Import Data
This document provides clear instructions and field explanations for a seamless and accurate data migration process when importing data into CRM.COM.
When preparing the import data file, it's important to use the entity's identifier instead of its name in the data column when referencing organisations, contacts, and users. For example, instead of using the organisation’s name, ‘Green Bus Company’, use the organisation’s unique identifier, such as ed5cbf9a-03cd-0552-8163-23ba185a84e6. This will ensure that the data is accurately matched to the correct entity.
The contact code determines whether an existing contact will be updated or a new contact will be created.
Column | Example | Description | Required? |
Contact Type | PERSON | Contacts can be classified as either a person or a company. The allowed values are PERSON and COMPANY. Depending on the type, the name of the person or the company should be specified in the respective column. | Yes |
First Name | John | Person contact’s first name. | Yes, but only for PERSON contacts |
Middle Name | C | Person contact’s middle name. | No |
Last Name | Smith | Person contact’s last name. | Yes, but only for PERSON contacts |
Company Name | Sample Ltd. | The company name, for contacts of type company. | Yes, but only for COMPANY contacts |
Contact Code | ABC12345 | The contact code uniquely identifies the contact. Any characters are allowed. If specified, then it has to be unique; otherwise, import fails. If not specified, then CRM.COM will assign a unique and random 16-digit code. Once set, it cannot be changed. | No |
Contact Email | | The contact's email address. | No |
Contact Phone Country | CYP | The country code of the contact's phone number. This is a 3-character country code based on ISO 3166. | Yes, if the phone number is specified |
Contact Phone Number | 99123456 | The phone number (excluding country code). | No |
Address Type | Home | Allowed values are Home, Business and Alternative. | Yes, if the address is specified |
Address Name | Mum’s house | A name/short description for the address. This is a free text field, so there are no limitations. | No |
Address Line 1 | Ydras 34 | Address Line 1. | No |
Address Line 2 |
| Address Line 2. | No |
Address City | Nicosia | Address city. Not configurable in CRM.COM, so this is a free-text field. | No |
Address Postal Code | 1026 | The postal code of the address. | No |
Address State/Province | Nicosia | State/province. | No |
Address Country | CYP | 3-character country code based on ISO 3166. | No |
Country of Agreement | CYP | The contact's country of agreement, i.e. where the contact is based. This setting will determine the product prices for which the contact is eligible. The 3-character country codes use the ISO 3166 standard. | Yes |
Category | Student | The category associated with the contact. If the category does not exist, it will be created automatically during the import process, but only if the import process is set up to do so. If the import process is not configured to create a new category, then the contact will not be assigned a category. | No |
Generate Wallet | True | Create a business wallet for the contact? The wallet will acquire the Business’s base currency. | No |
Generate Account | True | Create an account for the contact? | No |
Account Classification | VIP | The account's classification. If the specified classification does not exist in CRM.COM, a new one will be generated based on the import settings. | No |
Account Currency | EUR | The account’s 3-character currency code. Currency codes are based on ISO 4217 standards. | No |
Tax Exempt | False | Is the contact exempt from paying taxes? Default if false. | No |
Loyalty identifier X | 100000001908 | A loyalty identifier is used to identify the contact in external loyalty systems. If multiple loyalty identifiers are imported, then all of them are aggregated under the contact's loyalty identifiers. | No |
Sales Model | Retail | The sales model associated with the contact. The default is ‘Retail’. | No |
Custom Field X (e.g. Custom Field Occupation) | CEO | The user decides wether and which custom fields to include in the import file. The import file should have a separate column for each custom field. It is recommended that the column name should be the same as the custom field for easier mapping during the import process. The value of each field depends on its type. | No |
The product SKU determines whether a product will be updated or created.
Only flat products can be imported using the template below.
