed

    When an Action whose Scheduling Information set to NOW is submitted, both the submitting and executing steps take place directly.

    When an Action is submitted as scheduled then only the submitting step takes place. The execution step takes place once the scheduled Action is executed.

    • On submitting the Subscription action:
      • A UDR is created for each submitted Usage Service.
      • UDR information is set based on the information specified for each submitted Usage Service.
        • The Billing Effective date is set equal to the date on which the Action is scheduled to be executed.
        • The Billing Directive is set to TobBeBilled.
      • If the Action is scheduled the UDR is created as scheduled. Otherwise the UDR is created as 'Posted'.

    • On executing the Subscription Action:
      • For each Usage Service classified as a Provisioning Service:
        • Subscription Service Provisioning Distributions are created based on the selected Termed Subscription Service and Provisioning Distributor.
        • Provisioning commands are sent to the related Provisioning Provider to enable the signal. Provisioning commands are sent directly.
      • Usage Services are rated and billed if they should.
      • If the Action was scheduled then the UDR is updated to 'Posted'.

    Executing Add Service Usage

    To place an order for a Usage Service, follow the steps below:

    1. INPUT

      1. Distributor: Select the Distributor on which the service Service will be added. 

        1. The distributor must belong to a Provider that has a related Usage Service Catalog as it will be used as a filter on the Usage Services that will be provided for selection.

      2. Termed Service: Search for the termed service Search for the Termed Service on which the Usage Services will be added.
        1. Used as a filter. It : It will be compared against the Termed Subscription Services Criterion available in the Usage Service Catalogs. (i.e. if your Usage Service Catalog, has PPV service in the criteria, and you select VOD service in the actions Termed Service, then the products in the Usage Service Catalog, won't be filtered.
          In addition it will be used when creating the UDR (after submitting the action) 
        2. Used as UDR information: Once the action Action is submitted, the Termed Service defined will be added on the the UDR.
      3. UDR information: 
        1. The information displayed below Fill out the UDR information which will be written logged on the UDR that will be created. Note that UDR Type and UDR Usage Amount are mandatory
          1. TypeSearch and add UDR's Type
          2. Usage Method:Search and add the usage method
          3. DeviceSearch and add for the device
          4. Source SystemSearch and add the source system
          5. Usage Amount: Type UDR's total usage amount
          6. Source ID: Type the ID of the source that initiated the service, for example the phone number that initiated a phone call
          7. Source CategorySearch and add the category of the source that initiated the service. The source categories are filtered based on the selected UDR Type.
          8. Destination ID: Type the ID of the destination that received the service, for example the phone number that received a phone call
          9. Destination CategorySearch and add the category of the destination that received the service. The destination categories are filtered based on the selected UDR Type
        1. .
    2. Filter Allowed Usage Services

      InfoIf the usage service is not for immediate view, then

        Select from the drop down list the

        : The Usage Service Catalog from where

        you would like to retrieve available services

        the available Services should be retrieved. 


        Select from the drop down list the Product Family from where you would like to retrieve available services

        : The Product Family from where the available Services should be retrieved. 


        1. Select from the drop down list the Product Type from where you would like to retrieve available services

        BY PRODUCT

        Type the name of the product (usage service) you would like to add

        : The Product Type from where the available Services should be retrieved. 

      4. BY PRODUCT: The product (Usage Service) to be added. The text added is used


        with the LIKE operator

        Image Removed

      Click on SEARCH

      1. .


      If you are looking for a Usage Service (e.g. a movie) which will be offered in the future, you should first select the Scheduled Date and then search for available usage servicesUsage Services, as they the Services are always filtered based on their Validity


      1. From the populated list select the Usage Services that you would like to add by clicking on SELECT
        Image Removed



    3. Provides an overview of the usage services to be added on the subscription

    4. Click on REMOVE to remove the added Usage Services that you wouldn't like to add



    5. Action Type: Select action type from the drop down if you have configured custom actions in the system, using the specific behaviour code
    6. Sub Action Type: Select action type from the drop down if you have configured custom actions in the system, using the specific business classification code
      Action Type and Sub Action type are visible only if applicable
    7. Performed By User : Search and add the user that logs the action 
      If you leave empty then the Logged in user will be set
    8. Performed Date: Click on the calendar icon and select date and time


      Include PageScheduling Subscription action - GlobalScheduling Subscription action - Global
    10. Click on SUBMIT
      Action will be validated as provided in the section above and submitted if validations are passed
    AnchorprocessingprocessingSystem Processing

    Once the action is submitted the following changes will be carried out by the system:

    When you select to Submit the action with the Scheduling Information set to NOW then both submitting and executing steps take place directly. When you submit the action as scheduled then only the submitting steps will take place and then once the scheduled action is executed the execution steps will take place.

    On submitting the subscription action:
  • The system validates that activation conditions, defined on the active billing term definitions are not violated. 
    • The activation conditions which are considered are those that include the Add Service Usage actions in the list of events
  • A UDR is created for each usage service that was submitted
  • UDR information is set based on the information specified for each usage service that was submitted.
    • The billing effective date is set equal to the date that the action is scheduled to be executed
    • The billing directive is set to To be billed unless a different billing directive is specified.
  • If the action is scheduled then the UDR is created as scheduled otherwise is created as Posted
    On executing the subscription action:
  • For each usage service classified as a provisioning service
    • Subscription Service Provisioning Distributions are created based on the selected termed subscription service and provisioning distributor
    • Provisioning commands are sent to the related provisioning provider to enable the signal. Provisioning commands are sent directly
  • The system validates that activation conditions, defined on the active billing term definitions are not violated. 
    • The activation conditions which are considered are those that include the Add Service Usage actions in the list of events 
  • If the usage services should be rated immediately after execution, based on usage service billing rules defined on the active billing term, then:
    • The rating subscription usage services process is applied
  • If the action was scheduled then the UDR is updated to Posted

    View Understanding Usage Service Catalogs for business examples related to adding usage services Usage Services on a subscriptionSubscription.


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