Back to Getting Started Guides for CRM.COM
Before you start with Subscription related configurations, view Getting Started with CRM.COM to complete the basic System configurations regardless of your line of business. Additional Guides on Pricing, OTT and Subscription management can be found in the related Getting Started User Guides.
- /wiki/spaces/WIP/pages/10008366
- /wiki/spaces/WIP/pages/10008363Getting Started with Normal Subscriptions
- Getting Started with Prepaid Subscriptions
- Getting Started with OTT
- /wiki/spaces/WIP/pages/10008364Getting Started with Pricing
What you need to get started
- Products
Set up all the Products your company sells and can be used as award or spend conditions to the Reward Offers. - Rewards
Set up your Rewards Business model, including all the Reward Offers to be offered to customers. - Customer Events
Set up Customer Events, used by Rewards to award participants on either financial or marketing Events and to redeem customer awards. - Contact Information
Defining the rules for managing Contact Information, required when registering Rewards Participants. Accounts Receivable
Define the rules for managing Accounts Receivable, required when registering Rewards Participants.- Wallets
Set up Wallets, used by Rewards to debit or credit Rewards Participants based on Award and Spend Transactions. - Access Tokens
Set up Access Tokens, used by Rewards to identify users participating in your Rewards program.
Sub-module | Type | Classification | Navigation | Dig In |
Customer Event Classifications | Configuration | CONFIGURATION CRM APPLICATION CUSTOMER EVENTS SET UP CLASSIFICATIONS | Configuring Customer Event ClassificationsEvents | |
Customer Events Definition | Configuration | CONFIGURATION CRM APPLICATION CUSTOMER EVENTS SET UP BUSINESS DEFINITIONS | Configuring Customer Events Definition | |
Key Performance Indicators | Configuration | CONFIGURATIONSET UP KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS CRM APPLICATION CUSTOMER EVENTS | Configuring Key Performance IndicatorsCustomer Events |
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Key Performance Indicators: Customer Event Key Performance Indicators are used to measure the performance of key business objectives to evaluate if they are achieved or not. They are used for creating Financial Statement Customer Events and can also be used as conditions on awarding participants through Financial Statement Reward Offers.
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Let's see how you can quickly set up the System to start using the Customer Events module. Create the following Customer Events Classifications
Create the following Customer Events Definition
Sub-module | Type | Classification | Navigation | Dig In |
Access Tokens Definition | Configuration | CONFIGURATION FOUNDATION APPLICATION ACCESS TOKENS SET UP ACCESS TOKEN DEFINITIONS | /wiki/spaces/WIP/pages/10010278Access Tokens | |
Access Token Classifications | Configuration | CONFIGURATIONSET UP CLASSIFICATIONS FOUNDATION APPLICATION ACCESS TOKENS | Configuring Access Token ClassificationsTokens |
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Access Token Definitions are used to control the creation of Access Tokens, by defining the policies governing the format of the Access Token User Identifier, Pass Code and Authentication Code. You can define whether Access Tokens can be created without an Identifier and Pass Code or deactivated when their last entity association (Rewards Participant or Accounts Receivable) is removed.
Additional settings relating to Access Tokens may also be defined, concerning Accounts Receivable and Rewards Participants, as well as Communication (Access Tokens can be automatically communicated to customers once created).
Configure the following module for additional functionality and categorisation.
Access Token Classification Access Token Classifications are used to define the behaviour of each Access Token and the business settings and restrictions that will be applied while creating, maintaining or using therm. You can define settings related to the creation and formatting of the Identifier, Pass Code and Authentication Code. You can define whether Access Tokens can be created without an Identifier and Pass Code or deactivated when their last entity association (Rewards Participant or Accounts Receivable) is removed.
If no Classification is specified when creating an Access Token, then the settings defined in the 'Active' Access Token Definition will be applied.
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Sub-module | Type | Classification | Navigation | Dig In |
Rewards Schemes | Application | REWARDS REWARDS MANAGE REWARD SCHEMES | Configuring Rewards Schemes | |
Rewards Offer Types | Configuration | CONFIGURATION REWARDS APPLICATION REWARDS SET UP REWARD OFFER TYPES | /wiki/spaces/WIP/pages/10008596Rewards | |
Rewards Definition | Configuration | CONFIGURATION REWARDS APPLICATION REWARDS SET UP BUSINESS DEFINITIONS | /wiki/spaces/WIP/pages/10008595Rewards | |
Rewards Offers | Application | REWARDS REWARDS MANAGE REWARDS OFFERS | Managing Rewards Offers | |
Reward Offers Evaluation Run Definition | Application | REWARDS REWARDS PERFORM REWARD OFFERS EVALUATION RUNS | Using Reward Offers Evaluation Run DefinitionsRewards | |
Rewards Offer Categories | Configuration | CONFIGURATION REWARDS APPLICATION REWARDS SET UP REWARD OFFER CATEGORIES | /wiki/spaces/WIP/pages/10008597Rewards | |
Reward Offer Templates | Configuration | CONFIGURATIONSET UP REWARD OFFER TEMPLATES REWARDS APPLICATION REWARDS | Configuring Reward Offer TemplatesRewards | |
Reward Settlement Run Definition | Application | REWARDSPERFORM REWARD SETTLEMENT RUNS REWARDS | Using Reward Settlement Run DefinitionsRewards | |
Wallet Expiration Run Definition | Application | FINANCEPERFORM WALLET BALANCE EXPIRATION RUNS WALLETS | Using Wallet Balance Expiration Run DefinitionsWallets |
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Reward Offers are used to determine amounts of money awarded for Customer Events or any other awarded actions of participants, and to specify the conditions for awarding amounts and for spending the awarded amount. The conditions can limit the redemption of awards to specific products and at particular Organisational Units (merchants).
