Error Handling
CRM.COM returns standard HTTP status codes, message, and description of all CRM.COM error messages. In general the following JSON object is included in all the results which provided by CRM.COM Web API methods
"status": { "code": "The code of the error or OK if the Web API was performed without any errors", "description": "A translatable description of the error. Usually this is the message that should be displayed to the end user", "message": "The error message." }
Example 1
In this example the "subscription_identifier" input parameter, which is mandatory is missing
HTTP Method: POST {{server}}/crmapi/rest/v2/subscriptions/installed_items/add
{ "token":"{{token}}", "job_identifier":{"number":"J00000871"}, "action_type_identifier":{"alternative_code":"AI"}, "sub_action_type_identifier":{"alternative_code":"AI"}, "installed_items_set": [ { "installed_item_identifier":{"serial_number":"ik001"} } ] }
{ "status": { "code": "COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.MANDATORYFIELDEXCEPTION", "description": "A mandatory field is not specified.", "message": "Please Specify subscription_identifier." } } HTTP Status: 200 OK
Example 2
In this example the request is wrong: {{server}}/crmapi/rest/v2/subscriptions/installed_items/ad is sent instead of {{server}}/crmapi/rest/v2/subscriptions/installed_items/add
HTTP Method: POST {{server}}/crmapi/rest/v2/subscriptions/installed_items/ad
{ "token":"{{token}}", "subscription_identifier":{"number":"S0000000618"}, "job_identifier":{"number":"J00000871"}, "action_type_identifier":{"alternative_code":"AI"}, "sub_action_type_identifier":{"alternative_code":"AI"}, "installed_items_set": [ { "installed_item_identifier":{"serial_number":"ik001"} } ] }
HTTP Status: 404 Not found
HTTP Status Codes
Status Code | Description |
200 | OK: Standard response for successful HTTP requests. The actual response depends on the request method used and is returned within the status object which is included in the response |
404 | Not Found: The requested URI couldn’t be found. Check the URI for errors. |
405 | Method Not Allowed: The request method is not supported for the requested resource, for example, a GET request which requires data to be presented via POST |
415 | Unsupported Media Type: The request entity has a media type which the server or resource does not support. |
500 | Internal Server Error: A generic error message, given when an unexpected condition was encountered and no more specific message is suitable |
CRM.COM Error Codes
Access Tokens
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCESSTOKENS.ACCESSTOKENASSIGNEDTODIFFERENTCONTACTSEXCEPTION | The access token incorrect assigned to different contacts. | The access token incorrect assigned to different contacts. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCESSTOKENS.ACCESSTOKENCLASSIFICATIONALREADYEXISTSINTHERULEEXCEPTION | Access Token Classification %1 must be specified only once per rule. | Each Access Token Classification must be specified only once per rule. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCESSTOKENS.INVALIDACCESSTOKENIDENTIFIERPASSCODEEXCEPTION | Invalid access token identifier/pass code. | Invalid access token identifier/pass code. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCESSTOKENS.INVALIDACCESSTOKENPASSCODEEXCEPTION | Invalid pass code - %1 | The pass code is not valid based on restrictions in the access token pass code settings definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCESSTOKENS.INVALIDACCESSTOKENIDENTIFIEREXCEPTION | Invalid identifier - %1 | The identifier is not valid based on restrictions in the access token identifier settings definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCESSTOKENS.INVALIDACCESSTOKENAUTHENTICATIONEXCEPTION | Invalid authentication code - %1 | The authentication code is not valid based on restrictions in the access token identifier settings definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCESSTOKENS.ACCESSTOKENCREATIONONREWARDPARTICIPANTNOTALLOWEDEXCEPTION | Creation of an Access Token through a Rewards Participant is not allowed | The creation of an Access Token through a Rewards Participant is not allowed based on restrictions in the access token automation settings definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCESSTOKENS.ACCESSTOKENNOTEFFECTIVEEXCEPTION | Access Token - %1 is Not Effective | The Access Token is Not Effective. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCESSTOKENS.ACCESSTOKENASSIGNEDTOANOTHERREWARDPARTICIPANTEXCEPTION | Access Token - %1 is assigned to another Rewards Participant | The Access Token is assigned to another Rewards Participant. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCESSTOKENS.ACCESSTOKENPENDINGVERIFICATIONEXCEPTION | %1 access token is pending verification | Entity's access token is pending verification. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCESSTOKENS.ACCESSTOKENNUMBEREXCEPTION | Maximum number of Access Tokens should be greater than Minimum number of Access Tokens. | Maximum number of Access Tokens should be greater than Minimum number of Access Tokens. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCESSTOKENS.ACCESSTOKENNUMBEREXCEPTION | Maximum number of Access Tokens should be greater than Minimum number of Access Tokens. | Maximum number of Access Tokens should be greater than Minimum number of Access Tokens. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCESSTOKENS.INVALIDACCESSTOKENAUTHENTICATIONLENGTHEXCEPTION | Invalid authentication code - The Authentication Code Must Be at Least %1 characters in length. | Invalid authentication code - The Authentication Code Must Be at Least %1 characters in length. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCESSTOKENS.INVALIDACCESSTOKENAUTHENTICATIONEMAILEXCEPTION | Invalid authentication code - The Authentication Code must contain a valid email address. | Invalid authentication code - The Authentication Code must contains a valid email address. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCESSTOKENS.ACCESSTOKENSNUMBERPERCLASSIFICATIONEXCEPTION | Number of Access Tokens with classification %1 should be at least %2 and maximum %3 according to the active access token definition. | Invalid number of access token with a specific classification. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCESSTOKENS.INVALIDACCESSTOKENAUTHENTICATIONFORMATEXCEPTION | Invalid authentication code - The Authentication must contain numeric characters only. | Invalid authentication code - The Authentication must contains numeric characters only. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCESSTOKENS.INVALIDACCESSTOKENIDENTIFIEREMAILEXCEPTION | Invalid identifier - The Identifier must contain a valid email address. | Invalid identifier - The Identifier must contains a valid email address. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCESSTOKENS.INVALIDACCESSTOKENIDENTIFIERLENGTHEXCEPTION | Invalid identifier - The Identifier Must Be at Least %1 characters in length. | Invalid identifier - The Identifier Must Be at Least %1 characters in length. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCESSTOKENS.INVALIDACCESSTOKENIDENTIFIERFORMATEXCEPTION | Invalid identifier - The Identifier must contain numeric characters only. | Invalid identifier - The Identifier must contains numeric characters only. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCESSTOKENS.MISSINGACCESSTOKENIDENTIFIEREXCEPTION | Invalid identifier - An Identifier and Pass Code should be set on the specified Access Token. | Invalid identifier - An Identifier and Pass Code should be set on the specified Access Token. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCESSTOKENS.CANNOTGENERATEACCESSTOKENOTPNOTSUPPORTEDEXCEPTION | Cannot Generate One-Time Password. Not Supported by Access Token Classification %1. | Cannot Generate One-Time Password. Not Supported by Access Token Classification specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCESSTOKENS.CANNOTGENERATEACCESSTOKENOTPCLASSIFICATIONNEEDEDEXCEPTION | Cannot Generate One-Time Password for Access Token. Classification of Access Token Needed. | Cannot Generate One-Time Password for Access Token. Classification of Access Token Needed. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCESSTOKENS.MANDATORYFIELDACCESSTOKENSMALLERTHANMAXIMUMNUMBEREXCEPTION | %1 cannot have more than %2 access token(s). | %1 cannot have more than %2 access token(s). |
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.ACCOUNTREACTIVATIONEXCEPTION | You are not allowed to re-activate the accounts receivable %1. This is only allowed for Suspended accounts. | You are not allowed to re-activate the accounts receivable. This is only allowed for Suspended accounts. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.INVALIDACCOUNTLIFECYCLESTATEEXCEPTION | Cannot proceed. Life cycle state of account %1 is not %2. | Cannot proceed due to invalid account life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CANNOTEXECUTEQUICKSALEACTIONEXCEPTION | Cannot execute Quick Sale action for account %1. %2 | Cannot execute Quick Sale action for the specified account. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.INVALIDUALPRODUCTINCLUDEDINFULLYFUNDEDSERVICESEXCEPTION | Usage Allowance Product %1 must be included in Funded Services of Fully Funded Member. | Usage Allowance Product Specified must be included in Funded Services of Fully Funded Member. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.INVALIDMEMBERUALPRODUCTINCLUDEDINPARENTUALPRODUCTEXCEPTION | Usage Service %1 Cannot be removed from parent Account because it exists in member allowance. | Usage Service Specified cannot be removed from parent Account because it exists in member allowance. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CANNOTPERFORMAUTOMATICPAYMENTDUETOMISSINGPAYMENTPREFERENCEEXCEPTION | Cannot perform automatic payment. Account %1 has not opt in to automatic payments with the appropriate payment preference. | The specified account has not opt in to automatic payments with the appropriate payment preference. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CANNOTPERFORMAUTOMATICPAYMENTDUETOINVALIDPAYMENTPREFERENCEEXCEPTION | Cannot perform automatic payment. Account %1 must opt in to automatic payments with payment gateway %2 in order to proceed. | The specified account has not opt in to automatic payments with the appropriate payment preference. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CANNOTEXECUTEACCOUNTINGPERIODCLOSINGEXCEPTION | Accounting Period Closing cannot be performed. Please apply period closing correction step before. | Accounting Period Closing cannot be performed. Please apply period closing correction step before. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CANNOTDELETEPRICINGTERMEXCEPTION | Cannot Delete %1 %2. It is associated with an accounts receivable. | Cannot Delete Pricing Term. It is associated with an accounts receivable. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CANNOTUSEACCOUNTPRICEPLANEXCEPTION | Price Plan %1 is already associated with another account or used by a billing term. | The specified Price Plan is already associated with another account or used by a billing term. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CANNOTUSEACCOUNTUSAGESERVICECATALOGEXCEPTION | Usage Service Catalog %1 is already associated with another account or used by a usage detail record. | The specified Usage Service Catalog is already associated with another account or used by a usage detail record. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CORPORATEACCOUNTNOTALLOWEDTOHAVEPRICINGAGREEMENTEXCEPTION | Corporate Account Receivable is not allowed to have %1 pricing agreement. | Corporate Account Receivable is not allowed to have pricing agreement. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CANNOTCLOSEACCOUNTINGPERIODEXCEPTION | Accounting Period Closing cannot be performed. Current Day must be After the To Date of Accounting Period to be Closed. | Accounting Period Closing cannot be performed. Current Day must be After To Date of Accounting Period to be Closed. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.ACCOUNTSUSPENSIONEXCEPTION | You are not allowed to suspend the accounts receivable %1. This is only allowed for Active accounts. | You are not allowed to suspend the accounts receivable. This is only allowed for Active accounts. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.ACCOUNTTERMINATIONEXCEPTION | You are not allowed to terminate the accounts receivable %1. This is only allowed for Active or Suspended accounts. | You are not allowed to terminate the accounts receivable. This is only allowed for Active or Suspended accounts. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CANNOTTERMINATEDUETOFINANCIALTRANSACTIONSEXCEPTION | Cannot terminate account %1. A non posted financial transaction exists. | Cannot terminate account %1. A non posted financial transaction exists. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CANNOTTERMINATEDUETOJOBSEXCEPTION | Cannot terminate account %1. A related open job exists. | Cannot terminate account %1. A related open job exists. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CANNOTTERMINATEDUETOBILLSEXCEPTION | Cannot terminate account %1. Non posted bills exists for this account. | Cannot terminate account %1. Non posted bills exists for this account. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CANNOTEXECUTEACTIONDUETOINVALIDJOBLCSEXCEPTION | Cannot execute transfer of Physical Good Ownership for %1 %2. The life cycle state of related Job %3 should be Completed or Cancelled. | Cannot execute action due to invalid job life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CANNOTEXECUTEACTIONDUETOINVALIDPHYSICALGOODSALELCSEXCEPTION | Cannot execute transfer of Physical Good Ownership for %1 %2. The life cycle state of Physical Good Sale %3 should be Posted. | Cannot execute action due to invalid physical good sale life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CANNOTEXECUTEPHYSICALGOODSALEOWNERSHIPTRANSFEREXCEPTION | Cannot execute transfer of Physical Good Ownership. %1 %2 %3 %4. | Cannot execute transfer of Physical Good Ownership action. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.ALREADYEXISTSUSAGEALLOWANCELIMITFORACCOUNTEXCEPTION | Usage Allowance Limit already exists for Accounts Receivable %1. | Usage Allowance Limit already exists for Accounts Receivable specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CANNOTTERMINATEDUETOWALLETSEXCEPTION | Cannot terminate account %1. A non cancelled wallet exists. | Cannot terminate account %1. A non cancelled wallet exists. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CANNOTTERMINATEDUETONOTIFICATIONSEXCEPTION | Cannot terminate account %1. Financial Transactions in Notification exist. | Cannot terminate account %1. Financial Transactions in Notification exist. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CANNOTTERMINATEDUETOSERVICEREQUESTSEXCEPTION | Cannot terminate account %1. Service Requests exist for this account. | Cannot terminate account %1. Service Requests exist for this account. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CANNOTTERMINATEDUETOSUBSCRIPTIONSEXCEPTION | Cannot terminate account %1. A non terminated subscription exists. | Cannot terminate account %1. A non terminated subscription exists. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CANNOTTERMINATEDUETOSERVICEREQUESTEXCEPTION | Cannot terminate account %1. A related open service request exists. | Cannot terminate account %1. A related open service request exists for this account. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CANNOTTERMINATEDUETOLEADEXCEPTION | Cannot terminate account %1. A related open lead exists. | Cannot terminate account %1. A related open lead exists for this account. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CREDITLIMITEXCEPTION | Credit Limit has been reached for account %1. | Credit Limit has been reached for account %1. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.ONLYONEPRIMARYACCOUNTEXCEPTION | Contact is not allowed to have more than one Primary Account. | Contact is not allowed to have more than one Primary Account. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.SYSTEMACCOUNTALREADYUSEDEXCEPTION | The specified account for %1 is mapped to another system account. | The specified account for %1 is mapped to another system account. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.ACCOUNTCURRENCYEXCEPTION | You are not allowed to change the account currency based on the active Accounts Receivable Definition. | You are not allowed to change the account currency based on the active Accounts Receivable Definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.ACCOUNTOWNEDBYMERCHANTEXCEPTION | You are not allowed to change the account currency based on the active Accounts Receivable Definition. | You are not allowed to change the account currency. The account owner is specified as the contact information responsible for an Organisational Unit. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.SYSTEMACCOUNTCURRENCYEXCEPTION | System accounts can not have alternative currency. Only the default currency is applicable. | System accounts can not have alternative currency. Only the default currency is applicable. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.INVALIDACCOUNTPAYMENTPREFERENCEIDENTIFIEREXCEPTION | Invalid payment preference identifier %1. Please specify a %2 that is not used as identifier in any other payment preference. | Invalid accounts receivable payment preference identifier. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CANNOTCREATEACCOUNTPAYMENTPREFERENCEEXCEPTION | Cannot create account payment preference %1 for %2 payment. Payment gateway provider is not effective. | Cannot create account payment preference. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.PAYMENTPREFERENCESUPPORTEDFIELDSEXCEPTION | Bank should be specified as supported field. | Bank should be specified as supported field. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.USEFORRECURRINGPAYMENTSOPTIONEXCEPTION | The "Use for recurring payments" option should not enabled in more than one accounts receivable payment preferences. | The "Use for recurring payments" option should not enabled in more than one accounts receivable payment preferences. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CANNOTEXECUTEACTIONCREDITLIMITEXCEPTION | Cannot execute action %1. Credit Limit has been reached for account %2. | Cannot execute action. Credit limit has been reached for account |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.INVALIDPAYPALEMAILADDRESSEXCEPTION | Invalid email address %1. The Paypal Email Address must contain a valid email address. | Invalid email address. The Paypal Email Address must contains a valid email address. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.INVALIDQUICKSALEITEMPRICEPLANEXCEPTION | Price plan %1 is not allowed based on the active Inventory Definition. | The specified price plan is not allowed based on the active Inventory Definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.ALREADYACCOUNTMEMBEREXCEPTION | Account Receivable %1 is not allowed to have members. It is already a member. | Account Receivable is not allowed to have members. It is already a member. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.ACCOUNTMEMBERMORETHANONCEEXCEPTION | Account Member %1 can not be added more than once. | The specified account member can not be added more than once. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.SYSTEMACCOUNTNOTALLOWEDTOHAVEMEMBEREXCEPTION | System Account Receivable is not allowed to have members. | System Account Receivable is not allowed to have members. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.SYSTEMACCOUNTNOTALLOWEDTOBEMEMBEREXCEPTION | System Account Receivable %1 is not allowed to be a member. | System Account Receivable is not allowed to be a member. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.ACCOUNTMEMBEREXCEPTION | Account Receivable %1 is not allowed to be a member.%2. | Account Receivable is not allowed to be a member. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.ACCOUNTMEMBERPRODUCTEXCEPTION | Invalid service %1. Service is not allowed by parent account receivable %2. | Invalid service. Service is not allowed by parent account receivable. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.ACCOUNTMEMBERRELATEDSUBSCRIPTIONEXCEPTION | Account Receivable %1 is not allowed to be a member. Related Subscription %2 is not %3. | Account Receivable is not allowed to be a member. Related Subscription is not normal. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.ACCOUNTMEMBERRELATEDSUBSCRIPTIONSERVICEEXCEPTION | Account Receivable %1 is not allowed to be a member. Related Subscription %2 includes services other than the funded services. | Account Receivable is not allowed to be a member. Related Subscription includes services other than the funded services. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.ACCOUNTMEMBERPRODUCTTYPEEXCEPTION | Invalid account receivable member product %1 for account member %2. Only services of type: %3 are allowed. | Invalid service. Only services of certain types are allowed. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.ACCOUNTMEMBERRELATEDNORMALSUBSCRIPTIONEXCEPTION | Accounts Receivable which are members are only allowed to have %1 subscriptions. | Accounts Receivable which are members are only allowed to have %1 subscriptions. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.ACCOUNTMEMBERPARENTLIFECYCLESTATEEXCEPTION | Cannot proceed. Parent Accounts Receivable %1 life cycle state is not %2. | Cannot proceed. Parent Accounts Receivable life cycle state is not active |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.ACCOUNTMEMBERRELATEDFINANCIALTRANSACTIONEXCEPTION | Account Receivable %1 is not allowed to be a member or modify it's member information. %2 financial transactions exists for this account. | Account Receivable %1 is not allowed to be a member or modify it's member information. %2 financial transactions exists for this account. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.ACTIONREQUIRESPREPAYMENTACCOUNTBALANCENOTENOUGHEXCEPTION | This action requires prepayment. %1 balance is not enough. | This action requires prepayment. Account balance is not enough. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.ACCOUNTBALANCENOTENOUGHEXCEPTION | Accounts receivable does not have enough funds to perfom this action.%1 | The action cannot be performed. Account balance is not enough. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CANNOTTRANSFERASSETFROMACCOUNTTOACCOUNTEXCEPTION | Cannot transfer asset. From Account and to Account must not be the same. | Cannot transfer asset. From Account and to Account must not be the same. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CANNOTTRANSFERMONEYFROMACCOUNTEXCEPTION | Cannot Transfer money from Account. %1. | Cannot Transfer money from Account. %1. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.INVALIDACCOUNTCREDITPERIODEXCEPTION | Invalid Credit period %1 based on definition (%2 %3). | Invalid Credit period %1 based on definition (%2 % 3). |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.INVALIDPAYMENTPREFERENCENUMBERSLENGTHEXCEPTION | %1 should be up to %2 alphanumeric characters. | Payment preference field should be up to certain alphanumeric characters. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.INVALIDPAYMENTPREFERENCEMANDATEREFLENGTHEXCEPTION | Business Identifier Code length should be 8 or 11 alphanumeric characters. | Business Identifier Code length should be 8 or 11 alphanumeric characters. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.CURRENCYISNOTSUPPORTEDBYPAYMENTGATEWAYEXCEPTION | Currency %1 is not supported by %2 Payment Gateway. | The currency of the account is not supported by the payment gateway. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.MANDATORYFIELDFORACCOUNTSINRELATIONEXCEPTION | Please specify %1 for Accounts Related With %2. | Please specify Field for Accounts Related With specified Entity. |
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACTIVITY.ACTIVITYTIMESPENTEXCEPTION | Time spent on service %1 must be greater or equal to the minimum time to spend on the service. | Time spent on service %1 must be greater or equal to the minimum time to spend on the service defined in the activity type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACTIVITY.ACTIVITYTIMESPENTCOMPLETIONEXCEPTION | Time spent on service %1 must be greater or equal to the completed date. | Time spent on service %1 must be greater or equal to the completed date. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACTIVITY.INVALIDACTIVITYTYPEPRODUCTEXCEPTION | Product %1 is disallowed for activity type %2 | Product is disallowed for the specified activity type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACTIVITY.MANDATORYACTIVITYTYPEPRODUCTEXCEPTION | Product %1 is mandatory for activity type %2 | Product is mandatory for the specified activity type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACTIVITY.INVALIDACTIVITYTYPECATEGORYEXCEPTION | Category %1 is disallowed for activity type %2 | Activity Category is disallowed for the specified activity type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACTIVITY.INVALIDACTIVITYTYPESTATUSEXCEPTION | Status %1 is disallowed for activity type %2 | Activity status is disallowed for the specified activity type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACTIVITY.INVALIDACTTYPEAGAINSTRESSCHEDULINGDEFINITIONEXCEPTION | Activity type %1 is disallowed based on resource scheduling definition. | Activity type is disallowed based on resource scheduling definition |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACTIVITY.INVALIDALLOWEDNUMBEROFRESOURCEREQUESTSEXCEPTION | Max number(%1) of allowed resource requests exceeded for %2 %3, based on resource scheduling definition. | Max number of allowed resource requests exceeded for activity/activity service/job/job requested activity service based on resource scheduling definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACTIVITY.ALREADYREACHEDMAXNUMBEROFRESOURCEREQUESTSEXCEPTION | Max number(%1) of allowed resource requests is already reached for %2 %3, based on resource scheduling definition. | Max number of of allowed resource requests is already reached for activity/activity/job/job requested activity service service based on resource scheduling definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACTIVITY.INVALIDACTTYPEANDACTSERVICEREQUESTEDBYJOBEXCEPTION | Activity type %1 and activity service %2 are not requested by the Job %3. | Activity type and activity service are not requested by the Job. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACTIVITY.MANDATORYRESOURCEREQUESTDUETORSDEFINITIONEXCEPTION | Please specify a Resource Request on Activity Service %1 for %2. | Please specify a Resource Request on Activity Service. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACTIVITY.ALREADYPROVIDEDACTTYPEANDACTSERVICEFORJOBEXCEPTION | Activity type %1 and activity service %2 are already provided by another activity for Job %3. | Activity type and activity service are already provided by another activity for the Job. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACTIVITY.CANNOTDELETEACTIVITYSERVICEEXCEPTION | Cannot delete %1 %2. It has accepted resource requests. | Cannot delete %1 %2. It has accepted resource requests. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACTIVITY.INVALIDACTIVITYTYPEAGAINSTRSDEFINITIONEXCEPTION | Invalid activity type %1. Resource requests are not allowed based on the active resource scheduling definition. | Invalid activity type %1. Resource requests are not allowed based on the active resource scheduling definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACTIVITY.INVALIDRELATEDENTITYEXCEPTION | Invalid %1. Please select a %2 of %3. | Invalid %1. Please select a %2 of %3. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACTIVITY.INVALIDLIFECYCLESTATEEXCEPTION | Invalid life cycle state based on %1. | Invalid life cycle state based on %1. |
