What does this section cover?
What is User Management ?
Users Management module is used to create and manage the users of CRM.COM by authenticating the users that can access the system and controlling the areas that are allowed to be accessed.
User Management Glossary
User Management Key Processes and Concepts
Processes / Concept | Description |
Creating Users from User Templates | A template within CRM.COM is used in order to reduce manual repetitive work. A user template is used when multiple users with the same characteristics need to be created in the system. All the data that is common between users can be added on a template and only, unique to the user values are left to be completed by the user. |
Bulk Users Creation AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R9 | Users can be created in bulk through a batch process. A user template is used and more settings can be specified for each user, such as password, email and CTI phone extension. |
Users with multiple Units | When creating a user you can assign multiple units to them. Based on Network Management, access to data is controlled based on the Group that a Unit belongs to. Therefore a user within a unit, will have access to the data allowed by the Group his unit belongs to. In order to differentiate access rights of a user based on the unit, on logging in the system, if a user belongs to multiple units then the sign in Unit needs to be selected on log in. |
System Access, Super users & Developers |
User Information panel | User information panel, is available via CRM.COM top menu bar. Via this panel you can see the unit and the group of the user, as well as access your user data entry page in order to change user information. If the password needs to be updated, then in this case you will be required to enter both the old and the new password, whereas, if the password change is executed by a super user, the old password will not be required. |
User Languages |
Integration to Active Directory (Import current Active Directory Users in CRM.COM) AVAILABLE FROM CRM.COM R9 | If you are an already established organisation with hundreds of users and using Microsoft's Active Directory (See Glossary above) then you have the option to import your registered users from Active Directory directly to CRM.COM and map them to CRM.COM user accounts. Mapping ACtive Directry user accounts to CRM.COM accounts, provides you the options to:
User Management Network Characteristics
Network Characteristics define the level of access for each record. i.e. Whether it will be available for selection, for viewing or editing etc.
Entity | Network Characteristics |
Users | |
User Templates |
User Management Related Modules
Interaction Entity | How |
Units | Users belong to Units |
Activities | Activities are assigned to Users |
Service Requests | Service Requests are assigned to Users |
Jobs | Jobs are assigned to Users |
Leads | Leads are assigned to Users |
User Management - Business Examples
The following section provides business examples to help you understand how CRM.COM User Management module is used.
Company ZX wants to set up a User account for their Marketing Manager
Business Requirement
Company ZX wants to set up a User account for their Marketing Manager with the following requirements:
- Country: Finland
- System Language: English
- Demographics: Male
- Super User
- Home Screen to be Analytics
CRM.COM Solution
- Configuration
- Create New User
- Enter main information:
- Username
- Full Name
- System Language: English
- Password
- Demographics:
- Gender: Male
- Native Language: Finnish
- Country of Residence: Finland
- Preference:
- Analytics
- Settings
- Security Profile: Team Managers
- State: Active
- Units:
- Marketing Unit
- Save User
- From User's screen:
- Actions: Change Settings
- enable: is Super User
- enable: is Super User
- Actions: Change Settings
More Information on Creating Users can be found at: Creating Users
Company ZX wants to set up a User account for their Marketing Manager using a User Template
Business Requirement
Company ZX wants to set up a User template for their Call Center Operators:
- Country: Finland
- System Language: English
- Home Screen to be Communication Center
CRM.COM Solution
- Configuration
- Create New User Template
- Enter main information:
- Template Name: CustomerServiceEnglish
- System Language: English
- Demographics:
- Native Language: Finnish
- Country of Residence: Finland
- Preferences:
- Communication Center
