Issue key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Fix versions |
V5-1432 | Ability to top-up wallet with fresh money |
| Improvement | |
V5-1390 | Financial events back office feature | Ability to view all Financial events for all Contacts on a summary screen using filtering criteria. | New Feature | |
V5-1389 | New API for financial events | Create a new Financial API List Journals to retrieve all account and wallet journals for all contacts. API is used in such processes as Contact statements and Financial events summary feeds | New Feature | |
V5-1275 | Implement payment retries | Implement payment retries | Improvement | |
V5-1080 | Front End Payment Payment Flow to support 3D Secure checks and Pre-order payment | The order processing flow needs to be amended to accommodate the potential for a 3D Secure redirect from a hosting bank or, in general front, end payment capture. A number of front-end and back-end flows will need to be modified. | Improvement | |
V5-1053 | Purchase Events & Refund Enhancements | Ability to credit merchant (organisation) account when a refund is posted due to spending via JCC Merchant services | Improvement | |
V5-764 | Create Batch Purchase Events | Create a batch of purchase Events that can later be monitored. | Improvement | |
V5-328 | Ageing Feature | Ability to calculate the ageing of an account or group of accounts. During the accounting closing period, the overdue amount per account is calculated in time periods (0-30 days overdue, 30-60 days overdue, 60+ days overdue). | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-327 | Account Groups | An Account Group represents a group of accounts that have a single parent and multiple member accounts, whereby the parent account funds/sponsors (i.e. is billed and pays for) one or more services of its members. Account Members Funding Scope
Member-funded products (product id/type/family) | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-326 | Account Devices | Account devices are the physical goods owned by the contact. Devices can be purchased through the company or brought by the contact as a 'use your own device'. Devices can be returned back to the company or can be transferred to another account owner. | Story | Candidate Features |
V5-324 | Multi-Currency | http://CRM.COM supports multiple currencies, whilst a default base currency is defined for the business. A different account is set up for every currency. Exchange rates can be set against the base currency in order to facilitate conversion when financial transactions are posted between accounts of different currencies. | Story |
V5-323 | Credit Management | Define the default Credit Limit and Credit Period rules that are applied on all accounts and optionally create additional rules that can be applied on conditions. A proximity range can also be specified, which allows the users to manually adjust the credit for specific accounts. Default Credit Limit - The maximum amount of credit that can be provided for an account, or in other words, the maximum balance that an account can ever reach. Credit Period - The time granted to the account owner to settle an invoice. | Story | |
V5-322 | Tax Management | Tax Rates Tax Code
Supply Method
| Story | |
V5-321 | Create and Maintain Financial Transactions | Financial transaction type classifications define the nature of a transaction, including its notation in the double-entry accounting system (debit or credit). Financial transaction type classifications are predefined in the system and cannot be overridden. Map your own business financial transactions against the supported classifications:
| Story | |
V5-320 | Accounts Classifications | Set up business classifications to define the nature of account owners. Account classifications can be used during rule creation to form the conditions for subscriptions, rewards and digital money rules. | Story | |
V5-319 | Period Closing | The accounting period settings define the allowed open periods (between 1 and 6 months). The accounts closing period is always performed on the 5th day of each period. At the end of each accounting period, all transactions posted within that period are collected, and their aggregated amount is calculated to provide each account's opening balance for the next accounting period. The opening balance per accounting period is essential since each account's running balance depends on it. | Story | |
V5-318 | Accounts Credit Allocations | Allocations are used to allocate the amount of a credit transaction against a debit transaction, in order to settle an amount due. Allocations are applied automatically by the system based on the allocation principle of the system, which can either be 'FIFO' or 'FIFO and Against Item'. FIFO (First In, First Out)- The oldest credit transaction is allocated against the oldest debit transaction. Against Item & FIFO - Allocations are always performed against an item when the credit transaction is referring to one or more specific debit transactions (of an invoice). If there are other transactions which are already allocated against a debit transaction, using the FIFO principle, then they are de-allocated and allocated again based on the same principle. | Story | |
