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A voucher is a token or printed card which can be used as cash or credit against a future purchase .  Vouchers are bought by customers and redeemed for goods and services across CRM.COM modules.  The products on which the vouchers can be redeemed can be subject to restrictions. 

Voucher features

  • Voucher payments credit the accounts receivable of the customer.
  • Can be created for use on specific products or against general purchases.
  • Used to create voucher offers that provide additional value when the vouchers are redeemed.
  • Generated in reusable lots.
  • 'Accepted' or 'Activated' vouchers can be used by customers for purchases, while 'Rejected', 'Canceled' or 'Purged' vouchers cannot.
  • Can be exported in a CSV file and sent for printing and distribution to shops.
  • A voucher's current stage is represented by its life cycle state.

Setting Up Vouchers

Configuration > Finance Application > Vouchers

Start by defining voucher types that determine the main characteristics of the vouchers to be generated. Next, configure the voucher definition with additional restrictions. 


Voucher types are used to define parameters for generating vouchers, such as the amount that each voucher can be redeemed for, the products that it can be used to purchase, the financial transaction type that will be logged when the voucher is used, as well as information related to the secret number of the voucher.

Types fields

The table describes the sections of Voucher Types Data Entry page and explains how the fields in the page are used.

 Mandatory   Configurable

Main Information 


Alternative code

Default Payment Type: Select the type of payment to be created when vouchers of this type are used.

Secret Number Length: Determines the length of the generated secret number that is used when a voucher is redeemed to make a payment.

Value Option: 'Fixed' (as defined in the voucher type) or 'Variable' (as defined during the creation of the vouchers)

Value offered by vouchers of that type (if value option is set to 'Fixed').

Extra Added Value: Additional value offered by vouchers of that type (if the value option is set to 'Fixed').

 Supported Products (also referred to as Voucher Products)
Products and product types that each voucher type can be redeemed for.


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Business definitions

Rules used to define restrictions associated with the life cycle state of vouchers. There can only be one active definition at a time.

Definition fields

The table describes the sections of Voucher Definitions Data Entry page and explains how the fields in the page are used.

 Mandatory   Configurable

Main Information


Alternative Code 

State: 'Active' or 'Inactive'.

Restricted States Per Voucher Process

By default, each process can address vouchers in a specific life cycle state.  For example, the modification process can address vouchers in a 'Draft', 'Accepted for Activation' or 'Activated' life cycle state, by default.
You can limit the allowed voucher life cycle states through this process by defining that vouchers in an 'Activated' life cycle state cannot be modified.

Used to set additional restrictions on the following voucher processes:

  • Modification
  • Purging
  • Cancellation
  • Export


Related configuration areas

The following modules are related to vouchers and may be configured for the vouchers module to operate at its full capacity.

Mandatory modules must be configured for the vouchers module to work.  Optional modules may be configured for the vouchers module to operate at its full capacity.

Manual Link
Configuration Type
Financial TransactionsPayment Methods

Configure the method of payment used to credit an accounts receivable when a voucher is redeemed.

Discrete payment methods can be used (such as 'cash' or 'voucher') when a voucher is redeemed to distinguish between payments (e.g., for reporting purposes).

Financial Transactions Payment Types

Configure the type of payment used to credit an accounts receivable  when a voucher is redeemed.
Discrete payment types can be used (such as 'normal' or 'voucher') when a voucher is redeemed to distinguish between payments (e.g., for reporting purposes).



Wallet Business Definitions

Define the wallet and financial transaction types used to create wallet and financial transactions when a voucher is redeemed.Mandatory

Using Vouchers

Finance > Vouchers > Manage Vouchers

Vouchers are created in lots from which they inherit their type, value and validity dates (required information).  Once the lot details are defined, the vouchers can be generated.

Vouchers go through a number of stages, each identified through its life cycle state before they can be used.  Various processes progress vouchers through their life cycle.

Voucher life cycle paths (Processes in orange are not carried out in CRM.COM)

Lot fields

The table describes the sections of the Lot Data Entry page and explains how the fields in the page are used.

