Rewards are special incentives created by Businesses to encourage their Contacts to purchase products or services from them. These rewards can manifest as cashback to the contact’s CRM.COM Wallet, instant discounts, or complimentary items that Contacts can earn through their loyalty, purchases, or targeted actions.

Another vital aspect of the Rewards process is the (configurable) redeem action, where the Purchase Event is assessed in comparison to the available CRM.COM Wallet Commerce Balance and subsequently converted into a Business Pocket balance.

The fundamental purpose of rewards is to amplify contact engagement, stimulate sales, and foster a stronger rapport between the business and its contacts.

By default, CRM.COM creates a Reward Scheme and four Reward Offers for each Business, however, a Business can configure their own Reward Schemes and create specific Reward Offers tailored to their objectives.

Reward Schemes

Reward Schemes are configured to target specific groups of Contacts (e.g. ordinary consumers, corporate business consumers, students etc.), and award them through reward offers for their services, thus enticing them to interact with or purchase from a business, as well as attracting new registrations. A Reward Scheme can have multiple Reward Offers and control how consumers can sign up for the scheme.


These are some basic terms used throughout the software when referring to Reward Schemes.

Sign-up Options

When a Contact registers with a Business, they can automatically or optionally join a reward scheme to benefit from its reward offers. Reward Schemes can be configured to be automatically joined (auto sign-up) or optionally joined (self-sign-up or closed-loop sign-up).

Managing Reward Schemes

To view or create a Reward Scheme, navigate to Rewards > Schemes using the main menu on the left-hand side of the screen.

A Reward Scheme using the registered business name will automatically be created with an Inactive state upon registration of a new business. However, new Schemes can also be created by a system user.

Select Create Reward Scheme to create a new scheme for the Business.


Provide a meaningful name for the reward scheme. This name will also appear on customer-facing applications.

Sign-up Options

When creating a Reward Scheme, you will need to specify how contacts can sign up to the Scheme. CRM.COM offers two types of schemes with three sign-up options.

Open Loop Schemes

These schemes are open to all Contacts without any restrictions, and there are two sign-up options:

  • Auto Sign-Up - Contacts will be automatically signed up upon registering to the Business

  • Self Sign-Up - Contacts can optionally sign-up for the scheme via front-end applications

Closed Loop Schemes

Use this type of scheme when you want to control sign-ups selectively. Restrict the Contacts who can sign-up for the reward scheme using the specified email domains or unique codes.

  • Email Domains - Contacts can optionally sign-up for the scheme by providing their email address via an application. A background process will then automatically generate and communicate a unique invitation link so that the Contact can verify their sign-up, given that their email domain belongs to the targeted market group (e.g. Contacts that have a ‘’ email address)

  • Unique Codes - The Business user can import unique codes to the system, which contacts can use to sign-up to a closed loop scheme from a front-end application.

Unique Codes

This is the flow for Businesses interested in allowing their contacts to sign-up to their reward schemes using unique codes.

  • Create a closed-loop Reward Scheme and configure it to use unique codes

  • From the Rewards Scheme summary screen, select Import Codes (or alternatively, navigate to Settings > Platform > Import Data > Reward Scheme Codes

  • Follow the import flow in the Bulk Data Operations manual to import the codes for the reward scheme

  • When the importing of the codes has been completed, view the codes from the Reward Scheme summary screen

  • Activate the scheme

  • Distribute the codes to the relevant contacts along with instructions on how to join the reward scheme (managed outside of CRM.COM)

  • Contacts can sign in to the app or portal and select to join the reward scheme using the unique code provided

  • You can monitor which contacts have joined the scheme by e-visiting the View Codes option

  • You can also navigate to the View Codes screen to delete a code for a reward scheme

Activating a Reward Scheme

When a Reward Scheme has been successfully created, it will appear in the Reward Scheme summary screen in an Inactive state. It is recommended that the relevant Reward Offers should be created before activating a Reward Scheme. To Activate a Reward Scheme, click the options button () of the respective scheme name and select Activate.

  • The Name, Description, Terms & Conditions entered should be clear and meaningful as these will be used for customer-facing applications (i.e. online portal, mobile app.).

  • Only Active Reward Schemes are visible on customer-facing applications.

  • The Name, Description, Terms & Conditions entered should be clear and meaningful as these will be used for customer-facing applications (i.e. online portal, mobile app.).

  • Only Active Reward Schemes are visible on customer-facing applications.

Reward Scheme Settings

No system settings are available for Reward Schemes.

Reference Material

You may also find it useful to refer to the following manuals for further reading in relation to Rewards.

Reward Offers

Reward Offers