Communications - R15

Communications - R15


Regardless of your line of business communications with the customers is crucial. CRM.COM offers various options for communicating with your customer utilizing, ready-made templates, lists of customers with common characteristics, personalization of communication content when sent in bulk, translation to customers preferred language and many more features that make communication to customers easy and flexible.

Setting Up Communications and Core Processes

Configuration / CRM Application > CRM Settings > Set up Communications

Before you start using Communications go through the basic setup screens.

General Settings

Use General Settings to provide information required to connect to and use email and SMS servers which will be handling the communications sent from CRM.COM to the customers. Both email and sms servers must be enabled, to be allowed to send communications through them. Additionally provide the methods allowed to be used to communicate with customers and provide the maximum number of characters allowed to be provided for each media. For example, provide a maximum of 160 characters when sending communications via SMS and 1000 when sending through email


Communication Templates

Communication templates can speed up system processes when creating a new communication or notification (e.g., for a campaign), by offering a standard layout with parts of the information (such as direction, media, subject, and content)already in place. Some examples of communication templates are, sign up, dunning, customer authentication through portal, receipt of tickets, closing of tickets or for any reason you would like to communicate with your customers and you would like to provide a standard template.
Templates can be used
  • Manual communications: Communications created by users either through the communication screen
  • Event based communications: Communications sent by the system automatically when an event occurs (i.e. service request is closed, payment is made, a customer successfully registers through the portal)
  • Notifications: Financial or customer care communications sent to multiple customers at once either by email or sms and whose content can be personalised per customer

Communication Template Fields

  1. Referring to Entities: An entity whose communication tags are included in the template. 
  2. Communication Queue External System: If communications using this communication template should be handled by 3rd party systems then the system should be selected here. (Only systems which support the media are available for selection)
  3. Language: Templates can be written in several languages and selected from this field, making it possible to communicate with contacts in their preferred language. The preferred language, if different from the system's default, is defined in contact information.  The default language is used if there is no template in the preferred language


Categories are used to classify communications and relate them to a business function such as inquiries, customer complaints or support issues. The classifications can be used to analyze incoming and outgoing customer calls handled by call center agents.

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Managing Communications

CRM / Communications / Manage Communications

Communication may be created from various places in the system however they can all be viewed through the Communications screen


  • Manual communications: Communications created by users either through the communication screen
  • Event based communications: Communications sent by the system automatically when an event occurs (i.e. service request is closed, payment is made, a customer successfully registers through the portal)
  • Notifications: Financial or customer care communications sent to multiple customers at once either by email or SMS and whose content can be personalised per customer


Creating and sending manual communications

 To create a manual communication navigate to Communications screen use NEW from the Actions' menu. Provide values for mandatory fields and SAVE the communication. Once an email or SMS communication is saved, it is sent directly to the recipient. Communications handled by external systems are sent to the communication queue for further processing. To update the communication at a later stage, select SAVE AS DRAFT. Enter EDIT mode from the Actions menu to update a draft communication  Provide the required information and either SAVE to complete the communication or SAVE AS DRAFT to return and update later.

Email communications can be written by using the WYSIWYG editor an easy to use editor that allows you to format your email's content and preview how the email will be viewed by the customer.

Manual Communication Fields

  1. Referring to Entities: Click to access the 'Related Work that the Communication Refers to' modal and select entities which will supply tags relevant to the content of the communication.

    The entities related to the contact which are cited in the communication and are used to replace the tags with the actual values. If a tag is used for an entity whose value is not defined in the 'Referring To' entities, then the tag will remain empty. Selected entities affect the filtering of available communication templates.

  2.  Processed by System: The displayed external systems are filtered on the specified media of 'Outgoing' direction. Only those who support the media will be available for selection.

Creating communications from templates

Communication templates can speed up system processes when creating a new communication or notification (e.g., for a campaign), by offering a standard layout with parts of the information (such as direction, media, subject, and content) already in place. If creating a manual communication select the recipient and proceed to select a template. Click on Use Template.

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Sending automatic communications upon an event

Event based communications ensure that your customers will receive a communication upon various actions either for informative, marketing or handling purposes. Event based communications are made up of rules, events, and conditions that trigger email or SMS communications to customers. Set up event based communications and let the system do the rest.