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.INVALIDINVOICEDUEDATEPROXIMITYEXCEPTION | Invalid %1 on Invoice Due Date Proximity based on definition (%2 %3). | Invalid specified part of the Invoice Due Date Proximity based on active account definition's due date rules. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.ALREADYEXISTEVENTBASEDANDPRODUCTCONDITIONALEXPENSERULEEXCEPTION | A Rule already exists with the same Product %1 and Event %2. | A Rule already exists with the same Product specified and Event specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.CANNOTMODIFYBILLINGTERMSCHEMEEXCEPTION | Cannot modify billing Term Scheme due to billing Terms Dependency. | Cannot modify billing Term Scheme due to billing Terms Dependency. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.BILLINGTERMMISSINGEXCEPTION | Effective billing term not found for %1 %2. | Effective billing term is missing for billable entity. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.INVALIDBILLINGDIRECTIVEEXCEPTION | Cannot bill %1. Billing directive of %2 is not billable. | Cannot bill billable entity because of invalid billing directive. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.ALREADYPRESENTEDEXCEPTION | Cannot set to presented. It is already presented. | Cannot set to presented because it is already presented. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.ALREADYPRESENTANDCONFIRMEDEXCEPTION | Cannot set to presented and confirmed. It is already presented and confirmed. | Cannot set to presented and confirmed because it is already presented and confirmed. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.ALREADYPRESENTANDREJECTEDEXCEPTION | Cannot set to presented and rejected. It is already presented and rejected. | Cannot set to presented and rejected because it is already presented and rejected. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.INVALIDBILLINGTERMSCHEMESERVICEEXCEPTION | Service %1 is disallowed for billing term scheme with code %2 | Service is disallowed for the specified billing term scheme. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.INVALIDBILLINGTERMSCHEMESERVICEBILLINGTYPEEXCEPTION | All supported services must have the Pre-Bill billing type. | All supported services must have the Pre-Bill billing type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.INVALIDBILLINGTERMSCHEMEPRICEPLANEXCEPTION | Price plan with code %1 is disallowed for billing term scheme %2 | Price plan is disallowed for the specified billing term scheme. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.INVALIDBILLINGTERMSCHEMEBINDINGPERIODEXCEPTION | Binding period %1 is disallowed for billing term scheme %2 | Binding period is disallowed for the specified billing term scheme. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.INVALIDBILLINGTERMSCHEMEBILLINGFREQUENCYEXCEPTION | Billing frequency %1 is disallowed for billing term scheme %2 | Billing frequency is disallowed for the specified billing term scheme. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.CANNOTSETUDRNOTBILLABLEEXCEPTION | Cannot set the Usage Detail Record as not billable. This process can be applied only on posted UDRs having a billing directive which is not equal to "Not to be billed". | Cannot set the Usage Detail Record as not billable. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.CANNOTSETUDRTOBEBILLEDEXCEPTION | Cannot set the Usage Detail Record as billable. This process can be applied only on posted UDRs having a billing directive which is not equal to "To be billed". | Cannot set the Usage Detail Record as billable. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.APPLYONLYONPOSTEDUDRSEXCEPTION | %1 process can be applied only on posted UDRs. | This process can be applied only on posted UDRs. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.CANNOTSETUDRTOBECREDITEDEXCEPTION | Cannot set to be credited. It is already to be credited. | Cannot set to be credited because it is already to be credited. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.ALREADYCANCELLEDUDREXCEPTION | UDR is already cancelled. | Udr is already cancelled. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.CONCURRENTUSAGEEXCEPTION | Concurrent usage must be %1 than %2 | Concurrent usage must be %1 than %2. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.RATEPERCENTAGEEXCEPTION | Rate percentage must be %1 than %2 | Rate percentage must be %1 than %2. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.CONCURRENTUSAGEISNOTALLOWEXCEPTION | Concurrent usage is not allowed by billing term scheme %1 | Concurrent Usage is not allowed by the billing term scheme. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.CANNOTPAYBILLEXCEPTION | Cannot pay bill %1. Unsettled amount %2 must be greater than 0. | Cannot pay bill specified. Unsettled amount must be greater than 0. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.PAYMENTAMOUNTEXCEPTION | Payment amount %1 must be smaller or equal compared to unsettled amount %2. | Payment amount specified must be smaller or equal compared to unsettled amount. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.CANNOTPAYINVOICEEXCEPTION | Cannot pay invoice %1. Unsettled amount %2 must be greater than 0. | Cannot pay invoice specified. Unsettled amount must be greater than 0. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.CANNOTPAYINSUFFICIENTUNCONDITIONALFUNDSEXCEPTION | Cannot pay. Insufficient unconditional funds. | Cannot pay. Insufficient unconditional funds. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.ADHOCDISCOUNTALREADYCANCELLEDEXCEPTION | Cannot cancel ad hoc discount %1. It is already cancelled. | Error canceling the specified Ad Hoc Discount. The life cycle state of the ad hoc discount is already cancelled. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.CANNOTCANCELRATEDBILLINGITEMEXCEPTION | Cannot cancel rated billing item %1. Other rated billing items exist for the same service for a period of time which is after the period of time covered by the rated billing item. | Cannot cancel rated billing item %1. Other rated billing items exist for the same service for a period of time which is after the period of time covered by the rated billing item. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.CANNOTCANCELRATEDADHOCDISCOUNTEXCEPTION | Cannot cancel ad hoc discount %1. It has already been rated. | Error canceling the specified Ad Hoc Discount. The ad hoc discount has been rated. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.CANNOTAPPROVEADHOCDISCOUNT | Cannot approve ad hoc discount %1. Life cycle state is not 'Pending Approval'. | Cannot approve the ad hoc discount because of invalid life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.USERCANNOTAPPROVEADHOCDISCOUNT | Cannot approve ad hoc discount %1. User is not Approved for such action. | Cannot approve the ad hoc discount because user is not included in the authorization settings. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.INVALIDIDENTIFIERFORADHOCCREATIONEXCEPTION | Invalid Identifier. %1 identifier cannot be specified based on the additive discount definition. | The identifier is invalid based on the additive discount definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.INVALIDFIELDFORADHOCCREATIONEXCEPTION | Invalid Field. %1 field cannot be specified based on the additive discount definition. | The field is invalid based on the additive discount definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.INVALIDADHOCDISCOUNTPRODUCTEXCEPTION | Invalid Product. Product %1 cannot be added to the ad hoc discount based on the given %2. | The product is invalid based on the given Job/Subscription. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.ADHOCDISCOUNTPRODUCTNOTVALIDEXCEPTION | Invalid Product. Product %1 is not valid based on additive discount definition. | The product is invalid based on the given additive discount definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.CANNOTAPPLYADDITIVEDISCOUNTEXCEPTION | Cannot apply additive discount definition for %1 %2. | Cannot apply additive discount definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.INVALIDDEFINITIONLIFECYCLESTATEFORADHOCCREATION | Ad Hoc Discount cannot be created. The life cycle state of the additive discount definition is not %1 | Ad Hoc Discount cannot be created because of invalid additive discount definition life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.PRICINGISNOTFLEXIBLEEXCEPTION | Cannot create add hoc discount. %1 %2 is related with non flexible price billing term scheme. | Cannot create add hoc discount. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.PRICINGISNOTFLEXIBLEEXCEPTION | Cannot create add hoc discount. %1 %2 is related with non flexible price billing term scheme. | Cannot create add hoc discount. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.DateOfExecutionPeriodOverlapExists | Date of execution periods overlap exists. | Date of execution periods overlap exists. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.CANNOTCANCELRBIRELATEDCREDITRBIEXCEPTION | Cannot cancel rated billing item %1. It is related with a non cancelled credit rating billing item. | Cannot cancel rated billing item. It is related with a non cancelled credit rating billing item. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.CANNOTCANCELRBINOTRELATEDWITHLIFECYCLESTATEEXCEPTION | Cannot cancel rated billing item %1. It is not related with a subscription service life cycle state. | Cannot cancel rated billing item. It is not related with a subscription service life cycle state |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.CANNOTADJUSTRBINOTRELATEDWITHLIFECYCLESTATEEXCEPTION | Cannot adjust rated billing item %1. It is not related with a subscription service life cycle state. | Cannot adjust rated billing item. It is not related with a subscription service life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.CANNOTCANCELPOSTRATERBIEXCEPTION | Cannot cancel rated billing item %1. It is related with a post rate product. | Cannot cancel rated billing item. It is related with post rate product. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.NOPRERATEDSERVICEONBILLINGTERMSCHEMEEXCEPTION | There is no pre-rated service on subscription's billing term scheme. | There is no pre-rated service on subscription's billing term scheme. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.INVALIDBILLINGCYCLEDAYEXCEPTION | Billing cycle day is not allowed by billing term scheme. Allowed cycle day is %1. | Billing cycle day is not allowed by billing term scheme. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.ADHOCPRODUCTALREADYPROVIDEDEXCEPTION | Product %1 is already provided for %2 %3 with the same Additive Discount Definition. | Product is already provided for Job/Subscription with the same Additive Discount Definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.USAGEALLOWANCELIMITEXCEEDEDEXCEPTION | Cannot proceed. Usage allowance limit is exceeded. | Cannot proceed. Usage allowance limit is exceeded. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.USAGEALLOWANCELIMITSERVICENOTALLOWEDEXCEPTION | Service %1 is not allowed based on the usage allowance limit. | Service is not allowed based on the usage allowance limit. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.USAGEAUTHORISATIONUSAGEALLOWANCELIMITNOTEXISTEXCEPTION | Cannot proceed. Accounts Receivable does not have a usage allowance limit. | Cannot proceed. Accounts Receivable does not have a usage allowance limit. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.BILLINGTERMSCHEMEPREPAYMENTSERVICEEXCEPTION | Billing Term Scheme which Requires Prepayment must include only Pre-Bill Services. | Billing Term Scheme Which Requires Prepayment Must Include Only Pre-Bill Services. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.INVALIDAUTHORISATIONAMOUNTEXCEPTION | Invalid Authorisation Amount. Authorisation Amount must be %1 %2. | Invalid Authorisation Amount. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.USAGEAUTHORISATIONISEXPIREDEXCEPTION | Cannot Proceed. Usage Authorisation is expired. | Cannot Proceed. Usage Authorisation is expired. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.USAGEAUTHORISATIONALREADYCOMPLETEEXCEPTION | Cannot Proceed. Usage Authorisation already used. | Cannot Proceed. Usage Authorisation already used. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.USAGEAUTHORISATIONALREADYCANCELLEDEXCEPTION | Cannot Proceed. Usage Authorisation already cancelled. | Cannot Proceed. Usage Authorisation already cancelled. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.USAGEAUTHORISATIONAMOUNTTOTALUDRAMOUNTEXCEPTION | Cannot proceed. Total rated amount must be less or equal than usage authorisation amount(%1). | Cannot proceed. Total rated amount must be less or equal than usage authorisation amount. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.USAGECATALOGVALIDITYPERIODOVERLAPEXISTSEXCEPTION | Validity periods of usage service catalog overlap. | Validity periods of usage service catalog overlap. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.CANNOTAMENDBUYINADVANCEREQUESTEXCEPTION | Cannot amend this buy in advance request. A related rated billing item exists. | Cannot amend this buy in advance request. A related rated billing item exists. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.CANNOTAMENDBILLINGTERMSCHEMEEXCEPTION | Cannot amend a billing term scheme with life cycle state %1. | Cannot amend a billing term scheme with life cycle state %1. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.INVALIDBILLTYPEEXCEPTION | Invalid type. %1 is not valid for classification %2. | Invalid type. Is not valid for classification. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.BUYINADVANCE.INVALIDBUYINADVANCEDURATIONEXCEPTION | Invalid buy in advance duration based on the %1. %2 | Invalid buy in advance duration based on the entity. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.BUYINADVANCE.INVALIDBUYINADVANCEPREPAIDSUBSCRIPTIONEXCEPTION | Action not allowed. Subscription does not have any pre-rated services. | Action not allowed. Subscription does not have any pre-rated services. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.INVALIDSUBSCRIPTIONTYPEEXCEPTION | Invalid subscription type based on the allowed types of the definition. | Invalid subscription type based on the allowed types of the definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.INVALIDSUBSCRIPTIONBILLINGTERMSCHEMEEXCEPTION | Invalid subscription billing term scheme (%1). It must be of type normal to buy in advance. | Invalid subscription billing term scheme (%1). It must be of type normal to buy in advance. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.BUYINADVANCE.INVALIDBUYINADVANCEREQUESTEXCEPTION | Subscription already has an effective Buy in Advance Request which is not billed yet. | Invalid request. The subscription has already an effective not yet billed buy in advance request. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.INVALIDSUBSCRIPTIONBILLINGFREQUENCYEXCEPTION | Invalid subscription billing frequency based on the allowed duration of the definition. | Invalid subscription billing frequency based on the allowed duration of the definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.INVALIDUDRPRODUCTEXCEPTION | Invalid %1: %2. It is not a %3 service. | Invalid udr product. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.INVALIDUSAGESERVICECATALOGUSEDBYUDREXCEPTION | Invalid Usage Service Catalog %1. A pricing agreement already exists for account %2 which is consisted by another Usage Service Catalog. | A pricing agreement already exists for the related account which is consisted by another Usage Service Catalog. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.INVALIDPRICEPLANUSEDFORPRODUCTEXCEPTION | Invalid Price Plan %1. A pricing agreement already exists for account %2 which is consisted by another Price Plan. | A pricing agreement already exists for the related account which is consisted by another Price Plan. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.NOTSUPPORTEDBYUDRTYPEEXCEPTION | %1 %2 is not supported by UDR Type %3. | It is not supported by UDR Type specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BILLING.MANDATORYFIELDOFUDRCATEGORYEXCEPTION | Please specify the %1 of %2 %3. | Please specify the the field specified. |
Business Network
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BUSINESSNETWORK.CANNOTASSIGNRECORDEXCEPTION | Cannot assign this record because it is not allowed by your network. | This record has assignment restrictions by the network configuration. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BUSINESSNETWORK.CANNOTMODIFYRECORDEXCEPTION | Cannot modify this record because it is not allowed by your network. | This record has modification restrictions by the network configuration. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BUSINESSNETWORK.CANNOTDELETERECORDEXCEPTION | Cannot delete this record because it is not allowed by your network. | This record has modification restrictions by the network configuration, so it cannot be deleted. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BUSINESSNETWORK.CANNOTVIEWRECORDEXCEPTION | Cannot view %1 %2 because it is not allowed by your network. | This record has viewing restrictions by the network configuration. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BUSINESSNETWORK.INVALIDPASSWORDEXCEPTION | Invalid password - %1 | The password is not valid based on restrictions in the user authentication setting definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BUSINESSNETWORK.INVALIDUSERNAMEEXCEPTION | Invalid username - %1 | The username is not valid based on restrictions in the user authentication setting definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BUSINESSNETWORK.PASSWORDCONFIRMATIONEXCEPTION | Password does not match password confirmation. | The specified password does not match with the password confirmation. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BUSINESSNETWORK.PASSWORDMINLENGTHEXCEPTION | Password should be at least %1 characters. | The specified password does not meet the minimum password length restriction. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BUSINESSNETWORK.SUPERUSEROPERATIONEXCEPTION | Only super users can perform this operation. | This operation can be performed only by Super users. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BUSINESSNETWORK.PASSWORDHASBEENUSEDBEFOREEXCEPTION | Password has been used before. | Password has been used before. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BUSINESSNETWORK.USERALREADYASSOCIATEDWITHWEBAPIKEYEXCEPTION | User is already associated with Web Api Key | User is already associated with Web Api Key. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.BUSINESSNETWORK.ALREADYEXISTCINAMEEXCEPTION | Specify another %1 name.A Contact Information already exists with the same name %2. | The specified entity name has to be changed. Another contact information already exists having the same name. |
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.COMMUNICATIONS.DISALLOWSENDINGEMAILEXCEPTION | Sending email is not allowed by %1. | Sending email is not allowed by %1. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.COMMUNICATIONS.ENABLEEMAILSERVEREXCEPTION | Please enable email server in order to be able to send email. | Please enable email server in order to be able to send email. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.COMMUNICATIONS.CONTENTLIMITEXCEPTION | The maximum allowed characters for %1 is %2. | You reached the maximum number of allowed characters. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.COMMUNICATIONS.ALREADYEXISTCOMMUNICATIONRULENAMEEXCEPTION | Communication Rule Name %1 already exists. | Communication Rule Name %1 already exists. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.COMMUNICATIONS.RELATEDFIELDSEXCEPTION | %1 (%2) is not related with contact (%3). | Reffering To field is not related with contact information. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.COMMUNICATIONS.ALREADYCOMPLETEDEXCEPTION | Communication %1 is already completed. | Communication %1 is already completed |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.COMMUNICATIONS.COMMUNICATIONISNOTCOMPLETEDEXCEPTION | Communication %1 is not completed.Please specify a completed communication. | Communication %1 is not completed.Please specify a completed communication. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.COMMUNICATIONS.CONFIGURESETTINGSEXCEPTION | %1 settings are not configured. Please go to Communications Business Definition and provide the %2 details at %3 Settings. | %1 settings are not configured. Please go to Communications Business Definition and provide |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.COMMUNICATIONS.CONFIGURESENDEREXCEPTION | Define %1 at Communication Definition | Define %1 at Communication Definition |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.COMMUNICATIONS.ATLEASTONECOMMUNICATIONMEDIAEXCEPTION | At least one communication media must be specified. | At least one communication media must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.COMMUNICATIONS.ONLYONEFINANCIALTRANSACTIONTYPEFIELDEXCEPTION | Only two fields of the same Financial Transaction Type can be specified: %1 and %2 or %3 and %4. | Only two fields of the same Financial Transaction Type can be specified |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.COMMUNICATIONS.INVALIDCOMMUNICATIONEXTERNALSYSTEMEXCEPTION | Communication queue external system: %1 cannot support media: %2. | Communication queue external system cannot support the specified media. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.COMMUNICATIONS.CANNOTSPECIFYCOMMUNICATIONEXTERNALSYSTEMEXCEPTION | Cannot specify communication queue external system when direction is set to INCOMING or media is not specified. | Cannot specify communication queue external system when direction is set to INCOMING or media is not specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.COMMUNICATIONS.COMMUNICATIONNOTALLOWEDBYAPPLICATIONSERVEREXCEPTION | Sending of an %1 communication is not allowed via this application server. | Sending of an email/SMS communication is not allowed via this application server. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.COMMUNICATIONS.INVALIDTAGSEXCEPTION | Invalid tags in %1. Dynamic links are not %2 in %3. | Invalid tags in %1. Dynamic links are not %2 in %3. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.COMMUNICATIONS.INVALIDDYNAMICLINKTAGEXCEPTION | Invalid tag #dynamic_link.%1. %2 %3. | Invalid tag #dynamic_link.%1. %2 %3. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.COMMUNICATIONS.INVALIDENDPOINTVALUEEXCEPTION | Invalid End Point in %1. Please specify End Point with no spaces. | Invalid End Point in %1. Please specify End Point with no spaces. |
Contact Information
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CONTACTINFO.INVALIDADDRESSEXCEPTION | Address %1 is invalid. Error code(s): %2. | Invalid address. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CONTACTINFO.ADDRESSVERIFICATIONFAILEDEXCEPTION | Address verification for Address Type %1 has failed. | Address verification for Address Type has failed. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CONTACTINFO.NOCONTACTINFORMATIONFOUNDEXCEPTION | Contact information not found. | Contact information not found. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CONTACTINFO.INVALIDADDRESSEXCEPTION | At least one %1 must be specified. | Address is not verified against Melissa Data. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CONTACTINFO.CANNOTDELETERELATEDCONTACTEXCEPTION | Cannot delete Related Contact %1. It is used by %2. | Cannot delete Related Contact specified. It is used. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CONTACTINFO.ONLYONERECORDADDRESSTYPEPERCONTACTINFOTYPEEXCEPTION | Only one %1 Address type %2 per %3 must be specified. | Only one specified Address type per contact info type specified must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CONTACTINFO.RECORDFORCONTACTINFOALREADYEXISTSEXCEPTION | %1 %2 already exists for contact %3. | Record already exists for contact. |
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.DASHBOARDS.CANNOTDEACTIVATEDEFAULTDASHBOARDEXCEPTION | Cannot deactivate default dashboard. | Cannot activate because it is set as default. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.DASHBOARDS.CANNOTSETDEFAULTEXCEPTION | Cannot set an inactive dashboard as default. | Cannot set dashboard as default because it is inactive. |
Financial Transactions
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.ALREADYWRITTENOFFEXCEPTION | Cannot write-off invoice %1. It is already written off. | Cannot write off the specified invoice because it is already written off. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.CANNOTMOVEPAYMENTTOACCOUNTEXCEPTION | Cannot move payment %1 to the same account. | Cannot move the specified payment because the specified account is the same as the payment's account. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.CANNOTREFUNDEXCEPTION | Cannot create a refund transaction with this amount for account %1. The account's balance is %2. | Cannot create refund transaction for the specified account because the refund amount is not valid. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.FINTRANSACTIONREJECTIONEXCEPTION | Cannot reject financial transaction %1. | The specified financial transaction cannot be rejected. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.FTALREADYCANCELLEDEXCEPTION | Cannot cancel financial transaction %1. It is already cancelled. | Cannot cancel the specified financial transaction because it is already cancelled. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.FTCANCELEXCEPTION | Cannot cancel financial transaction %1. Life cycle state is not 'Posted'. | Cannot cancel the financial transaction because of invalid life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.FTPOSTEXCEPTION | Cannot post financial transaction %1. Life cycle state is not 'Draft'. | Cannot post the financial transaction because of invalid life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.FTPOSTPAYMENTGATEWAYREQUESTEXCEPTION | Cannot post financial transaction %1. Payment Gateway Request is not Completed. | Cannot post financial transaction. Payment Gateway Request is not Completed. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.PAYMENTCANCELLATIONALREADYEXISTSEXCEPTION | Another payment cancellation exists which is referring to the same payment and is still in "Pending Verification" life cycle state. | Cannot post the financial transaction because of invalid life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.RELATEDPAYMENTNOTPOSTEDEXCEPTION | The referring payment is not in "Posted" life cycle state. | Cannot post the financial transaction because of invalid life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.INVALIDACCOUNTSTATEEXCEPTION | The financial transaction cannot be saved since the accounts receivable's (%2) life cycle state is %1. | Cannot save the financial transaction because of invalid Account state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.INVALIDSTATEREJECTIONEXCEPTION | Cannot reject financial transaction %1. Life cycle state is not 'Draft'. | Cannot reject the financial transaction because of invalid life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.INVOICEWRITEOFFEXCEPTION | Cannot write-off invoice %1. Life cycle state is not 'Posted' or it is cancelled. | Cannot write off the invoice because of invalid life cycle state or because it is cancelled. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.CANNOTWRITEOFFINVOICEPAIDEXCEPTION | Cannot write-off invoice %1. Invoice is fully paid. | Cannot write off the invoice because of Invoice is fully paid. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.PAYMENTMOVEEXCEPTION | Cannot move payment %1 to another account. It is cancelled or not posted. | Cannot move the specified payment because it is cancelled or not posted. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.INVOICEUPDATEEXCEPTION | Cannot update the specified invoice because it cannot be found. | Cannot update the specified invoice because it cannot be found. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.CREDITNOTEUPDATEEXCEPTION | Cannot update credit note with Reference number (%1). %2 with Reference number %3 to be removed cannot be found. | Cannot update the specified credit note because credit note item or invoice cannot be found. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.CANNOTUPDATECREDITNOTEEXCEPTION | Cannot update credit note with reference number: %1. The credit note and the intended invoice must belong to the same account. Check Invoice with reference number: %2. | Cannot update credit note because invoice does not belong to the same account. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.PAYMENTGATEWAYCARDEXCEPTION | Please do not specify card. Payment method is not related with a gateway card provider. | Please do not specify card. Payment method is not related with a gateway card provider. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.MISSINGPAYMENTGATEWAYCARDEXCEPTION | Please specify payment card. Payment method (%1) is related with a gateway card provider. | Please specify payment card. Payment method (%1) is related with a gateway card provider. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.INVALIDPAYMENTGATEWAYCARDEXCEPTION | Invalid payment card. Card does not belong to the same account. | Invalid payment card. Card does not belong to the same account. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.BILLALREADYEXISTSONPAYMENTEXCEPTION | A bill with number %1 already exists for invoice with number %2. | A bill already exists on payment with the same invoice number. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.INVOICEALREADYEXISTSONPAYMENTEXCEPTION | An invoice already exists with the same number: %1. | An invoice already exists on payment with the same number. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.INVALIDVALUEACCOUNTPREFERENCESNOTCONFIGUREDEXCEPTION | Invalid Account %1 Preferences. Not Configured for %2 %3. | Invalid Account Preferences specified. Not Configured for specified entity. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.CANNOTCANCELINVOICERELATEDWITHPHYSICALGOODSALEEXCEPTION | Cannot cancel Invoice %1. At least one Invoice Line is related with a %2 Physical Good Sale. | Cannot cancel invoice. At least one invoice line is related with a posted physical good sale. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.INVALIDACCOUNTPAYMENTPREFERENCEEXCEPTION | Invalid account payment preference. Payment preference and payment method should be provisioned by the same payment gateway provider. | Invalid account payment preference. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.ACCOUNTPAYMENTPREFERENCEDOESNOTBELONGTOSAMEACCOUNTEXCEPTION | Invalid account payment preference. Payment preference does not belong to the specified account. | Invalid account payment preference. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.INVALIDREFUNDMETHODEXCEPTION | Invalid refund method. Refund method %1 is not allowed based on the given %2 refund type. | Invalid refund method based on the given refund type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.CANNOTCOMPLETEPROCESSEXCEPTION | Cannot complete process %1. Errors during process. | Cannot complete process specified. Errors during process. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.INVALIDINVOICEPAYMENTINTENTIONEXCEPTION | Cannot update payment with reference number: %1. The invoice and the payment must belong to the same account. Check Invoice with reference number: %2. | Cannot update payment. The invoice and the payment must belong to the same account. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.INVALIDBILLCHECKDIGITEXCEPTION | Invalid %1 check digit for Bill with number: %2 | The specified bill check digit is invalid. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.MANDATORYBILLCHECKDIGITEXCEPTION | Please specify %1 check digit for Bill with number: %2. | Please specify check digit for the bill. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.INVALIDBILLPAYMENTINTENTIONEXCEPTION | Cannot update payment with reference number: %1. The bill and the payment must belong to the same account. Check Bill with number: %2. | Cannot update payment. The bill and the payment must belong to the same account. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.CANNOTDELETEREJECTIONREASONEXCEPTION | Cannot delete Financial transaction type %1. It is used by %2. | Cannot delete Rejection Reason specified. It is used. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.CANNOTDELETEREJECTIONREASONEXCEPTION | Cannot delete Financial transaction type %1. It is used by %2. | Cannot delete Financial transaction type specified. It is used. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.ONLYONERECORDFINANCIALTRANSACTIONTYPEEXCEPTION | Only one Financial Transaction Type %1 on %2 must be specified. | Only one Financial Transaction Type specified on conditions specified must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.NOTFOUNDFINANCIALTRANSACTIONTYPEWITHSPECIFICCLASSIFICATIONEXCEPTION | Financial Transaction Type (%1) with classification (%2) not found. | The specified Financial Transaction Type with specified classification was not found. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.FINANCIALTRANSACTIONS.MANDATORYFIELDPOSTEDINVOICEEXCEPTION | Please specify only posted invoice. Invoice: %1 is not posted. | Please specify only posted invoice. Invoice specified is not posted. |
