A Wallet is a type of account which contains an amount of money that can be used to fund transactions within CRM.COM. It works as a mini-ledger that can easily be topped up by various payment events, or spent by CRM.COM functions such as Prepaid Subscriptions or the redemption of Awards.
Wallets are debited and credited through Wallet Transactions.
What Comes First
To start using Wallets configure the System to support your business model. In the following table, find the configuration modules related to Wallets.
Sub-module | Type | Classification | Navigation | Dig In |
Wallets Definitions | Configuration | CONFIGURATIONFINANCE APPLICATIONWALLETSSET UP BUSINESS DEFINITIONS | Configuring Wallet Definitions | |
Wallets Transaction Types | Application | FINANCEFINANCE APPLICATIONWALLETSSET UP WALLET TRANSACTION TYPES | Configuring Wallet Transaction Types | |
Wallet Expiration Run Definition | Application | FINANCEWALLETSPERFORM WALLET BALANCE EXPIRATION RUNS | Using Wallet Balance Expiration Run Definitions |
Step 1: Setting Up Wallets Definitions
Start by configuring an 'Active' Wallets Definition.
Wallet Definitions is a set of business rules used to control the behaviour of Wallets throughout their Life Cycle.
Through the Definition you can:
- Define values of related Wallet Causes:
Create Wallets: The causes that result in the automatic creation of new Wallets, including:
- On creating a new Accounts Receivable.
- On using an Accounts Receivable on a Prepaid Subscription.
- On using Accounts Receivable in Reward Participants.
Cancel Wallets: The causes that result in the automatic cancelling of Wallets, including:
- On Terminating an Accounts Receivable.
- On Terminating the relation of Wallets with (last prepaid) Subscription and/or (last) Rewards Participant.
Debit Wallets: The causes that result in the automatic debiting of Wallets, including:
- A Prepaid Billing Run
- Spend Reward Transactions
- Credit Wallets: The causes that result in the automatic crediting of Wallets, including:
- Payments posting (applicable for all Payment Types or specific Types)
- Credit Note posting (applicable for all Credit Note Type or specific Types)
- Award Reward Transactions
- Reimbursing Wallets: The causes that result in the automatic reimbursing of Wallets, including:
- Cancelling a Wallet
- Changing a Prepaid Subscription Accounts Receivable
- Void Wallet Transactions: The causes that result in the automatic voiding of Wallet Transactions, including:
Cancelling a Payment (applicable for all Payment cancellation Types or specific Types)
- Cancelling a Reward Award Transaction
- Cancelling a Spend Award Transaction
- Define values of related Wallet Rules:
- Crediting Rules: Specify the rules that will be applied while crediting a Wallet.
- Reimbursing Rules: Specify the rules that will be applied while reimbursing a Wallet
- Voiding Rules: Specify the rules that will be applied while voiding a Wallet.
Step 2: Setting Up Wallets Transaction Types and Wallet Balance Expiration Runs
Configure the following modules for additional functionality and categorisation. You can skip the configuration of these modules if it is not required by your business model.
- Wallets Transaction Types: Used to define the behaviour and the nature of each Wallet Transaction and the business processes, rules and restrictions that should be applied to creating Wallet Transactions, based on the Wallet Transaction Type Classification. The supported Classifications are the following:
- Credit
- Debit
- Reimburse
- Void
- Wallet Balance Expiration Run Definitions: Used to define the rules by which Runs will be performed, to identify the Wallet amount that should be expired and debit the Wallet for the unspent amount of money (the identification process is performed based on the specified Expiration Date and the amount already spent). The resulting debit that reflects the expired amount is directly allocated against the expired credit amount.
The Expiration Date is specified either manually or automatically, as part of a Reward Offer Award that has a specific Expiration Date.