This method is used in order to acknowledge that Netflix Charges were retrieved by an Operator. Acknowledged charges will not be included in any subsequent calls of the charges/list Web API. Up to 50 charges can be acknowledged through each call
Resource URL
Name | Type | Description |
token | String | The token retrieved from the login method |
acknowledged_charges_set (mandatory) | Set of Acknowledged Netflix Charge Objects | The netflix charges that were received by the operator and were acknowledged. Acknowledged charges will not be included in any subsequent calls of the charges/list Web API. Maximum 50 charges can be acknowledged through each call |
Referred Parameter Objects Data
acknowledged netfix charges parameter object data
| | |
number (mandatory) | String | The number of the charge that should be acknowledged as provided by CRM.COM |
billing_system_customer_identifier (mandatory) | String | The identifier of the customer as defined in the billing system managed by the operator |
reference_number (optional) | String | A reference number for the acknowledged charge. The reference number is used mainly for reconciliation purposes. TIf specified then reference number should be unique for each operator |
Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
failed_charges_set | Set of Failed Charges Objects | The netflix charges that failed to be acknowledged by CRM.COM |
Referred Objects Response Data
Failed netflix charges response data
Name | Type | Description |
number | String | The number of the failed charge |
reference_number | String | The reference number of the failed charge as specified by the operator |
error_code | String | The code of the error |
error_description | Date | The description of the error |
Example 1
"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c3IiOiJNUEFkbWluaXN0cmF0b3IiLCJvcmciOiJwc19kZXYiLCJvdW4iOiIxIiwiZXhwIjoiMTQ4ODI5OTQwMiIsImlhdCI6IjE0ODgyOTIyMDIiLCJqdGkiOiJFNEIyNTdDNDA2NUE0NTA3OTYzNkI3NkI2MDUwMzY5QSJ9.KhMhy4Sz2iG0g14Sv_pUpE0KFweKsicf9aR44mg0vuE",
"number": "I00002707",
"error_description": "The specified charge was not issued for the specified customer",
"error_code": "1",
"reference_number": null
"code": "OK",
"description": "",
"message": ""