Event Based Communication Fields

  1. Communication Settings: Indicate whether an email and/or an SMS will be sent to the customer by specifying at least one of the two required communication templates.  Depending on the template, it can be required to define a default email or SMS type for the communication.

    1. Send to Media Type: Select where the customers will receive their communication, in case they have more than one email addresses or mobile phones provided.
      1. Send to all Media Types: on all email addresses/mobile phones
      2. Send to one Media Type: on the email address/mobile phone defined as primary (on the contact information)
      3. Send to specific Media Type: on the email address/mobile phone of the type defined here
    2. Template: the communication template which is used to generate the communications to be sent (communication tags used in the template will be replaced by customer information to create personalized communications,
    3. Consider Presentment Preferences Communication Media: Whether accounts receivable presentment preferences will be considered when communicating with the customer.  If set to 'Yes', communications are sent to the email or phone number defined in the presentment preferences. 
  2. Apply on events : Select the event that will generate a communication for each entity. (i.e. On Create, On Complete) A separate rule with different communication templates can be created for each event.  E.g., a rule for creating a new job could use a template with information on the requested items and another rule for closing a job could use a template which includes the bill of the customer.
  3. Segments: Select lists of customers that should be communicated when they trigger the event, given that the conditions are met

  4. Applicable on Conditions: Select the conditions that must be met (at least one condition must be met) for a communication to be sent.

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Notifying multiple customers about marketing financial and reward purposes


CRM / Communications / Notifications / Notification Types

Notifications are messages which are generated automatically and communicate financial or customer care or reward associated information to existing or prospective customers.  Notifications are sent simultaneously to multiple recipients who are selected based on user-defined conditions.  CRM.COM sends notifications by email or SMS or through third-party external systems, such as mobile apps or portals.For each notification generated the respective communication is also generated in the system.

Notifications are generated through Notification Types. The notification type determines the subject matter (such as for a bill, reward offer or subscription), the recipient selection criteria and the content of each notification.

Recipient selection criteria depend on the classification of each type.  The three classifications are:

  • Customer Care: Information of a general nature such as a welcoming email for new subscribers with information on services and hardware.
  • Financial: Financial information, for example, an email reminding subscribers of an unsettled amount.
  • Reward: Information on reward offers communicated to reward participants.   

Once types are configured, notification runs use type-specific information to generate notifications.

Notification Type Fields

  1. Notification Information: The topic of the communication, filtered on the selected notification classification. The value cannot be changed after the notification type is created. 

  2. Template: the communication template which is used to generate the communications to be sent (communication tags used in the template will be replaced by customer information to create personalized communications,
  3. Conditions: Define the conditions that should be fulfilled in order for the notification to be generated. For filters applied on balances (of accounts receivable, wallets, and notification classifications) the 'more than' value is inclusive

    1. If segments are used to provide the list of customers to be contacted then segments of the following entities can be used
      1. Contact Information
      2. Accounts Receivable
      3. Rewards Participant (only for reward offers classification)
      4. Any entity included in the related Notification Information selected under 'Main Information' section.

A communication will be created for each notification, using the communication template defined on the notification type. The communications are placed in a communication queue and are either processed immediately through CRM.COM (sent by email or SMS directly to the recipient) or processed by a third-party system such as a web portal or mobile app.  The third-party system will retrieve the communications from the queue and update it once the communication is received by the customer.

The following notification life cycle states reflect the state of the communication queue entry: 

  • Pending: The communication has not been handled yet by the third-party system.
  • Rejected: An error occurred during the transfer of the communication to the customer's device, inbox or third-party system.
  • Completed: The communication has been successfully delivered to the third-party system (e.g., mobile app or web portal inbox) or the recipient's inbox or phone.
  • Completed and Removed:  The communication has been deleted from the device it was delivered to (e.g., mobile app or web portal inbox).


Complying with contact notification preferences

Keeping your customers updated with your services and products or any marketing and loyalty related campaigns is important; however it is imperative that you respect your customers' preference with regard to whether they wish to be notified or not. Contacts can opt-in and out of communications regarding direct (in-house) and affiliate (partner) marketing campaigns however they cannot opt out of communications regarding financial matters, such as bills. When a communication is very important It is possible to override contact preferences.


Setting customer authorization settings  

Authorization settings (set in contact information) determine whether contacts should be communicated direct or affiliate marketing material by default.

