- jobs/all_scopes
- GET jobs/all_scopes/get_cancelled — This method returns information related with jobs of all fulfillment scopes that are cancelled
- GET jobs/all_scopes/get_close_to_estimated_completion_time — This method returns information related with jobs of all fulfillment scopes that are close to estimated completion time.
- GET jobs/all_scopes/get_close_to_expiration_time — This method returns information related with jobs of all fulfillment scopes that are close to expiration time.
- GET jobs/all_scopes/get_completed — This method returns information related with jobs of all fulfillment scopes that are completed.
- GET jobs/all_scopes/get_draft — This method returns information related with jobs of all fulfillment scopes that are draft
- GET jobs/all_scopes/get_in_progress — This method returns information related with jobs of all fulfillment scopes that are in progress.
- GET jobs/all_scopes/get_job_quotation — This method returns information related with the quotation of either a specific job or for an accounts receivable. A job's quotation is available for all jobs, in any life cycle state.
- GET jobs/all_scopes/get_next_status_sequence — This method returns the status to which an existing job can be updated to based on the job type's Status Sequence. Multiple statuses might be returned by each call
- GET jobs/all_scopes/get_overdue — This method returns information related with jobs of all fulfillment scopes that are overdue.
- GET jobs/all_scopes/get_pending — This method returns information related with jobs of all fulfillment scopes that are pending.
- GET jobs/all_scopes/list — This method returns information related with jobs of all fulfillment scopes. Multiple jobs are returned by each call
- POST jobs/all_scopes/bill — It bills one job of any fulfillment scope
- POST jobs/all_scopes/calculate_rates — This method is used to calculate the rates that will be applied while processing a job and before submitting the actual request. The rates calculation can be applied on a single job of any fulfillment scope per each call. The method can only be used for calculating the rates of jobs whose job type defines them as billable.
- POST jobs/all_scopes/cancel — This method cancels a job of any fulfillment scope, which is not already completed or cancelled.
- POST jobs/all_scopes/complete — This method completes a job of any fulfillment scope, which is already in progress
- POST jobs/all_scopes/preview_bill — It previews the bill of one job of any fulfillment scope
- POST jobs/all_scopes/start_progress — This method sets a job of any fulfillment scope in progress. This method can be applied only on pending jobs
- jobs/activate_subscription
- POST jobs/activate_subscription/update — This method updates jobs of fulfillment scope Activate Subscription. Single job can be updated by each call. Fields which are not specified are not updated at all. Fields which are specified as null will be set as null.
- GET jobs/activate_subscription/get_latest — This method returns information related to the latest jobs of fulfillment scope Activate Subscription. Multiple jobs are returned by each call. Results are sorted based on the date that they were updated in a descending order
- GET jobs/activate_subscription/show — This method returns information related with a job of fulfillment scope Activate Subscription. Single job is returned by each call
- POST jobs/activate_subscription/create — This method creates a job of fulfillment scope Activate Subscription. Single job can be created by each call. Only customer jobs can be created through this method.
- jobs/add_subscription_services
- POST jobs/add_subscription_services/create — This method creates a job of fulfillment scope Add Subscription Services. Single job can be created by each call. Only customer jobs can be created through this method.
- GET jobs/add_subscription_services/get_latest — This method returns information related to the latest jobs of fulfillment scope Add Subscription Services. Multiple jobs are returned by each call. Results are sorted based on the date that they were updated in a descending order
- GET jobs/add_subscription_services/show — This method returns information related with a job of fulfillment scope Add Subscription Services. Single job is returned by each call
- POST jobs/add_subscription_services/update — This method updates jobs of fulfillment scope Add Subscription Services. Single job can be updated by each call. Fields which are not specified are not updated at all. Fields which are specified as null will be set as null.
- jobs/cancel_subscription
- POST jobs/cancel_subscription/update — This method updates jobs of fulfillment scope Cancel Subscription. Single job can be updated by each call. Fields which are not specified are not updated at all. Fields which are specified as null will be set as null.
- POST jobs/cancel_subscription/create — This method creates a job of fulfillment scope Cancel Subscription. Single job can be created by each call. Only customer jobs can be created through this method.
- GET jobs/cancel_subscription/get_latest — This method returns information related to the latest jobs of fulfillment scope Cancel Subscription. Multiple jobs are returned by each call. Results are sorted based on the date that they were updated in a descending order
- GET jobs/cancel_subscription/show — This method returns information related with a job of fulfillment scope Cancel Subscription. Single job is returned by each call
- jobs/cancel_subscription_services
- POST jobs/cancel_subscription_services/update — This method updates jobs of fulfillment scope Cancel Subscription Services. Single job can be updated by each call. Fields which are not specified are not updated at all. Fields which are specified as null will be set as null.
