change_installed_item_distribution object parameter data
| | |
(mandatory) | String | Defines if the subscription item's distribution will be added to another provisioning distributor (NEW) or whether the item's distribution will be removed. NEW, REMOVED |
(mandatory) | Installed Item identifier | The identifier of the installed item. The allowed installed item identifier fields are the following: Name | Type | Description |
id (semi-optional) | String | The ID of the installed item | serial_number (semi-optional) | String | The serial number of the installed item | alternative_code (semi-optional) | String | The alternative code of a installed item |
provisioning_distributor_identifier (mandatory) | Provisioning distributor identifier | The identifier of the provisioning distributor with which the specified installed item will be related to (if the action is set to NEW) or the Provisioning distributor with which the installed item is already distributed to but this relation needs to be removed (if action is set to REMOVE). The allowed provisioning distributor identifier fields are the following: Name | Type | Description |
id (semi-optional) | String | The ID of the provisioning distributor | name (semi-optional) | String | The name of the provisioning distributor | alternative_code (semi-optional) | String | The alternative code of the provisioning distributor |