Add logging

Logger writes information in log file.

What does this section cover?

Define a logger

A logger is defined in the following path: project_name/src/main/resources/metadata/logbackloggers.xml:
-loggername and logbackappenderfilename must be unique
-logbackclassname must be defined only once

Define logger
<logbackconfig xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/applications.xsd">

Update pom.xml

Update pom.xml

Disable standalone configuration:

Add the following in standalone.xml under wildfly\standalone\configuration :

Disable standalone configuration
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:3.0">
	<add-logging-api-dependencies value="false"/>
	<use-deployment-logging-config value="false"/>

Invoke the logger object

If the file extends CRMBase:

Use logger
public void doSomething(CRMDOAccountingPeriod accountingPeriod) throws Exception {
	logger.debug("Invoked doSomething()");

If the file does not extend CRMBase:

Use logger
public void doSomething(CRMDOAccountingPeriod accountingPeriod) throws Exception {
	Logger logger = LogUtil.getLogger(getCRMSession(), getClass());
	logger.debug("Invoked doSomething()");

If the file is not related to an organisation:

Use logger
public void doSomething(CRMDOAccountingPeriod accountingPeriod) throws Exception {
	Logger logger = LogUtil.getLogger(getClass());
	logger.debug("Invoked doSomething()");

If the method/file is asynchronous:

Use logger
public void execute(@Observes(during=TransactionPhase.AFTER_SUCCESS)  WorkflowRuleEvent event) {
	logger.debug("Invoked execute()");