Applying or ignoring contact notification preferences

Notification runs take into consideration contact communication preferences when the 'Apply Contact Information Data Protection for Direct / Affiliate Marketing' setting is enabled in the notification type.  If it is disabled , the system will communicate with the customer regardless of the contact information preference.


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Additional Processes and Automation for Communications

Following up on a communication

Chains of communications are particularly useful especially when they are addressing the same subject, whether this is a customer request about services, reporting of an issue etc.. Chains of communications are possible by following up an existing communication through the respective screen. The action is used to follow-up completed communications and group together those that refer to the same issue.  When a communication is followed-up, the communication number of the initial communication is associated to the follow-up through the 'Referring To' communication field.

To follow up a communication click on Follow Up in the Actions menu and proceed to create the new communication normally.

Personalizing communication content

The power of communications generated in CRM.COM lies in the use of communication tags which can be used both in communications and communication templates. Tags can be used to generate the subject and content of a communication and ensure its appropriate formatting. Tags are replaced by data kept on the related contact or referred entities, personalizing the communication with information specific to the customer.  

Tags must be preceded by a '#' symbol.  Once '#' is typed, the system will populate the list with available tags. The list is filtered as more text is entered. 

For example,  you can create an email to a customer containing their balance information, by first inserting the number of the customer's accounts receivable in the referring entities section of the communication and then supplying the content using the available accounts receivable tags, such as accounts_receivable.outstanding_amount and accounts_receivable.wallet.balance.

Refer to communication tags for a complete list of communication tags.


Using Communication Tags in Communications and Communication Templates
Using Dynamic Link Tags in Communications and Communication Templates
  • Define the relation between the communication and one of the collaboration modules before using the tag (see 'Referring To entities').

  • Type the '#' symbol and then proceed by typing one of the available tags.
    E.g., #contact_information.name.
  • Tags must be preceded and followed by one space in communications and templates.

Only dynamic link tags that have been enabled can be used.

  • #dynamic_link.opt_in_direct_marketing: Opt-in direct marketing is enabled.
  • #dynamic_link.opt_out_direct_marketing: Opt-out direct marketing is enabled.
  • #dynamic_link.opt_in_affiliate_marketing: Opt-in affiliate marketing is enabled.
  • #dynamic_link.opt_out_affiliate_marketing: Opt-out affiliate marketing is enabled.
  • #dynamic_link.service_request_response_acceptance: Service request response acceptance is enabled.
  • #dynamic_link.service_request_temporary_resolution_acceptance Tag : Service request temporary resolution acceptance is enabled.
  • #dynamic_link.service_request_final_resolution_acceptance: Service request final resolution acceptance is enabled.

If a dynamic link tag is typed manually without being enabled then:

  • A validation error is displayed when saving the communication template or the communication.

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Using unrestricted parameters in communications

If in your communications you wish to use terms which are repeated (but not values used in the system) then you should use unrestricted tags. An unrestricted tag is a special type of free text communication tag which is not replaced by values saved in the system. Values for unrestricted tags are specific to each communication.

This section will be available only if one or more unrestricted tags are present in the subject or body of a communication or communication template. Click ADD MISSING UNRESTRICTED PARAMETERS to add tags that were not added automatically and provide a value for them.

Communicating using a customer's preferred language

The same communication template can be written in several languages.  Subject to template availability, the system will attempt to customize the communication by using the customer's preferred language.  If the template is not available in the preferred language, the communication is sent using the default system language.

Creating a multi-language template

  1. Navigate to Communication Templates and create a new template, providing the required information.
  2. Locate Language under the Template Values tab.  The organization's default language is selected (If the customer's preferred language is not found then the default language is used).
  3. Provide the template content and body for the default language.
  4. Select a different language from the Language drop-down list.
  5. Provide the template content and body for the selected language.
  6. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for all required languages.
  7. SAVE the template.

Setting a preferred language

  1. Navigate to Manage Contact Information and access the contact's Data Entry page.
  2. Under the Main Information tab, select a language from the Preferred Language drop-down list.

The languages available in the system are defined under Foundation > Platform > Manage Admin Settings > Set Up General Settings > Language Settings tab.