 Mandatory   Configurable

Main Information

Alternative Code: A unique identifier. 

Voucher Type used to generate the vouchers.

Number of Vouchers generated with each lot.

Life Cycle State: 'Draft' or 'Posted'. 'Posted' lots cannot be modified.

Validity Settings: 'Effective' and 'Expiration' dates of the vouchers created in the lot.

Voucher fields

The table describes the sections of the Voucher Data Entry page and explains how the fields in the page are used.

 Mandatory   Configurable 

Main Information

Number: An auto-generated unique identifier.

Secret Number: An auto-generated unique identifier (encrypted using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)) that is required in order to use the voucher for payment.

Value: The amount for which vouchers can be redeemed.

Extra Added Value: Additional (free) value offered by the vouchers when redeemed, usually as part of a promotional offer.

Effective Date: The date/time from which the voucher can be used.

Expiration Date: The date/time on which the voucher ceases to be 'Effective' and can no longer be used. Used vouchers do not expire.

The Life Cycle State of a voucher is used by voucher processes to determine whether the voucher can be used at that time.

The life cycle state of a voucher can have the following values:

  • Draft: Created and pending acceptance for activation.
  • Accepted for activation: Created and accepted for activation.
  • Not accepted for activation: Created but rejected.
  • Activated: Created and activated (can be exported for printing).
  • Used: Created, activated and redeemed against a financial account.
  • Cancelled: Cancelled by a user or process.
  • Purged: Deleted permanently, cannot be reused. The process cannot be reverted.

Voucher Type used to set up the value, extra added value, default payment type and other attributes of the voucher.

 Lot that the voucher belongs to.

Voucher Products
The products (goods or services) or types of products on which the voucher can be redeemed.
Voucher History

Keeps track of actions performed on vouchers throughout their life cycle (like 'Audit Trail') and registers modifications on their life cycle state. Voucher history also displays the users who requested to view the voucher's secret number.

Log Field that has been affected by the process (usually the life cycle state).

Applied Process that modified the field. E.g. 'Creation Process' modified the 'Life Cycle State' field.

From Value

To Value

Modified Date

Modified By User

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Creating and processing vouchers

Validations take place before an action is initiated (prerequisite) or after it is submitted (postcondition).

Generating vouchers

Multiple vouchers are created in a single flow through lots. 

  1. Navigate to Finance > Vouchers > Manage Voucher Lots and click on NEW from the Action menu.
  2. Create a lot by providing the voucher type, the number of vouchers to be created and their effective and expiration date. 
  3. Once you SAVE, click on Generate Vouchers available from the Actions Menu of the Data Entry page.  
  4. Select Execute Now to generate the vouchers immediately or Schedule for to set a date/time and SUBMIT. 

If the selected voucher type does not have a fixed value defined, then also provide the voucher Value and Extra Added Value (optional).

PrerequisitesLot must be in a 'Draft' life cycle state.
System Processing
  • Vouchers are created with the attributes of the specified lot.
  • The life cycle state of the vouchers is set to 'Draft'
  • The life cycle state of the lots is set to 'Posted'. 
  • A unique number is generated for each run.


Amending lots to generate more vouchers

Lots can be amended and used again to generate new vouchers.

  1. Navigate to Finance > Vouchers > Manage Voucher Lots.
  2. Search for lots in a 'Posted' life cycle state, select one and go to the Data Entry page.
  3. Click on Amend available from the Actions Menu.
  4. Select Execute Now to generate the vouchers immediately or Schedule for to set a date/time and SUBMIT. 


Lot must be in a 'Posted' life cycle state.

System Processing
  • Vouchers are created with the attributes of the voucher type already defined in the selected lot.
  • The life cycle state of new vouchers is set to 'Draft'.

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Modifying vouchers

Vouchers can be modified and their values corrected (e.g., voucher type and validity dates) instead of being canceled or rejected.  

Modifying a voucher does not affect its life cycle state.

Vouchers must be in an 'Activated' or 'Accepted for Activation' life cycle state to be modified.  

