GET accounts_receivable/preview_bill
Joseph Ioannou (Unlicensed)
Ekaterini Tzirtzipi
Available from CRM.COM R13.1.0
This method previews the bill for an Accounts Receivable
Resource URL
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
token | String | The token retrieved from the login method | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
accounts_receivable_identifier (mandatory) | Account Receivable Identifier | The identifier of the account receivable. The allowed account receivable identifier fields are the following:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
fields_set (optional) | List of Strings, comma separated | A list of fields that should be included in the results. If not specified then all the available fields will be returned |
- It is mandatory to specify one of the semi-optional parameters. Both those parameters is allowed to be specified.
Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
bill_preview | Bill Preview Object | The bill preview results |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
from_date | Date | The date from which the accounts receivable is billed for |
to_date | Date | The date until which the accounts receivable is billed for |
total_billed_amount | Number | The total billed amount |
total_billed_amount_of_parent | Number | The total amount that the parent account will be billed for. Applicable only if a parent account funds its members Available from CRM.COM R13.0.0 Starting from CRM.COM R14.0.0, this parameter will be deprecated |
total_billed_amount_of_member | Number | The total amount that the member account will be billed for. Applicable if account owner is a member in a group Available from CRM.COM R13.0.0 Starting from CRM.COM R14.0.0, this parameter will be deprecated |
total_amount_to_be_paid | Number | The total amount to be paid |
total_amount_to_be_paid_by_parent | Number | The total amount that the parent account should pay. Applicable only if a parent account fund its members Available from CRM.COM R13.0.0 Starting from CRM.COM R14.0.0, this parameter will be deprecated |
total_amount_to_be_paid_by_member | Number | The total amount that the member account should pay. Applicable only if the account owner is a member in a group Available from CRM.COM R13.0.0 Starting from CRM.COM R14.0.0, this parameter will be deprecated |
total_vat_amount | Number | The total VAT amount billed Available from CRM.COM R12.0.0 Deprecated from CRM.COM R17.0.0 |
total_vat_amount_of_parent | Number | The total VAT amount that the parent account will be billed for. Applicable only if a parent account fund its members Available from CRM.COM R13.0.0 Starting from CRM.COM R14.0.0, this parameter will be deprecated |
total_vat_amount_of_member | Number | The total VAT amount that the member account will be billed for. Applicable only if the account owner is a member in a group Available from CRM.COM R13.0.0 Starting from CRM.COM R14.0.0, this parameter will be deprecated |
total_tax_amount | Number | The total Tax amount billed Available from CRM.COM R12.0.0 |
total_tax_amount_of_parent | Number | The total Tax amount that the parent account will be billed for. Applicable only if a parent account fund its members Available from CRM.COM R13.0.0 Starting from CRM.COM R14.0.0, this parameter will be deprecated |
total_tax_amount_of_member | Number | The total Tax amount that the member account will be billed for. Applicable only if the account owner is a member in a group Available from CRM.COM R13.0.0 Starting from CRM.COM R14.0.0, this parameter will be deprecated |
currency | Currency Object | The bill's currency Available from CRM.COM R10.0.0 |
product_set | Set of bill preview products | The products that will be included in the bill preview |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The ID of the retrieved currency |
code | String | The code of the retrieved currency |
prefix_symbol | String | The prefix symbol for the specified currency |
suffix_symbol | String | The suffix symbol for the specified currency |
life_cycle_state | String | The life cycle state for the specified currency, which can be EFFECTIVE or NOT EFFECTIVE Available from CRM.COM R14.0.0 |
integer_part_name | String | The integer part name for the specified currency |
decimal_part_name | String | The decimal part name for the specified currency |
Name | Type | Description |
from_date | Date | The date from which the accounts receivable is billed for |
to_date | Date | The date until which the accounts receivable is billed for |
total_amount | Number | The total billed amount |
product | Product object | the product that was billed |
applied_additive_discounts_set | Set of Applied Additive Discount Objects | The additive discounts that will be applied on the retrieved product |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The ID of the product |
code | String | The code of product |
alternative_code | String | The alternative code of product |
description | String | The description of product |
priority_level | Integer | The priority level of the product Available from CRM.COM R12.3.0 |