- GET jobs/cancel_subscription_services/show — This method returns information related with a job of fulfillment scope Cancel Subscription Services. Single job is returned by each call
- POST jobs/cancel_subscription_services/create — This method creates a job of fulfillment scope Cancel Subscription Services. Single job can be created by each call. Only customer jobs can be created through this method.
- GET jobs/cancel_subscription_services/get_latest — This method returns information related to the latest jobs of fulfillment scope Cancel Subscription Services. Multiple jobs are returned by each call. Results are sorted based on the date that they were updated in a descending order
- jobs/change_subscription_location
- GET jobs/change_subscription_location/show — This method returns information related with a job of fulfillment scope Change Subscription Location. Single job is returned by each call
- POST jobs/change_subscription_location/update — This method updates jobs of fulfillment scope Change Subscription Location. Single job can be updated by each call. Fields which are not specified are not updated at all. Fields which are specified as null will be set as null.
- GET jobs/change_subscription_location/get_latest — This method returns information related to the latest jobs of fulfillment scope Change Subscription Location. Multiple jobs are returned by each call. Results are sorted based on the date that they were updated in a descending order
- POST jobs/change_subscription_location/create — This method creates a job of fulfillment scope Change Subscription Location. Single job can be created by each call. Only customer jobs can be created through this method.
- jobs/configuration
- GET jobs/configuration/types/list — This method returns the job types that are allowed to be used in the system. Multiple job types are returned by each call
- GET jobs/configuration/activity_types/list — This method returns the activity types that are allowed to be used by jobs of specific type. Multiple activity types are returned by each call
- GET jobs/configuration/statuses/list — This method returns the statuses that are allowed to be used by jobs of specific type. Multiple statuses are returned by each call
- GET jobs/configuration/physical_goods/list — This method returns the physical goods that are allowed to be used by jobs of specific type. Multiple physical goods are returned by each call
- GET jobs/configuration/unit_restrictions/list — This method returns the restrictions applied per unit for the receipt method, working hours and allowed products during which generic jobs can be requested for. Multiple results are returned by each call.
- GET jobs/configuration/categories/list — This method returns the job categories that are allowed to be used by jobs of specific type. Multiple job categories are returned by each call
- GET jobs/configuration/cancellation_reasons/list — This method returns the cancellation reasons that are allowed to be used by jobs, as defined on the active job definition. Multiple cancellation reasons are returned by each call
- GET jobs/configuration/time_restrictions/list — This method returns the allowed time frames during which generic jobs can be requested for, depending on their receipt method. Multiple results are returned by each call.
- GET jobs/configuration/expenses/list — This method returns the expenses that are allowed to be used by jobs of specific type. Multiple expenses are returned by each call
- GET jobs/configuration/billing_term_schemes/price_plans/list — This method returns the price plans that can be applied on a job, considering the billing term scheme that will be used. Multiple price plans are returned by each call
- GET jobs/configuration/billing_term_schemes/list — This method returns the billing term schemes that are allowed to be used by a specific type of job. Multiple billing term schemes are returned by each call
- jobs/deactivate_subscription
- POST jobs/deactivate_subscription/update — This method updates jobs of fulfillment scope Deactivate Subscription. Single job can be updated by each call. Fields which are not specified are not updated at all. Fields which are specified as null will be set as null.
- GET jobs/deactivate_subscription/show — This method returns information related with a job of fulfillment scope Deactivate Subscription. Single job is returned by each call
- GET jobs/deactivate_subscription/get_latest — This method returns information related to the latest jobs of fulfillment scope Deactivate Subscription. Multiple jobs are returned by each call. Results are sorted based on the date that they were updated in a descending order
- POST jobs/deactivate_subscription/create — This method creates a job of fulfillment scope Deactivate Subscription. Single job can be created by each call. Only customer jobs can be created through this method.
- jobs/generic_purpose
- GET jobs/generic_purpose/get_latest — This method returns information related to the latest jobs of fulfillment scope Generic Purpose. Multiple jobs are returned by each call. Results are sorted based on the date that they were updated in a descending order
- POST jobs/generic_purpose/update — This method updates jobs of fulfillment scope Generic Purpose. Single job can be updated by each call. Fields which are not specified are not updated at all. Fields which are specified as null will be set as null.
- POST jobs/generic_purpose/create — This method creates a job of fulfillment scope Generic Purpose. A single job can be created by each call. Only customer jobs can be created through this method.
- GET jobs/generic_purpose/show — This method returns information related with a job of fullfilment scope Generic Purpose. Single job is returned by each call
- GET jobs/generic_purpose/get_requested_by_unit — This method returns the Units through which a Job will be fulfilled. Multiple Units might be returned by each call.
- jobs/new_subscription
- GET jobs/new_subscription/show — This method returns information related with a job of fulfillment scope New Subscription. Single job is returned by each call
- POST jobs/new_subscription/update — This method updates jobs of fulfillment scope New Subscription. Single job can be updated by each call. Fields which are not specified are not updated at all. Fields which are specified as null will be set as null.
