The Revolut integration manual is a comprehensive guide designed to assist businesses in seamlessly integrating Revolut services for payment processing with their CRM.COM platform.
Certain steps must be completed from both the Business's Revolut account and the CRM.COM backend system in order to fully integrate CRM.COM with Revolut.
This guide assumes that the Business already has a Revolut business account.
Both the Revolut and CRM.COM systems require private and public keys to ensure call security. These keys can be generated in several ways, such as using the OpenSSL tool available on some platforms, like Apple Mac, or by using various websites.
1) Add your Certificate to your Revolut Business Account
It’s necessary to authorise your application to access your Revolut Business account via the Business API. To do this, you need to first generate your certificate and then upload it on the API settings page of your Revolut Business portal.
Generate a Private and Public Key
This step should be performed only if the business doesn’t already have a certificate.
Open your preferred CLI, copy, paste and execute the following commands:
$ openssl genrsa -out privatekey.pem 2048
$ openssl req -new -x509 -key privatekey.pem -out publickey.cer -days 1825
$ openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -in privatekey.pem -out private_key.pem -nocrypt
Create a public/private key pair, and then copy and paste the publickey.cer into the required field when you complete the next step.
Upload your Certificate
Log in to your Revolut Business portal, and go to Settings > API.
Select Add certificate.
Copy and paste the publickey.cer to the X509 public key field.
Specify the OAuth redirect URI. This is the URL where you will be redirected after you consent to the application accessing your Revolut Business account. For the time being, if you set, the redirect will append the necessary token / code to complete the CRM.COM setup.
Continue to CRM.COM to set the same parameters.
You are directed to the API Certificate page, where you need to consent to the application. Do this step after configuring the Revolut integration from the CRM.COM back-end system.
How to Obtain the Authorisation Code
On the Revolut API Certificate page, get your Client Id from the ClientId
field. Click Enable API access to your account. You will be redirected to the /app-confirm
URL where you must grant permission for your application to access your account via the Business API. Note that you can also see the client_id
in the app-confirm
URL. Check the sample confirmation URL below.
Click Authorise. This triggers a two-factor authentication process. Upon successful authorisation, you are redirected to the OAuth redirect URI
that you have specified. Get the authorization_code
from the redirect URI. See the sample direct below.
Sample Confirmation URL:
Sample Redirect:
Copy this Code and paste it on the Revolut integration configuration screen (Authorisation Code) in the next step.
How to Find the Account Name
Navigate to your Home screen.
2) Setup your Revolut Integration in CRM.COM
The following procedure must be completed by a Business user who has signed in to the CRM.COM back-end system.
Navigate to Platform > Integrations, then select the Revolut integration under Payment Gateways.
Select Setup to begin your integration configuration. Provide a name and select Proceed.
You should now be on the Revolut integration screen, select Manage to begin setting-up your integration.
You will be required to complete the following parameters:
Hostname – Auto-generated.
API Key - Auto-generated.
Use for the Sandbox environment
Use for production environment
Authorisation Code - This is received on the redirect path as a parameter. See here for instructions on how to get this code.
Client Id – Get this from your Revolut Dashboard.
Private Key – Copy this from the openssl generated file.
The issuer (iss) in your JWT – Matches the re-direct URL specified in the Revolut setup.
Account Name – Name of the Account to be used. See here how to find the Account Name.
Account Id - If the account name is valid, the account id will be auto-populated.
Enable your Revolut Integration
When the business is ready to start using its Revolut integration, it must be enabled by selecting the Enable Integration button on the respective integration screen.