Using dynamic links in communications

Configuration / CRM Application / CRM Settings / Dynamic Links Settings

Dynamic links allow customers to update specific CRM.COM information directly from their email. Customers can opt-in and out of mailing lists (complying with the Data Protection Act) and accept service request responses and resolutions. Used in tandem with the event-based communication definition, the system can generate emails with dynamic links (i.e., use dynamic links in templates) whenever a specific event occurs. E.g., request that a response provided to a service request is accepted by clicking on an email link.

To use 'dynamic links' navigate to Dynamic Links Settings enable and provide the required information. Once enabled you can use the respective (dynamic link) tags in the communication template or communication.

Dynamic Links Settings Fields

  1. End Point: used by the system to construct the URL that will be used to handle dynamic links. If one or more events are enabled, an address must be defined.

  2. Custom URL: will be used by the system to handle dynamic links (overriding the default release URL).

  3. Link Text: The text that should be displayed on the event link.
  4. Redirection URL: used to redirect the customer after clicking on the event link. If none is defined, the action will be executed and the user redirected to the default endpoint, where a 'successfully completed' or 'error' message will be displayed.

Tracking emails

Configuration / CRM Application / CRM Settings / Tracking Settings

Communications offer the possibility to track emails and their included links and provide feedback. An email and the included links will be marked as 'Viewed' in the communications 'Tracking Details' section. Marketing campaigns set up in CRM.COM using Notifications can also make use of the tracking feature which can be used to monitor campaign success, by reviewing how many customers have viewed the sent emails or clicked on campaign links. This is possible by using a simple dashboard tool which provides the links and emails viewed and clicks made. For more information refer to the Analytics

To enable tracking of emails navigate to Tracking Settings. Tracking can either be enabled for all communications or for just the ones sent through Notifications.

Tracking Settings Fields

  1. Endpoint: Used by the system to construct the URL which handles email and link tracking. The value is set automatically using the user's login URL. For example, if the user logged in from https://example.crm.com/crm, the endpoint defaults to example.crm.com, which the user can edit as necessary.
    If a secure endpoint is used, 'https://' is added by the system and example.crm.com is entered by the user (as the endpoint). If a secure endpoint is not used, the complete URL must be entered, including 'http://'.
  2. Custom URL: can be used by the system to handle tracking, instead of the endpoint. Tracking is usually handled by CRM.COM by sending and retrieving the necessary information. The use of a custom URL entails further implementation on behalf of a system administrator to handle the tracking. 
    CRM.COM WEB API can be used to manage calls from outside CRM.COM.
    For example: <a href="https://[end_point]/crm/dynamic.do?p0=opt_in_direct&p1=[conact_information_ID]&p2=[organisation_ID]&p3=[Redirection URL]&p4=[token]"><a/>

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Handling communications through external systems (portals, mobile apps)

External systems are third-party web portals or mobile apps which can access and send entries kept in the communications queue (a list of all outgoing communications) directly, without having to go through CRM.COM.  Depending on the external system you are setting up you can define the maximum number of characters accepted by the external system ( Message Character Count Limit) however if a limit is also set in the communication definition, the system will validate against the lowest value.

Email and SMS communications (generated from manual communications, event based communications or notifications) are sent to the communication queue and are either processed directly through CRM.COM or by an external system defined in the communication. Third-party systems must integrate with CRM.COM using the available CRM.COM WEB APIs 
Once the communication is processed, the queue entry is marked as 'Completed' or 'Rejected' (so that it is not processed again).
Communications in a 'Pending' or 'Completed' life cycle state that are in the queue and were viewed by their recipients can be set as 'Completed and Removed' by the third-party system through the Web API (so that it is not viewed again).

All communications include an expiration date. Communications who have expired (even if they have not yet been sent) are no longer available in the communication queue and therefore will not be picked up by external systems to be delivered. Communications created from notification runs will inherit the expiration date provided in the notification type. This is especially useful when you are running a campaign with an expiration date and thus will ensure that customer's won't receive the communication if the campaign is already finished.

The 'Completed and Removed' life cycle state is available for use by third-party systems. It is used to mark communications that have been viewed and selected to be deleted from the customer's portal or mobile app inbox.

Use the notifications and communications WEB APIs to manage notifications from an external system, such as a customer portal.  Refer to the communications and notifications WEB APIs for a comprehensive list of available actions.