- GET jobs/new_subscription/get_latest — This method returns information related to the latest jobs of fulfillment scope New Subscription. Multiple jobs are returned by each call. Results are sorted based on the date that they were updated in a descending order
- POST jobs/new_subscription/create — This method creates a job of fulfillment scope New Subscription. Single job can be created by each call. Only customer jobs can be created through this method.
- jobs/replace_physical_goods
- GET jobs/replace_physical_goods/get_latest — This method returns information related to the latest jobs of fulfillment scope Replace Physical Goods. Multiple jobs are returned by each call. Results are sorted based on the date that they were updated in a descending order
- POST jobs/replace_physical_goods/create — This method creates a job of fulfillment scope Replace Physical Goods. Single job can be created by each call. Only customer jobs can be created through this method.
- POST jobs/replace_physical_goods/update — This method updates jobs of fulfillment scope Replace Physical Goods. Single job can be updated by each call. Fields which are not specified are not updated at all. Fields which are specified as null will be set as null.
- GET jobs/replace_physical_goods/show — This method returns information related with a job of fulfillment scope Replace Physical Goods. Single job is returned by each call
- jobs/subscription_maintenance
- POST jobs/subscription_maintenance/update — This method updates jobs of fulfillment scope Subscription Maintenance. A single job can be updated by each call. Fields which are not specified are not updated at all. Fields which are specified as null will be set as null.
- GET jobs/subscription_maintenance/show — This method returns information related with a job of fulfillment scope Subscription Maintenance . A single job is returned by each call
- POST jobs/subscription_maintenance/create — This method creates a job of fulfillment scope Subscription Maintenance. Single job can be created by each call. Job of existing account owners can be created through this method.
- jobs/swap_subscription_installed_items
- GET jobs/swap_subscription_installed_items/show — This method returns information related with a job of fulfillment scope Swap Subscription Installed Items. Single job is returned by each call
- POST jobs/swap_subscription_installed_items/update — This method updates jobs of fulfillment scope Swap Subscription Installed Items. Single job can be updated by each call. Fields which are not specified are not updated at all. Fields which are specified as null will be set as null.
- GET jobs/swap_subscription_installed_items/get_latest — This method returns information related to the latest jobs of fulfillment scope Swap Subscription Installed Items. Multiple jobs are returned by each call. Results are sorted based on the date that they were updated in a descending order
- POST jobs/swap_subscription_installed_items/create — This method creates a job of fulfillment scope Swap Subscription Installed Items. Single job can be created by each call. Only customer jobs can be created through this method.
- jobs/swap_subscription_services
- POST jobs/swap_subscription_services/update — This method updates jobs of fulfillment scope Swap Subscription Services. Single job can be updated by each call. Fields which are not specified are not updated at all. Fields which are specified as null will be set as null.
- GET jobs/swap_subscription_services/get_latest — This method returns information related to the latest jobs of fulfillment scope Swap Subscription Services. Multiple jobs are returned by each call. Results are sorted based on the date that they were updated in a descending order
- GET jobs/swap_subscription_services/show — This method returns information related with a job of fulfillment scope Swap Subscription Services. Single job is returned by each call
- POST jobs/swap_subscription_services/create — This method creates a job of fulfillment scope Swap Subscription Services. Single job can be created by each call. Only customer jobs can be created through this method.
- jobs (deprecated) — Starting from CRM.COM R10.0.0 the specified Web API method will be deprecated, and although they will still be available in CRM.COM R10.0.0 they will not be maintained furthermore.
- GET jobs/get_cancelled — This method returns information related with jobs that are cancelled
- GET jobs/get_close_to_estimated_completion_time — This method returns information related with jobs that are close to estimated completion time.
- GET jobs/get_completed — This method returns information related with jobs that are completed.
- GET jobs/get_draft — This method returns information related with jobs that are draft
- GET jobs/get_in_progress — This method returns information related with jobs that are in progress.
- GET jobs/get_overdue — This method returns information related with jobs that are overdue.
- GET jobs/get_pending — This method returns information related with jobs that are pending.
- GET jobs/list — This method returns information related with jobs. Multiple jobs are returned by each call
- GET jobs/show — This method returns information related with a job. Single job is returned by each call
- POST jobs/bill — It bills one job based on a specific as of date
- POST jobs/cancel — This method cancels a job, which is not already completed or cancelled.
- POST jobs/complete — This method completes a job, which is already in progress
- POST jobs/create — This method creates a job. Single job can be created by each call. Only customer jobs can be created through this method.
- POST jobs/preview_bill — It previews the bill of one job based on a specific as of date
- POST jobs/start_progress — This method sets a job in progress. This method can be applied only on pending jobs
- POST jobs/update — This method updates jobs. Single job can be updated by each call. Fields which are not specified are not updated at all. Fields which are specified as null will be set as null.
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