- Settings:
- Security Profile: Call Center Agents
- State: Active
- Check: Super User, Developer, CTI Enabled
- Domain: www.companyTV.com
- Units:
- isDefault: Admin Unit
- Additional: Marketing Unit
More Information on Creating User Templates can be found at: Configuring User Templates
Company ZX wants to set up a User account for their Call Center using an existing User Template
Business Requirement
Company ZX wants to set up a User account for their Call Center Operators using an existing template:
CRM.COM Solution
- Configuration
- Create New User
- Enter main information:
- Template: CustomerServiceEnglish
- Username: m.jones
- Full Name: Maria Jones
- Email: m.jones@companyTV.com
- Password: (make sure the password meets the system requirements)
- Demographics:
- Title: Mrs
- Date of Birth: 1 May 1975
- Name Day: 15 August
- Settings
- Phone Extension: 2175
Company ZX wants to generate User account in Bulk for their Call Center using an existing User Template
Business Requirement
Company ZX wants to create 10 user accounts in bulk for their Call Center Operators using an existing template:
CRM.COM Solution
- Configuration
- Create New User Template: Customer Service English
- Template should have also
- Domain
- CTI Enabled
- Template should have also
- Bulk Users Creation
- Enter main information:
- Template: Customer Service English
- Number of Users: 10
- Password Settings: Same as Username
- Email Settings: Username@domain
- Enter Users to be Generated:
- Click CREATE
- For each user row specify:
- username
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone
- Edit the password to meet the system requirements
- Confirm the password
- Enter main information:
- Click SUBMIT
- Create New User Template: Customer Service English
Related Areas
Configuring User Authentication Settings — Learn to configure User Authentication Settings
Configuring User Templates — Learn to configure User Templates
Understanding User Management — Understand the usage of User Management within CRM.COM
Managing Users — Learn to work with Users
Bulk Users Creation — Learn how to generate a large volume of Users using User Templates
Handling Invalid Login Attempts — Learn to handle Invalid User Login Attempts
Popular Labels
- accounts-receivable
- accounts-receivable-admin
- accounts-receivable-advanced
- accounts-receivable-advanced-r7
- accounts-receivable-basics
- activities
- activities-admin
- activities-admin-r7
- activities-basics
- activities-basics-r7
- additive-discounts-admin
- additive-discounts-advanced
- additive-discounts-basics
- billing-application
- billing-engine
- communication-centre
- communications-advanced-r7
- conax-web-services-advanced
- conax-web-services-basics
- contact-information
- contact-information-admin-r7
- crm-application
- crm-application-r7
- customer-events-basics-r7
- dashboards-advanced
- finance-application
- financial-transactions-admin
- financial-transactions-admin-r7
- financial-transactions-advanced
- financial-transactions-advanced-r7
- foundation-application
- foundation-application-r7
- global
- inventory-management
- inventory-management-advanced
- inventory-management-basics
- inventory-management-basics-r7
- jobs
- jobs-admin
- jobs-admin-r7
- jobs-advanced
- jobs-basics
- jobs-basics-r7
- leads
- leads-admin
- leads-admin-r7
- network-management-basics
- network-management-basics-r7
- normal-billing-admin-r7
- normal-billing-r7
- normal-billing-run-admin
- normal-billing-run-basics
- notifications
- notifications-basics
- panaccess
- platform-advanced
- platform-basics
- prepaid-billing-basics
- prepaid-billing-r7
- price-plans
- products-admin-r7
- rated-billing-items-advanced
- rated-billing-items-basics
- reports-basics
- resource-scheduling-advanced
- rewards-admin-r7
- rewards-advanced
- rewards-advanced-r7
- rewards-basics
- rewards-basics-r7
- security-management
- security-management-advanced
- security-management-advanced-r7
- segmentation-basics
- service-requests-admin
- service-requests-admin-r7
- service-requests-advanced
- service-requests-advanced-r7
- subscription-actions-r7
- subscriptions
- subscriptions-advanced
- subscriptions-advanced-r7
- subscriptions-basics
- subscriptions-basics-r7
- udrs
- udrs-admin-r7
- usage-service-r7
- user-management
- user-management-basics
- vouchers
- vouchers-advanced
- vouchers-basics
- wallets
- wallets-admin
- wallets-advanced
- wallets-basics
- workflows-admin-r7
- workflows-advanced-r7
- workflows-r7
- zapier-basics-r7