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.DAOEXCEPTION | Invalid Query | The specified query is not valid. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.DATAUPDATEDBYANOTHERTRANSACTIONEXCEPTION | Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect). | TRow was updated or deleted by another transaction. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDLOGINEXCEPTION | Authentication failed. | Invalid Login. Authentication failed. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDTOKENEXCEPTION | The token %1 is invalid or expired. Please obtain a new one. | The specific token is not valid or expired. To obtain a new one you should call authentication/token API. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SECURITYPROFILEEXCEPTION | This operation is not allowed by your security profile. | The specific operation is restricted by the security profile. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CONDITIONALSECURITYRESTRICTIONEXCEPTION | This operation is not allowed by a conditional security restriction. | This operation is not allowed by a conditional security restriction. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.DENIEDSERVICEBYLICENSEEXCEPTION | This operation is not allowed by your license. | The specific operation is restricted by license. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SEARCHRESULTLIMITEXCEEDEDEXCEPTION | Search result limit (10000) has been exceeded. Please refine your search. | Search result returns too many rows. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.IDENTICALPARENTCHILDTREENODEEXCEPTION | Parent and child nodes are the same. | Parent and child nodes are the same. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDPARENTTREENODEEXCEPTION | Invalid parent node. Selected parent node is a child of this node. | Invalid parent node. Selected parent node is a child of this node. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.MANDATORYFIELDEXCEPTION | Please specify %1 %2. | A mandatory field is not specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.MANDATORYFIELDFORENTITYEXCEPTION | Please specify %1 for %2 %3. | Please specify field for entity. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.DELETEDFIELDEXCEPTION | Please specify %1. The specified value was deleted. | A value was deleted and should be specified again. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.EITHERONEORTHEOTHEREXCEPTION | Either %1 or %2 must be specified. | Either one or the other field must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRIMARYFIELDEXCEPTION | Cannot delete the default record. | Cannot delete the default record. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRIMARYFIELDALREADYEXISTSEXCEPTION | A default record already exists. | A default record already exists. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SESSIONEXPIREDEXCEPTION | Session is expired or closed, please login again. | The user session is removed. To create a new session login again. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PAGENOTFOUNDEXCEPTION | Page is expired or not found. | The specified page is expired or was not found. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDVALUEEXCEPTION | Invalid %1 %2 %3. | The value is not valid. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDFIELDLENGTHEXCEPTION | Invalid %1 Field Length. Length must be %2 than %3 | The field length is not valid. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDFIELDVALUEEXCEPTION | %1 must be %2. | The field value is not valid. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDIDENTIFIEREXCEPTION | Invalid Identifier %1. | The identifier is not valid. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ATLEASTONEFIELDEXCEPTION | At least one of the following fields must be specified: %1 %2. | At least one value should be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ATLEASTONEENTITYFIELDEXCEPTION | At least one of the following fields must be specified for %1 : %2. | At least one value should be specified for this entity. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ATLEASTONEFORENTITYFIELDEXCEPTION | At least one of the following fields must be specified for %1 %2: %3. | At least one value should be specified for this entity. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ATLEASTONERECORDEXCEPTION | At least one %1 %2 must be specified. | At least one record should be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.NOTFOUNDEXCEPTION | %1 not found. | The specified value was not found. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WRONGFIELDLENGTHEXCEPTION | The %1 number of characters for %2 should be %3. | The %1 number of characters for %2 should be %3. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PATTERNMISMATCHEXCEPTION | %1 %2 does not match to the Country %1 pattern. | %1 does not match to the Country %1 pattern. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.MULTIPLEELEMENTSRETURNEXCEPTION | Please specify other %1 element identifier because there are more than one %2 with the same %4 ( %3 ). | The specified element cannot be used as unique identifier. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.GENERATIONEXCEPTION | Cannot generate %1. | Error generating a value. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ONLYONEFIELDEXCEPTION | Only one of the following fields must be specified: %1 %2. | Only one value should be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ONLYONERECORDEXCEPTION | Only one %1 %2 must be specified. | Only one record must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ONEANDONLYONERECORDEXCEPTION | One and only one %1 must be specified. | One and only one record must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REQUIREDFIELDSEXCEPTION | The following fields must be specified: %1 | The given fields must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTDELETEACTIVEEXCEPTION | Cannot delete the active %1. | Error deleting the specified record because it is marked as active. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTDELETEDEFAULTEXCEPTION | Cannot delete the default %1. | Error deleting the specified record because it is marked as default. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTDELETENOSELECTIONEXCEPTION | Cannot Delete %1. No %2 Selection | Error deleting. No specified record was selected to be deleted. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.NOTSUPPORTEDEXCEPTION | %1 %2 is not supported. | The specified value is not supported for the entity type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.NOTSUPPORTEDBYEXCEPTION | %1 %2 is not supported by %3. | The specified value is not supported. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ALREADYEXISTEXCEPTION | A | The specified record already exist having the same identifiers. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTCANCELARCHIVEDENTITYEXCEPTION | Cannot cancel. The %1 (%2) has been archived. | Cannot cancel archived entity. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.DELETEPARENTEXCEPTION | Cannot delete node because it contains children nodes. | Cannot delete node because it contains children nodes. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTDELETEUSEDBYACTIVEDEFINITIONEXCEPTION | Cannot delete the %1. | Error deleting the specified record because it is used by the active definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTACCEPTEXCEPTION | Cannot accept. Entity is not assigned to you or your unit. | Cannot accept. Entity is not assigned to you or your unit. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTSAVEEXCEPTION | Cannot save. %1 must be %2 than %3. | Cannot save. First entity must be greater/smaller than the second entity. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTDELETEUSEDINEXCEPTION | Cannot delete %1 %2. It is used by %3 %4. | Cannot delete %1. It is used in %2. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTDELETEEXCEPTION | Cannot delete %1. It is used by %2. | Cannot delete %1. It is used by %2. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTDELETEENTITYRELATEDEXCEPTION | Cannot delete %1 %2. It is used by %3. | Cannot delete %1 %2. It is used by %3. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTMODIFYEXCEPTION | Cannot modify %1. %2. | Cannot modify the specific record. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTDEACTIVATEEXCEPTION | Cannot deactivate %1 %2. It is used by %3 %4. | Cannot deactivate %1. It is used by %2. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTDELETECONTAINSEXCEPTION | Cannot delete %1. It contains %2. | Cannot delete %1. It contains %2. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTCREATEEXCEPTION | Cannot create %1. | Cannot create the specified record. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTCLOSEEXCEPTION | Cannot close %1 due to open %2. | Cannot close %1 due to open %2. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTDECRYPTEXCEPTION | Error on data decryption. | Error on data decryption. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTENCRYPTEXCEPTION | Error on data encryption. | Error on data encryption. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.NODEFINITIONCONFIGUREDEXCEPTION | %1 definition is not configured. | The specified entity definition is not configured. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDTABLENAMEEXCEPTION | Invalid Table Name. | The specified table name is not valid. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.MANDATORYROWFIELDEXCEPTION | Please specify %1 on %2 %3. | A mandatory field is not specified on the specific row. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ALREADYCANCELLEDEXCEPTION | Cannot cancel. It is already cancelled. | Cannot cancel because it is already cancelled. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ALREADYACTIVATEDEXCEPTION | Cannot activate. It is already activated. | Cannot activate because it is already activated. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ALREADYSCHEDULEDPROCESSRUNEXCEPTION | Cannot scheduled because it is already scheduled. | Cannot scheduled because it is already scheduled. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ALREADYDEACTIVATEDEXCEPTION | Cannot deactivate. It is already deactivated. | Cannot deactivate because it is already deactivated. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.TODATEGREATERFROMDATEEXCEPTION | To date %1 must be greater than from date %2. | To date must be greater than from date. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDSTATEEXCEPTION | Cannot proceed. Life cycle state is not %1 %2. | Cannot proceed because of invalid life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDSTATUSTRANSITIONEXCEPTION | Invalid status Transition. Cannot change from status %1 to status %2. | Invalid status Transition. Cannot change from specific status to other status. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDDIRECTORYEXCEPTION | Directory %1 is not accessible by the system. | The specified directory is not allowed to be displayed. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTEXECUTEACTIONEXCEPTION | Cannot execute action %1. %2 | Cannot execute action. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.QUERYLANGUAGESYNTAXEXCEPTION | Query syntax error in line %1 , character %2 . | Syntax error in query. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTLOGINEXCEPTION | Cannot login %1. Please contact your Administrator. | Cannot login. Please contact your Administrator. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDUSERACTIONEXCEPTION | Invalid action for user %1 %2. | Invalid action for user. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.NOACTIVEDEFINITIONEXCEPTION | Cannot %1 beacause there is no active %2 definition. | Cannot perform action because there is no active definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.MISSINGACTIVEDEFINITIONEXCEPTION | Cannot create %2. There is no active %1 definition configured. | Cannot create object. There is no active definition configured. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBCANNOTBESCHEDULEDEXCEPTION | Based on configured schedule, job cannot be scheduled. | TBased on configured schedule, job cannot be scheduled. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDLIFECYCLESTATEEXCEPTION | Cannot proceed. The %1 life cycle state is %2. | Cannot proceed. The entity's life cycle state is invalid for the specified action. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ZEROPERCENTAGEAMOUNTEXCEPTION | You cannot define 0% discount percentage. | You cannot define 0% discount percentage. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PERCENTAGEAMOUNTEXCEPTION | Percentage amount must be %1 than %2. | Percentage amount must be %1 than %2. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDTYPESTATUSEXCEPTION | Status %1 is disallowed for type %2. | Status is disallowed for the specified type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SAMESTATUSEXCEPTION | Status %1 cannot exist as the initial and the destination status of a Status Transition. | Same Status cannot exist as the initial and the destination status of a Status Transition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDDATEEXCEPTION | Invalid %1 date. %1 date must be %2 %3. | Invalid date. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.NUMBERGREATERTHANZEROEXCEPTION | %1 must be greater than zero. | The specified value must be greater than zero. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.NUMBEREQUALGREATERTHANNUMBEREXCEPTION | %1 %2 must be equal or greater than %3 %4. | Number must be equal or greater than number. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.NUMBERGREATERTHANNUMBEREXCEPTION | %1 %2 must be greater than %3 %4. | Number must be greater than number. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.NUMBERBETWEENRANGEEXCEPTION | %1 must be between %2 and %3. | The specified value must be between the given range. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.NUMBERGREATEREQUALZEROEXCEPTION | %1 must be greater or equal to zero. | The specified value must be greater or equal zero. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ONLYONEMANDATORYFIELDEXCEPTION | Please specify %1. | One of the given values must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDPRODUCTEXCEPTION | Invalid %1 %2. Only %3 services are allowed. | Invalid Product. Only services of a certain type are allowed. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PASSWORDEXPIRATIONEXCEPTION | Cannot Login. Password has expired. | Cannot Login. Password has expired. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDREGULAREXPRESSIONEXCEPTION | Invalid Regular Expression: %1 | Invalid Regular Expression. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACTIONNOTALLOWEDBYAPPLICATIONSERVEREXCEPTION | Action is not allowed via this application server. | Action is not allowed via this application server. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.DATAUPDATEDBYANOTHERTRANSACTIONEXCEPTION | Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect). | Row was updated or deleted by another transaction. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.MORETHANONEENTITYEXISTSWITHSAMEDATAEXCEPTION | More than one %1 exists with the same: %2. | More than one entity exists with the same data. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTDELETESCHEDULEDJOBEXCEPTION | Cannot delete scheduled job. You can perform this action only from %1. | Cannot delete scheduled job. You can perform this action only from the server that will execute this scheduled job. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTDELETESCHEDULEDJOBWHILEISUNNINGEXCEPTION | Cannot delete scheduled job while is running. Please wait until is finished. | Cannot delete scheduled job while is running. Please wait until is finished. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTEDITPROCESSRUNDEFINITIONEXCEPTION | Cannot edit the process run definition. Scheduled task exists. Please perform action delete scheduled task and create new version. | Cannot edit the process run definition. Scheduled task exists. Please perform delete scheduled job action. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDNUMERICVALUEEXCEPTION | Invalid numeric value %1. Value must be %2 %3. | Invalid numeric value. Value must be less/more than. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTPROCEEDEXCEPTION | Cannot proceed. %1. | Cannot proceed. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTEDITSCHEDULEDJOBEXCEPTION | Cannot edit scheduled job from current application server. You can perform this action only from %1. | Cannot edit scheduled job from current application server. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTEDITSCHEDULEDJOBWHILEISRUNNINGEXCEPTION | Cannot edit scheduled job while is running. Please wait until is finished. | Cannot edit scheduled job while is running. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDDATERANGEEXCEPTION | Invalid %1. The %1 must be set between %2 and %3. | Invalid date. The date must be set between dates. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTREMOVEENTITYEXCEPTION | Cannot remove %1 %2 from %3 %4. It is used by %5. | Cannot remove entity. It is related/used by another entity. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ENTITIESEXISTSWITHSAMEDATAEXCEPTION | %1 %2 and %3 have the same %4. | Entities exists with same data. |
ACCOUNT_CREDIT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED_WARNING_MSG | Credit Limit is Exceeded for Account %1. | Cannot proceed. Credit Limit is Exceeded for Account. |
ACCOUNT_MEMBER_CREDIT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED_WARNING_MSG | Credit Limit is Exceeded for %1 %2. | Cannot proceed. Credit Limit is Exceeded for Member/Parent Account. |
ACCOUNT_USAGE_ALLOWANCE_LIMIT_APPLIES_WARNING_MSG | Usage Allowance Limits apply on account. | Usage Allowance Limits apply on Account. |
ACCOUNT_FINANCIAL_TRANSACTIONS_CREDIT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED_WARNING_MSG | Credit Limit is Exceeded for Account %1. | Credit Limit is Exceeded for Account. |
ACCOUNT_ADD_MEMBER_PRODUCT_WARNING_MSG | All services for all members will be updated. | All services for all members will be updated. |
ACCOUNT_CREDIT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED_BY_PARENT_ACCOUNT_WARNING_MSG | Credit Limit is Exceeded for Parent Account %1. | Cannot proceed. Credit Limit is Exceeded for Parent Account. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.LOCKINGEXCEPTION | %1 %2 cannot be locked | The entity cannot be locked. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.UNLOCKINGEXCEPTION | %1 %2 cannot be unlocked | The entity cannot be unlocked. |
CONFIRM_JOB_REPLACE_PHYSICAL_GOOD | Installed Item %1 will be replaced by Installed Item %2 and the coverage reason is %3. Do you agree? | Confirm Action |
JOB_IS_EXPIRED_WARNING_MSG | Job %1 is expired. | Jos is expired. |
CONFIRM_JOB_CANCELLATION | %1 Do you want to continue? | Confirm Action |
COMMUNICATION_FAILED_INFOMSG | The communication failed: %1. | Communication failed |
TEST_CONNECTION_STATUS | Test Connection: %1 | Test Connection |
CONFIRM_FINANCIAL_TRANSACTION_SAVED_AS_POSTED | %1 is going to be saved as Posted. Do you wish to continue? | Confirm Action |
CONFIRM_SERVICE_REQUESTS_STATUS_CHANGE | %1 Service Requests will be affected. Do you want to continue? | Confirm Action |
SERVICE_REQUESTS_STATUS_CHANGE_INFO_MESSAGE | %1 %2 %3 | Information on the Bulk Status Change of Service Requests |
SERVICE_REQUESTS_STATUS_CHANGE_INFO_MESSAGE_1 | %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 | Information on the Bulk Status Change of Service Requests |
SERVICE_REQUESTS_STATUS_CHANGE_INFO_MESSAGE_2 | %1 \u %3 \u %5 | Information on the Bulk Status Change of Service Requests |
SERVICE_REQUESTS_STATUS_CHANGE_INFO_MESSAGE_3 | %1 \n %3 \n %5 | Information on the Bulk Status Change of Service Requests |
SERVICE_REQUESTS_STATUS_CHANGE_AFFECTED_INFO_MESSAGE | Number of entities affected %1 | Number of Affected Service Requests |
SERVICE_REQUESTS_STATUS_CHANGE_NOT_AFFECTED_INFO_MESSAGE | Number of entities not affected %1 | Number of Not Affected Service Requests |
SERVICE_REQUESTS_STATUS_CHANGE_TYPE_NEW_STATUS_VALUES_INFO_MESSAGE | %1 | The Type specified and New Status specified they changed to |
CONFIRM_EXECUTE_ACTION_ON_PROPOSED_DATE | %1. Do you wish to schedule the action for this date? | Confirm Execute Action on Proposed Date |
VAT_RATE_CHANGE_WITH_EXCEEDED_CREDIT_LIMIT_INFO_MESSAGE | VAT Percentage has changed. Credit Limit is Exceeded for Account %1. | VAT Percentage has changed. Credit Limit is Exceeded for Account %1. |
SUCCESSFUL_SCHEDULER_JOB_CREATION | Job %1 successfully sent to scheduler. | Successful scheduler job |
SUCCESSFULLY_MAP_LDAP_USERS | Mapping LDAP Users process executed succesfully. %1 | Mapping LDAP Users process executed succesfully. |
SUCCESSFULLY_UNMAP_LDAP_USERS | Unmapping LDAP Users process executed succesfully. %1 | Unmapping LDAP Users process executed succesfully. |
VAT_RATE_CHANGE_INFO_MESSAGE | VAT Percentage has changed. | VAT Percentage has changed. |
VAT_RATE_REMOVE_PRODUCT_INFORMATION_MESSAGE | No other Vat Rate includes the following removed Product/s: %1. | No other Vat Rate includes the following removed Product/s. |
LOGOUT_INFO_MSG | Please logout and login again so the changes will be applied. | Logout to apply the changes |
LOGOUT_INFO_AND_INVALID_AUTHENTICATION_POLICY_MSG | Please logout and login again so the changes will be applied. Values for 'Invalid Authentication Policy' have not been defined. Only super users will be allowed to log in the system. | Logout to apply the changes |
PROCESS_EXECUTED_SUCCESSFULLY | The %1 executed successfully | The process executed successfully |
PROCESS_CREATED_SUCCESSFULLY | %1 created successfully | The process created successfully |
FINANCIAL_TRANCATIONS_FAILED_TO_POST | Financial Transactions Failed To Post | Financial Transactions Failed To Post |
PROCESS_EXECUTED_UNSUCCESSFULLY | The %1 executed unsuccessfully %2 | The process executed unsuccessfully |
CONFIRM_ACTION_QUESTION | You are about to %1 the %2. Do you wish to continue? | Confirm Action |
CANCEL_RECORD_QUESTION | Are you sure you want to cancel this %1 ? | Confirm cancellation of a record |
CHANGING_TYPE_QUESTION | Changing type can either merge or replace have access settings. What would you like to do? | Changing type can either merge or replace have access settings. What would you like to do? |
SAVE_RECORD_MSG | The %1 has been saved. | Save message |
SUBMITTED_RECORD_SUCCESSFULLY_MSG | The %1 has been submitted successfully. | Record submitted successfully |
REMOVE_BEFORE_CHANGING_MSG | Please remove %1 before changing scope to %2. | Remove before changing scope |
COVERED | The address is covered %1. | The address is covered %1. |
NOT_COVERED | The address is not covered %1. | The address is not covered %1. |
LANGUAGE_TRANSLATION_EFFECTIVE_MSG | Please logout and login again so the language translation will be effective. | Logout to apply the changes |
LANGUAGE_TRANSLATION_NOT_EFFECTIVE_MSG | Please logout and login again so the language translation will not be effective. | Logout to apply the changes |
IMPORT_NAMEDAY_RULES_EFFECTIVE_MSG | Please logout and login again so the nameday rules import will be effective. | Logout to apply the changes |
IMPORT_NAMEDAY_RULES_NOT_EFFECTIVE_MSG | Cannot Import name day rules. Document imported does not meet the requirements. | Cannot Import name day rules. Document imported does not meet the requirements |
HEALTH_MONITORING_UTILITY_RUNNING_MSG | The utility is already started and is currently running. | The health monitoring utility is already started and is currently running. |
HEALTH_MONITORING_UTILITY_RESTART_MSG | The utility has started and it will run shortly. | The health monitoring utility has started and will run shortly. |
CONFIRM_ACTION_ADD_PRICE_PLAN_TO_BILLING_TERM_SCHEME_QUESTION | The Price Plan you selected is not allowed to be used by the added Billing Term Schemes (%1). Confirm to automatically add the Price Plan to the Billing Term Scheme or specify another Price Plan. | Confirm Action Add Price Plan To Billing Term Scheme |
REQUEST_SUCCESSFULLY_SUBMITTED_TO_CONAX_INFO_MESSAGE | Provisioning request successfully submitted to CONAX. | Provisioning request successfully submitted to CONAX. |
SYNCHRONIZATION_SUCCESSFULLY_SUBMITTED_TO_PANACCESS_INFO_MESSAGE | Provisioning request successfully submitted to Panaccess CableView. The execution of command needs time and a connection to the Headcontrol. So after refreshing the page it might seem like nothing has happened. | Provisioning request successfully submitted to Panaccess CableView. The execution of command needs time and a connection to the Headcontrol. So after refreshing the page it might seem like nothing has happened. |
REQUEST_SUCCESSFULLY_SUBMITTED_TO_PANACCESS_INFO_MESSAGE | Provisioning request successfully submitted to Panaccess CableView. | Provisioning request successfully submitted to Panaccess CableView. |
REQUEST_SUCCESSFULLY_SUBMITTED_TO_NAGRA_INFO_MESSAGE | Provisioning request successfully submitted to Nagravision. | Provisioning request successfully submitted to Nagravision. |
REQUEST_SUCCESSFULLY_SUBMITTED_TO_EXSET_SMS_INFO_MESSAGE | Provisioning request successfully submitted to EXSET. | Provisioning request successfully submitted to EXSET. |
REQUEST_SUCCESSFULLY_SUBMITTED_TO_VCAS_DVB_INFO_MESSAGE | Provisioning request successfully submitted to VCAS DVB. | Provisioning request successfully submitted to VCAS DVB. |
REQUEST_SUCCESSFULLY_SUBMITTED_TO_PROVIDER_INFO_MESSAGE | Provisioning request successfully submitted to %1. | Provisioning request successfully submitted to provider. |
REQUEST_SUCCESSFULLY_CREATED | Provisioning request successfully created. | Provisioning request successfully created. |
SMARTCARD_SERIAL_NUMBER_NOT_FOUND | Smartcard serial number not found. | Smartcard serial number not found. |
REQUEST_SUCCESSFULLY_SUBMITTED_TO_PERCEPTION_INFO_MESSAGE | Provisioning request successfully submitted to Perception. | Provisioning request successfully submitted to Perception. |
MESSAGE_WAS_SENT_SUCCESSFULLY_INFO_MESSAGE | Message was sent successfully. | Message was sent successfully. |
RESET_PIN_WAS_SENT_SUCCESSFULLY_INFO_MESSAGE | Reset Pin was sent successfully. | Reset Pin was sent successfully. |
FINGERPRINTING_WAS_SENT_SUCCESSFULLY_INFO_MESSAGE | Fingerprinting was sent successfully. | Fingerprinting was sent successfully. |
SYNCHRONISATION_WAS_APPLIED_SUCCESSFULLY_INFO_MESSAGE | Synchronisation was applied successfully | Synchronisation was applied successfully |
REOPEN_ACCOUNT_WAS_SENT_SUCCESSFULLY_INFO_MESSAGE | Reopen account was sent successfully | Reopen account was sent successfully |
PERCEPTION_PROVISIONING_PROVIDER_CONNECTION_INFO_MESSAGE | Connection Tested Successfully. | Connection Tested Successfully. |
PERCEPTION_PROVISIONING_PROVIDER_PACKAGEID_NOT_FOUND_INFO_MESSAGE | The package id %1 which was defined for service %2 was not found on Perception. | The package id X which was defined for service Y was not found on Perception. |
PERCEPTION_PROVISIONING_PROVIDER_CONTRACTID_NOT_FOUND_INFO_MESSAGE | The contract id %1 which was defined for service %2 was not found on Perception. | The contract id X which was defined for service Y was not found on Perception |
VERIMATRIX_PROVISIONING_PROVIDER_CONNECTION_INFO_MESSAGE | Connection Tested Successfully | Connection Tested Successfully. |
ACCESS_TOKEN_PASSCODE_RESET_SUCCESS_MSG | The access token pass code has been successfully reset. | Access token pass code has been reset successfully |
COMMUNICATION_CREATED_SUCCESSFULLY_MSG | Communication %1 created successfully. | Communication created successfully. |
PROVISIONING_ERROR_FILE | Errors occured, download error files from actions to view. | Errors occured, download error files from actions to view. |
ACCESS_TOKEN_VERIFICATION_CODE_RESET_SUCCESS_MSG | The access token verification code has been reset. | Access token verification code has been reset successfully |
AUDIT_TRAIL_CONFIGURATION | Audit Trail Setting changes don't take effect until logout/login. | Audit Trail Setting changes don't take effect until logout/login. |
FAILED_TO_CREATE_COMMUNICATION | The creation of communication failed due to %1 | The communication failed. |
CONFIRM_DIFFERENT_OWNERSHIP_STATUS | %1 will have different ownership status than %2. Do you wish to continue? | Confirm Action |
VOUCHER_CAN_BE_USED | Voucher can be used. | Voucher can be used. |
VOUCHER_CANNOT_BE_USED | Voucher cannot be used. | Voucher cannot be used. |
VOUCHER_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find Voucher with the specified number. | Voucher does not exist with the specified number. |
CONFIRM_PRODUCT_EMPTY_WARNING_MSG | You have not specified any %1. Save the product without specifying them? | Confirm Action |
CONFIRM_WALLET_CANCELLATION | Do you want to continue with Cancelling the %1? | Confirm Wallet Cancelling Action |
CREDIT_WALLET_TRXN_ALLOTMENT_AMOUNT_INFO_MESSAGE | The sum of the amount defined in the allotments is less than the transaction amount. The remaining amount, will be allowed to be used for any product, at any day or time and from any unit. | The sum of the amount defined in the allotments is less than the transaction amount. The remaining amount, will be allowed to be used for any product, at any day or time and from any unit. |
WALLET_FUNDS_INSUFFICIENT_FOR_BUY_IN_ADVANCE_REQUEST_MSG | Wallet has insufficient funds to cover the buy in advance request. | Wallet has insufficient funds to cover the buy in advance request |
CONFIRM_ALERT_DEFINITION_SET_AS_NOT_EFFECTIVE | %1 is used by a Workflow Rule. Do you wish to set it as not effective? | Confirm Action |
CONFIRM_WEBHOOK_DEFINITION_SET_AS_NOT_EFFECTIVE | %1 is used by a Workflow Rule. Do you wish to set it as not effective? | Confirm Action |
CONFIRM_APPROVAL_DEFINITION_SET_AS_NOT_EFFECTIVE | %1 is used by a Workflow Rule. Do you wish to set it as not effective? | Confirm Action |
CONFIRM_WORKFLOW_RULE_SET_AS_EFFECTIVE | %1 uses not effective definitions in actions. Do you wish to set it as effective? | Confirm Action |
CONFIRM_SET_APPROVAL_REQUEST_AS_APPROVED | %1 %2 will become editable. Do you wish to set the approval request as approved? | Confirm Action |
CONFIRM_SET_APPROVAL_REQUEST_AS_REJECTED | %1 %2 will become editable. Do you wish to set the approval request as rejected? | Confirm Action |
CONFIRM_SET_APPROVAL_REQUEST_AS_CANCELLED | %1 %2 will become editable. Do you wish to set the approval request as cancelled? | Confirm Action |
