Use Generic Components (Deprecated)

Components commonly used in the system are implemented as generic components and can be referred to instead of re-implemented.

What does this section cover?


All generic components are under Crm/WebContent/pages/dataEntry/lib/components directory.

To use a generic component, you have to:

  1. Use file:<foldername>/<filename>.xml, as its component id in the data entry layout file.
  2. Make sure your data object's Java property name match the datapath(s) used by the generic component.
Error rendering macro 'ui-expand' : Page loading failed


All generic tabs are under Crm/WebContent/pages/dataEntry/lib/tabs  directory.

To use a generic tab, you have to:

  1. Use file:<foldername>/<filename>.xml, as its tab id in the data entry layout file
  2. Use its tab id for the drilldown element in the data entry definition file.
  3. Use the tab component id(s) as defined in the generic tab file.
  4. Make sure your data object's Java property name match the datapaths used by the generic tab.