- Joseph Ioannou (Unlicensed)
- Georgia Kountouri
Name | Type | Description |
price_plan | Price Plan Object | The price plan that was agreed for the specific accounts receivable |
usage_service_catalog | Usage Service Catalog Object | The usage service catalog that was agreed for the specific accounts receivable Deprecated from CRM.COM R15.0.0 |
additive_discount_definitions_set | Set of Additive Discount Definition Objects | A list of Additive discount definitions that can only be applied when the specific accounts receivable is billed. Available from CRM.COM R14.9.0 |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The ID of the retrieved price plan |
name | String | The Name of the retrieved price plan |
code | String | The Code of the retrieved price plan |
description | String | The Description of the retrieved price plan |
type | String | The Type of the retrieved price plan which can be BASE or CONDITIONAL |
effective_date | Date | The Effective Date of the retrieved price plan |
expiration_date | Date | The Expiration Date of the retrieved price plan |
currency | Currency Object | The Currency of the retrieved price plan Available from CRM.COM R14.2.0 |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The ID of the retrieved currency |
code | String | The code of the retrieved currency |
prefix_symbol | String | The prefix symbol for the specified currency |
suffix_symbol | String | The suffix symbol for the specified currency |
life_cycle_state | String | The life cycle state for the specified currency, which can be EFFECTIVE or NOT EFFECTIVE Available from CRM.COM R14.0.0 |
integer_part_name | String | The integer part name for the specified currency |
decimal_part_name | String | The decimal part name for the specified currency |
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The ID of the retrieved usage service catalog |
name | String | The Name of the retrieved usage service catalog |
alternative_code | String | The Alternative Code of the retrieved usage service catalog |
description | String | The Description of the retrieved usage service catalog |
effective_date | Date | The Effective Date of the retrieved usage service catalog Available from CRM.COM R14.0.0 |
expiration_date | Date | The Expiration Date of the retrieved usage service catalog Available from CRM.COM R14.0.0 |
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The ID of the retrieved additive discount definition |
alternative_code | String | The alternative code of the retrieved additive discount definition |
name | String | The name of the retrieved additive discount definition |
life_cycle_state | String | The life cycle state of the retrieved additive discount definition. The supported life cycle states are EFFECTIVE or NOT_EFFECTIVE |
classification | String | The classification of the retrieved additive discount definition which can be either SUBSCRIPTIONS, JOBS or GENERAL GENERAL classification available from CRM.COM R15.0.0 JOB classification is not available from CRM.COM R17.0.0 |
type | String | The type of the additive discount definition which can be AUTO_APPLY or AD_HOC |