WORKFLOW_RULE_JOB_CONFIGURATION | No activity will be scheduled for jobs with its type fulfillment method set to "based on ordered items". | No activity will be scheduled for jobs with its type fulfillment method set to "based on ordered items". |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.LOGINNOTALLOWEDEXCEPTION | Login is not allowed. | Login is not allowed due to system restrictions. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.USERACCOUNTLOCKEDEXCEPTION | User account is locked. Please contact your administrator. | User account is locked. Please contact your administrator. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTDEACTIVATEEXCEPTION | Cannot deactivate %1 %2. It is used by %3 %4. | Cannot deactivate specified record. It is used by another specified record. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDIPADDRESSEXCEPTION | Invalid %1 IP address: %2 in IP Authorisation Rule - %3. | Invalid %1 IP address: %2 in IP Authorisation Rule - %3. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDFROMTOIPADDRESSEXCEPTION | Invalid From( %1 )/To( %2 ) IP address in IP Authorisation Rule: %3. Pattern number or * must be the same in both parts of IP Adresses. | Invalid From( %1 )/To( %2 ) IP address in IP Authorisation Rule: %3. Pattern number or * must be the same in both parts of IP Adresses. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SAMEFROMTOIPADDRESSEXCEPTION | Invalid From/To IP address in IP Authorisation Rule: %1. To IP address %2 must be different than From IP address %3. | Invalid From/To IP address in IP Authorisation Rule: %1. To IP address %2 must be different than From IP address %3. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDTOIPADDRESSEXCEPTION | Invalid To IP address in IP Authorisation Rule: %1. To IP address %2 must be after From IP address %3. | Invalid To IP address in IP Authorisation Rule: %1. To IP address %2 must be after From IP address %3. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDLINKEXCEPTION | Invalid link error. Try copying and pasting the full link your received into your address bar. | Invalid link error. Try copying and pasting the full link your received into your address bar. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTLOGINDUETOEXCEEDEDNUMBEROFREWARDPARTICIPANTSEXCEPTION | Cannot login %1. Maximum number of active Reward Participants exceeded (%2). Please contact your Administrator. | Cannot login %1. Maximum number of active Reward Participants exceeded (%2). Please contact your Administrator. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTLOGINDUETOEXCEEDEDNUMBEROFORGANIZATIONSEXCEPTION | Cannot login %1. Maximum number of organisations that can be registered exceeded (%2). Please contact your Administrator. | Cannot login %1. Maximum number of organisations that can be registered exceeded (%2). Please contact your Administrator. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTLOGINDUETOEXCEEDEDNUMBEROFACTIVESUBSCRIBERSEXCEPTION | Cannot login %1. Maximum number of active subscribers exceeded (%2). Please contact your Administrator. | Cannot login %1. Maximum number of active subscribers exceeded (%2). Please contact your Administrator. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTLOGINDUETOEXCEEDEDNUMBEROFLICENSEDUSERSEXCEPTION | Cannot login %1. Maximum number of licensed users reached (%2). Try again later or contact your Administrator. | Cannot login %1. Maximum number of licensed users reached (%2). Try again later or contact your Administrator. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTLOGINDUETOEXCEEDEDNUMBEROFUSERSEXCEPTION | Cannot login %1. Maximum number of named users exceeded (%2). Please contact your Administrator. | Cannot login %1. Maximum number of named users exceeded (%2). Please contact your Administrator. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.CANNOTLOGINDUETOEXPIREDLICENSEEXCEPTION | Cannot login %1. License is expired on the (%2). Please contact your Administrator. | Cannot login %1. License is expired on the (%2). Please contact your Administrator. |
SUBSCRIPTION_SERVICES_SCHEDULED_ACTIONS_WARNING_MSG | There is at least one scheduled subscription action which might affect the intended %1. | There is at least one scheduled action for this subscription which might affect the intended action. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDCLASSIFICATIONEXCEPTION | Invalid classification. Please select a classification with type %1. | Invalid classification. Please select a classification with type %1. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ALREADYEXISTFROMIPADDRESSIPAUTHORISATIONRULEEXCEPTION | IP Address( %1 ) in Denied IP Addresses already exists in Allowed IP Addresses of IP Authorisation Rule %2. | The specified From IP Address record already exist in the Allowed IP Addresses of the Authorisation Rule specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ALREADYEXISTTOIPADDRESSIPAUTHORISATIONRULEEXCEPTION | IP Address( %1 ) already exists in Allowed IP Addresses of IP Authorisation Rule %2. | The specified To IP Address record already exist in the Allowed IP Addresses of the Authorisation Rule specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ALREADYEXISTINIPAUTHORISATIONRULEEXCEPTION | %1 already exists in IP Authorisation Rule %2. | The specified record the Authorisation Rule specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ONLYONEORGANISATIONUNITINIPAUTHORISATIONRULERECORDEXCEPTION | Only one %1: %2 in IP Authorisation Rule - %3 must be specified. | Only one specified organisational Unit in IP Authorisation Rule specified must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ONLYONERECORDIPADDRESSINAUTHORISATIONRULEEXCEPTION | Only one %1 Ip Address: %2 of %3 IP Address in IP Authorisation Rule -%4 must be specified. | Only one specified Ip Address: of specified IP Address in IP Authorisation Rule specified must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.MANDATORYFIELDFOREXCEPTION | Please specify %1 for %2 %3. | A mandatory field is not specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.MANDATORYNEWPASSWORDFIELDEXCEPTION | Please specify New Password. | A mandatory field is not specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.MANDATORYPASSWORDFIELDEXCEPTION | Please specify Password. | A mandatory field is not specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.MANDATORYUSERNAMEFIELDEXCEPTION | Please specify Username. | A mandatory field is not specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.MANDATORYCONFIRMPASSWORDFIELDEXCEPTION | Please specify Confirm Password. | A mandatory field is not specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.MANDATORYFIELDANDEXCEPTION | Please specify %1 and %2. | A mandatory field is not specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.MANDATORYFIELDINEXCEPTION | Please specify %1 in %2. | A mandatory field is not specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVALIDRELATEDFIELDSEXCEPTION | Invalid %1 (%2). It is not related with %3 (%4). | The fields are not related. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.UNPARSEABLEDATEEXCEPTION | Invalid Type. Unparseable date: %1. | Invalid Type. Unparseable date: %1. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.NOTFOUNDAPIVALUEEXCEPTION | %1 (%2) not found. | The specified API value was not found. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.NOTFOUNDAPIIDENTIFIEREXCEPTION | %1 identifier (%2) not found. | The specified API identifier was not found. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.MANDATORYFIELDTOSTATUSINSTATUSTRANSITIONEXCEPTION | Please specify to status in %1 status transition. | Please specify to status in specified status transition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ATLEASTONEENTITYFIELDSTATUSTRANSITIONEXCEPTION | At least one of Status Transition from status %1 must be specified: %2. | At least one of Status Transition from status specified must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.MANDATORYFIELDSTATUSTRANSITIONFORSTATUSLIFECYCLESTATEEXCEPTION | Please specify status transition for status with life cycle state %1. | Please specify status transition for status with life cycle state specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.MANDATORYFIELDFROMIPADDRESSINIPAUTHORISATIONRULEEXCEPTION | Please specify From IP Address of %1 IP Address in IP Authorisation Rule: %2. | Please specify From IP Address of specified IP Address in IP Authorisation Rule specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.MULTIPLEMANDATORYFIELDSEXCEPTION | Please specify %1. | Multiple mandatory fields error. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.MULTIPLEDELETEDFIELDSEXCEPTION | Please specify %1. The specified values were deleted. | The values were deleted and should be specified again. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ATLEASTONERECORDINCOLLECTIONSEXCEPTION | At least one record should be specified in %1. | At least one record should be specified in collections. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REFRESHPAGEEXCEPTION | Please refresh the page. | Please refresh the page. |
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.CANNOTDELETERESERVEDITEMEXCEPTION | Cannot delete item because it is reserved. | The specific item cannot be deleted because it is reserved. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.ITEMALREADYBELONGSTOWAREHOUSEEXCEPTION | Installed item %1 already belongs to a warehouse. | The item specified already belongs to a warehouse. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.ITEMALREADYRESERVEDEXCEPTION | Item %1 is already reserved. | Cannot reserve item because it is already reserved. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.ITEMBELONGSTOJOBEXCEPTION | Installed item %1 belongs to job %2. | The item specified belongs to a job. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.ITEMBELONGSTOSUBSCRIPTIONEXCEPTION | Installed item %1 belongs to subscription %2. | The item specified belongs to a subscription. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.ITEMBELONGSTOWAREHOUSEEXCEPTION | Installed item %1 belongs to warehouse %2. Select only installed items of warehouse %3. | The item specified belongs to a different warehouse. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.ITEMNOTAVAILABLEEXCEPTION | The specified quantity for item %1 is not available. | Cannot reserve item because it is not available. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.ITEMSNOTBELONGTOWAREHOUSEEXCEPTION | The specified items should belong to a single warehouse. | The items specified do not belong to the same Warehouse or to a Warehouse at all. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.ITEMTYPEMISSINGPRODUCTEXCEPTION | Non traceable installed item types should have a product specified. | Non Traceable Installed Item Types should have a Product specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.ITEMTYPEMISSINGPRODUCTTYPEEXCEPTION | Traceable installed item types should have a product type specified. | Traceable Installed Item Types should have a Product Type specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.WAREHOUSENOTFOUNDFORGROUPEXCEPTION | Cannot find a warehouse that belongs to group %1. | Cannot find a warehouse that belongs to the specified Group. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.WAREHOUSERESERVATIONRELEASEEXCEPTION | Cannot release reservation %1. It is already released. | Cannot release the warehouse reservation because it is already released. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.WAREHOUSETRANSACTIVATIONEXCEPTION | Cannot activate transaction %1. Life cycle state is not 'Draft'. | Cannot activate the warehouse transaction because of invalid life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.WAREHOUSETRANSEXECUTIONEXCEPTION | Cannot execute transaction %1. Life cycle state is not 'Active'. | Cannot execute the warehouse transaction because of invalid life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.WAREHOUSETRANSPOSTEXCEPTION | Cannot post transaction %1. Life cycle state is not 'Draft'. | Cannot post the warehouse transaction because of invalid life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.PRODUCTNOTBELONGTOWAREHOUSEEXCEPTION | Cannot execute %1 Transaction. Product %2 Not In Stock in any Warehouse. | Cannot stock out. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.WAREHOUSETRANSSTOCKEXCEPTION | Cannot execute %1 Transaction. The specified quantity of product %2 is more than the warehouse balance. The warehouse balance is %3. | Cannot stock out. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.MAXNUMBEROFITEMSPERSTOCKINTRANSACTIONEXITEDEXCEPTION | You are not allowed to add more than %1 installed items per warehouse transaction. Please split the items in batches. | You are allowed to add only specific number of installed items per warehouse transaction. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.ITEMBELONGSTOACCOUNTRECEIVABLEEXCEPTION | Installed item %1 belongs to accounts receivable %2. | The item specified belongs to an accounts receivable. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.MAXNUMBEROFROWSPERIMPORTFILEEXITEDEXCEPTION | You are not allowed to import a file with more than %1 rows. | You have exited the maximum allowed number of rows per import file. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.INSTALLEDITEMNOTPROVIDEDBYPROVISIONINGPROVIDEREXCEPTION | %1 is not provided by the %2. | The item specified is not provided by the provisioning provider specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.INSTALLEDITEMPROVPROVIDEDPARAMETERNOTBYPROVISIONINGPROVIDEREXCEPTION | %1 is not provided by the %2. | The parameter specified is not provided by the provisioning provider specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.INVALIDINSTALLEDITEMCOMPONENTEXCEPTION | Invalid product for installed item: %1. You have to select a product with composition method %2 or remove the components. | Invalid product for installed item: %1. You have to select a product with composition method %2 or remove the components. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.CANNOTEXECUTESTOCKINWTPOSTEDPHYSICALGOODSALEEXCEPTION | Cannot execute Stock In Warehouse Transaction for %1 %2. No related %3 Physical Good Sale exists. | Cannot execute Stock In Warehouse Transaction for Installed Item/Product. No related Posted Physical Good Sale exists. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.CANNOTEXECUTESTOCKINWTPHYSICALGOODSALEINVALIDLCSEXCEPTION | Cannot execute Stock In Warehouse Transaction for %1 %2. Physical Good Sale %3 is not %4. | Cannot execute Stock In Warehouse Transaction for Installed Item/Product. Physical Good Sale is not posted. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.CANNOTEXECUTERETURNPHYSICALGOODSALEEXCEPTION | Cannot return Physical Good Sale (%1) because it does not exist on Accounts Receivable (%2) or the related job is not complete. | Cannot return Physical Good Sale. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.CANNOTEXECUTETRANSFERPHYSICALGOODSALEOWNERSHIPEXCEPTION | Cannot Transfer Ownership of Physical Good Sale (%1) because it does not exist on Accounts Receivable (%2) or the related job is not complete. | Cannot transfer ownership of Physical Good Sale. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.CANNOTEXECUTESTOCKINWTPHYSICALGOODSALEINVALIDACCOUNTEXCEPTION | Cannot execute Stock In Warehouse Transaction for %1 %2. Physical Good Sale %3 has different accounts receivable. | Cannot execute Stock In Warehouse Transaction for Installed Item/Product. Physical Good Sale has different accounts receivable. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.CANNOTEXECUTESTOCKINWTPHYSICALGOODSALEINVALIDCOUNTEREXCEPTION | Cannot execute Stock In Warehouse Transaction for %1 %2. Related Physical Good Sales count(%3) is not equal to %4 quantity(%5). | Cannot execute Stock In Warehouse Transaction for Installed Item/Product. Related Physical Good Sales count is not equal to Installed Item/Product quantity. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.CANNOTEXECUTEREPLACEPHYSICALGOODSALEINVALIDJOBLCSEXCEPTION | Cannot execute return Physical Good Sale for %1 %2. The life cycle state of Job %3 is %4. | Cannot execute Replace Physical Good for Installed Item/Product. The life cycle state of Job is not valid. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.INVALIDINSTALLEDITEMWITHWAREHOUSETYPEONJOBEXCEPTION | Invalid %1 %2. The related Warehouse Type is allowed for %3 but is not allowed for %4 Jobs. | Invalid Product/Installed Item. The related Warehouse Type is not allowed for Billable/Not Billable Jobs. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.WAREHOUSENOTEXISTSTOMOVEINSTALLEDITEMEXCEPTION | No warehouse exists, for the installed item to be returned, that belongs to the group of the logged in user. For more information check the warehouse definition. | No warehouse exists, for the installed item to be returned, that belongs to the group of the logged in user. For more information check the warehouse definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.INVALIDIMPORTEDINSTALLEDITEMEXCEPTION | Invalid imported product for installed item %1. You have to select a product with composition method %2. | Invalid imported product for installed item. You have to select a product with composition method Flat. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.CANNOTRETURNPHYSICALGOODSALEOWNEDBYCUSTOMEREXCEPTION | Cannot return Physical Good Sale (%1) of an Ownership Status that of Owned by Customer. | Cannot Return Physical Good. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.ALREADYEXISTWAREHOUSETYPEININVENTORYDEFINITIONALLOWEDEXCEPTION | A Warehouse Type %1 for %2 name already exists in Inventory Definition Allowed Warehouses Types. | The specified Warehouse Type record already exists in Inventory Definition Allowed Warehouses Types. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.ALREADYEXISTWAREHOUSEDTYPEBYOWNEDGROUPEXCEPTION | A Warehouse Type %1 already exists in Owned Group %2. | The specified Warehouse Type record already exists in Owned Group. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.CANNOTCREATEWAREHOUSETRANSCATIONTARGETWAREHOUSESAMEEXCEPTION | Cannot create the warehouse transaction. From warehouse %1 and target warehouse %2 are the same. | Cannot create the warehouse transaction. From warehouse specified and target warehouse specified are the same. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.CANNOTCREATEINSTALLEDITENCOMPONENTEXCEPTION | Cannot create installed item component (%1). It is used %2 %3. | Cannot create installed item component specified. It is used. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.CANNOTDELETEINVENTORYOBJECTEXCEPTION | Cannot delete %1 %2. It is used by %3. | Cannot delete installed item specified. It is used. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.CANNOTDELETEINSTALLEDITEMINWAREHOUSEEXCEPTION | Cannot delete %1 %2. It is used by %3 %4. | Cannot delete installed item specified. It is used by specified warehouse. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.NOTFOUNDPRODUCTWITHALTERNATIVECODEEXCEPTION | Product with alternative code:%1 not found. | Product with alternative code specified not found. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.MANDATORYFIELDNUMBEROFINSTALLEDITEMCOMPONENTSWITHPRODUCTEXCEPTION | Please specify %1 %2 installed item component(s) with product %3. | Please specify specified number of installed item component(s) with product specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.MANDATORYFIELDVALIDBUNDLEINSTALLEDITEMEXCEPTION | Please specify a valid bundle installed item. Installed item %1 is not bundle. | Please specify a valid bundle installed item. Installed item specified is not bundle. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.INVENTORY.INVALIDQUICKSALEPHYSICALGOODWAREHOUSETYPEEXCEPTION | Invalid %1 %2. Only physical goods which belong to Direct Sales Warehouses are allowed to be sold through quick sale. | Please specify a physical good which belongs to a Direct Sales Warehouses. |
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.INVALIDJOBTYPEBILLINGTERMSCHEMEEXCEPTION | Billing term scheme with code %1 %2 is disallowed for job type %3 | Billing term scheme is disallowed for the specified job type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.INVALIDJOBTYPEACTIVITYTYPEEXCEPTION | Activity type %1 is disallowed for job type %2 | Activity type is disallowed for the specified job type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.INVALIDJOBTYPECATEGORYEXCEPTION | Job category %1 is disallowed for job type %2 | Job category is disallowed for the specified job type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.INVALIDJOBTYPESTATUSEXCEPTION | Job status %1 is disallowed for job type %2 | Job status is disallowed for the specified job type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.INVALIDJOBTYPEPRODUCTEXCEPTION | Product %1 of type %2 is disallowed for job type %3 | Product is disallowed for the specified job type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.MANDATORYJOBTYPEPHYSICALGOODPRODUCTEXCEPTION | Physical good product %1 is mandatory for job type %2 | Physical good product is mandatory for the specified job type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.MANDATORYJOBTYPEPHYSICALGOODPRODUCTTYPEEXCEPTION | Physical good product type %1 is mandatory for job type %2 | Physical good product type is mandatory for the specified job type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.MANDATORYJOBTYPEEXPENSEPRODUCTEXCEPTION | Expense product %1 is mandatory for job type %2 | Expense product is mandatory for the specified job type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.MANDATORYJOBTYPEEXPENSEPRODUCTTYPEEXCEPTION | Expense product type %1 is mandatory for job type %2 | Expense product type is mandatory for the specified job type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.MANDATORYJOBTYPEACTIVITYTYPEEXCEPTION | Activity type %1 is mandatory for job type %2. %3 | Activity type is mandatory for the specified job type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.PENDINGJOBACTIVITIESEXCEPTION | Job %1 is related with pending activities ( %2 ). | Job is related with pending activities. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.INVALIDJOBTYPEEXCEPTION | Job type %1 is disallowed based on the active Job Definition. | Job type is disallowed based on the active Job Definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.INVALIDJOBTYPESUBSCRIPTIONTYPEEXCEPTION | Subscription type %1 is disallowed for job type %2 | Subscription type is disallowed for the specified job type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.JOBREQUESTEDACTIVITYSERVICEEXCEPTION | Requested activity service %1 is not provided on any activity related with job %2. | Requested activity service is not provided on any activity related with job. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.REQUESTEDPRODUCTQUANTITYEXCEPTION | The requested quantity for requested %1 %2 is %3. Provided quantity is %4. | The requested quantity for requested product/subscription product is not equal with the provided quantity. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.PROVIDEDJOBCOMPONENTISNOTREQUESTEDEXCEPTION | Cannot provide %1 %2 because it is not one of the requested %3. | Cannot provide component because it is not one of the requested ones. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.JOBITEMPROVIDEDWITHOUTREQUESTEDEXCEPTION | Cannot complete job %1. %2 %3 was provided without being requested. | Cannot complete job. A component was provided without being requested. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.PHYSICALGOODISALREADYREPLACEDBYCOMPLETEDJOBEXCEPTION | Physical good with serial number %1 is already replaced in job %2. | Physical good with serial number () is already replaced in job. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.PHYSICALGOODISALREADYREQUESTEDTOBEREPLACEDBYNONCOMPLETEDJOBEXCEPTION | Physical good with serial number %1 is already requested to be replaced by job %2. | Physical good is already requested to be replaced by a job. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.MANDATORYRESOURCEREQUESTDUETORSDEFINITIONEXCEPTION | Please specify an accepted or pending Resource Request On Requested Activity Service %1 for %2. | Please specify an accepted or pending Resource Request On Requested Activity Service. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.ONLYONESPECIFIEDJOBINSTALLEDITEMREQUESTEDEXCEPTION | Installed Item %1 must be specified in %2 or in %3. | Installed Item must be specified in only once. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.NOTALLOWEDTOREPLACEJOBINSTALLEDITEMEXCEPTION | Installed Item %1 is not allowed to be replaced. It is provided in %2 of the same job. | Installed Item %1 is not allowed to be replaced. It is provided by the same job. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.INVALIDJOBREQUESTEDPRODUCTCOMPONENTEXCEPTION | Invalid product component %1 for product bundle %2. Only %3 products with %4 composition are allowed to be requested as components for job. | Invalid product component for product bundle. Only non-traceable products with flat composition are allowed to be requested as components for job. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.INVALIDJOBPROVIDEDPRODUCTCOMPONENTEXCEPTION | Invalid product component %1 for product bundle %2. Only %3 products with %4 composition are allowed to be provided as components for job. | Invalid product component for product bundle. Only non-traceable products with flat composition are allowed to be provided as components for job. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.INVALIDACCOUNTFORJOBTYPEEXCEPTION | Job type %1 is allowed only if customer is also %2. | Job type is allowed only if customer is also subscriber/rewards participant. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.CANNOTCOMPLETEJOBRELATEDBILLISNOTSETTLEDEXCEPTION | Cannot complete Job. Related Bill %1 is not %2. | Cannot complete Job. Related Bill is not Settled. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.CANNOTEXECUTEACTIONONEXPIREDJOBEXCEPTION | Job is expired. Cannot set job into %1 life cycle state. | Cannot execute action on an expired job. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.CANNOTREPLACEINSTALLEDITEMOWNEDBYCUSTOMERBYJOBEXCEPTION | Cannot replace installed item %1 by a job. It is owned by account %2. | Cannot replace installed item owned by a customer through a job. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.INVALIDREQUESTEDCOMPONENTSFORPROVISIONINGDISTRIBUTOREXCEPTION | Requested subscription %1 %2 can not be provisioned through %3. | Requested subscription component cannot be provisioned through provisioning distributor. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.INVALIDREQUESTEDSUBSCRIPTIONCOMPONENTSEXCEPTION | Invalid subscription %1. %2 is provided but is not specified on the requested subscription %3. | Invalid subscription %1. %2 is provided but is not specified on the requested subscription %3. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.INVALIDSERVICEREQUESTFORJOBEXCEPTION | Invalid service request. Please select a service request of accounts receivable %1. | Invalid service request. Please select a service request of accounts receivable %1. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.INVALIDACTIVITYSERVICEEXCEPTION | Invalid provided billable activity service on activity %1. %2 is not specified on the requested activity services. | Invalid provided billable activity service on activity %1. %2 is not specified on the requested activity services. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.SUBSCRIPTIONSERVICEALREADYEXISTSONSUBSCRIPTIONEXCEPTION | Invalid subscription service %1. It already exists on requested subscription %2. | Invalid subscription service %1. It already exists on requested subscription %2. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.NOTSPECIFIEDASREQUESTEDEXCEPTION | Invalid %1. %2 is not specified on the requested %3. | Invalid %1. %2 is not specified on the requested %3. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.SUBSCRIPTIONSERVICENOTEXISTSONSUBSCRIPTIONEXCEPTION | Invalid subscription service %1. It does not exist on requested subscription %2. | Invalid subscription service. It does not exist on requested subscription. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.REQUESTEDSUBSCRIPTIONSERVICESNOTEXISTONSUBSCRIPTIONEXCEPTION | Invalid requested subscription services. No subscription service exists on requested subscription %1. | Invalid requested subscription services. No subscription service exists on requested subscription %1. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.INVALIDSUBSCRIPTIONACTIONTYPEEXCEPTION | Invalid %1 action type. Only type with behavior code %2 is allowed. | Invalid %1 action type. Only type with behavior code %2 is allowed. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.INVALIDSUBSCRIPTIONSUBACTIONTYPEEXCEPTION | Invalid %1 sub action type. Only type with classification code %2 is allowed. | Invalid %1 sub action type. Only type with classification code %2 is allowed. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.INVALIDJOBREQUESTEDCOMPONENTEXCEPTION | Invalid requested %1 %2. Only %3 services are allowed to be requested. | Invalid requested %1 %2. Only %3 services are allowed to be requested. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.CANNOTEXECUTEACTIONREMOVEPRODUCTFROMJOBEXCEPTION | Cannot execute action remove product from job. %1 Cannot be removed %2. | Cannot execute action remove product from job. Product specified cannot be removed. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.CANNOTREMOVEPRODUCTCOMPONENTFROMJOBEXCEPTION | Cannot remove product component %1 from job, it belongs to bundle %2. | Cannot remove product component from job, it belongs to a bundle component. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.CANNOTEXECUTEACTIONCOMPLETEJOBEXCEPTION | Cannot execute action complete for job.%1 %2 %3. | Cannot execute action complete for job. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.CANNOTEXECUTEACTIONUNSELECTJOBREQUESTEDACTIVITYSERVICEEXCEPTION | Cannot execute action unselect job requested activity service %1. It has accepted resource requests. | Cannot execute action unselect job requested activity service specified. It has accepted resource requests. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.CANNOTEXECUTEACTIONTOINSTALLEDITEMEXCEPTION | Cannot execute action %1 %2 %3. | Cannot execute action to installed item. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.ONLYONERECORDJOBREQUESTEDEXCEPTION | Only one Requested %1 %2 must be specified. | Only one Requested record must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.NOTFOUNDAPIJOBEXPENSEIDENTIFIERFORSPECIFICACTIONEXCEPTION | Job expense identifier %1 for %2 action not found. | The specified Job expense identifier was not found. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.MANDATORYFIELDEXPENSESPECIFIEDPROVIDEDEXCEPTION | Please specify %1 %2. It is specified on the requested %3 but not provided. | Please specify field. It is specified but not provided. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.MANDATORYFIELDRESPONSEEXCEPTION | Please specify response date, response category ,responsed by. | Please specify response date, response category ,responsed by. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.MANDATORYFIELDTEMPORARYRESOLUTIONEXCEPTION | Please specify temporary resolution date, temporary resolution category, temporary resolved by and temporary accepted by. | Please specify temporary resolution date, temporary resolution category, temporary resolved by and temporary accepted by. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.JOBS.MANDATORYFIELDFINALRESOLUTIONEXCEPTION | Please specify final resolution date, final resolution category, final resolved by and final accepted by. | Please specify final resolution date, final resolution category, final resolved by and final accepted by. |