Column | Example | Description | Required? |
Product Name | Home 3 Play | The CRM.COM system enforces business rules that govern whether duplicate product names are allowed or not. If duplicates are not allowed, then the product import will fail. | Yes |
Product SKU | HOME3PLAY | The product's SKU must be unique across all products. | Yes |
Product External SKU | TV0003 | The product's SKU in external systems. | No |
Description | TV-Internet-Telephony Package | The product's description. | No |
Validity | ALWAYS_VALID | Determines when the product will be available to contacts for ordering. Defaults to Always Valid if not specified. The alternative option is SPECIFIC_PERIOD which means that Valid From and/or Valid To dates must be specified. | No |
Valid From | 01/03/2024 | The product can be sold from this date (inclusive). Format is dd/mm/yyyy. | Yes, based on conditions |
Valid To | 31/12/2024 | The product can be sold up to this date (inclusive). Format is dd/mm/yyyy. | Yes, based on conditions |
Product Type | Digital Service Plans | The product’s type name must be pre-configured in CRM.COM prior to importing. Failing to do so will result in a failed import as product types cannot be created automatically during the import process. | Yes |
Product Brand | AluxFlix | The product’s brand name. If it’s not already configured in CRM.COM, then a new brand is automatically generated during the import process. | No |
Product Family | TV Services | The product’s family name. If it’s not already configured in CRM.COM, then a new family is automatically generated during the import process. | No |
Product Category X (up to 3 allowed) | Termed Services | The product’s category name. If the category is not configured in CRM.COM, the system generates a new category. The new category automatically becomes a root category in the hierarchical structure of categories. | No |
Product Image URL | | The URL link for the product image. | No |
Product Price | EUR;9.99-USD;8.99 | The product's price using format <currency code>; <price>. Multiple prices can be included in the file, one for each of the business’s supported currencies. If a currency is not enabled for the business, then the price is not created. Currency codes are based on ISO 4217 standards. |
Product Price (out of contract) | EUR;12.99-USD;9.99 | The price of the product when the service is not in contract. Applicable only for termed services and only if a contract period is specified in the service’s price terms to be imported (optional). The format is <currency code>; <price>. |
Billing Period Duration | 1 | Applicable and required only for termed and one-time services. Denotes the billing cycle for the specified price of the service. Required only if a price is specified. Both the Billing Period Duration and the Billing Period UOT must be specified | Yes (based on conditions).
Billing Period UOT | MONTH | The billing period’s UOT. Both the billing period and its UOT must be specified | yes (based on conditions) |
Trial Period | 7 | Applicable only for termed services and denotes a trial period provided through the price terms. Both trial period duration and UOT must be specified. Otherwise, no trial period is set on the service’s price terms. | No |
Trial Period UOT | DAY | Applicable only for termed services and denotes a trial period UOT. Both trial period duration and UOT must be specified. | No |
Price Tax Inclusive | TRUE | Set to FALSE for tax exclusive. | No |
Billing Type | PRE_BILL | Defines whether the service is billed in pre-/post-bill mode. Options include PRE_BILL and POST_BILL. | No |
Contract Period | 12 | A termed service’s contract period. Applicable only for termed service and both the duration and the UOT must be specified. Otherwise, the contract period is not set in the price terms. | No |
Contract Period UOT | MONTH | The service’s contract period unit of time. Both the duration and the UOT of the contract period must be specified. | No |
Owner Identifier | ed5cbf9a-03cd-0552-8163-23ba185a84e6 | The id of the Organisation that ‘owns’ the product. The owner can either be the business or one of its merchants/service providers. If an invalid owner is provided (or if no owner is specified), then the product is by default 'owned' by the Business. Use the Organisation's identifier in cases where the owner is a merchant, but the Business might have duplicate merchant names. So in order to avoid invalid data, specifically provide the unique identifier of the owner. Otherwise, specify either the Business or the Merchant name as the owner. | No |
Custom Field String Custom Field Number Custom Field Multitext
Custom Field Timestamp Custom Field Date Custom Field Amount Custom Field User
Custom Field Organisation | Bundled Services 5 Choose the package that best suits your information and entertainment needs… 15:30 31/01/2023 39.99 c1b39d0e-a115-41e2-bbba-f55e2e247edf e733b23c-54b5-435e-bb4a-9bedc6e99417 | The imported file’s column header should include the custom field’s name for easy mapping. Each custom field has a ‘type’, therefore, the correct value should be provided in each case, for example:
| No |