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Learn to work with Customer Events |
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On this page
Financial and marketing events performed by customers outside CRM.COM can be registered in the system for additional processing and rewarding. Customers events can include actions such as a visit to a specific website, a purchase from a shop, a 'Like' on a Facebook page or a referral to a rewards program.
CRM.COM customer events can be registered in the system through the Web API or manually from the user interface.
Customer events functionality
- Customer events are processed by the reward engine and are evaluated against existing offers. Eligible events are awarded, crediting the customer's reward account (wallet).
- Spend request events are used to redeem awards. Customer wallets are debited when awards are redeemed.
There are several customer event types, each associated with one or more reward offer classifications.Anchor types types - The Purchase type tracks purchases that take place in external systems.
- The Referral type tracks referrals.
- The Social Media type tracks Facebook 'Likes'.
- The Web type tracks website visits.
- The Achievement type tracks a form of success. E.g., being one of the first 100 customers in a new store.
- The Financial Achievement type tracks success of a commercial nature. E.g., spending a predetermined amount of money using a specific card.
- The Financial Statement type tracks events in relation to key business objectives. E.g., spending a predetermined amount of money within a period.
- The Spend Request type tracks the spending of awards.
Setting Up Customer Events
What do Customer Events manuals cover?
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Configuration > CRM Application > Customer Events |
Customer events can be assigned a classification that is used to evaluate each event against reward offers. Each classification can be available to selected event types. It is mandatory to define a classification for the Achievement and Financial Achievement types.
Classification fields
Mandatory Configurable
Main Information | |
Name Select the Type of customer events that can use the specific classification:
Key performance indicators (KPIs)
KPIs measure how effectively a business is achieving its objectives. KPIs are assigned on financial statement (type) customer events and used as criteria to evaluate the eligibility of events to be awarded through financial statement reward offers.
Key Performance Indicators fields
The table describes the sections of customer events key performance indicators Data Entry page and explains how the fields in the page are used.
Mandatory Configurable
Key Performance Indicator Products | |||
A list of products used to calculate the aggregate value measured by the KPI when evaluating reward offers.
Business definitions
Customer event definitions are business rules that are used to control the behavior of customer events throughout their life cycle. For example, the rules can define which types of events are processed automatically, or the maximum amount that participants are allowed to redeem on one occasion. There can only be one active definition at a time.
Definition fields
The table describes the sections of customer event definitions Data Entry page and explains how the fields in the page are used.
Mandatory Configurable
Main Information | |||
State: 'Active' or 'Inactive'. There can only be one active definition at a time. | |||
Processing Automation Defines business processes that are automatically applied to Customer Events | |||
Purchase Customer Events Automation | Defines a list of invoice types that will automatically create purchase (type) customer events when posted. | ||
Event Types Processed Immediately | Enables specific customer event types for immediate processing (on saving). Event types selected for immediate processing cannot be disabled when creating a customer event. For the option to process an event at a later stage, do not enable from the definition. The customer event types which can be processed immediately are:
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Payment Medium Brand Automation | Defines the rules that are used to automatically set the payment medium brand on purchase or financial achievement customer events, based on the format of the specified payment medium identifier. Rule Name Automatically Set to Payment Medium Brand: Select the medium brand to be set on the customer event if the conditions are fulfilled. Conditions: The payment medium identifier criteria that must be met to automatically set the specified payment medium brand on the customer event. At least one criterion must be specified. The following formattingoptions are available for setting up the conditions: Simple Formatting: A selection of criteria is presented that can be used to specify the conditions.
Advanced Formatting: The conditions are specified by defining a regular expression.
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Payment Medium Type Automation | Defines the rules used to automatically set the payment medium brand on purchase or financial achievement (type) customer events, based on the format of the specified payment medium identifier. Rule Name Automatically Set to Payment Medium Brand: Select the medium type to be set on the customer event if the conditions are fulfilled. Conditions: The payment medium identifier criteria that must be met to automatically set the specified payment medium type on the customer event. At least one criterion must be specified. The following formatting options are available for setting up the conditions: Simple Formatting: A selection of criteria is presented that can be used to specify the conditions.
Advanced Formatting: The conditions are specified by defining a regular expression.