V5-317 | Create and Manage Accounts | Create, update and view a contact's accounts with related wallets and financial transactions. A contact can have multiple accounts in multiple currencies. An account can be either active, suspended (contact cannot purchase additional services) or terminated. If the contact has multiple accounts, then one is designated as primary, where it defaults for payments and purchases. Each account maintains a balance and an overdue amount (the amount that has exceeded its due date for payment). It can be optionally classified so that it is treated differently in subscriptions, reward and digital money rules and has one of the contact addresses designated as the account billing address. Journal entries are performed against an account and only journals can debit or credit the account. They are used to calculate the balance of the account, close accounting periods and perform allocations. A debit or credit journal entry is created whenever a Financial Transaction, Top-up or Transfer is executed against an account. | Story | |
V5-82 | Accounts and Payment Methods for Organisations | Ability to define an account receivable and payment methods for organisations and process payment with PCI compliance via payment gateways such as Stripe, PayEasy, PayPal, and JCC. | Story | |
V5-1728 | Drill down for Financial Events | Ability to view a drill down of a transaction from the Financial Events summary screen | Improvement | |
V5-1656 | Wallet Transactions History Overview | Ability to retrieve wallet transactions with details on each transaction that show how and why they were generated on a single self-service Web API | Improvement | |
V5-2451 | Ability to update or remove a payment method | Update or remove a contact's payment method | Improvement | |
V5-2440 | Have the ability to define credit period per customer | Ability to set up and use Payment Terms
| New Feature | |
V5-2092 | Ability to select statement period & export the Contact's account statement |
| Improvement | |
V5-1652 | Ability to keep the opening and closing balance per account/per accounting period | Ability to keep the opening and closing balance per account and per accounting period. Opening and closing balances per period should also be supported for Wallet Balances. | Improvement | |
V5-2939 | Invoice traceability |
| Improvement | |
V5-2918 | The ability for a Business to set up their payment methods | The ability for a business to add a card as a payment method for paying their purchased SaaS services | Improvement | |
V5-2937 | Ability to set up Automation for failed payments | Ability to set up Automation for failed payments to handle both these cases:
| Improvement | |
V5-2674 | Ability to create manual debit and credit journals | New financial action Manual Journal (available via the Contact screen) whose purpose is to create manual debit or credit journal entries for a contact's wallet or account. Balance is adjusted immediately. | Story | |
V5-3594 | Ability to retrieve enough funds to pay off an account's balance | Ability to set up behaviour for payments-on-file during the billing run. By default, the billing run tries to retrieve enough money in order to pay off the invoice to be generated. This behaviour can be overridden by enhanced Financial Rules, according to which, on each billing run, the process requests the bill amount plus the overdue amount of the account that is being billed. | Improvement | |
V5-3612 | Introduce a new payment method type: Electronic Transfer | Introduce a new payment method type called 'Electronic Transfer' that will be used to post offline payments such as Bank Transfers and POS payments | Improvement | |
V5-328 | Ageing Feature | Ability to perform an analysis of the aged debt of contacts The Ageing analysis is the process that identifies unsettled Invoices and classifies them as Aged Invoices. An Invoice's age denotes how long the invoice has been due (i.e. how long it is aged since its posted date). | Story | |
V5-3584 | Payment Method (SEPA) Enhancements | Enhance Account Debit payment methods (and overarching APIs) to support SEPA sequence type (first, recurring, final, one-off) | Improvement | |
V5-3471 | Ability to modify and communicate a financial transaction's notes | Provide the ability to users to modify a financial transaction's notes even after it's posted. Additionally, a financial transaction's notes should also be supported as Communication Tags | Improvement | |
V5-4119 | Ability to set up a tax rate's validity period | Ability to set up the date from which a tax rate will be applied through the UI. Currently, the date is automatically set based on the system date. The date can be set in the future or in the past. | Improvement | |
V5-4333 | Include source and destination account/wallet owner details in Transfers | Include source and destination account/wallet owner details in Transfers. Currently only the accpunt/wallet number is displayed, the contact owner must also be included in:
| Improvement | |
V5-4330 | Ability to communicate the previous months/years statement to contacts | Ability to communicate the previous months/years statement to contacts/organisations. Additional communication tags allow sending the statement of Last Month and Last Year | Improvement | |
V5-4143 | Contact/Organisation Payment Methods Improvements | Ability to filter existing contact payment methods based on financial transactions (i.e. retrieve only payment methods that support payments) | Improvement | |