global_rate | Global Rate Object | The global rate of the retrieved product Available from CRM.COM R15.0.0 |
product_type | Product type object | The type of the product |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The ID of the retrieved product type |
name | String | The Name of the retrieved product type |
alternative_code | String | The Alternative Code of the retrieved product type |
description | String | The Description of the retrieved product type |
classification | String | The Classification of the retrieved product type which can be SERVICES or PHYSICALGOODS |
service_type | String | The Service Type of the retrieved product type which can be TERMED, USAGE, ONETIME or EXPENSE |
physical_good_type | String | The physical Good Type of the retrieved product type which can be TRACEABLE or NONTRACEABLE |
composition_method | String | The Composition Method of the retrieved product type which can be FLAT, FLEXIBLEBUNDLE or FIXEDBUNDLE |
used_for_provisioning | Boolean | The flag shows if the retrieved product type is used for provisioning |
udr_type | Usage Detail Record Type | The UDR type related with the product type. This is applicable only if the product type is classified as SERVICES and the service type is set to USAGE |
meter_reading_type | Meter Reading Type | The Meter Reading type related with the product type. This is applicable only for traceable physical goods Available from CRM.COM R14.0.0 |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The ID of the retrieved usage detail record type |
name | String | The Name of the retrieved usage detail record type |
alternative_code | String | The Alternative Code of the retrieved usage detail record type |
description | String | The Description of the retrieved usage detail record type |
unit_of_measurement | String | The Unit of measurement of the retrieved usage detail record type |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The identifier of the Unit of measurement |
name | String | The name of the Unit of measurement |
description | String | The description of the Unit of measurement |
alternative_code | String | The alternative code of the Unit of measurement |
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The ID of the retrieved meter reading type |
name | String | The Name of the retrieved meter reading type |
alternative_code | String | The Alternative Code of the retrieved meter reading type |
classification | String | The Classification of the retrieved meter reading type |
description | String | The Description of the retrieved meter reading type |
unit_of_measurement | String | The Unit of measurement of the retrieved meter reading type |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The identifier of the Unit of measurement |
name | String | The name of the Unit of measurement |
description | String | The description of the Unit of measurement |
alternative_code | String | The alternative code of the Unit of measurement |
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The ID of the retrieved rate |
rate_model | String | The price plan rate model which can be one of the following:
global_base_amount | Number | The base price of the product in the Global Price Plan |
base_rate_applied_per | String | The value for 'Base Rate Applied per' Available when the rate model is 'Quantity & Quantity Based' and it is a selection between
uot | String | The 'UOT' applicable for the rate
Available for one-time services |
time_period | Time Period Object | The period and unit of time for which the base amount is applicable for. This is available only on termed services rates. |
uom | String | The 'UOM' applicable for the rate Available when the product type is of Usage Service Classification |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
time_period_value | Number | The time period value |
time_period_uot | String | The time period unit of time. The supported values are the following: MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS, YEARS |
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The ID of the retrieved applied additive discount |
number | String | The number of the retrieved applied additive discount |
discount_amount | Number | The discount amount that was applied by the additive discount |
from_date | Date | The date that the additive discount was applied from |
to_date | Date | The date that the additive discount was applied to |
currency_rate_period | Currency Rate Period object | The currency rate period based on which the applied additive discount's amounts were calculated Available from CRM.COM R10.0.0 |
ad_hoc_discount | Ad hoc Discount Object | The ad hoc discount that was applied |
applied_additive_discount_definition | Additive Discount Definition Object | The additive discount definition that was applied |
product | Product Object | The product on which the additive discount was applied on
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The ID of the retrieved currency rate period |
rate | Number | The exchange rate of the currency rate period |
