What does this section cover?
What is User Authentication?
User authentication settings are used to define the password policy for accessing CRM.COM Software, i.e. the criteria that passwords must conform with. The password policy is taken into consideration whenever a new password for an existing or new user is set. If user authentication settings are not configured in the system, then only super users can access the system.
In addition use the settings to define how many failed login attempts a user can perform within a period of time before they result to a specific lockout time. During this lockout time, the user will not be able to login, even if the correct credentials are provided.
Creating, Editing & Deleting Validations & Restrictions
Action | Validations | Restrictions |
General |
Create |
Edit |
Delete |
User Authentications attributes
Name | Description |
Minimum length* | The minimum required length of the password |
Minimum number of alphabetical characters (a-z)* | The minimum number of alphabetical characters (a-z) that should be included in the password |
Minimum number of integers (0-9)* | The minimum number of integers (0-9) that should be included in the password |
Minimum number of other (special) characters* | The minimum number of special characters that should be included in the password |
Maximum allowed invalid login attempts | Defines the maximum allowed invalid login attempts for all users as well as the period, in minutes, during which the user will make these failed login attempts which will result in user lockout period. |
Lockout time | Defines the user lock-out time (in minutes) after the maximum allowed login attempts were made in a specific period of time |
Defining your own User Authentications tailored to your company's needs
- Click on EDIT
- Update the information as required to set up password formatting restrictions
- Provide the information required with regards to handling invalid login attempts
From the Actions Menu click on SAVE
You will be required to logout and login again, for the settings to be applied
Deleting User Authentications
You cannot delete a user authentication record
Related Areas
Configuring User Authentication Settings — Learn to configure User Authentication Settings
Configuring User Templates — Learn to configure User Templates
Understanding User Management — Understand the usage of User Management within CRM.COM
Managing Users — Learn to work with Users
Bulk Users Creation — Learn how to generate a large volume of Users using User Templates
Handling Invalid Login Attempts — Learn to handle Invalid User Login Attempts
Popular Labels
- accounts-receivable
- accounts-receivable-admin
- accounts-receivable-advanced
- accounts-receivable-advanced-r7
- accounts-receivable-basics
- activities
- activities-admin
- activities-admin-r7
- activities-basics
- activities-basics-r7
- additive-discounts-admin
- additive-discounts-advanced
- additive-discounts-basics
- billing-application
- billing-engine
- communication-centre
- communications-advanced-r7
- conax-web-services-advanced
- conax-web-services-basics
- contact-information
- contact-information-admin-r7
- crm-application
- crm-application-r7
- customer-events-basics-r7
- dashboards-advanced
- finance-application
- financial-transactions-admin
- financial-transactions-admin-r7
- financial-transactions-advanced
- financial-transactions-advanced-r7
- foundation-application
- foundation-application-r7
- global
- inventory-management
- inventory-management-advanced
- inventory-management-basics
- inventory-management-basics-r7
- jobs
- jobs-admin
- jobs-admin-r7
- jobs-advanced
- jobs-basics
- jobs-basics-r7
- leads
- leads-admin
- leads-admin-r7
- network-management-basics
- network-management-basics-r7
- normal-billing-admin-r7
- normal-billing-r7
- normal-billing-run-admin
- normal-billing-run-basics
- notifications
- notifications-basics
- panaccess
- platform-advanced
- platform-basics
- prepaid-billing-basics
- prepaid-billing-r7
- price-plans
- products-admin-r7
- rated-billing-items-advanced
- rated-billing-items-basics
- reports-basics
- resource-scheduling-advanced
- rewards-admin-r7
- rewards-advanced
- rewards-advanced-r7
- rewards-basics
- rewards-basics-r7
- security-management
- security-management-advanced
- security-management-advanced-r7
- segmentation-basics
- service-requests-admin
- service-requests-admin-r7
- service-requests-advanced
- service-requests-advanced-r7
- subscription-actions-r7
- subscriptions
- subscriptions-advanced
- subscriptions-advanced-r7
- subscriptions-basics
- subscriptions-basics-r7
- udrs
- udrs-admin-r7
- usage-service-r7
- user-management
- user-management-basics
- vouchers
- vouchers-advanced
- vouchers-basics
- wallets
- wallets-admin
- wallets-advanced
- wallets-basics
- workflows-admin-r7
- workflows-advanced-r7
- workflows-r7
- zapier-basics-r7