  1. Navigate to Finance > Vouchers > Manage Lots.
  2. Search and select the lot of vouchers you wish to modify and go to the Data Entry page.
  3. The Vouchers Included in Lot section displays the vouchers that will be updated.
  4. Click on Modify from the Actions menu to open the Modify Vouchers modal and provide the new information.
  5. Click on Submit to proceed with the update.

PrerequisitesThe vouchers in the lot   must be in a 'Draft', 'Accepted for Activation' or 'Activated' life cycle state.
System Processing
  • The information on each voucher is modified.
  • A unique number is generated for each run.

Accepting vouchers

Once vouchers are generated they are either accepted for further processing or rejected. Vouchers can be accepted individually or all vouchers in a lot can be accepted simultaneously by changing the life cycle state of the lot to 'Accepted'. Once accepted the life cycle state of each voucher is updated from 'Draft' to 'Accepted for Activation'.

Accepting multiple vouchers 

  1. Navigate to Finance > Vouchers > Manage Lots.
  2. Search and select the lot that includes the vouchers you want to accept and go to its Data Entry page.
  3. Click on Accept from the Actions menu to open the Accept Vouchers modal.
  4. Select Execute Now to accept the vouchers immediately or Schedule for to set a date/time and SUBMIT. 

Accepting a single voucher

  1. Navigate to Finance > Vouchers > Manage Vouchers.
  2. Search and select the voucher you want to accept and go to its Data Entry page.
  3. Click on Accept from the Actions menu.


PrerequisitesVouchers must be in 'Draft' life cycle state.
System Processing

The life cycle state of each voucher is set to 'Accepted for Activation'.


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Activating vouchers

Once accepted vouchers are verified, they must be activated and sent for printing. It is possible to simultaneously activate all vouchers included in a lot, or a number of vouchers within a specific range, or vouchers of a specific type.

  1. Navigate to Finance > Vouchers > Perform Voucher Activations.
  2. Click on NEW from the Top Menu to go to the Data Entry page.
  3. Provide any of the following criteria to determine the vouchers that will be activated:
    1. Lot
    2. Voucher Type
    3. Voucher Number Range
  4. In the Scheduling Settings tab select Run Now to activate the vouchers immediately or Run on a specific date/time to set a time.
  5. SAVE and SUBMIT.

  • Vouchers must be in an 'Accepted for Activation' life cycle state.
  • Vouchers must not be in a life cycle state that is defined in the active voucher definition as 'Restricted' for the activation process.
System Processing

The life cycle state of each voucher is set to 'Activated'.



Exporting vouchers

Activated vouchers are ready for printing and distribution to customers and can be exported in a CSV, XML, or Excel file format.  

Voucher information is exported in a decrypted form. The user can encrypt voucher information again before sending the file to the print-house. 


  1. Navigate to Foundation > Utilities > Export Data > Export Vouchers.

  2. Click on NEW from the Actions menu on the Summary page to create a new export definition.

  3. In the Output Settings tab provide the lot from which the vouchers should be exported and the format of the exported file.
  4. In the Scheduling Settings tab select Run Now to activate the vouchers immediately or Run on a specific date/time to set a time.
  5. SAVE and SUBMIT.

  6. Once the run is completed, go to the Process Runs section and click on the Download File link to download the file with the exported vouchers.


Export File Samples
  • Excel

The Excel file contains one column for each exported field. The first row includes the headers. 

  • CSV

The CSV file contains one column for each exported field. The first row includes the headers.

  • XML

Click to view the XML file structure
  • The lot and format of the export must be specified.
  • The lot must include at least one voucher in an 'Activated' life cycle state.
System Processing
  • The successful decryption of the 'secret number' is validated during the export.
  • A file is created in the selected format including all the exported vouchers in a decrypted for

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Rejecting vouchers

Vouchers created with errors can be rejected and not activated.  Whereas the voucher type and validity dates can be modified, the value of a voucher cannot, so rejecting a voucher is the only course of action if the value is wrong.  It is possible to simultaneously reject all vouchers included in a lot or reject individual vouchers.