inverse_rate | Number | The inverse exchange rate of the currency rate period |
from_date | Date | The date from which the exchange rate is valid |
to_date | Date | The date until which the exchange rate is valid |
currency | Currency Object | The Currency with which the returned exchange rate information refers to |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The ID of the retrieved currency |
code | String | The code of the retrieved currency |
prefix_symbol | String | The prefix symbol for the specified currency |
suffix_symbol | String | The suffix symbol for the specified currency |
life_cycle_state | String | The life cycle state for the specified currency, which can be EFFECTIVE or NOT EFFECTIVE Available from CRM.COM R14.0.0 |
integer_part_name | String | The integer part name for the specified currency |
decimal_part_name | String | The decimal part name for the specified currency |
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The ID of the retrieved ad hoc discount |
number | String | The number of the retrieved ad hoc discount |
discount_amount | Number | The discount amount that will be applied, if the additive discount definition is set up to provide a range of discount based on an amount |
discount_percentage | Number | The discount percentage that will be applied, if the additive discount definition is set up to provide a range of discount based on a percentage |
effective_date | Date | The date that the discount becomes effective |
expiration_date | Date | The date that the discount will expire |
life_cycle_state | String | The life cycle state of the retrieved ad hoc discount. Supported values are PENDING_APPROVAL, APPROVED and CANCELLED |
discount_free_period | Time Period Object | The free period that will be provided, measured in days, weeks, months or years. This information is available if the additive discount definition is set up to provide a range of discount based on free period |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
time_period_value | Number | The time period value |
time_period_uot | String | The time period unit of time. The supported values are the following: MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS, YEARS |
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The ID of the retrieved additive discount definition |
alternative_code | String | The alternative code of the retrieved additive discount definition |
name | String | The name of the retrieved additive discount definition |
life_cycle_state | String | The life cycle state of the retrieved additive discount definition. The supported life cycle states are EFFECTIVE or NOT_EFFECTIVE |
classification | String | The classification of the retrieved additive discount definition which can be either SUBSCRIPTIONS, JOBS or GENERAL GENERAL classification available from CRM.COM R15.0.0 JOB classification is not available from CRM.COM R17.0.0 |
type | String | The type of the additive discount definition which can be AUTO_APPLY or AD_HOC |
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The ID of the product |
code | String | The code of product |
alternative_code | String | The alternative code of product |
description | String | The description of product |
priority_level | Integer | The priority level of the product Available from CRM.COM R12.3.0 |
global_rate | Global Rate Object | The global rate of the retrieved product Available from CRM.COM R15.0.0 |
product_type | Product type object | The type of the product |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The ID of the retrieved product type |
name | String | The Name of the retrieved product type |
alternative_code | String | The Alternative Code of the retrieved product type |
description | String | The Description of the retrieved product type |
classification | String | The Classification of the retrieved product type which can be SERVICES or PHYSICALGOODS |
service_type | String | The Service Type of the retrieved product type which can be TERMED, USAGE, ONETIME or EXPENSE |
physical_good_type | String | The physical Good Type of the retrieved product type which can be TRACEABLE or NONTRACEABLE |
composition_method | String | The Composition Method of the retrieved product type which can be FLAT, FLEXIBLEBUNDLE or FIXEDBUNDLE |
used_for_provisioning | Boolean | The flag shows if the retrieved product type is used for provisioning |
udr_type | Usage Detail Record Type | The UDR type related with the product type. This is applicable only if the product type is classified as SERVICES and the service type is set to USAGE |
meter_reading_type | Meter Reading Type | The Meter Reading type related with the product type. This is applicable only for traceable physical goods Available from CRM.COM R14.0.0 |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The ID of the retrieved usage detail record type |
name | String | The Name of the retrieved usage detail record type |
alternative_code | String | The Alternative Code of the retrieved usage detail record type |
description | String | The Description of the retrieved usage detail record type |