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.LEADS.CANNOTDELETEEXCEPTION | Cannot delete %1 when life cycle state is In progress, Lost or Won. | Cannot delete %1 |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.LEADS.PENDINGACTIVITIESEXCEPTION | Lead %1 is related with pending activities ( %2 ). | Lead is related with pending activities. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.LEADS.NOTSUPPORTEDEXCEPTION | %1 %2 is not supported from the active Lead Definition. | Not supported from the active Lead Definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.LEADS.CANNOTMODIFYLEADALREADYCOMPLETEDEXCEPTION | Cannot %1 %2. Lead %3 is already completed. | Lead is already completed. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.LEADS.CANNOTMODIFYLEADALREADYCANCELLEDEXCEPTION | Cannot %1 %2. Lead %3 is already cancelled. | Lead is already cancelled. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.LEADS.CANNOTMODIFYLEADALREADYSTARTPROGRESSEXCEPTION | Cannot %1 %2. Lead %3 is already started Progress. | Lead is already completed. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.LEADS.INVALIDLEADTYPEACTIVITYTYPEEXCEPTION | Activity type %1 is disallowed for lead type %2 | Activity type is disallowed for the specified lead type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.LEADS.CANNOTEXECUTELEADACTIONINVALIDLIFECYCLESTATEEXCEPTION | Cannot %1 when Life Cycle State is %2. | Cannot execute Action when Life Cycle State is one of the specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.LEADS.INVALIDSTATUSLIFECYCLESTATEVALUEEXCEPTION | Invalid Lead Status. Only statuses with Life Cycle State(s) %1 are allowed to %2 a Lead. | Invalid Lead Status. Only statuses with specific Life Cycle States are allowed to execute the specified action on a Lead. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.LEADS.ACCOUNTRECEIVABLENOTBELONGSTOLEADCONTACTINFORMATIONEXCEPTION | Accounts Receivable %1 does not belong to Lead's Contact Information %2. | Accounts Receivable specified does not belong to Lead's Contact Information specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.LEADS.ATLEASTONESUPPORTEDONDEFINITIONEXCEPTION | At least one supported %1 must be specified on definition. | At least one supported must be specified on definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.LEADS.CANNOTDELETELEADEXCEPTION | Cannot delete Lead %1 %2. It is used by %3. | Cannot delete Lead related object specified. It's used. |
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.NOTIFICATIONS.INVALIDITEMTYPEEXCEPTION | Item of type %1 is disallowed for notification of type %2. Item must have the same entity type as notification. | Item entity type is disallowed for the specified notification entity type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.NOTIFICATIONS.NONOTIFICATIONINFORMATIONFOUNDEXCEPTION | Notification information not found. | Notification information not found. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.NOTIFICATIONS.NOTEFFECTIVENOTIFICATIONTYPEEXCEPTION | Notification type is not effective. | Notification type is not effective. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.NOTIFICATIONS.INVALIDNUMERICVALUEINNOTIFICATIONCRITERIAEXCEPTION | Invalid numeric values in Notification Criteria. More Than Value: %1 must be smaller than Less Than Value: %2. | Invalid numeric values in Notification Criteria. More Than Value: %1 must be smaller than Less Than Value: %2. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.NOTIFICATIONS.INVALIDVALUEINACCOUNTSRECEIVABLECRITERIAEXCEPTION | Invalid numeric values in Accounts Receivable Criteria - %1 %2. More Than Value: %3 must be smaller than Less Than Value: %4. | Invalid numeric values in Accounts Receivable Criteria - %1. More Than Value: %2 must be smaller than Less Than Value: %3. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.NOTIFICATIONS.INVALIDVALUEINWALLETCRITERIAEXCEPTION | Invalid numeric values in Wallet Criteria - %1. More Than Value: %2 must be smaller than Less Than Value: %3. | Invalid numeric values in Wallet Criteria - %1. More Than Value: %2 must be smaller than Less Than Value: %3. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.NOTIFICATIONS.INVALIDMINIMUMEXPIRATIONAMOUNTINWALLETCRITERIAEXCEPTION | Invalid Minimum Expiration Amount in Wallet Criteria. Expiration Period must be specified. | Invalid Minimum Expiration Amount in Wallet Criteria. Expiration Period must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.NOTIFICATIONS.INVALIDVALUEINNOTIFICATIONCRITERIAEXCEPTION | Invalid values in %1. Created More Than X UOT Ago must be smaller than Created Less Than X UOT Ago. | Invalid values in %1. Created More Than X UOT Ago must be smaller than Created Less Than X UOT Ago. |
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ORDERS.ORDERBOOKEXCEPTION | Cannot book order %1. Life cycle state is not 'Draft'. | Cannot book the order because of invalid life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ORDERS.ORDERCOMPLETIONEXCEPTION | Cannot complete order %1. Life cycle state is not 'Delivered and confirmed'. | Cannot complete order because of invalid life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ORDERS.ORDERCONFIRMATIONEXCEPTION | Cannot confirm order %1. Life cycle state is not 'Booked'. | Cannot confirm the order because of invalid life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ORDERS.ORDERDELIVERYCONFIRMEXCEPTION | Cannot confirm delivery for order %1. Life cycle state is not 'Delivered'. | Cannot confirm order delivery because of invalid life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ORDERS.ORDERDELIVERYEXCEPTION | Cannot deliver order %1. Life cycle state is not 'Dispatched'. | Cannot deliver order because of invalid life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ORDERS.ORDERDISPATCHEXCEPTION | Cannot dispatch order %1. Life cycle state is not 'Ready to be dispatched'. | Cannot dispatch order because of invalid life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ORDERS.ORDERDISPATCHINITIATEEXCEPTION | Cannot initiate dispatch for order %1. Life cycle state is not 'Under Processing'. | Cannot initiate order dispatch because of invalid life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ORDERS.ORDERPROCESSEXCEPTION | Cannot process order %1. Life cycle state is not 'Confirmed'. | Cannot process the order because of invalid life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ORDERS.ORDERQUOTEEXCEPTION | Cannot quote order %1. Life cycle state is not 'Draft'. | Cannot quote the order because of invalid life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ORDERS.ORDERQUOTENOTCREATEDEXCEPTION | Cannot book order %1. Order quote does not exist. | Cannot book the order because the order quote does not exist. |
Payment Gateway
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PAYMENTGATEWAY.PAYMENTGATEWAYSTRIPEEXCEPTION | Payment gateway Stripe failed. %1 | Payment gateway Stripe failed. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PAYMENTGATEWAY.INVALIDEXPIRATIONDATEEXCEPTION | Invalid %1. Payment gateway card expiration must be equal or greater than the current month/year. | Invalid value. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PAYMENTGATEWAY.INVALIDDEFAULTPAYMENTMETHODPAYMENTGATEWAYSETTINGEXCEPTION | Invalid 'Default Payment Method' set in 'Automation Settings'. Selected method must also be present in the 'Supported Attributes'. | Invalid 'Default Payment Method' set in 'Automation Settings'. It does not belong in Supported Payment Methods of the Generic Payment Gateway. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PAYMENTGATEWAY.NOEFFECTIVEPAYMENTGATEWAYPROVIDEREXISTSEXCEPTION | Cannot proceed. No Effective Payment Gateway Provider Exists. | Cannot proceed. No Effective Payment Gateway Provider Exists. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PAYMENTGATEWAY.ALREADYEXISTSPAYMENTGATEWAYREQUESTWITHSAMEREQUESTUNIQUEIDENTIFIEREXCEPTION | A payment gateway request already exists with request unique identifier %1. | A payment gateway request already exists with the same request unique identifier. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PAYMENTGATEWAY.PAYMENTGATEWAYREQUESTSMAXNUMBEREXCEPTION | The maximum number of payment gateway requests that can be specified is 1000. | The maximum number of payment gateway requests that can be specified is 1000. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PAYMENTGATEWAY.CANNOTSETPAYMENTGATEWAYREQUESTUNDERPROCESSINGEXCEPTION | Cannot set Payment Gateway Request into UNDER_PROCESSING life cycle state. Payment Gateway Request life cycle state is not PENDING. | Cannot set Payment Gateway Request into UNDER_PROCESSING life cycle state. Payment Gateway Request life cycle state is not PENDING. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PAYMENTGATEWAY.INVALIDPAYMENTGATEWAYPROTOCOLEXCEPTION | Cannot execute action for Non Generic Payment Gateways. | Cannot execute action for Non Generic Payment Gateways. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PAYMENTGATEWAY.CANNOTPOSTPAYMENTGATEWAYREQUESTEXCEPTION | Cannot post Payment Gateway Request. %1 life cycle state should be: %2. | Cannot post Payment Gateway Request. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PAYMENTGATEWAY.CANNOTREJECTPAYMENTGATEWAYREQUESTEXCEPTION | Cannot reject Payment Gateway Request. %1 life cycle state should be: %2. | Cannot reject Payment Gateway Request. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PAYMENTGATEWAY.INVALIDCARDNUMBERLENGTHEXCEPTION | Card Number should be at least 4 characters. | Card Number should be at least 4 characters. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PAYMENTGATEWAY.INVALIDCARDFORMAEXCEPTION | Please specify a valid Card Number. | Please specify a valid Card Number. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PAYMENTGATEWAY.PAYPALACCESSFAILEDEXCEPTION | Paypal Payment Gateway access failed. | Cannot access Paypal Payment Gateway. |
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PLATFORM.ATLEASTONECURRENCYPERIODRATEEXCEPTION | At least one currency rate period for currency %1 must be specified. | At least one one currency rate period for specified currency should be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PLATFORM.CANNOTDELETEVATRATE | VAT rate cannot be deleted because it is used by one or more products. | VAT rate cannot be deleted. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PLATFORM.INVALIDCODELENGTHEXCEPTION | Invalid Code. %1 code should be %2 %3. | Invalid code length. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PLATFORM.INVALIDFILEENCODINGFORLANGUAGEEXCEPTION | Invalid Encoding of File For Language %1. Encoding must be %2. | Invalid Encoding of File For Language specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PLATFORM.INVALIDCURRENCYEXCEPTION | Invalid currency %1. The currency must be %2. | Invalid intended currency. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PLATFORM.CURRENCYCANNOTBEUSEDASALTERNATIVECURRENCYEXCEPTION | Currency %1 cannot be used as alternative currency. Currency period rated must exists. | The specified currency cannot be used as alternative currency. Currency period rated must exists. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PLATFORM.INVALIDNUMBEROFTHREADSEXCEPTION | Invalid number of threads. Must be less or equals to the maximum number of threads per batch proccess (%1) specified in general settings. | Invalid number of threads. Must be less or equals to the maximum number of threads per batch proccess (%1) specified in general settings. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PLATFORM.CANNOTDISABLEDEFAULTAPPLICATIONSERVEREXCEPTION | Default application server must be enabled. | Default application server must be enabled. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PLATFORM.CANNOTDISABLEAPPLICATIONSERVERWHILESCHEDULEDTASKEXISTSEXCEPTION | You cannot stop the scheduler on application server %1 as there exist scheduled or running tasks. | You cannot stop the scheduler as there exist scheduled or running tasks. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PLATFORM.CANNOTRUNTASKTODISABLEAPPLICATIONSERVEREXCEPTION | You cannot set processes to be executed via a NOT ENABLED application server (%1). Please enable the respective application server first. | You cannot set processes to be executed via a NOT ENABLED application server. Please enable the respective application server first. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PLATFORM.CANNOTSETCURRENCYLIFECYCLESTATENOTEFFECTIVEEXCEPTION | Cannot Set the Currency as Not Effective. As It Is Used By an Accounts Receivable. | Cannot Set the Currency as Not Effective. As It Is Used By an Accounts Receivable. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PLATFORM.CANNOTSETDEFAULTCURRENCYLIFECYCLESTATENOTEFFECTIVEEXCEPTION | Cannot set Default Currency %1 Life Cycle State as not Effective. | Cannot set the specified Default Currency Life Cycle State as not Effective. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PLATFORM.ADDRESSNOTVERIFIEDBYGENERICGEOGRAPHICALAREACOVERAGERULESEXCEPTION | %1 %2 address is not covered by generic geographical area coverage rules. | Address is not covered by generic geographical area coverage rules. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PLATFORM.ATLEASTONEACTIVESETTINGEXCEPTION | At least one %1 must be specified. | At least one active setting must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PLATFORM.INVALIDFILESIZEEXCEPTION | Invalid file size. File size should be smaller than %1. | File size should not be larger than the max allowed file size. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PLATFORM.INVALIDFILETYPEEXCEPTION | Invalid file type. Allowed file type(s): %1 | File type should be in the allowed file types list. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PLATFORM.MANDATORYFIELDNUMBERWITHALLOWEDDIGITSEXCEPTION | Please specify a number with no more than %1 digits. | Please specify a number with no more than specified digits. |
Price Plans
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRICEPLAN.DELETEPRICEPLANEXCEPTION | Cannot delete the price plan. | Cannot delete the price plan. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRICEPLAN.MODIFYEXPIREPRICEPLANEXCEPTION | Cannot %1 an expired price plan | Cannot delete/edit an expired Price Plan. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRICEPLAN.SELECTPRICEPLANEXCEPTION | The price plan %1 can not be select due to violation of the condition to select | Cannot select the specified price plan. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRICEPLAN.PRICEPLANTIEREDRATEOVERLAPEXISTSEXCEPTION | Price plan tiered rate overlap exists. | Price plan tiered rate overlap exists. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRICEPLAN.INVALIDVATRATEEXCEPTION | Cannot select Vat Rate %1. Please select a VAT Rates which have a Rating Period which starts before or on the same date as the VAT Rate as of date. | Cannot select Vat Rate %1. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRICEPLAN.INVALIDPRICEPLANPRODUCTEXCEPTION | Price plan %1 does not include any products which are related to at least one of the selected VAT Rates. | Include at least one Product which is related to at least one of the selected VAT Rates. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRICEPLAN.INVALIDPRICEPLANEFFECTIVEDATEEXCEPTION | Price plan %1 effective date should be before the Rating period of at least one of the selected VAT Rates. | Have an Effective date before the Rating period of at least one of the selected VAT Rates. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRICEPLAN.PRICEPLANEFFECTIVEDATEAFTERRATINGPERIODSTARTDATEEXCEPTION | Price plan %1 effective date should be before (not equal) the rating period's start date. | Only effective Price Plans with an Effective Date before (not equal) to the rating period's start date are selected. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRICEPLAN.PRICEPLANPRODUCTNOTININCLUDEDPRODUCTCRITERIAEXCEPTION | Product %1 is not included on the Included Products criteria. | Product %1 is not included on the Included Products criteria. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRICEPLAN.PRICEPLANVATRATECHANGESCANNOTBEAPPLIEDEXCEPTION | Price Plan %1 doesn't include any product whose VAT Rate percentage changes by the selected rating period. | Price Plan %1 doesn't include any product whose VAT Rate percentage changes by the selected rating period. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRICEPLAN.CANNOTUPDATEPRICEPLANEXCEPTION | Cannot update Price Plan %1. It is already expired or used by a billing term. | Price Plan cannot be updated. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRICEPLAN.INVALIDBASEPRICEPLANEXCEPTION | Cannot Use Price Plan %1 as 'Base Price Plan'. It is already associated with an accounts receivable. | Invalid Base Price Plan. The specified Price Plan is already associated with an accounts receivable. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRICEPLAN.MANDATORYFIELDINCONDITIONEXCEPTION | Please specify %1 %2 condition %3. | Please specify field in condition specified. |
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRINTOUTS.PRINTOUTEMAILFAILUREEXCEPTION | Printout email sending failed. %1 | Printout email sending failed. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRINTOUTS.CANNOTSENDPRINTOUTVIAEMAILEXCEPTION | Cannot send printout via email. There are no available %1 | Cannot send printout via email. |
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.PRODUCTVALIDITYPERIODOVERLAPEXISTSEXCEPTION | Product validity periods overlap exists. | Product validity periods overlap exists. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.INVALIDPRODUCTBASEDONVALIDITYPERIODEXCEPTION | Invalid product based on validity period. | Invalid product based on validity period. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.RATINGPERIODMISMATCHEXCEPTION | Rating period start date must be equal to the end date of the previous rating period. | Rating period start date must be equal to the end date of the previous rating period. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.PRODUCTVATRATECOVERINGVALIDITYEXCEPTION | The selected VAT rate does not cover the validity period of the product. | The selected VAT rate does not cover the validity period of the product. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.VATRATECANNOTMODIFYEXCEPTION | Cannot modify the period rates because the VAT rate is already assigned on a product and by changing the period rate date range, the product validity won't be covered. | Cannot modify the period rates because the VAT rate is already assigned on a product and by changing the period rate date range, the product validity won't be covered. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.INVALIDPRODUCTCOMPONENTSERVICETYPEFORPRODUCTCOMPOSITIONMETHOD | A product with composition method %1 cannot have a component of service type %1. | Cannot add component because of invalid component service type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.INVALIDPRODUCTCOMPONENTTYPECLASSIFICATIONEXCEPTION | Product component %1 must be of type classification %2. | Cannot add component because of invalid type classification. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.INVALIDPRODUCTCOMPONENTPHYSICALGOODTYPEEXCEPTION | Only non-traceable components are allowed to a non-traceable product bundle. | Only non-traceable components are allowed to a non-traceable product. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.INVALIDPRODUCTCOMPONENTFORPRODUCTCOMPOSITIONMEHOD | A product with composition method %1 cannot have a %2 as component. | Cannot add component because of invalid object type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.PRODUCTCOMPONENTSRESTRICTIONEXCEPTION | Product components from only %1 product %2 can be added to product bundle %3. | Max number of families/types per product bundle exceeded based on the defined restrictions. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.MANDATOTYCOMPONENTEXCEPTION | The component %1 is mandatory for product %2. | The specified component is mandatory for the specified product |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.MINIMUMCOMPONENTEXCEPTION | At least %1 product(s) with %2 %3 must be specified. | At lease a minimum number of products per family or type must be specified |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.MAXIMUMCOMPONENTEXCEPTION | At most %1 product(s) with %2 %3 can be specified. | At most a maximum number of products per family or type can be specified |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.INVALIDPHYSICALGOODEXCEPTION | Invalid physical good %1. Only %2 physical goods are allowed. | Invalid physical good. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.INVALIDPHYSICALGOODTYPEEXCEPTION | Invalid physical good type %1. Only %2 physical good types are allowed. | Invalid physical good. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.PRODUCTCOMPONENTSNOTALLOWEDFORPRODUCTEXCEPTION | Product components are not allowed for product %1. | Product components are not allowed for product. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.PRODUCTVALIDITYNOTALLOWEDFORPRODUCTEXCEPTION | Product Validity cannot be specified for product %1. It is applicable only for Termed and Expense service products. | Product validity cannot be specified for this product. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.CANNOTSYNCHRONIZEPRODUCTEXCEPTION | Product Synchronization is not allowed based on the Product Synchronization Definition. | Product synchronization cannot be performed. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.PRODUCTSYNCHRONIZATIONMAXIMUMNUMBEREXCEPTION | The maximum number of products that can be synchronized is 1000. | The maximum number of products that can be synchronized is 1000. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.INVALIDMETERREADINGDATAAGAINSTPREVIOUSEXCEPTION | Invalid meter reading %1. %1 must be %2 previous meter reading %3. | Invalid meter reading value. Value must be against previous meter reading value. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.CANNOTUPDATEMETERREADINGUDREXCEPTION | Cannot update meter reading.Related udr must be cancelled or not billed. | Cannot update meter reading.Related udr must be cancelled or not billed. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.CANNOTUPDATEMETERREADINGCLASSIFICATIONEXCEPTION | Cannot update meter reading.The meter reading type's classification is %1. Only %2 are allowed to be updated. | Cannot update meter reading.The meter reading type's classification is invalid. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.CANNOTCREATEMETERREADINGFORINSTALLEDITEMCOMPONENTEXCEPTION | Cannot create meter reading for installed item %1. The installed item must not be part of a bundle. | Cannot create meter reading for installed item. The installed item must not be part of a bundle. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.CANNOTDELETEMETERREADINGNOTLATESTMETERREADINGEXCEPTION | Cannot delete meter reading. Meter reading must be the latest to be removed. | Cannot delete meter reading. Meter reading must be the latest to be removed. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.MINIMUMPRODUCTQUANTITYEXCEPTION | Cannot save. Minimum Quantity of Product %1 ( %2 ) must be %3 than Maximum Quantity ( %4 ). | Cannot save. Minimum Quantity of Product %1 ( %2 ) must be %2 than Maximum Quantity ( %3 ). |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.MINIMUMQUANTITYEXCEPTION | Cannot save. Minimum Quantity of %1 must be %2 than %3. | Cannot save. Minimum Quantity from %1 must be %2 than %3. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.INVALIDPRODUCTSETCOMPONENTCLASSIFICATIONEXCEPTION | Invalid component %1. Product components should not be classified as %2. | Invalid component %1. Product components should not be classified as %2. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.INVALIDPRODUCTTYPECLASSIFICATIONEXCEPTION | Invalid product type composition method %1. Only the following composition methods are allowed: %2. | Invalid product type composition method %1. Only the following composition methods are allowed: %2. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.INVALIDPRODUCTTYPECOMPOSITIONMETHODEXCEPTION | Invalid product type composition method %1. Only the following composition methods are allowed: %2. | Invalid product type composition method %1. Only the following composition methods are allowed: %2. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.INVALIDPRODUCTPHYSICALGOODTYPEEXCEPTION | Invalid product physical good type %1. Only the following physical good types are allowed: %2. | Invalid product physical good type %1. Only the following physical good types are allowed: %2. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.INVALIDPRODUCTSERVICETYPEEXCEPTION | Invalid product service type %1. Only the following service types are allowed: %2. | Invalid product service type %1. Only the following service types are allowed: %2. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.INVALIDNONTRACEABLEPRODUCTCOMPONENTSEXCEPTION | Only non-traceable components, having flat composition, are allowed to a flexible non-traceable physical good bundle. | Only non-traceable components, having flat composition, are allowed to a flexible non-traceable physical good bundle. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.INVALIDACTIVITYTYPEINAUTOMATIONSETTINGSEXCEPTION | Invalid activity type %1 in Automation Settings. Type is not included in Allowed Activity Types. | Invalid %1 activity type %2 in Automation Settings. Type is not included in Allowed Activity Types. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PRODUCTS.MANDATORYFIELDPRODUCTSETCOMPONENTEXCEPTION | Please specify Product,Product Type or Product Family for Product Set Component. | Please specify Product,Product Type or Product Family for Product Set Component. |