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Payment Medium Identifier Automation | Defines the rules used to automatically adjust the payment medium identifier specified on purchase or financial achievement (type) customer events, before the events are saved. E.g., If a card number is used as the identifier, keep only the last four characters. These rules are applied only if the customer event is submitted with a specified payment medium identifier. The adjustment is performed once other processing is completed and before saving. Adjustment Method options include:
The Number of Characters that should be kept when adjusting the payment medium identifier must be defined. | ||
Processing Rules Defines business rules that are automatically applied when creating and processing Customer Events | |||
General Rules | Allowed Days for Submitting Spend Requests on Purchase Customer Events: Value defining period should be in the range of 1 to 180. | ||
Spend Request Customer Events Rules
| Rule Name Allow Creating Spend Requests for Specific Amount: If enabled, a mandatory amount to be spent on the event can be specified. Minimum and Maximum Spend Request Amount: Optional, applicable if Allow Creating Spend Requests for Specific Amount is checked. Define the minimum or maximum amount that can be requested through a spend request customer event, respectively. Reject Spend Requests If the Requested Spend Amount is Not Covered: If enabled, then spend requests will not be created in CRM.COM unless the total value of all products at the requested date and time is covered by the wallet balance.
Applicable Classifications: Defines a list of spend request customer event classifications which should be associated with spend request customer event types in order for the rule to apply. |
Related configuration areas
Mandatory modules must be configured for the Customer Events module to work.
Optional modules may be configured for the Customer Events module to operate at its full capacity.
Manual Link | Area | Description | Configuration |
Reward Offers | Configure the reward offers that the customer events will be evaluated against. | Mandatory | |
Accounts Receivable | Payment Medium Brands | Configure the payment medium brands that can be used when creating purchase and financial achievement customer events. | Optional |
Accounts Receivable | Payment Medium Types | Configure the payment medium types that can be used when creating purchase and financial achievement customer events. | Optional |
Financial Transactions | Invoice Types | Configure the invoice type which that trigger the creation of purchase customer events. | Optional |
Using Customer Events
Info |
CRM > Customer Events > Access Customer Events |
There are multiple customer event types (listed below). Select the type that reflects the information you intend to log. Events are logged in the system through Web APIs but can also be manually created through the UI.
Click on New > Customer Event Type from the customer events Summary page.
Purchase fields
The table below describes the sections of purchase customer event Data Entry page and explains how the fields in the page are used.
Mandatory Configurable
Main Information |
Accounts Receivable of the customer associated with the event, or (in case of rewards) of the participant who will benefit from the awards. Classification of the customer event that can be evaluated through rewards to award a customer. Only customer event classifications associated with the specified customer event type can be selected. Performed By Unit: The unit that initiated the event. E.g., the store where the purchase took place. Performed On (date/time) Life Cycle State: 'Posted' or 'Cancelled'. Process Immediately: Initiates business procedures directly after saving, such as reward offer evaluations. Check to enable (not checked by default). If the specific customer event type has been defined through the active customer events definition, it will be checked and set to 'read-only'. Reference Number of the purchase as logged in the external system (the customer's receipt number, if the purchase event is created based on a point of sale invoice). Related Financial Transaction: CRM.COM transaction related to the purchase. External system (read-only): Defines the third-party system that generated the customer event, e.g., a point of sale or portal. It can only be set through the WEB APIs. External System Reference Number (read-only): Provides a unique ID for the event (in the external system and CRM.COM). Payment Medium (e.g., visa debit or credit card). The following settings or fields are optional:
The brand and type inherit the values set at the customer definition provided the identifier meets the definition rules. Purchase Details (read-only)
Products (Itemized list of purchases) |
Quantity can be edited, defaults to '1'. Total Amount for each product = (Quantity * Net Amount) + VAT. The Net, VAT and Total Purchased Amountsare updated when products are added or removed. |
Award Transaction |
Results from a reward offer associated with the event under evaluation and can generate a transaction that credits the wallet of the participant. |
Spend Requests |
'Spend Request' customer events submitted against the purchase customer event |
Referral fields
The table describes the sections of referral customer event Data Entry page and explains how the fields in the page are used.