unit_of_measurement | String | The Unit of measurement of the retrieved usage detail record type |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The identifier of the Unit of measurement |
name | String | The name of the Unit of measurement |
description | String | The description of the Unit of measurement |
alternative_code | String | The alternative code of the Unit of measurement |
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The ID of the retrieved meter reading type |
name | String | The Name of the retrieved meter reading type |
alternative_code | String | The Alternative Code of the retrieved meter reading type |
classification | String | The Classification of the retrieved meter reading type |
description | String | The Description of the retrieved meter reading type |
unit_of_measurement | String | The Unit of measurement of the retrieved meter reading type |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The identifier of the Unit of measurement |
name | String | The name of the Unit of measurement |
description | String | The description of the Unit of measurement |
alternative_code | String | The alternative code of the Unit of measurement |
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The ID of the retrieved rate |
rate_model | String | The price plan rate model which can be one of the following:
global_base_amount | Number | The base price of the product in the Global Price Plan |
base_rate_applied_per | String | The value for 'Base Rate Applied per' Available when the rate model is 'Quantity & Quantity Based' and it is a selection between
uot | String | The 'UOT' applicable for the rate
Available for one-time services |
time_period | Time Period Object | The period and unit of time for which the base amount is applicable for. This is available only on termed services rates. |
uom | String | The 'UOM' applicable for the rate Available when the product type is of Usage Service Classification |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
time_period_value | Number | The time period value |
time_period_uot | String | The time period unit of time. The supported values are the following: MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS, YEARS |
HTTP Method: GET
{ "data": { "bill_preview": { "total_vat_amount": 0, "total_vat_amount_of_member": 0, "from_date": "2017-02-01T00:00:00", "to_date": "2017-09-01T00:00:00", "total_billed_amount_of_member": 1713.6, "total_amount_to_be_paid_by_member": 4087.67, "total_tax_amount": 0, "currency": { "suffix_symbol": null, "prefix_symbol": "£", "decimal_part_name": null, "code": "GBP", "integer_part_name": null, "id": "9" }, "total_billed_amount": 1713.6, "total_amount_to_be_paid": 4087.67, "product_set": [ { "product": { "code": "Gold", "product_type": { "service_type": "TERMED", "used_for_provisioning": true, "alternative_code": "Main Packages", "composition_method": "FLAT", "name": "Main Packages", "description": null, "id": "E186E293AAAB49EE86A729540A4287FE", "classification": "SERVICES", "physical_good_type": null }, "alternative_code": "G", "description": "Gold", "id": "D1EB074DFD904E54A0C67CAB9DC7E010" }, "from_date": "2017-02-01T00:00:00", "to_date": "2017-09-01T00:00:00", "total_amount": 294, "applied_additive_discounts_set": [] }, { "product": { "code": "Gold", "product_type": { "service_type": "TERMED", "used_for_provisioning": true, "alternative_code": "Main Packages", "composition_method": "FLAT", "name": "Main Packages", "description": null, "id": "E186E293AAAB49EE86A729540A4287FE", "classification": "SERVICES", "physical_good_type": null }, "alternative_code": "G", "description": "Gold", "id": "D1EB074DFD904E54A0C67CAB9DC7E010" }, "from_date": "2017-02-01T00:00:00", "to_date": "2017-09-01T00:00:00", "total_amount": 294, "applied_additive_discounts_set": [] }, { "product": { "code": "VOD & PPV Base", "product_type": { "service_type": "TERMED", "used_for_provisioning": false, "alternative_code": "V&P", "composition_method": "FLAT", "name": "VOD & PPV", "description": "To be used for termed non provisioning services as a base for ordering VOD and PPV", "id": "CE2024C589D34244A1D29CDDE3B88127", "classification": "SERVICES", "physical_good_type": null }, "alternative_code": "V&PB", "description": "VOD & PPV Base", "id": "F7286EF7D017405E8357FF8614A3EA24" }, "from_date": "2017-02-01T00:00:00", "to_date": "2017-09-01T00:00:00", "total_amount": 890.4, "applied_additive_discounts_set": [] }, { "product": { "code": "Bronze", "product_type": { "service_type": "TERMED", "used_for_provisioning": true, "alternative_code": "Main Packages", "composition_method": "FLAT", "name": "Main Packages", "description": null, "id": "E186E293AAAB49EE86A729540A4287FE", "classification": "SERVICES", "physical_good_type": null }, "alternative_code": "B", "description": "Bronze", "id": "F50CC52934BD4F119B6E18E215A4FC55" }, "from_date": "2017-02-01T00:00:00", "to_date": "2017-09-01T00:00:00", "total_amount": 235.2, "applied_additive_discounts_set": [] } ] } }, "status": { "code": "OK", "description": "", "message": "" } }