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.PAIRINGOFIIWAREHOUSEOWNEDOFDIFFERENTGROUPSEXCEPTION | Pairing of installed items which belong to warehouses owned of different groups is not allowed. | Pairing of installed items which belong to warehouses owned of different groups is not allowed. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.INSTALLEDITEMDIFFERENTSUBDISTRIBUTIONEXCEPTION | %1 %2 is not distributed by a Subscription Provisioning Distributor with protocol %3. | Installed is not distributed by the Subscription Provisioning Distributor. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.PANACCESSLOGINFAILEDEXCEPTION | Cannot login to Panaccess. | Cannot login to Panaccess. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.PROVISIONINGREQUESTFAILEDEXCEPTION | Provisioning request failed with error code: %1 and error description: %2. | Provisioning request failed with error code: %1 and error description: %2. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.PROVISIONINGINVALIDEFFECTIVEPROVIDEREXCEPTION | Provisioning request failed because no %1 exists with provider protocol %2. | Provisioning request failed because no provider exists. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.PROVISIONINGINVALIDREQUESTEXCEPTION | Provisioning request failed because subscription %1 does not contain %2: %3. | Provisioning request failed because subscription %1 does not contain %2: %3. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.CANNOTDELETEPROCESSRUNLOGEXCEPTION | Cannot delete %1 %2 with number %3.Only draft process runs can be deleted | Cannot delete %1 with number %2.Only draft Process Runs can be deleted |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.CANNOTDISABLESMARTCARDEXCEPTION | Cannot Disable Smartcard. Smartcard belongs to Subscription %1. | Cannot Disable Smartcard. Smartcard belongs to Subscription. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.INSTALLEDITEMNOTINITIALISEDEXCEPTION | Installed Item %1 is not initialised. | Installed Item is not initialised. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.NOTANALLOWEDAPPLICATIONSERVEREXCEPTION | Server %1 is not an Allowed Application Server | Server is not an allowed application server. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.INSTALLEDITMESWRONGLOCATIONEXCEPTION | In order for the pairing to be successfully completed, both of the smartcard and stb should belong in the same subscription or not belong to any subscription at all. | In order for the pairing to be successfully completed, both of the smartcard and stb should belong in the same subscription or not belong to any subscription at all. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.NOTPROVISIONEDBYPROVIDEREXCEPTION | %1 %2 is not provisioned by Provider %3 | The entity specified is not provisioned by the specified provider. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.PROVIDERNOTFOUNDEXCEPTION | No Available Allowed/Effective %1 Provider Found. | No Available Allowed/Effective Provider Found. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.INVALIDAUTHENTICATIONERROREXCEPTION | Invalid authentication error. | Invalid authentication error. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.PROVISIONINGDISTRIBUTORSERVICEISNOTSUPPORTEDBYTHEPROVIDEREXCEPTION | Service %1 on %2 provisioning distributor is not supported by the provider. | Service on provisioning distributor is not supported by the provider. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.CONAX.CONAXDISPLAYDURATIONEXCEPTION | The number of seconds the message shall be displayed is valid from 1 to 65535. | The number of seconds the message shall be displayed is valid from 1 to 65535. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.CONAX.CONAXMESSAGELENGTHEXCEPTION | The message length must be up to %1 characters. | The message length must be up to %1 characters. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.CONAX.CONAXREPETITIONCOUNTEXCEPTION | The number of times the message shall be displayed is valid from 1 to 255. | The number of times the message shall be displayed is valid from 1 to 255. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.CONAX.CONAXREPETITIONINTERVALEXCEPTION | The frequency of displayed messages is valid from 10 to 2550 and must be given in 10 seconds increments. | The frequency of displayed messages is valid from 10 to 2550 and must be given in 10 seconds increments. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.CONAX.INVALIDPAIRINGIDEXCEPTION | Invalid pairing ID. Pairing ID must be an 11-digit number. | The frequency of displayed messages is valid from 10 to 2550 and must be given in 10 seconds increments. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.GENERIC.PHYSICALGOODNOTFOUNDINMAPPINGEXCEPTION | Physical goods not found in mapping section. | Physical goods not found in mapping section. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.NETFLIX.NOTAUTHORISEDTOPERFORMACTIONEXCEPTION | You are not authorised to perform this action. | You are not authorised to perform this action. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.NETFLIX.NETFLIXSUBSCRIPTIONNOTFOUNDEXCEPTION | The subscriber couldn't not be found on Netflix. | The subscriber couldn't not be found on Netflix. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.NETFLIX.SPECIFYBILLINGSYSTEMCUSTOMERIDENTIFIEREXCEPTION | It is mandatory to specify a billing system customer identifier. | It is mandatory to specify a billing system customer identifier. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.NETFLIX.SUBSCRIPTIONALREADYEXISTSCUSTOMERIDENTIFIEREXCEPTION | A subscription already exists for the specified customer identifier. | A subscription already exists for the specified customer identifier. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.NETFLIX.PROMOTIONNOTALLOWEDEXCEPTION | You are not allowed to use the specified promotion. | You are not allowed to use the specified promotion. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.NETFLIX.VALIDITYDURATIONMUSTNOTBEMORETHANADAYEXCEPTION | Validity duration should not be more than 24 hours. | Validity duration should not be more than 24 hours. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.NETFLIX.WRONGVALIDITYDURATIONEXCEPTION | Validity duration should be more 30 Seconds and not be more than 24 hours. | Validity duration should be more 30 Seconds and not be more than 24 hours. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.NETFLIX.NETFLIXSUBSCRIPTIONACTIONNOTALLOWEDEXCEPTION | You are not allowed to %1 this subscription. | You are not allowed to view/suspend/unsuspend/cancel this subscription. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.NETFLIX.NETFLIXSUBSCRIPTIONACTIONEXCEPTION | The specified subscription cannot be %1. | The specified subscription cannot be suspended/unsuspended/cancelled. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.PERCEPTION.INVALIDCONTRACTSERVICEEXCEPTION | Invalid %1 %2. The Contact Service does not exist in Service Package Mapping | Invalid Contract Service. The Contact Service does not exist in Service Package Mapping. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.PERCEPTION.ONLYONEMAINPACKAGEPROVISIONEDEXCEPTION | Only one main package can be provisioned by Perception. | Only one main package can be provisioned by Perception. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.VERIMATRIX.CANNOTADDNEWPACKAGEEVENTNEWEXCEPTION | Cannot Add New Package. Event %1 is new. | Cannot Add New Package. Event specified is new. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.NAGRAVISION.INVALIDNUIDEXCEPTION | Invalid NUID. NUID must be between 1 and 4294967295. | Invalid NUID. NUID must be between 1 and 4294967295. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.ATLEASTONEPROVISIONINGSERVICEFORDISTRIBUTOREXCEPTION | At least one provisioning service for provisioning distributor %1 must be specified. | At least one provisioning service for provisioning distributor specified must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.PROVISIONING.INVALIDPROVIDERPROTOCOLEXCEPTION | Provisioning provider protocol of provisioning provider %1 is invalid. Must be %2. | Provisioning provider protocol of Provisioning provider specified is invalid. Must be the protocol specified. |
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REPORTS.MANDATORYACTIVEFIELDEXCEPTION | %1 is not active. Please specify %2. | Invalid life cycle state. |
Resource Scheduling
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.RESOURCESCHEDULING.ACTIVERESOURCESCHEDULINGDEFINITIONALREADYEXISTSEXCEPTION | Cannot assign this definition as active because another definition is currently active. | Invalid active definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.RESOURCESCHEDULING.HOURINVALIDEXPRESSIONEXCEPTION | The hour %1 is wrong. An acceptable hour should has the expression: %2 | Invalid hour expression. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.RESOURCESCHEDULING.RESOURCEREQUESTNOTALLOWEDEXCEPTION | This resource request is not allowed. | The specified resource request is not allowed. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.RESOURCESCHEDULING.NOAVAILABLERESOURCESFORRESOURCEREQUESTEXCEPTION | No available resources exist for the request. | No available resources exist for the request. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.RESOURCESCHEDULING.CANNOTACCEPTREQUESTINVALIDTODATEEXCEPTION | Cannot accept the request as To Date has passed. | Cannot accept request because To Date has passed. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.RESOURCESCHEDULING.PENDINGRESOURCEREQUESTEXCEPTION | Submitted Resource Request %1 should be accepted, cancelled or rejected. | Submitted Resource Request should be accepted, cancelled or rejected. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.RESOURCESCHEDULING.INVALIDACTIVITYTYPEINAUTOMATIONSETTINGSEXCEPTION | Invalid activity type in %1 Automation Settings. %2 Type is not included in Allowed Activity Types. | Invalid activity type in %1 Automation Settings. %2 Type is not included in Allowed Activity Types. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.RESOURCESCHEDULING.INVALIDRESOURCEREQUESTLIFECYCLESTATEEXCEPTION | Invalid Life Cycle State for resource request %1. %2. | Invalid Life Cycle State for resource request %1. %2. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.RESOURCESCHEDULING.MANDATORYFIELDSCOPEFORACTIVITYTYPEEXCEPTION | Please specify scope for %1 activity type. | Please specify scope for specified activity type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.RESOURCESCHEDULING.MANDATORYFIELDSLOTSWITHTOTALDURATIONBETWEENVALUESEXCEPTION | Please specify slots with total duration between %1 %2 and %3 %4. | Please specify slots with total duration between specified values. |
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.REFERREDBYANOTHERPARTICIPANTEXCEPTION | Participant %1 was already referred by another participant. | The participant was already referred by another participant. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.REMOVEEXISTINGOVERRIDECONTRIBUTIONRULESTOAPPLYGROUPEXCEPTION | Remove existing override Contribution Rules to Apply Partner Group Rewards Participation Agreement Contribution Rules | Existing override Contribution Rules need to be remover in order to Apply Merchant Group Contribution Rules |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.ALREADYEXISTCUSTOMEREVENTWITHSAMEUNIQUEIDENTIFIEREXCEPTION | This Customer Event Unique Identifier already exists. | This Customer Event Unique Identifier already exists. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.ALREADYEXISTFINANCIALSTATECUSTOMEREVENTWITHSAMEACOUNTEXCEPTION | Account %1 already has financial statement customer event with classification %2 for %3. | This Account already has financial statement customer event with the same classification, for month year |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.REWARDOFFERVALIDITYPERIODOVERLAPEXISTSEXCEPTION | Reward offer validity periods overlap exists. | Reward offer periods overlap exists. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.ONLYONEKPIEXCEPTION | Only one Key Performance Indicator %1 can be specified in %2. | Only one Key Performance Indicator specified can be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.ONLYONEKPIPRODUCTCOMBINATIONEXCEPTION | Only one Key Performance Indicator %1 combination with product %3 can be specified in %2. | Only one Key Performance Indicator specified combination with product specified can be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.BULKCUSTOMEREVENTMAXNUMBEREXCEPTION | The maximum number of purchases customer events that can be specified within a single Web API call is 1000. | The maximum number of purchases customer events that can be specified within a single Web API call is 1000. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.CANNOTPROCESSIMMEDIATELYBULKCUSTOMEREVENTEXCEPTION | The option to process customer events immediately is not available for those Web API methods. | The option to process customer events immediately is not available for those Web API methods. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.INVALIDREWARDOFFERTYPEEXCEPTION | Reward offer type %1 is disallowed based on the active Reward Definition. | Reward offer type is disallowed based on the active Reward Definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.INVALIDREWARDOFFERTYPEFORREWARDAWARDSCOPEEXCEPTION | Reward offer type %1 is disallowed for Reward Offer Award Scope %2. | Reward offer type specified is disallowed for Reward Offer Award Scope specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.INVALIDREWARDOFFERCATEGORYEXCEPTION | Reward offer category %1 is disallowed for the reward offer type %2. | Reward offer category is disallowed based on the specific reward offer type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.CANNOTSETSPENDREQUESTAMOUNTEXCEPTION | Spend amount cannot be specified for spend requests of this classification. | Spend amount cannot be specified for spend requests of this classification. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.INVALIDSPENDREQUESTAMOUNTEXCEPTION | Spend Amount should be %1 than %2 | Spend Amount should be more/less than X amount |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.MAXSPENDREQUESTAMOUNTREACHEDEXCEPTION | Spend Amount should be less than %1 | Spend Amount should be less than X amount |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.MINSPENDREQUESTAMOUNTREACHEDEXCEPTION | Spend Amount should be more than %1 | Spend Amount should be more than X amount |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.CANNOTCANCELCUSTOMEREVENTEXCEPTION | Cannot cancel customer event %1. Customer event is already cancelled. | Cannot cancel customer event. Customer event is already cancelled. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.INVALIDPURCHASEPRODUCTAMOUNTEXCEPTION | Net amount should be equal to total amount - vat amount. | Net amount should be equal to total amount - vat amount. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.INVALIDNUMBEROFCHARACTERSEXCEPTION | Invalid number of characters: %1. Please specify a value greater than 0. | Number of characters value should be greater than 0. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.CANNOTDELETEREWARDSPARTICIPATINGMERCHANTEXCEPTION | Cannot delete partner unit rewards participation agreement. At least one related unsettled %1 exists. | Cannot delete rewards participating merchant. At least one related unsettled customer event exists. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.CANNOTDELETEREWARDSPARTICIPATINGMERCHANTGROUPEXCEPTION | Cannot delete partner group rewards participation agreement. At least one related unsettled %1 exists. | Cannot delete rewards participating merchant group. At least one related unsettled customer event exists. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.MERCHANTALREADYEXISTSWITHTHESAMEUNIT | A partner unit rewards participation agreement already exists with the same unit %1. | A rewards participating merchant already exists with the same unit. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.MERCHANTGROUPALREADYEXISTSWITHTHESAMEGROUP | A partner group rewards participation agreement already exists with the same group %1. | A rewards participating merchant group already exists with the same group. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.NOTEXISTSEFFECTIVEREWARDSPARTICIPANTONACCOUNTSRECEIVABLEEXCEPTION | No Effective Rewards Participant exists on Account receivable %1. | No Effective Rewards Participant exists on Account receivable. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.MINIMUMSPENDAMOUNTMUSTBEGREATERTHANMAXIMUMSPENDAMOUNTEXCEPTION | Minimum Spend Request Amount must be greater than Maximum Spend Request Amount. | Minimum Spend Request Amount must be greater than Maximum Spend Request Amount. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.MERCHANTCANNOTSIGNUPNEWPARTICIPANTEXCEPTION | Partner unit %1 cannot sign up new reward participants. | The specified merchant cannot sign up new rewards participants. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.ACCOUNTSRECEIVABLENOTOWNEDBYMERCHANTUNITEXCEPTION | Accounts receivable %1 is not owned by group %2 which the partner unit having a rewards participation agreement belongs to. | Accounts receivable is not owned by the rewards participating merchants unit. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.PURCHASECUSTOMEREVENTDOESNOTBELONGTOMERCHANTEXCEPTION | Purchase customer event %1 does not belong to a partner unit having a rewards participation agreement. | Purchase customer event does not belong to merchant. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.REWARDAWARDTRANSACTIONALREADYSETTLEDEXCEPTION | Award transactions already been settled. | Reward award transaction already been settled. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.MERCHANTCANNOTSIGNUPPARTICIPANTTOSPECIFICSCHEMEEXCEPTION | Partner unit %1 cannot sign up participant to scheme %2. | The specified merchant cannot sign up participant to the specified scheme. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.INVALIDMERCHANTCONTRIBUTIONEXCEPTION | Invalid contribution of rule %1. Contribution must be between 0 and 100. | Invalid contribution. Contribution must be between 0 and 100. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.REWARDOFFERNOTAVAILABLEFORMERCHANTEXCEPTION | Invalid reward offer %1 of rule %2. Only effective offers of the following types can be selected: %3, %4, %5. | Invalid reward offer. Only effective offers of specific types can be selected. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.REWARDOFFERNOTAVAILABLEFORMERCHANTGROUPEXCEPTION | Invalid reward offer %1 of rule %2 is owned by Group %3. %3 is not Group %4 nor collaborates with Group %4 of the Partner Group Rewards Participation Agreement. | Invalid reward offer. Its owned by Group %3 that is not Group of the Reward Participating Merchant Group nor collaborates with it. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.REWARDSCHEMECANNOTBEACCESSEDBYMERCHANTEXCEPTION | Reward scheme %1 cannot be accessed by unit %2. | Reward scheme cannot be accessed by unit. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.PERIODCONTRIBUTIONSOVERLAPEXCEPTION | Rule %1 period contributions overlap. | Period contributions overlap. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.REWARDSCHEMENOTEFFECTIVEEXCEPTION | Cannot Save.Reward scheme %1 is not %2. | Cannot Save.Reward scheme is not effective. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.REWARDSPARTICIPANTAUTOSPENDENABLED | Rewards participant %1 automatic spend setting is enabled. | Rewards participant automatic spend setting is enabled. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.INVALIDFINANCIALTRANSACTIONTYPEEXISTSONWALLETDEFINITIONEXCEPTION | Cannot save partner unit rewards participation agreement. Crediting Rules' Financial Transaction Type %1 exists on the active Wallet Definition. | Cannot save rewards participating merchant. Crediting Rules' Financial Transaction Type exists on the active Wallet Definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.VALIDFROMAFTEREQUALVALIDTOEXCEPTION | Valid from date (%1) must be after or equal to valid to date (%2). | Valid from date must be after or equal to valid to date. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.MANDATORYACCOUNTPAYMENTPREFERENCEEXCEPTION | An account payment preference related with %1 payment gateway provider must be specified. | An account payment preference related with a payment gateway provider must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.INVALIDSPENDREQUESTAVAILABLEAMOUNTEXCEPTION | Cannot save. Maximum available amount that can be spent for this purchase is %1. | Maximum available amount that can be spent for this purchase has been reached. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.CANNOTEXECUTESETTLEMENTNOCONFIGURATIONINREWARDDEFINITIONEXCEPTION | Cannot execute Settlement. Settlement Automation configuration needed in Settlement Settings under General Settings. | Cannot execute Settlement. Settlement Automation configuration needed in Rewards Definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.ALREADYEXISTREWARDPARTICIPANTBYACCOUNTRECEIVABLEEXCEPTION | A Reward Participant already exists with the same Accounts Receivable %1. | The Reward Participant with the specified Accounts Receivable already exists. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.ATLEASTONEFIELDHOURCONDITIONEXCEPTION | At least one of the following fields must be specified:from or to hour in %1 - time conditions. | At least one of the following fields must be specified:from or to hour in specified reward condition - time conditions. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.CANNOTDELETEREWARDOFFERCATEGORYEXCEPTION | Cannot delete %1 %2. It is used by %3. | Cannot delete Reward Offered specified. It is used. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.CANNOTAPPLYIFBESTAWARDPROVIDEDREWARDOFFERTYPEEXCEPTION | Cannot select Apply If Best Award is Provided for Reward Offer Type %1. | Cannot select Apply If Best Award is Provided for Reward Offer Type specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.INVALIDVALUEINAWARDCONDITIONEXCEPTION | Invalid numeric values in Award Conditions. From Value: %1 must be smaller than To Value: %2. | Invalid numeric values in Award Conditions. From Value: %1 must be smaller than To Value: %2. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.INVALIDDATEINAWARDCONDITIONEXCEPTION | Invalid date values in Award Conditions. From Date: %1 must be before to Date: %2. | Invalid date values in Award Conditions. From Date: %1 must be before to Date: %2. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.INVALIDCUSTOMEREVENTPERFORMEDDATEEXCEPTION | Invalid performed date. Performed Date: %1 must be before or equal to the current date. | Invalid customer event performed date. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.INVALIDRESTRICTPERIODOVERTHANVALUEEXCEPTION | Allowed Days for Submitting Spend Requests on Purchase Customer Events should not exceed 180 days. | Invalid restriction period. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.INVALIDRESTRICTPERIODLESSTHANVALUEEXCEPTION | Allowed Days for Submitting Spend Requests on Purchase Customer Events should be more than 0 days. | Invalid restriction period. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.MAXIMUMPERIODOFTIMEHASBEENEXCEEDEDEXCEPTION | Maximum period of time has been exceeded. | Maximum period of time has been exceeded. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.ALREADYAPPLIEDSPENDREQUESTEXCEPTION | An existing spend request has been already applied on the purchase customer event. | An existing spend request has been already applied on the purchase customer event. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.INVALIDHOURINREWARDCONDITIONEXCEPTION | Invalid Hour in %1. From hour: %2 must be before To hour: %3. | Invalid Hour in %1. From hour: %2 must be before To hour: %3. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.CANNOTSUBMITCUSTOMEREVENTEXCEPTION | Cannot Submit %1 Customer Event. %2. | Cannot Submit %1 Customer Event. %2. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.CANNOTSUBMITSPENDREQUESTEXCEPTION | Cannot Submit Spend Request. Rewards Participant %1 is Not Allowed to Submit Spend Requests. | Cannot Submit Spend Request. Rewards Participant %1 is Not Allowed to Submit Spend Requests. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.CANNOTTERMREWPARTDUETOINVALIDLIFECYCLESTATEOFTHEREPLACEDBPARTYPARTEXCEPTION | Cannot Terminate Reward Participant. The replaced by reward participant should be effective. | Cannot Terminate Reward Participant. The replaced by reward participant should be effective. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.CANNOTSUBMITSPENDREQUESTMERCHANTEXCEPTION | Cannot Submit Spend Request. Partner unit %1 is not allowed to submit Spend Requests. | Cannot Submit Spend Request. Rewards Participating Merchant Unit %1 is not allowed to submit Spend Requests. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.EITHERSPENDINSTANTLYORTIMEAFTEROFFERAWARDEDEXCEPTION | Please Specify Either Spend Method Spend Instantly Or Allow Spending Only After a Period of Time Since the Award Was Offered. | Please Specify Either Spend Method Spend Instantly Or Allow Spending Only After a Period of Time Since the Award Was Offered. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.ATLEASTONECONDITIONFROMAWARDCONDITIONSEXCEPTION | At least one condition from Award Conditions (Time Conditions): Either day or time slot must be specified. | At least one condition from Award Conditions (Time Conditions): Either day or time slot must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.NOTFOUNDTRANSACTIONBYWALLETTRANSACTIONEXCEPTION | %1 Transaction of Wallet Transaction %2 not found. | The specified Transaction of the specified Wallet Transaction value was not found. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.ATLEASTONEFIELDALLOWEDPRODUCTORTYPEFROMTOEXCEPTION | At least one of the following fields must be specified: Allowed %1 %2 from and %3 %4 to. | At least one of the following fields must be specified: Allowed product or product type from and to. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.REWARDS.MANDATORYFIELDACCESSTOKENINRELATIONTOREWARDPARTICIPANT | Please specify an access token which is not related by a reward participant or is related by reward participant of that account. | Please specify an access token which is not related by a reward participant or is related by reward participant of that account. |
Security Management
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SECURITYMANAGEMENT.NOTBELONGINGINUNITUSEREXCEPTION | User does not belong in Unit %1. | User does not belong in specified Unit. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SECURITYMANAGEMENT.ONLYONERECORDAUDITTRAILMONITOREDFIELDEXCEPTION | Only one Audit Trail Monitored Field: %1 / %2 must be specified. | Only one Audit Trail Monitored Field specified must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SECURITYMANAGEMENT.ONLYONERECORDRESTRICTIONPROCESSEXCEPTION | Only one Requested %1 %2 must be specified. | Only one Requested record must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SECURITYMANAGEMENT.MANDATORYFIELDSFORSECURITYENTITYCONDITIONEXCEPTION | Please specify entity condition type, status, state or privacy level. | Please specify entity condition type, status, state or privacy level. |
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SEGMENTS.SEGMENTPOSTEXCEPTION | Cannot post segment %1. Life cycle state is not 'Draft'. | Cannot post the segment because of invalid life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SEGMENTS.INVALIDEXCEPTIONALITEMENTITYTYPEEXCEPTION | Item of type %1 is disallowed for segment of type %2. Item must have the same entity type as segment. | Item entity type is disallowed for the specified segment entity type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SEGMENTS.INVALIDSEGMENTQUERYEXCEPTION | Invalid query specified. | The query specified on segment is not valid. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SEGMENTS.ITEMNOTBELONGSTOSEGMENTEXCEPTION | Exceptional item %1 does not belong to segment %2. | Exceptional item %1 does not belong to segment %2. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SEGMENTS.SEGMENTCANNOTEXISTINBOTHLISTSEXCEPTION | Segment %1 cannot exist in both %2. | Segment cannot exists in both lists. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SEGMENTS.SEGMENTRUNTIMEEXCEPTION | Cannot preview/run segment %1. Criteria and/or exceptional items must be specified. | Cannot preview/run segment. Criteria and/or exceptional items must be specified. |
Service Requests
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SERVICEREQUESTS.INVALIDSERVICEREQUESTTYPEPRODUCTEXCEPTION | Product %1 ( %2 ) is disallowed for service request type %3 | Product is disallowed for the specified service request type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SERVICEREQUESTS.CANNOTEXECUTEACTIONSERVICEREQUESTCHANGESTATUSDIFFERENTSTATUSES | Cannot Execute Action Bulk Status Change. Bulk Status Change is allowed only on Service Requests with the same status | Cannot Execute Action Bulk Status Change. Bulk Status Change is allowed only on Service Requests with the same status. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SERVICEREQUESTS.INVALIDSERVICEREQUESTTYPESTATUSEXCEPTION | Service Request status %1 is disallowed for service request type %2 | Service Request status is disallowed for the specified service request type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SERVICEREQUESTS.INVALIDSERVICEREQUESTTYPECATEGORYEXCEPTION | Service request category %1 %2 is disallowed for service request type %3 | Service Request category is disallowed for the specified service request type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SERVICEREQUESTS.INVALIDSERVICEREQUESTTYPEACTIVITYTYPEEXCEPTION | Activity type %1 is disallowed for service request type %2 | Activity type is disallowed for the specified service request type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SERVICEREQUESTS.PENDINGSERVICEREQUESTACTIVITIESEXCEPTION | Service request %1 is related with pending activities ( %2 ). | Service request is related with pending activities. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SERVICEREQUESTS.INVALIDSERVICEREQUESTJOBPRODUCTEXCEPTION | Product %1 ( %2 ) is not included in for job %3 | Product is not included in the specified job. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SERVICEREQUESTS.INVALIDSERVICEREQUESTSUBSCRIPTIONPRODUCTEXCEPTION | Product %1 ( %2 ) is not included in for subscription %3 | Product is not included in the specified subscription. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SERVICEREQUESTS.INVALIDSERVICEREQUESTCONTACTRELATIONSHIPEXCEPTION | %1 %2 is not related to account owner %3 | Contact is not related to contact owner. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SERVICEREQUESTS.INVALIDCOMMUNICATIONTEMPLATEFORSERVICEREQUESTDEFINITIONEXCEPTION | Communication Template %1 is not valid. Media must be set to Email. Direction must be set to Outgoing and Content must not be empty. | Communication Template is not valid. Media must be set to Email, Direction must be set to Outgoing and Content must not be empty. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SERVICEREQUESTS.INVALIDSERVICEREQUESTTYPEEXCEPTION | Service Request type %1 is disallowed based on the active Service Request Definition. | Service Request type is disallowed based on the active Service Request Definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SERVICEREQUESTS.INVALIDSERVICEREQUESTTYPEJOBTYPEEXCEPTION | Job type %1 is disallowed for service request type %2 | Job type is disallowed for the specified service request type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SERVICEREQUESTS.PENDINGSERVICEREQUESTJOBSEXCEPTION | Service request %1 is related with pending jobs ( %2 ). | Service request is related with pending jobs. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SERVICEREQUESTS.CANNOTUPDATESERVICEREQUESTEXCEPTION | Service Request %1 cannot be updated. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information. | Service Request %1 cannot be updated.Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SERVICEREQUESTS.CANNOTACCEPTSERVICEREQUESTEXCEPTION | Service Request %1 cannot be accepted(Does not require acceptance).Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information. | Service Request %1 cannot be accepted(Does not require acceptance).Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SERVICEREQUESTS.SERVICEREQUESTDOESNOTREQUIREACCEPTANCEEXCEPTION | Service Request %1 does not require %2 acceptance yet.Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information. | Service Request %1 does not require %2 acceptance yet.Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SERVICEREQUESTS.SERVICEREQUESTHASALREADYBEENACCEPTEDEXCEPTION | Service Request %1 %2 has already been accepted. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information. | Service Request %1 %2 has already been accepted.Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SERVICEREQUESTS.CANNOTDELETESERVICEREQUESTEXCEPTION | Cannot delete Service Request %1 %2. It is used by %3. | Cannot delete Service Request's related object specified. It is used by the specified record. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SERVICEREQUESTS.CANNOTEXECUTEACTIONNOACCEPTANCEREQUIREDFORSRCATEGORYEXCEPTION | Cannot execute action %1. Service Request Category %2 does not require acceptance. | Cannot execute action Response Accept. Service Request Response Category specified does not require response acceptance. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SERVICEREQUESTS.INVALIDSERVICEREQUESTLIFECYCLESTATEEXCEPTION | Invalid Service Request Life Cycle State. Life Cycle State must be: %1. | Invalid Service Request Life Cycle State. Life Cycle State must be: %1. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SERVICEREQUESTS.NOTSUPPORTEDBYACTIVESERVICEREQUESTDEFINITIONEXCEPTION | %1 %2 is not supported by active Service Request Definition. | It is not supported by active Service Request Definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SERVICEREQUESTS.MANDATORYFIELDSTATUSLIFECYCLESTATEEXCEPTION | Please specify a Status with life cycle state %1. | Please specify a Status with life cycle state specified. |