Various types of Reward Offers can Reward Offer Types can be set up in the System using different Reward Offer Classifications, each one offering different award and spend conditions. According to the Type selected the related Rewards Award and Spend conditions will be loadedConditions.
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Reward Offers Evaluation Run Definitions
Next, you must configure Reward Offers Evaluation Run Definitions that will be used for awarding Rewards Participants.
Reward Offers Evaluation Run Definition is Definitions are a set of business rules , used by Reward Offers Evaluation Runs to evaluate Rewards Participants and their related information against the Reward Offers provided by their Participating Reward Scheme.
The result of the Reward Offers Evaluation Run is Award Transactions and Spend Transactions that will debit or credit the Wallet of the Rewards Participant accordingly.
- Criteria
- Reward Schemes: Defines the Reward Schemes that should be considered during the evaluation process.
- Reward Offer Types: Defines the Reward Offer Types that should be considered during the evaluation process.
- Scheduling Settings: Determine when the definition should be executed. They can be scheduled to be executed once or on a recurring basis.
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Some of the Reward Offer Classifications can be are automatically evaluated, and the ; their awards are provided instantly as soon as the customer performs the Event (before the Reward Run Offers Evaluation Run takes place). |
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Reward Offer Categories & Templates Reward Settlement Run Definitions, Wallet Balance Expiration Run Definitions
Configure the following module for additional functionality and categorisation.
- Rewards Reward Offer Categories: Reward offer categories Offer Categories are used to classify reward offers Reward Offers into generic groups based on specific similar common attributes that they share. Reward offer categories are Offer Categories following a hierarchical tree structure. Each reward offer Reward Offer can be classified in only in one category.
- Reward Offer Templates: Reward Offers Templates can be used during the creation of a new Reward Offer. A Reward Offer Template has a similar structure to Reward Offers to facilitate the transfer of information to the newly created Reward Offer.
- Reward Settlement Run Definitions: Reward Settlement Run Definitions are used to execute runs that will evaluate Customer Events and Spend Transactions, to debit or credit the Merchant's accounts , (merchants participating to your Rewards Business) of participating Merchants, based on the Awards provided or redeemed, using Contribution Rules defined for each Merchant. For example, when an Award is given via a Customer Event that was created by a Unit C merchant, then Unit's C merchant account is debited with the Award amount. When a Spend Request Customer Event is created by a Unit C merchant, then Unit's C merchant account is credited with the spent amount. The debiting amount is calculated based on the Contribution rules set on the Rewards Participating Merchants.
- Wallet Balance Expiration Run Definitions: Wallet Balance Expiration Run Definitions are used to define the rules by which Runs will be performed, to identify the Wallet amount that should be expired and debit the Wallet for the unspent amount of money . (The the identification process is done performed based on the specified Expiration Date and the amount already spent). The resulting debit that reflects the expired amount is directly allocated against the expired credit amount.
The Expiration - Date is specified either manually or automatically, as part of a Reward Offer Award that has a specific Expiration Date.
If you have Reward Offers that offer for awards that should be applied only up to a specific date or time after it is awarded, then make sure to configure the Expiration Run , to make sure so that expired awards are removed from the participant's available amountbalance.
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Let's see how you can quickly set up the system System to start using the Rewards module for your Rewards business.
Company ZX provides to offers each subscriber , €5.00 to be spent spend on Non-Traceable Physical Goods ( USB, Antenna e.t.c) , for every new customer they refer, and €2 for every Facebook "Like" or Webpage visit. Reward Schemes
Rewards Offer Types
Rewards Definition
Rewards Offers
Reward Offer Evaluation Runs Definitions
Having set up CRM.COM based on your business requirements, you are ready to experience the capabilities of the System. View our Application Manuals area, which includes manuals dedicated to each submodule, and discover the functionality of each CRM.COM Module designed to help you complete your business transactions or just check out transactions, or remain in this section to find out how you can work learn the basics of working with Rewards following a simple model.