Rejecting vouchers in a lot

  1. Navigate to Finance > Vouchers > Manage Lots.
  2. Search and select the lot that includes the vouchers with errors. 
  3. Click on Reject from the Actions Menu of the Data Entry page.
  4. Select to Execute Now to reject the vouchers immediately or Schedule for to set a time in the future and SUBMIT.  
Rejecting a single voucher
  1. Navigate to Finance > Vouchers > Manage Vouchers.
  2. Search and select the voucher you want to reject to go to its Data Entry page.
  3. Click on Reject from the Actions menu.


PrerequisitesVouchers must be in a 'Draft' life cycle state.
System Processing

The life cycle state of each voucher is set to 'Not Accepted for Activation'.


Canceling vouchers

Vouchers in a 'Draft', 'Accepted for Activation', 'Not Accepted for Activation' or 'Activated' state are disabled by being 'Cancelled'.  Possible reasons for canceling vouchers include their loss or theft or a decision by the business not to distribute the specific voucher type to customers.

Once the process is completed successfully, the voucher's life cycle state is updated to 'Cancelled'.

  1. Navigate to Finance > Vouchers > Perform Voucher Cancellations.
  2. Click on NEW from the Top Menu to go to the Data Entry page.
  3. Provide any of following criteria to determine the vouchers that will be canceled:
    1. Lot
    2. Voucher Type
    3. Voucher Number Range
  4. In the Scheduling Settings tab select Run Now to cancel the vouchers immediately or Run on a specific date/time to set a time.
  5. SAVE and SUBMIT.
  • Vouchers must be in a 'Draft', 'Accepted for Activation', 'Not Accepted for Activation' or 'Activated' life cycle state.
  • Vouchers must not be in a life cycle state defined in the active voucher definition as 'Restricted' for the cancellation process.
System Processing

The life cycle state of each voucher is set to 'Cancelled'.

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Purging vouchers

Purging permanently deletes 'Expired', 'Cancelled' or 'Not Accepted' vouchers and sets their life cycle state to 'Purged'.  Purged vouchers cannot be used in any action or report. 

  1. Navigate to Finance > Vouchers > Perform Voucher Purging.
  2. Click on NEW from the Top Menu to go to the Data Entry page.
  3. Provide the Input Settings to determine which vouchers will be purged.
    1. Days after Expiration Date
    2. Check one or more of the following boxes to restrict the purge to vouchers in a specific life cycle state.
      1. Apply Only on 'Draft' Vouchers
      2. Apply Only on 'Cancelled' Vouchers
      3. Apply Only on 'Accepted For Activation' Vouchers
      4. Apply Only on 'Not Accepted For Activation' Vouchers
  4. Provide any of the following criteria to determine the vouchers that will be purged:
    1. Lot
    2. Voucher Type
  5. In the Scheduling Settings tab select Run Now to purge the vouchers immediately or Run on a specific date/time to set a time.
  6. SAVE and SUBMIT.

  • Vouchers must be in a 'Draft', 'Accepted for Activation', 'Not Accepted for Activation' or 'Cancelled' life cycle state.
  • Vouchers must not be in a life cycle state defined in the active voucher definition as 'Restricted' for the purging process.
System Processing

The life cycle state of each voucher is set to 'Purged'.


Paying with a voucher

Vouchers that are activated and valid can be used as a form of payment in CRM.COM.

The voucher's 'Secret Number' (an auto-generated unique identifier encrypted using the Advanced Encryption Standard) is required in order to use the voucher.

Voucher payments can be effected from the voucher's Data Entry page or from the Communication Center page. 

Payments through the vouchers page

  1. Navigate to Finance > Vouchers > Manage Vouchers.
  2. Search and select the voucher you want to use and go to the Data Entry page.
  3. Click on Retrieve Secret Number from the Actions menu to open the modal window and copy the voucher's 'Secret Number'. 
  4. Click on Use Voucher from the Actions menu to open the modal window and specify the required information:
    1. Voucher Secret Number 
    2. Accounts Receivable
    3. Payment category
  5. Click SUBMIT.