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ATLEASTONEDEFAULTSUBSCRIPTIONACTIONTYPESHOULDEXISTEXCEPTION | At least one default subscription action type should be specified per behavior code. | At least one default subscription action type should be specified per behavior code. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ATLEASTONEDEFAULTSUBSCRIPTIONSUBACTIONTYPESHOULDEXISTEXCEPTION | At least one default subscription sub action type should be specified per classification code. | At least one default subscription sub action type should be specified per classification code. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ATLEASTONEINSTALLEDITEMEXCEPTION | At least one installed item must be selected first. | At least one installed item must be selected first. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ONLYONEDEFAULTSUBSCRIPTIONSUBACTIONTYPEPERCLASSIFICATIONCODEEXCEPTION | Only one default subscription sub action type should be specified per classification code. | Only one default subscription sub action type should be specified per classification code. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INVALIDSUBSCRIPTIONLIFECYCLESTATEEXCEPTION | Subscription is %1. This action can be performed only if the subscription is %2.%3 | Cannot execute a subscription action because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INVALIDPROVIDERUSAGESERVICEEXCEPTION | Provisioning provider %1 does not distribute service %2. | The specified provisioning provider does not distribute the specified service. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INVALIDJOBFULFILMENTSCOPEEXCEPTION | Invalid Job Fulfillment Scope %1 for Subscription Action %2. Valid Fulfillment Scope/s: %3. | The specified Job has an invalid Fulfilment Scope for the specified Subscription Action. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INVALIDSUBSCRIPTIONSERVICELIFECYCLESTATEEXCEPTION | Subscription service %1 is %2. This action can be performed only if the subscription service is %3.%4 | Cannot execute a subscription action because of invalid subscription service life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INVALIDACCOUNTRECEIVABLELIFECYCLESTATEEXCEPTION | Accounts receivable is %1. This action can be performed only if the account is %2 | Cannot execute a subscription action because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INVALIDSUBSCRIPTIONTYPESERVICEEXCEPTION | Service %1 is disallowed for subscriptions with type %2 | Product is disallowed for the specified subscription type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.CANNOTPERFORMSUBSCRIPTIONACTIONONMANDATORYSERVICEEXCEPTION | Cannot %1 mandatory service for subscriptions with type %2 | You are not allowed to perform the specified action for mandatory service. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INVALIDPROVDISTRIBUTORSERVICEEXCEPTION | Service %1 cannot be provisioned by the provisioning distributor %2. | Service cannot be provisioned by the provisioning distributor. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INVALIDSUBSCRIPTIONTYPEPHYSICALGOODEXCEPTION | Physical good %1 of type %2 is disallowed for subscriptions with type %3. (%4) | Physical Good is disallowed for the specified subscription type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INVALIDSUBSCRIPTIONTYPEPROVDISTRIBUTOREXCEPTION | Provisioning distributor %1 is disallowed for subscriptions with type %2 | Provisioning distributor is disallowed for the specified subscription type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.PHYSICALGOODPROVDISTRIBUTORNOTALLOWEDONSUBTYPEEXCEPTION | %1 %2 cannot be distributed on provisioning distributor %3 for subscriptions with type %4. | Physical good cannot be distributed on the specified provisioning distributor for the specified subscription type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.NOTALLOWEDSUBSCRIPTIONTYPEPROVDISTRIBUTOREXCEPTION | Provisioning distributors are disallowed for subscriptions with type %1. | Provisioning distributors are disallowed for the specified subscription type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INVALIDSUBSCRIPTIONTYPEBILLTERMSCHEMEEXCEPTION | Billing term scheme with code %1 is disallowed for subscriptions with type %2 | Billing term scheme is disallowed for the specified subscription type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ADDEFFECTIVESERVICEINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | Add service is not allowed. Will be allowed only if the subscription's state is 'Effective' or 'Short-term effective'. You can submit the action as draft | Cannot add service because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ADDINSTITEMINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | Add installed item is not allowed. Will be allowed only if the subscription's state is not set to 'Cancelled' or 'Regretted' or 'Expired'. | Cannot add installed item because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ADDSERVICEINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | Add service is not allowed. Will be allowed only if the subscription's state is not set to 'Cancelled' or 'Regretted' or 'Expired'. | Cannot add service because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ALREADYEXISTEFFECTIVEBUYINADVANCEREQUESTEXCEPTION | Effective Buy In Advance Request already exists. A new buy in advance request cannot be created. | Effective Buy In Advance Request already exists. A new buy in advance request cannot be created. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.AMENDBILLINGTERMINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | Amend billing term is not allowed. Will be allowed only if the subscription's state is not set to 'Cancelled' or 'Regretted' or 'Expired'. | Cannot amend billing term because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.BILLSUBSCRIBERINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | Bill subscriber is not allowed. Will be allowed only if the subscription's state is not set to 'Draft'. | Cannot bill subscriber because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.BUYINADVANCEREQUESTALREADYUSEDEXCEPTION | The current buy in advance request is already used. It cannot be cancelled. | The current buy in advance request is already rated. It cannot be cancelled. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.BUYINADVREQFREQLESSSUBBILLFREQEXCEPTION | The current buy in advance request duration is less than the subscription's billing term frequency. | The current buy in advance request duration is less than the subscription's billing term frequency. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.CANNOTSWAPITEMSDUETODIFITEMTYPESEXCEPTION | From and to installed items must have the same type. | From and to installed items must have the same type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INVALIDTARGETSUBSCRIPTIONEXCEPTION | The target subscription should be owned by the same accounts receivable. | The target subscription should be owned by the same accounts receivable. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.CANNOTSWAPSAMEITEMEXCEPTION | The installed item with serial number %1 is already selected to be swapped. | The installed item with specified serial number is already selected to be swapped. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.CANNOTEXECUTESUBSCRIPTIONACTIONEXCEPTION | Action %1 cannot be executed for Subscription %2. A proposed scheduled date is %3 | Action cannot be executed for the subscription. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.CHANGEINSTITEMDISTRINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | Swap installed item is not allowed. Will be allowed only if the subscription's state is not set to 'Cancelled' or 'Regretted' or 'Expired'. | Cannot add installed item because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.CHANGESUBSCRIBERACCOUNTINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | Change subscriber account is not allowed. Will be allowed only if the subscription's state is not set to 'Cancelled' or 'Regretted' or 'Expired'. | Cannot change subscriber account because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBSCRIPTIONACTIONCANNOTBESCHEDULEDEXCEPTION | Subscription Action %1 cannot be scheduled. | Subscription Action Cannot be scheduled. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.CONFLICTSCHEDULEDACTIONEXISTEXCEPTION | Cannot be scheduled because there is already a %1 scheduled action with a conflicting period. | Cannot be scheduled because there is already a scheduled action with a conflicting period. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.CUSTOMERNOTSELECTEDEXCEPTION | Customer not selected. | Select a customer to be able to continue. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.DISALLOWADDUNDISTRIBUTEDSERVICEEXCEPTION | Service %1 will not have any distributions. Based on subscription type %2 you are not allowed to add undistributed services. | You are not allowed to add undistributed services. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.MISSINGREQUIREDDISTRIBUTOREXCEPTION | Provisioning distributor %1 has required provisioning distributor %2. Product %3 should be distributed on %4 | You are not allowed to distribute a product on provisioning distributor if it is not distributed on the required distributor first. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.DISALLOWADDUNDISTRIBUTEDINSTALLEDITEMEXCEPTION | Installed item %1 will not have any distributions. Based on subscription type %2 you are not allowed to add undistributed installed items. | You are not allowed to add undistributed installed items. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.DRAFTACTIONEXIST | The action cannot be performed. Draft action %1 exists for this subscription. | The action cannot be performed. Draft action exists for this subscription. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.DUPLICATEPREREQUISITEVALUESEXCEPTION | Prerequisites values for %1 %2 are specified more than once. Please specify each %3 value only once. | Prerequisites values for %1 %2 are specified more than once. Please specify each %3 value only once. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ENDSHORTTERMACTIVATIONINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | End short term activation is not allowed. Will be allowed only if the subscription's state is set to 'Short-Term Effective'. | Cannot perform end short term activation because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ENDSHORTTERMDEACTIVATIONINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | End short term deactivation is not allowed. Will be allowed only if the subscription's state is set to 'Short-Term Not-Effective'. | Cannot perform end short term deactivation because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.EXTENDGRACEPERIODINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | Extend grace period is not allowed. Will be allowed only if the subscription's state is not set to 'Cancelled' or 'Regretted' or 'Expired' or 'Draft'. | Cannot extend grace period because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.EXTENDGRACEPERIODALREADYINGRACEEXCEPTION | Extend grace period is not allowed. Subscription %1 is already in grace period. | Cannot extend grace period because subscription is already in grace period. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INSTALLEDITEMRESTRICTIONSEXCEPTION | Subscription installed item restrictions are violated. %1 must exist per %2. (%3) | Maximum number of installed items exceeded based on the subscription installed items restrictions. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INSTALLEDITEMPERDISTRIBUTORRESTRICTIONSEXCEPTION | Subscription installed items per distributor restrictions are violated.%1 must be distributed on %2. (%3) | Subscription installed item per distributor restrictions are violated. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INSTITEMISNOTAVAILABLEEXCEPTION | Installed item %1 is not available. | Cannot add installed item . |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INVALIDINSTITEMTYPEEXCEPTION | Installed item with type %1 is not allowed to be added. | Cannot add installed item because of invalid installed item type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.NONEFFECTIVEBUYINADVANCEREQUESTEXCEPTION | The current buy in advance request is not effective. | The current buy in advance request is not effective. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.NOTEXISTEFFECTIVEBUYINADVANCEREQUESTEXCEPTION | Effective buy in advance request does not exist. | Effective Buy In Advance Request does not exist. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.RATEDBUYINADVANCEREQUESTEXCEPTION | The current buy in advance request is already rated. | The current buy in advance request is already rated. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.REMOVEDRAFTSERVICEINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | Remove service - Cancel or Regret service is not allowed. You can only remove service - Undo add service for draft services | Cannot remove service because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.REMOVESERVICEINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | Remove service is not allowed. Will be allowed only if the subscription's state is not set to 'Cancelled' or 'Regretted' or 'Expired'. | Cannot add service because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.RENEWSUBSCRIPTIONINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | Renew subscription is not allowed. Will be allowed only if the subscription's state is 'Expired'. | Cannot renew subscription because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.REPLACESUBSCRIPTIONINVALIDCLASSIFICATIONCODEEXCEPTION | Replace Subscription Business Classification Code is not valid. The allowed options are: %1 | Replace Subscription Business Classification Code is not valid. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.RESTSUBSCRIPTIONINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | Rest subscription is not allowed. Will be allowed only if the subscription's state is set to 'Effective' or 'Not-Effective'. | Cannot rest because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SCHEDULEDACTIONEXISTAFTEREXCEPTION | Cannot be scheduled %1 after a %2 scheduled action. | Cannot be scheduled after a scheduled action. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SCHEDULEDACTIONEXISTBEFOREEXCEPTION | %1 cannot be scheduled before a %2 scheduled action.%3 | Cannot be scheduled before a scheduled action. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SHORTTERMACTIVATIONDAYSEXITEDRULEEXCEPTION | Subscription cannot be short term activated based on the billing term definition. You can short term activate from %1 to %2 | Cannot short term activate subscription based on configuration(Billing term definition). |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SHORTTERMACTIVATIONDAYSLIMITEXITEDRULEEXCEPTION | Subscription cannot be short term activated based on the billing term definition. You can short term activate %1 days per year. You have already short term activated for %2 days. | Cannot short term activate subscription based on configuration(Billing term definition). |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SHORTTERMACTIVATIONINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | Short term activation is not allowed. Will be allowed only if the subscription's state is set to 'Not-Effective' or 'Draft'. | Cannot perform short term activation because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SHORTTERMACTIVATIONTIMESEXITEDRULEEXCEPTION | Subscription cannot be short term activated based on the billing term definition. You can short term activate %1 times per year. You have already short term activated %2 times. | Cannot short term activate subscription based on configuration(Billing term definition). |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SHORTTERMDEACTIVATIONTIMESEXITEDRULEEXCEPTION | Subscription cannot be short term deactivated based on the billing term definition. You can short term deactivate %1 times per year. You have already short term deactivated %2 times. | Cannot short term deactivate subscription based on configuration(Billing term definition). |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SHORTTERMDEACTIVATIONDAYSEXITEDRULEEXCEPTION | Subscription cannot be short term deactivated based on the billing term definition. You can short term deactivate from %1 to %2 | Cannot short term deactivate subscription based on configuration(Billing term definition). |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SHORTTERMDEACTIVATIONDAYSLIMITEXITEDRULEEXCEPTION | Subscription cannot be short term deactivated based on the billing term definition. You can short term deactivate %1 days per year. You have already short term deactivated for %2 days. | Cannot short term deactivate subscription based on configuration(Billing term definition). |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SHORTTERMDEACTIVATIONINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | Short term deactivation is not allowed. Will be allowed only if the subscription's state is set to 'Effective'. | Cannot perform short term deactivation because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.STARTSERVICEINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | Start service is not allowed. Will be allowed only if the subscription's state is 'Effective' or 'Not-effective' or 'Draft'. | Cannot start service because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.STOPSERVICEINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | Stop service is not allowed. Will be allowed only if the subscription's state is 'Effective' or 'Short-term effective'. | Cannot stop service because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBACTIVATIONINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | Activation of subscription is not allowed. Will be allowed only if the subscription's state is 'Draft' or 'Not-Effective'. | Cannot activate subscription because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBDEACTIVATIONINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | Deactivation of subscription is not allowed. Will be allowed only if the subscription's state is 'Effective'. | Cannot deactivate subscription because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.NOTRELATEDSUBSCRIPTIONEXISTFORSPECIFIEDACCOUNTEXCEPTION | The specified account does not have any Subscriptions. | The specified account does not have any Subscriptions. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.TRANSACTIONREFERENCENUMBERISNOTUNIQUEEXCEPTION | The specified transaction reference number is not unique. | The specified transaction reference number is not unique. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.MORETHANONERELATEDSUBSCRIPTIONSEXISTFORSPECIFIEDACCOUNTEXCEPTION | More than one related Subscription exist for the specified account. | More than one related Subscription exist for the specified account. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBEXTENDGRACEPERIODINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | Extend grace period of subscription is not allowed. Will be allowed only if the subscription's state is not 'Regretted' or 'Cancelled' or 'Expired' or 'In resting'. | Cannot rest subscription because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBGRACEDAYSEXITEDRULEEXCEPTION | Cannot extend subscription's grace period based on the billing term definition. You can extend the grace period from %1 to %2 | Cannot extend grace period of subscription based on configuration(Billing term definition). |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBGRACEDAYSLIMITEXITEDRULEEXCEPTION | Cannot extend subscription's grace period based on the billing term definition. You can extend the grace period %1 days per year. You have already rested for %2 days. | Cannot extend grace period of subscription based on configuration(Billing term definition). |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBGRACETIMESEXITEDRULEEXCEPTION | Cannot extend subscription's grace period based on the billing term definition. You can extend the grace period %1 times per year. You have already rested %2 times. | Cannot extend grace period of subscription based on configuration(Billing term definition). |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBSCRIPTIONACTIONRULEEXCEPTION | Cannot perform action %1 due to %2. | Cannot perform a subscription action due to a reason. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBSCRIPTIONDEACTIVATIONNOTALLOWEDWHILESUBSCRIPTIONISINGRACE | Subscription Deactivation is not allowed while subscription is In Grace. | Subscription Deactivation is not allowed while subscription is In Grace. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBSCRIPTIONRESTRICTIONSEXCEPTION | Definition for subscription's restriction is violated. Only %1 subscription(s) can be created for an %2 accounts receivable. | Max number of subscribers per accounts receivable exceeded based on the subscription restrictions definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBSERVICEDEPENDENCIESEXCEPTION | Subscription services dependencies are violated due to product %1 of type %2. (%3) | Subscription services dependencies are violated |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBSERVICEPERDISTRIBUTORDEPENDENCIESEXCEPTION | Subscription services dependencies for %1 distributor are violated. (%2) | Subscription services dependencies for distributor dependencies are violated |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INSTALLEDITEMDEPENDENCIESEXCEPTION | Subscription installed item dependencies are violated due to product %1 with type %2. (%3) | Subscription installed items dependencies are violated. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INSTALLEDITEMPERDISTRIBUTORDEPENDENCIESEXCEPTION | Subscription installed item dependencies for %1 distributor are violated. (%2) | Subscription installed item dependencies for distributor dependencies are violated |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBSERVICEPERDISTRIBUTORRESTRICTIONSEXCEPTION | Subscription services per distributor restrictions are violated. %1 services must be distributed on %2. (%3) | Subscription services per distributor restrictions are violated. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ALREADYDISTRIBUTEDONDISTRIBUTOREXCEPTION | %1 is already distributed on %2. | Service/Installed Item is already distributed on the given distributor. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.DISTRIBUTIONNOTFOUNDEXCEPTION | %1 is not distributed on %2. | Service/Installed Item is not distributed on the given distributor. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.DISTRIBUTORCANNOTBELABELEDEXCEPTION | Distributor %1 cannot be labeled for this subscription. No services or installed items are distributed on it. | Distributor cannot be labeled. No services or installed items are distributed on it. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ONLYONEDISTRIBUTORPERINSTALLEDITEMEXCEPTION | Installed item %1 is distributed to %2 distributors. Only one distributor is allowed per installed item. | Only one distributor is allowed per installed item. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBSERVICERESTRICTIONSEXCEPTION | Subscription services restrictions are violated. %1 services must exist per %2. (%3) | Subscription services restrictions are violated. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBTERMINATIONINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | Termination of subscription is not allowed. Subscription is already cancelled. | Cannot terminate subscription because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBTERMINATIONREGRETRULEEXCEPTION | Subscription cannot be %1 based on the billing term definition. | Cannot regret subscription because action cannot be performed after a date based on configuration(Billing term definition). |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INBINDINGCANCELLATIONEXCEPTION | %1 %2 cannot be cancelled. You are allowed to cancel %3 %4 before %5 and afterwards.%6 | Cancellation of the subscription can not be performed due to billing term definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.OUTOFBINDINGCANCELLATIONEXCEPTION | %1 %2 cannot be cancelled. You have to give notice at least %3 %4 before canceling.%5 | Cancellation of the subscription can not be performed due to billing term definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBSCRIPTIONREGRETEXCEPTION | %1 %2 cannot be regretted. You are allowed to regret %3 %4 after %5.%6 | Cannot regret subscription due to billing term definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SWAPINSTITEMINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | Swap installed item is not allowed. Will be allowed only if the subscription's state is not set to 'Cancelled' or 'Regretted' or 'Expired'. | Cannot add installed item because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.TERMEDSERVICENOTEXISTSONSUBSCRIPTIONONSCHEDULEDDATEEXCEPTION | Termed service %1 does not exist on subscription %2 on scheduled date. | Termed Service not exists on subscription on scheduled date. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SERVICEALREADYEXISTSONSUBSCRIPTIONEXCEPTION | Service %1 already exists on subscription %2. | Service already exists on subscription. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.TERMINATESUBSCRIPTIONINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | Terminate subscription is not allowed. Will be allowed only if the subscription's state is not set to 'Cancelled' or 'Regretted' or 'Expired'. | Cannot terminate subscription because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.UNRESTSUBSCRIPTIONINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | End resting is not allowed. Will be allowed only if the subscription's state is set to 'Grace'. | Cannot rest because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ALLOWEDTIMESINRESTINGPERYEAREXCEPTION | You can only rest %1 time(s) starting from %2 (%3). You have already been in resting %4 time(s) including this action.%5 | Maximum limit of times in resting exceeded. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ALLOWEDDAYSINRESTINGPERYEAREXCEPTION | You can only rest for %1 day(s) starting from %2 (%3). You have already been in resting for %4 day(s) including this action.%5 | Maximum limit of days in resting exceeded. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ALLOWEDDAYSINRESTINGPEREACHTIMEEXCEPTION | Resting can be performed for %1 %2 day(s) each time. | Maximum limit of days in resting per each time exceeded. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ALLOWEDTIMESINSHORTTERMACTIVATIONPERYEAREXCEPTION | You can only short term activate %1 time(s) starting from %2 (%3). You have already been in short term activation %4 time(s) including this action.%5 | Maximum limit of times in short term activation exceeded. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ALLOWEDDAYSINSHORTTERMACTIVATIONPERYEAREXCEPTION | You can short term activate only for %1 day(s) starting from %2 (%3). You have already been in short term activation for %4 day(s) including this action.%5 | Maximum limit of days in short term activation exceeded. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ALLOWEDDAYSINSHORTTERMACTIVATIONPEREACHTIMEEXCEPTION | A short term activation action can be performed for %1 %2 day(s) each time. | Maximum limit of days in short term activation per each time exceeded. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ALLOWEDTIMESINSHORTTERMDEACTIVATIONPERYEAREXCEPTION | You can only short term deactivate %1 time(s) starting from %2 (%3). You have already been in short term deactivation %4 time(s) including this action.%5 | Maximum limit of times in short term deactivation exceeded. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ALLOWEDDAYSINSHORTTERMDEACTIVATIONPERYEAREXCEPTION | You can short term deactivate only for %1 day(s) starting from %2 (%3). You have already been in short term deactivation for %4 day(s) including this action.%5 | Maximum limit of days in short term deactivation exceeded. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ALLOWEDDAYSINSHORTTERMDEACTIVATIONPEREACHTIMEEXCEPTION | %1 %2 day(s) each time short term deactivation can be performed. | Maximum limit of days in short term deactivation per each time exceeded. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.UNRESTSUBSCRIPTIONINVALIDSUBSTATEEXCEPTION | End resting is not allowed. Will be allowed only if the subscription's state is set to 'Grace'. | Cannot rest because of invalid subscription life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ALLOWEDTIMESINGRACEPERYEAREXCEPTION | You can extend grace period only %1 time(s) starting from %2 (%3).You have already extended grace period %4 time(s) including this action.%5 | Maximum limit of times in grace exceeded. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ALLOWEDDAYSINGRACEPERYEAREXCEPTION | You can extend grace period only %1 day(s) starting from %2 (%3).You have already extended grace period %4 day(s) including this action.%5 | Maximum limit of days in grace exceeded. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ALLOWEDDAYSINGRACEPEREACHTIMEEXCEPTION | %1 %2 day(s) can extend grace period each time. | Maximum limit of days in grace per each time exceeded. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.DEACTIVATESUBSCRIPTIONINVALIDBILLTERMSTATEEXCEPTION | In order to deactivate a subscription, it should have an effective billing term instance. | Cannot deactivate because of invalid billing term life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBSCRIPTIONASSIGNACTIVEACCOUNTEEXCEPTION | The subscription should be owned by an active accounts receivable. | Cannot deactivate because it does not be owned by an active accounts receivable. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.CONDITIONTOSETASEFFECTIVEEXCEPTION | Cannot activate. Billing term definition activation conditions are violated. | Cannot activate. Billing term definition activation conditions are violated. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBSERVICESWAPEXCEPTION | Action %1 cannot be executed for Subscription Service %2. You are allowed to %3 %4 %5 after %6.%7 | Cannot swap subscription service because action cannot be performed after a date based on configuration(Billing term definition). |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBSCRIPTIONREPLACMENTEXCEPTION | Replace subscription action can not be performed. You are allowed to replace the subscription %1 %2 after %3. | Subscription Replacement rules are violated. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBSCRIPTIONCANCELLATIONEXCEPTION | Action %1 cannot be executed for Subscription %2. You are allowed to %3 %4 %5 after %6.%7 | Cannot cancel subscription because action cannot be performed after a date based on configuration(Billing term definition). |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBSCRIPTIONBILLINGAMENDMENTEXCEPTION | Action %1 cannot be executed for Subscription %2. You are allowed to %3 %4 %5 after %6.%7 | Cannot amend billing terms of subscription because action cannot be performed after a date based on configuration(Billing term definition). |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBSERVICECANCELLATIONEXCEPTION | Action %1 cannot be executed for Service %2. You are allowed to %3 %4 %5 after %6.