Below you can find Find links to manuals related to using CRM.COM for a COM Rewards Businessbelow.
Managing Contact Information
Visit View Managing Contact Information and start working with Contact Information required for required for creating an Accounts Receivable.
Managing Accounts Receivable
Visit Managing View Accounts Receivable and start working with Accounts Receivable required required for creating Subscriptions.
Managing Wallets
Visit View Managing Wallets and start working with Wallets required required by Rewards Participants to manage their loyalty awards and spendsspending.
Managing Access Tokens
Visit View Managing Access Tokens and start working with Access Tokens required for creating Access Tokens needed necessary for Rewards Participants that will have to access to their rewardsRewards.
Managing Rewards
To participate in Rewards processes, you need to sign up as a Rewards Participant. Rewards Participants, belong in Rewards Schemes and via Reward Schemes the system through which the System can identify which Reward Offers the each participant is eligible to.
The participant will be Participants are evaluated based on his actions their Actions in the system (purchases/customer events/subscription usage etc. ). Reward System (e.g. Purchases, Customer Events, Subscription Usage). A Reward Offers Evaluation Run is executed on a recurring basis , and any actions of the participant eligible for an award will be awarded by eligible actions are awarded through the creation of the Award Transactions to be created, which in turn will create the Credit Wallet Transactions that will credit the Wallet of the participant.
Reward Offers Spend Conditions, are added in the allotments of the Credit Wallet Transactions created from the Award Transactions.
Whe a participant wants to Participants redeem their points , they can proceed with a purchase. i.e. A through purchases. A Purchase Customer Event must be created (the purchase of the customer) and then is created followed by a Spend Request Customer Event is created (using the purchase Customer Event).
Module | Navigation | Dig In |
Customer Events | CRM CUSTOMER EVENTS ACCESS CUSTOMER EVENTS | Managing Customer Events |
Reward Offer Evaluation Run Definition | REWARDS REWARDS PERFORM REWARD OFFERS EVALUATION RUNS | Using Reward Offers Evaluation Run DefinitionsRewards - Up to R14 |
Creating Rewards Participants
First, you need to create Start by creating Rewards Participants!
Once the Contact Information, Accounts Receivable, Wallets and Access Tokens Definitions have been configured as described above, you are ready to create your Reward Participants.
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You can create a Contact Information, Account Receivable, Wallet and Access Tokens (required to create a Rewards Participant) manually, by navigating to the related modules. |
Create Follow these steps to create a new Rewards Participant through the following steps:
- Create a new Contact Information or use an existing one.
- Create a new Accounts Receivable or in case you loaded an existing customer (account owner) then you can also select the their account he owns.
- Specify the participantParticipant's Billing Address.
- Select and add the Reward Schemes that the participant Participant will join. For each scheme you need to Scheme specify the sign up details (date and unitUnit).
- Specify the participantParticipant's Sign Up Details by entering the sign up date and the unit Unit that signed up the specific participantParticipant.
- Create an Access Token which will be used to identify and access the Rewards Participant information. The user identifier and pass code are mandatory depending on the related definition Definition configuration, while the authentication code is generated automatically by the system System on saving the participantParticipant.
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A new Wallet is automatically created depending on the automation settings on the active 'Active' Wallet Definition:
Customer Events are financial and marketing events performed by customers and are registered within CRM.COM in order to be rewarded or additionally processed by other functions of CRM. COM. Each of the Event Types has a different set of attributes that must be set. Below there is Find below a list with different of manuals explaining how you can create each of the Customer Events.
- Achievement Customer Event
- Financial Achievement Customer Event
- Financial Statement Customer Event
- Purchase Customer Event
- Referral Customer Event
- Social Media Customer Event
- Spend Request Customer Event
- Web Customer Event
Executing Rewards Run Definitions
Once a Reward Offer Run Evaluation definition Definition is executed, the System evaluates Rewards Participants and their information against the Reward Offers and creates Award & Spend Transactions for each one, thus debiting or crediting the participant's Wallet. Specifically, the following are evaluated:
- The Reward Schemes to be evaluated are retrieved, based on the Reward Schemes selected in the Definition.
- The Reward Offers to be evaluated are retrieved, based on the Reward Offer Types selected in the Definition.
- Customer Events which are not of type spend request Type Spend Request are evaluated to decide if whether they should be awarded.
- Award Reward Transactions are created for each awarded Customer Event that is awarded.
- Rewards Participants, Contact Information and Subscriptions are evaluated based on Reward Offers not related with Customer Events
- Award Reward Transactions are created for each rewards participant that is awardedawarded Rewards Participant.
- Customer events Events which are of type spend request a Type Spend Request are evaluated to decide if whether the specified amount of money can be spendspent.
- Spend Reward Transactions are created for each customer event that is validvalid Customer Event.
Integrating with CRM.COM