Payments through the communication center

  1. Navigate to CRM > Communication Center > Access Communication Center.
  2. Search and retrieve the contact or account of the customer.
  3. Click on Retrieve Secret Number from the Actions menu.
    1. Type the voucher number.
    2. Click on SUBMIT. The 'Secret Number' will be returned.
  4. Click on Use Voucher from the Actions menu to open the modal window and specify the required information:
    1. Voucher Secret Number 
    2. Accounts Receivable
    3. Payment category
  5. Click SUBMIT.


Attempts to retrieve the secret number of a voucher and information on the user are logged in the Voucher History tab.

  • The voucher must be in an 'Activated' life cycle state.
  • The voucher must be valid.
System Processing
  • A payment matching the value of the voucher (not including any extra added value) is created and posted based on the specified values.
  • The default payment type is set as specified on the voucher type.
  • The voucher's life cycle state is updated to 'Used'.

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Vouchers Business Examples

Setting up voucher types 

Voucher types for all and specific products

Scenario 1

Company ZX requires two types of vouchers:

  • Vouchers that can be redeemed on any €30 product. Every voucher carries a €5 bonus.
  • Voucher that can be redeemed exclusively on €50 gold and silver products.

CRM.COM Solution

To meet the above requirements, the system must be configured with two types of vouchers:


Voucher Type

Any product priced at €30Gold and Silver products priced at €50
  • Name: All Services
  • Value Option: Fixed
  • Value: €30
  • Extra Added Value: €5
  • Secret Number Length: 7 digits
  • Default Payment Type: Voucher payment
  • Name: Premium Services
  • Value Option: Fixed
  • Value: €50
  • Secret Number Length: 7 digits
  • Default Payment Type: Voucher payment
  • Supported Products:
    • Gold
    • Silver


Creating and using vouchers for payment

Generate, accept, activate and export vouchers

Scenario 2

Company ZX wants to create one hundred €50 vouchers, valid for one year that can be used on Gold and Silver products.

CRM.COM Solution

To meet the above requirement the system should be configured as follows:

Voucher Type

€50 Gold and Silver
  • Name: Premium services
  • Value Option: Fixed
  • Value: €50
  • Secret Number Length: 7 digits
  • Default Payment Type: Voucher payment
  • Supported Products: 
    • Gold
    • Silver

Create lots and generate vouchers

  1. Create a new lot with the following parameters:
    1. Voucher type: Premium services
    2. Number of vouchers: 100
    3. Validity settings: 
      1. Effective from: 01/09/2017
      2. Effective to: 01/09/2018
  2. Click on Generate Vouchers from the Actions menu of the lot Data Entry page.

Accept vouchers

  1. Once the vouchers are generated, click on Accept from the Actions menu of the lot Data Entry page.

Perform voucher activation

  1. Navigate to Perform Voucher Activations.
  2. Create a new activation and add the newly created lot.
  3. Save and Submit.

Export vouchers

  1. Once the vouchers are activated, navigate to Export Vouchers.
  2. Create a new definition and select the newly created lot.
  3. Set the format to XML.
  4. Save and Submit.
  5. Once the run is completed, go to the Process Run tab and click on Download File to get the XML file to send to the print-house.

Using vouchers

Once vouchers are printed they are ready to be distributed and sold. Customers can request the secret number from an agent and use the voucher to make a payment




  • Use the WEB API to create and manage vouchers from an external system, such as a customer portal. Refer to the Vouchers WEB API for a comprehensive list of available actions.



CRM.COM TermDefinition
WalletA customer account whose credit balance is used to fund transactions within CRM.COM.  
Accounts ReceivableA ledger of the financial transactions carried out between a company and its customers, such as invoices and payments.  The accounts receivable keeps a running balance of debits and credits and displays the amount a company is owed in exchange for goods supplied and services rendered.
Financial Transaction / PaymentAn agreement between a buyer and seller to exchange services or physical goods for payment.


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