%7 | Cannot cancel subscription service because action cannot be performed after a date based on configuration(Billing term definition). |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBSERVICESWAPRULEEXCEPTION | Subscription service %1 cannot be %2 based on the billing term definition. | Cannot swap subscription service because action cannot be performed after a date based on configuration(Billing term definition). |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INVALIDSWAPSERVICECLASSIFICATIONCODEEXCEPTION | Change from %1 to %2 is not %3. | The change for the one service to the other will not result the classification code you specify. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INVALIDSWAPSERVICECOMBINATIONEXCEPTION | You are not allowed to perform %1 within the same action.%2 | You are not allowed to perform different swap service action within the same action. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INVALIDSUBSCRIPTIONACCOUNTCHANGEEXCEPTION | The new account %1 must belong to the same customer (%2) %3 | The new account must belong to the same customer. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBSCRIPTIONACCOUNTCANNOTCHANGEEXCEPTION | The account of subscription cannot change. %1. | The account of subscription cannot change. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INVALIDSUBSCRIBERCHANGEEXCEPTION | The new subscriber %1 must be different than the previous customer: %2 | The new subscriber must be different than the previous customer. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.CANNOTCANCELSUBSCRIPTIONACTIONEXCEPTION | Cannot cancel subscription action %1. Life cycle state is not %2. | Cannot cancel subscription action because of invalid life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.CANNOTEXECUTEAMENDBILLINGTERMACTIONEXCEPTION | Cannot execute amend billing term action. %1 is not allowed for billing method %2. | Cannot execute amend billing term action because of invalid field. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.CANNOTAMENDSUBSCRIPTIONACTIONEXCEPTION | Cannot amend subscription action %1. Life cycle state is not %2. | Cannot amend subscription action because of invalid life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.CANNOTCHANGETOPREPAIDSCHEMEEXCEPTION | Cannot amend the billing terms on the specified date. Schedule the billing term amendment on a date after %1. | Cannot amend the billing terms on the specified date. Schedule the billing term amendment on a date after the specified fate |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ATLEASTASUBSCRIPTIONSERVICESHOULDEXISTEXCEPTION | At least one %1 subscription service should exist during the date %2. | At least one subscription service should exist during that date. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INVALIDADDITIONALBILLINGPERIODNUMBEREXCEPTION | Invalid additional Billing Periods. Number of additional periods should be less than 10. | Number of additional billing periods should be less than 10. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INVALIDBILLINGTERMCHANGEEXCEPTION | You are not allowed to change %1 | You are not allowed to perform the specified amend billing term change. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INVALIDSUBSCRIPTIONACTIONCLASSIFICATIONCODEEXCEPTION | Invalid Subscription Action Classification Code. | Invalid Subscription Action Classification Code. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INVALIDPERCEPTIONCONTRACTEXCEPTION | Only one Mandatory Service is allowed to be provided on a Perception Subscription | A subscriber related with perception can have only one mandatory service |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.CANNOTCHANGESUBSCRIBEREXCEPTION | Cannot change subscriber. Billing address is not specified. | Cannot change subscriber. Billing address is not specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.WALLETBALANCEEXCEEDEDEXCEPTION | Subscription action cannot be executed. Wallet balance is not enough to cover all the services. | Subscription action cannot be executed. Wallet balance is not enough. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.CANNOTEXECUTESUBSCRIPTIONACTIONRELATEDWITHJOBEXCEPTION | Cannot execute Subscription Action %1. %2 %3 is %4 by %5 %6. | Cannot execute Subscription Action. Physical Good/Service is requested/not requested by Job. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.PROVISIONINGDISTRIBUTORPRODUCTTYPERESTRICTIONEXCEPTION | Provisioning distributor restrictions are violated. %1 %2 %3 %4 must be distributed on %5. | Provisioning distributor restrictions are violated. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBSCRIPTIONTYPEPRODUCTTYPERESTRICTIONEXCEPTION | Subscription type restrictions are violated. %1 %2 %3 %4 must exist per %5 subscription. | Subscription type restrictions are violated. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.PACKAGESUBSCRIPTIONTYPESERVICEEXCEPTION | Subscription service %1 with provisioning distributor %2 is missing. | Please specify all the mandatory services of the subscription type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SERVICESMISSINGFROMSUBTYPEBILLINGTERMSCHEMEEXCEPTION | Some subscription type services are missing from the billing term scheme %1. Please add the missing services using the related provided action. | Please add the missing billing term scheme services. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INSTALLEDITEMNOTEXISTSONSUBSCRIPTIONEXCEPTION | Installed Item %1 does not exist on subscription %2. | Installed Item does not exist on subscription. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INVALIDSWAPPACKAGECLASSIFICATIONCODEEXCEPTION | Change from package %1 to %2 is not %3. | The change from the one package to the other will not result to the classification code you specify. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBSCRIPTIONPACKAGESWAPEXCEPTION | Action %1 cannot be executed for Subscription Package %2. You are allowed to %3 %4 %5 after %6.%7 | Cannot swap subscription package because action cannot be performed after a date based on configuration(Billing term definition). |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INVALIDPROVDISTRIBUTORINSTALLEDITEMEXCEPTION | Provisioning distributor %1 does not distribute installed item %2. | Installed Item is not provisioned by the provisioning distributor. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ALREADYEXISTSWAPPRODUCTINSUBSCRIPTIONEXCEPTION | A subscription service already exists with the same code: %1. | A subscription service with the specified code already exists. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.CANNOTEXECUTEACTIONADDUSAGEFORPRODUCTEXCEPTION | Cannot execute action add usage for product %1. Is not valid against usage service catalog %2 %3. | Cannot execute action add usage for product specified. Is not valid against usage service catalog. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.CANNOTDISTRIBUTEEXCEPTION | %1 can not be distributed to %2. | The specified distribution is invalid |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.CANNOTEXECUTEACTIONONINSTALLEDITEMCANNOTREMOVEEXCEPTION | Cannot execute action %1. Cannot remove %2 from %3. | Cannot execute action. Installed Item Cannot be removed |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ONLYONERECORDSCOPEONSERVICERESTRICTIONSUNIQUENESSEXCEPTION | Only one Scope %1 on service restrictions must be specified. | Only one Scope specified on service restrictions must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ONLYONERECORDPRODUCTTYPEONINSTALLEDITEMRESTRICTIONSSUBSCRIPTIONUNIQUENESSEXCEPTION | Only one Product Type %1 on installed item restrictions must be specified. | Only one Product Type specified on installed item restrictions must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ONLYONERECORDPROVISIONINGDISTRIBUTORUNIQUENESSEXCEPTION | Only one Provisioning Distributor %1 on %2 dependencies must be specified. | Only oneProvisioning Distributor specified on specified dependencies must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INSTALLEDITEMPERDISTRIBUTORONLYRESTRICTIONSEXCEPTION | Subscription installed items per distributor restrictions are violated. %1 %2 must be distributed on %3. | Subscription installed item per distributor restrictions are violated. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INSTALLEDITEMATLEASTRESTRICTIONSEXCEPTION | Subscription installed item restrictions are violated. %1 %2 must exist per %3. | Maximum number of installed items exceeded based on the subscription installed items restrictions. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INSTALLEDITEMONLYRESTRICTIONSEXCEPTION | Subscription installed item restrictions are violated. %1 %2 must exist per %3. | Maximum number of installed items exceeded based on the subscription installed items restrictions. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INSTALLEDITEMPERDISTRIBUTORATLEASTRESTRICTIONSEXCEPTION | Subscription installed items per distributor restrictions are violated. %1 %2 must be distributed on %3. | Subscription installed item per distributor restrictions are violated. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INSTALLEDITEMPERDISTRIBUTORONLYRESTRICTIONSEXCEPTION | Subscription installed items per distributor restrictions are violated. %1 %2 must be distributed on %3. | Subscription installed item per distributor restrictions are violated. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBSERVICEPERDISTRIBUTORATLEASTRESTRICTIONSEXCEPTION | Subscription services per distributor restrictions are violated. %1 %2 %3 services must be distributed on %4. | Subscription services per distributor restrictions are violated. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBSERVICEPERDISTRIBUTORONLYRESTRICTIONSEXCEPTION | Subscription services per distributor restrictions are violated. %1 %2 %3 services must be distributed on %4. | Subscription services per distributor restrictions are violated. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBSERVICEATLEASTRESTRICTIONSEXCEPTION | Subscription services restrictions are violated. %1 %2 %3 services must exist per %4. | Subscription services restrictions are violated. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.SUBSERVICEONLYRESTRICTIONSEXCEPTION | Subscription services restrictions are violated. %1 %2 %3 services must exist per %4. | Subscription services restrictions are violated. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ALLOWEDTIMESINRESTINGPERYEAREXCEPTION | You can only rest %1 time(s) starting from %2 (%3). You have already been in resting %4 time(s) including this action.%5 | Maximum limit of times in resting exceeded. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ALLOWEDDAYSINRESTINGPERYEAREXCEPTION | You can only rest for %1 day(s) starting from %2 (%3). You have already been in resting for %4 day(s) including this action.%5 | Maximum limit of days in resting exceeded. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ALLOWEDTIMESINSHORTTERMACTIVATIONPERYEAREXCEPTION | You can only short term activate %1 time(s) starting from %2 (%3). You have already been in short term activation %4 time(s) including this action.%5 | Maximum limit of times in short term activation exceeded. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ALLOWEDTIMESINSHORTTERMDEACTIVATIONPERYEAREXCEPTION | You can only short term deactivate %1 time(s) starting from %2 (%3). You have already been in short term deactivation %4 time(s) including this action.%5 | Maximum limit of times in short term deactivation exceeded. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ALLOWEDDAYSINSHORTTERMDEACTIVATIONPERYEAREXCEPTION | You can short term deactivate only for %1 day(s) starting from %2 (%3). You have already been in short term deactivation for %4 day(s) including this action.%5 | Maximum limit of days in short term deactivation exceeded. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.ALLOWEDTIMESINGRACEPERYEAREXCEPTION | You can extend grace period only %1 time(s) starting from %2 (%3).You have already extended grace period %4 time(s) including this action.%5 | Maximum limit of times in grace exceeded. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INVALIDSWAPSERVICECLASSIFICATIONCODEEXCEPTION | Change from %1 to %2 is not %3. | The change for the one service to the other will not result the classification code you specify. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.INVALIDSUBSCRIPTIONACCOUNTCHANGEEXCEPTION | The new account %1 must belong to the same customer (%2) %3 | The new account must belong to the same customer. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.NOTFOUNDBEHAVIORCODEFORSUBSCRIPTIONACTIONEXCEPTION | A behavior code for subscription action %1 not found. | A behavior code for subscription action specified not found. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.MANDATORYFIELDNONBUNDLEINSTALLEDITEMEXCEPTION | Please specify a non bundle installed item. The installed item (%1) is part of a bundle. | Please specify a non bundle installed item. The installed item specified is part of a bundle. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.NOTSUPPORTEDPRODUCTBYSUBSCRIPTIONTYPEEXCEPTION | Product %1 is not supported by the Subscription Type. Only termed, usage and expense services are allowed to be added. | Product specified is not supported by the Subscription Type. Only termed, usage and expense services are allowed to be added. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.MANDATORYFIELDDIFFERENTDISTRIBUTORMOVEEXCEPTION | Please specify different move to distributor than the current distributor(%1). | Please specify different move to distributor than the current distributor. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.SUBSCRIPTIONS.MANDATORYFIELDFORSUBSCRIPTIONADDRESSEXCEPTION | Please specify %1 for Entities Related With %2. | Please specify Field for Entities Related With specified Entity. |
Usage Service Catalogs
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.USAGESERVICECATALOGS.INVALIDUSAGESERVICEEXCEPTION | Usage service %1 type is not allowed by active usage service catalog definition. | Usage service type is not allowed by active usage service catalo definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.USAGESERVICECATALOGS.INVALIDPROVIDEREXCEPTION | Provisioning provider is not allowed by the active usage service catalog definition. | Provisioning provider is not allowed by the active usage service catalog definition. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.USAGESERVICECATALOGS.INVALIDUSAGESEVICETYPERATE | Default rates cannot be defined for usage service type %1 because it is not included in the allowed usage service types. | Default rates cannot be defined for usage service type because it is not included in the allowed usage service types. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.USAGESERVICECATALOGS.CANNOTDELETEUSAGESERVICEEXCEPTION | Usage service %1 cannot be removed because is posted, billable and still not billed and usage service catalog is not draft. | Usage service cannot be removed because is posted, billable and still not billed and usage service catalog is not draft. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.USAGESERVICECATALOGS.CANNOTUPDATEUSAGESERVICEEXCEPTION | Cannot update Usage Service Catalog %1. It is already expired or used by at least one unprocessed UDR. | Usage service catalog cannot be updated. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.USAGESERVICECATALOGS.USAGESERVICETIEREDRATEOVERLAPEXISTSEXCEPTION | Usage Service tiered rate %1 overlap exists. | Usage Service tiered rate overlap exists. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.USAGESERVICECATALOGS.CANNOTUPDATEUSAGESERVICECATALOGLIFECYCLESTATEEXCEPTION | Cannot %1 Usage Service Catalog %2. It is already %3. | Cannot update Usage Service Catalog life cycle state. |
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.UTILITIES.MANDATORYFIELDRUNNINGTASKEXCEPTION | Please specify a running task. %1 is not running. | Please specify a running task. This one is not running. |
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.VOUCHERS.LOTACCEPTANCEEXCEPTION | Cannot accept lot %1. Life cycle state is already 'Accepted'. | Error accepting the specified lot. The life cycle state of the lot should not be 'Accepted'. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.VOUCHERS.CANNOTSUBMITACTIONEXCEPTION | Cannot submit %1 action for Lot %2. Lot Life cycle state is in progress. | Cannot submit %1 action for Lot %2. Lot Life cycle state is in progress. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.VOUCHERS.VOUCHERACCEPTANCEEXCEPTION | Cannot accept Voucher %1. Life cycle state is not 'Draft'. | Error accepting the specified Voucher. The life cycle state of the voucher should be 'Draft'. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.VOUCHERS.VOUCHERACTIVATIONEXCEPTION | Cannot activate voucher %1. Life cycle state is not 'Accepted for activation'. | Error activating the specified Voucher. The life cycle state of the voucher should be 'Accepted for activation'. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.VOUCHERS.VOUCHERCANCELLATIONEXCEPTION | Cannot cancel voucher %1. Invalid life cycle state. | Error canceling the specified Voucher. The life cycle state of the voucher is not allowed by the voucher definition configuration. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.VOUCHERS.VOUCHERCANNOTBECANCELLEDEXCEPTION | Cancel voucher action cannot be performed for the specified criteria or for the vouchers with life cycle states: %1. | Cancel voucher action cannot be performed for the specified criteria or for the vouchers with life cycle states: %1. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.VOUCHERS.VOUCHERCANNOTBEACTIVATEDEXCEPTION | Activate voucher action cannot be performed for vouchers with life cycle states: %1. | Activate Voucher action cannot be performed for Vouchers with invalid life cycle states. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.VOUCHERS.VOUCHERCANNOTBEPURGEDEXCEPTION | Purge voucher action cannot be performed for vouchers with life cycle states: %1. | Purge Voucher action cannot be performed for Vouchers with invalid life cycle states. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.VOUCHERS.VOUCHERMODIFICATIONEXCEPTION | Cannot modify voucher %1. Life cycle state is not 'Draft'. | Error modifying the specified Voucher. The life cycle state of the voucher should be 'Draft'. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.VOUCHERS.VOUCHERNOTFOUNDEXCEPTION | Cannot find voucher with the specified secret number. | Voucher does not exist with the specified secret number. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.VOUCHERS.VOUCHERPURGEEXCEPTION | Cannot purge voucher %1. Invalid life cycle state. | Error purging the specified Voucher. The life cycle state of the voucher is not allowed by the voucher definition configuration. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.VOUCHERS.VOUCHERREJECTIONEXCEPTION | Cannot reject voucher %1. Life cycle state is not 'Draft'. | Error rejecting the specified Voucher. The life cycle state of the voucher should be 'Draft'. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.VOUCHERS.VOUCHERUSAGEEXCEPTION | Cannot use voucher %1. Life cycle state is not 'Activated'. | Error using the specified Voucher. The life cycle state of the voucher should be 'Activated'. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.VOUCHERS.VOUCHERUSAGEDATEEXCEPTION | Cannot use voucher %1. Invalid date for usage. | Error using the specified Voucher. The effective date must be before current date and expiration date after current date. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.VOUCHERS.VOUCHERUSAGEACCOUNTEXCEPTION | Cannot use voucher %1 against the provided Accounts Receivable as it is associated with another Accounts Receivable. | Error using the specified Voucher. It is already associated with another Accounts Receivable. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.VOUCHERS.VOUCHERNOTFOUNDTOBEEXPORTEDEXCEPTION | There are no vouchers available to be exported. | There are no vouchers available to be exported. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.VOUCHERS.INVALIDDAYSAFTEREXPIRATIONEXCEPTION | Invalid days after expiration date: %1. Please specify a value greater than 0. | Days after expiration date should be greater than 0. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.VOUCHERS.NOTFOUNDVOUCHEREXCEPTION | Voucher %1 not found. | Voucher specified is not found. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.VOUCHERS.MANDATORYFIELDVOUCHERTYPEEXISTSONLOTEXCEPTION | Please specify other voucher type. The specified voucher type already exist on the lot %1. | Please specify other voucher type. The specified voucher type already exist on a lot. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.VOUCHERS.INVALIDVOUCHERTYPEEXCEPTION | Please specify a voucher type which does not have a 'Refund Voucher' classification. | Please specify a voucher type which does not have 'Refund Voucher' classification. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.VOUCHERS.INVALIDVOUCHERPRODUCTEXCEPTION | Voucher %1 %2 is not allowed based on the voucher type. | The specified product or product type is not allowed based on the voucher type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.VOUCHERS.ELECTRONICVOUCHERCANNOTBECANCELLEDEXCEPTION | Cannot cancel voucher %1. Only activated vouchers, classified as 'Electronic Payment Voucher' can be cancelled. | Cannot cancel the specified voucher. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.VOUCHERS.CANNOTPURCHASEVOUCHERDUETOCREDITLIMITEXCEPTION | Cannot purchase voucher. Credit Limit will be reached for unit's account %1. | Cannot purchase voucher. Credit Limit will be reached for unit's account. |
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.CANNOTVOIDAVOIDWALLETTRANSACTIONEXCEPTION | Cannot void a void transaction. | Cannot void a void transaction. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.WALLETTRANSACTIONALREADYVOIDEDEXCEPTION | The specified wallet transaction has already been voided. | The specified wallet transaction has already been voided. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.INVALIDTRANSACTIONTYPECLASSIFICATIONEXCEPTION | Transaction type of %1 classification is disallowed for the specified action. | Transaction type of this classification is disallowed for the specified action. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.CANNOTEXECUTEACTIONFORCANCELLEDWALLETEXCEPTION | Wallet is cancelled. This action can be performed only if the wallet is %1. | Cannot execute action because of invalid wallet life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.FROMTOWALLETMUSTBEDIFFERENTEXCEPTION | Wallet must be different from To Wallet | Wallet must be different from To Wallet. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.INVALIDWALLETLIFECYCLESTATEEXCEPTION | Cannot proceed. Life cycle state of wallet %1 is not %2. | Cannot proceed because of invalid wallet life cycle state. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.NODEFAULTWALLETTRANSACTIONTYPEEXCEPTION | Cannot proceed.There is no default %1 wallet transaction type. | Cannot proceed.There is no default wallet transaction type. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.TRANSFERAMOUNTMORETHANAVAILABLEBALANCEEXCEPTION | Transfer amount %1 must be less or equal than wallet available balance %2. | Transfer amount must be less or equal than wallet available balance. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.ATLEASTONEFINANCIALTRANSACTIONTYPEFOREVENTEXCEPTION | Please specify at least one %1 type causing %2. | Please specify at least one financial transaction type causing a wallet action. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.CANNOTSAVEAWARDEXPIRATIONTRANSACTIONBASEDONTHRESHOLDAMOUNTEXCEPTION | Cannot create award expiration transaction for award transaction %1. There is no available balance. | Cannot create award expiration transaction for award transaction. There is no available balance. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.ATLEASTONEAUTOTOPUPRULEEXCEPTION | Please specify at least one Auto Top Up Rule. | Please specify at least one Auto Top Up Rule. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.ATLEASTONEFINANCIALTRANSACTIONTYPEFOREVENTREWPARTMERCHANTEXCEPTION | Please specify at least one %1 type causing %2. There is at least one partner unit rewards participation agreement with a Credit Note Financial Transaction Type in Crediting Rules. | Please specify at least one financial transaction type causing a wallet action. There is at least one Reward Participating Merchant with a Credit Note Financial Transaction Type in Crediting Rules. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.INVALIDFINANCIALTRANSACTIONTYPEEXISTSONREWPARTMERCHANTEXCEPTION | Cannot save Wallet Definition. Credit Wallet Financial Transaction Type %1 exists on a partner unit rewards participation agreement's Crediting Rules. | Cannot save Wallet Definition. Credit Wallet Financial Transaction Type exists on Reward Participating Merchant's Crediting Rules. |
Period Closing cannot be performed. Current Day must be After the To Date of Wallet Balance Period to be Closed.|Wallet Balance Period Closing cannot be performed. Current Day must be After the To Date of Accounting Period to be Closed.|
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.CANNOTTRANSFERMONEYFROMWALLETEXCEPTION | Cannot Transfer money from Wallet. %1. | Cannot Transfer money from Wallet. %1. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.CANNOTENFORCEWALLETCONSUMPTIONEXCEPTION | Cannot enforce wallet consumption. %1. | Cannot enforce wallet consumption. %1. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.ALREADYEXISTEFFECTIVEWALLETINACCOUNTRECEIVABLEEXCEPTION | An Effective Wallet ( %1 ) already exists in Accounts Receivable. | The specified Effective Wallet record already exists in Accounts Receivable. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.CANNOTCREATEWALLETTRANSACTIONSUMMORETRANSACTIONAMOUNTEXCEPTION | Cannot create Wallet transaction. The sum of the amounts defined in the allotments (%1) must be less or equal to the transaction amount. | Cannot create Wallet transaction. The sum of the amounts defined in the allotments must be less or equal to the transaction amount. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.CANNOTCREATEWALLETTRANSACTIONSUMTRANSACTIONAMOUNTEXCEPTION | Cannot create Wallet transaction. The sum of the amounts defined in the allotments (%1) must be equal to the transaction amount (%2). | Cannot create Wallet transaction. The sum of the amounts defined in the allotments must be equal to the transaction amount. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.CANNOTCREATEDEBITWALLETTRANSACTIONBASEDONTHRESHOLDAMOUNTEXCEPTION | Cannot create Wallet transaction. The amount defined in the allotment (%1) must be less or equal to the available amount (%2). | Cannot create Wallet transaction. The amount defined in the allotment must be less or equal to the available amount. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.CANNOTVOIDCREDITWALLETTRANSACTIONBASEDONTHRESHOLDAMOUNTEXCEPTION | Cannot create Wallet transaction. The amount defined in the allotment (%1) must be less or equal to the available amount (%2). | Cannot void Wallet transaction. The available amount is not enough. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.ONLYONERECORDWALLETTRANSACTIONTYPEEXCEPTION | Only one Wallet Transaction Type %1 on %2 must be specified. | Only one Wallet Transaction Type specified on specified tab must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.INVALIDWALLETTRANSACTIONTYPECLASSIFICATIONEXCEPTION | Please Specify Wallet Transaction Type with Classification: %1 | Please Specify Wallet Transaction Type with Classification: %1 |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.MANDATORYFIELDWALLETTRANSACTIONTYPEFOREVENTEXCEPTION | Please specify Wallet transaction type for %1 cause in %2. | Please specify Wallet transaction type for specified cause. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.MANDATORYFIELDFINANCIALTRANSACTIONTYPEFOREVENTINCAUSEEXCEPTION | Please specify Financial transaction type(in Conditions) for %1 in %2 Cause. | Please specify Financial transaction type(in Conditions) for event in specified Cause. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WALLETS.MANDATORYFIELDWALLETTRANSACTIONTYPEFOREVENTINRULEEXCEPTION | Please specify Wallet transaction type(in Conditions) for %1 in %2 Rule. | Please specify Wallet transaction type(in Conditions) for event in specified Rule. |
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WARRANTIES.INVALIDWARRANTYPOLICYVALIDITYDATESEXCEPTION | Invalid validity dates. Effective Date: %1 must be before Expiration Date: %2. | Invalid validity dates. Effective Date must be before Expiration Date. |
Code | Message | Description |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WORKFLOWS.ATLEASTONEFIELDFROMVALUETOVALUEINCONDITIONEXCEPTION | At least one of the following fields must be specified:From value or To value for %1 field in condition: %2 | From value or To value for specified condition Value field in condition specified |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WORKFLOWS.ONLYONERECORDINSPECIFICCONDITIONEXCEPTION | Only one %1 %2 %3: %4 must be specified. | Only one record of the specified in condition specified must be specified |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WORKFLOWS.ONLYONERECORDFIELDCONDITIONVALUEINSPECIFICCONDITIONEXCEPTION | Only one Field %1 with value ( %2 ) in condition: %3 must be specified. | Only one Field with value specified in condition specified must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WORKFLOWS.ONLYONERECORDINSPECIFICACTIONEXCEPTION | Only one %1 %2 in %3 must be specified. | Only one Record specified must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WORKFLOWS.ATLEASTONEFIELDSPECIFICUSERSEXCEPTION | At least one of the following fields must be specified: %1 specific users. | At least Specified value of specific users must be specified. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WORKFLOWS.MANDATORYFIELDOTHERFROMTOVALUESFORFIELDINCONDITIONEXCEPTION | Please specify different from/to values for field %1 in condition: %2. | Please specify different from/to values for field specified in condition specified |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WORKFLOWS.MANDATORYFIELDVALUEFORACTIONINSECTIONEXCEPTION | Please specify value for %1 in %2 section. | Please specify value for specified action in specified section. |
COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.WORKFLOWS.MANDATORYFIELDINSECTIONEXCEPTION | Please specify field in %1 section. | Please specify field in specified section. |