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Business Flows

Keeping subscribers in the loop


Company ZX would like to keep their subscribers informed in regard to their subscriptions, account balance, issued bills and payments receipts


  1. Create 4 communication templates
    1. Welcome email and Subscription Details
    2. Bill information
    3. Accounts Receivable State and balance
    4. Payment Receipt
  2. Set up event based communications for Subscriptions
    1. Events: Become Effective Subscriber & Subscription Activation
    2. Template: Welcome email and Subscription details
  3. Set up Bill Sending Run
    1. Template: Define the template to be used according to the media (can be differentiated for emails, SMS etc..)
    2. Bill Criteria: Provide the criteria which will determine the customers which will receive a bill
    3. Execute the run
  4. Set up a Notification Type: Financial
    1. Notification Item: Accounts Receivable
    2. Template: Accounts Receivable State and balance
    3. Conditions: Accounts Receivable Outstanding amount: Equal or More than: 0 Due 1 day ago
    4. Execute the run
  5. Set up event based communications for Payments
    1. Events:Posting a Payment
    2. Template:Payment Receipt


Welcome email and subscription details

Dear #subscription.accounts_receivable.name,
We would like to welcome you to our company.
Your subscription #subscription.number is now activated for the following services:
The following installed items are used:
Your subscription #subscription.number will be paid by account #subscription.accounts_receivable.number.
Your current account balance is #subscription.accounts_receivable.balance
Company ZX Co.


Bill information

Dear #bill.accounts_receivable.name,

We would like to inform you that your bill: #bill.number has been issued and must be settled by #bill.due_date.
Bill's owed amount:#bill.total_amount_to_be_paid
Company ZX Co.


Accounts Receivable state and balance

Dear #notification.accounts_receivable.name,

We would like to inform you that your account: #notification.accounts_receivable.number, has #notification.accounts_receivable.outstanding_amount.

Please proceed with settling your outstanding amount as soon as possible to avoid deactivation of your services.

Should you need more information please do not hesitate to call our Call Centre at any time.

If you have already settled your balance, please ignore this email.

Company ZX Co.


Payment Receipt

Dear #payment.accounts_receivable.name,

We would like to inform you that your payment, with payment number: #payment.number for €#payment.amount has been successfully processed.

Your current balance is: #payment.accounts_receivable.balance and your outstanding amount is:#payment.accounts_receivable.outstanding_amount

Should you need further assistance or any clarifications please do not hesitate to call our call center at any time.

AluxSat Co

Sample Templates using dynamic links


Company ZX wants to communicate with its customers by email regarding required actions, prompting them to subscribe in or out of their mailing list, accept service request responses and more.


Create communication templates using available tags.

Note that the label used in the emails to replace the dynamic link name can be defined in the Dynamic Links Settings

Subscribe in Mailing List

We would like to welcome you to our company!
As we respect your privacy, please let us know whether you would like to be included in our mailing list. If you subscribe to our list, you will be receiving information related to all new amazing offers. You will have the chance to unsubscribe from the service whenever you please.
If you would like to be included in our direct marketing list, please click on the following link:
You also have the option to subscribe to our affiliate marketing list. If you select to subscribe to this list then you will also be contacted with offers related to our distinct partners.
If you would like to be included in our affiliate marketing list, please click on the following link:
Company ZX Co.


Subscribe off Mailing List

Dear #contact_information.name,
If you would like to unsubscribe from our mailing lists, please click on the respective link below:
Company ZX Co.


Communicate Service Requests to accept Response

Dear #contact_information.name,

We would like to inform you that your service request related to #service_request.type, with number #service_request.number, has been successfully processed.

Please review our response below and then click on the respective link, if you agree, so that we can proceed with the resolution of your request.

Response: #service_request.response_description

Processed By: #service_request.responded_by

Processed on: #service_request.response_date

Click on the following link to accept the response: #dynamic_link.service_request_response_acceptance

Thank you for requesting our services. Should you need further assistance please do not hesitate to call our call center at any time.

AluxSat Co.

On this page

For the developer

Check out the Communications WEB API for a complete list of actions available used to integrate CRM.COM to external systems

Communications WEB API

Notifications WEB API


Check out reports and dashboards available for Communications


Release news

Check out a full list of CRM.COM features available per release.


Check out upgrade notes to find out what needs to be done to upgrade from your current release to the latest release of CRM.COM.

Upgrade Notes