Mandatory Configurable
Main Information |
Referred Participant Referred By Participant (will be awarded only after the referred participant is awarded) Performed By Unit: The unit that initiated the event. Performed On (date/time) Classification of the customer event that can be evaluated through rewards to award a customer. Only customer event classifications associated with the specified customer event type can be selected. Life Cycle State: 'Posted' or 'Cancelled'. External system (read-only): Defines the third-party system that generated the customer event, e.g., a point of sale or portal. It can only be set through the WEB APIs. External System Reference Number (read-only): Provides a unique ID for the event (in the external system and CRM.COM). |
Award Transaction |
Results from a reward offer associated with the event under evaluation and can generate a transaction that credits the wallet of the participant. |
Social media fields
The table describes the sections of social media customer event Data Entry page and explains how the fields in the page are used.
Mandatory Configurable
Main Information |
Accounts Receivable of the customer associated with the event, or (in case of rewards ) of the participant who will benefit from the awards. Classification of the customer event that can be evaluated through rewards to award a customer. Only customer event classifications associated with the specified customer event type can be selected. Performed By Unit: The unit that initiated the event. Performed On (date/time) Social Media (e.g., Facebook) Profile (e.g., Facebook) Action (e.g., 'Like') Life Cycle State: 'Posted' or 'Cancelled'. Process Immediately: Initiates business procedures directly after saving, such as reward offer evaluations. Check to enable (not checked by default). If the specific customer event type has been defined through the active customer events definition, it will be checked and set to 'read-only'. External system (read-only): Defines the third-party system that generated the customer event, e.g., a point of sale or portal. It can only be set through the WEB APIs. External System Reference Number (read-only): Provides a unique ID for the event (in the external system and CRM.COM). |
Award Transaction |
Results from a reward offer associated with the event under evaluation and can generate a transaction that credits the wallet of the participant. |
Web fields
The table describes the sections of web customer event Data Entry page and explains how the fields in the page are used.
Mandatory Configurable
Main Information |
Accounts Receivable of the customer associated with the event, or (in case of rewards ) of the participant who will benefit from the awards. Classification of the customer event that can be evaluated through rewards to award a customer. Only customer event classifications associated with the specified customer event type can be selected. Performed By Unit: The unit that initiated the event. Performed On (date/time) Website (URL) Process Immediately: Initiates business procedures directly after saving, such as reward offer evaluations. Check to enable (not checked by default). If the specific customer event type has been defined through the active customer events definition, it will be checked and set to 'read-only'. Life Cycle State: 'Posted' or 'Cancelled'. External system (read-only): Defines the third-party system that generated the customer event, e.g., a point of sale or portal. It can only be set through the WEB APIs. External System Reference Number (read-only): Provides a unique ID for the event (in the external system and CRM.COM). |
Award Transaction |
Results from a reward offer associated with the event under evaluation and can generate a transaction that credits the wallet of the participant. |
Achievement fields
The table below describes the sections of the achievement customer event Data Entry page and explains how the fields in the page are used.
Mandatory Configurable
Main Information |
Accounts Receivable of the customer associated with the event, or (in case of rewards ) of the participant who will benefit from the awards. Classification of the customer event that can be evaluated through rewards to award a customer. Only customer event classifications associated with the specified customer event type can be selected. Performed By Unit: The unit that initiated the event. For example, the store that registered the customer. Performed On (date/time) Life Cycle State: 'Posted' or 'Cancelled'. External system (read-only): Defines the third-party system that generated the customer event, e.g., a point of sale or portal. It can only be set through the WEB APIs. External System Reference Number (read-only): Provides a unique ID for the event (in the external system and CRM.COM). |
Award Transaction |
Results from a reward offer associated with the event under evaluation and can generate a transaction that credits the wallet of the participant. |
Financial achievement fields
The table below describes the sections of financial achievement customer event Data Entry page and explains how the fields in the page are used.
Mandatory Configurable
Main Information |
Accounts Receivable of the customer associated with the event, or (in case of rewards ) of the participant who will benefit from the awards. Classification of the customer event that can be evaluated through rewards to award a customer. Only customer event classifications associated with the specified customer event type can be selected. Performed By Unit: The unit that initiated the event. For example, the participant's bank branch. Performed On (date/time) Life Cycle State: 'Posted' or 'Cancelled'. External system (read-only): Defines the third-party system that generated the customer event, e.g., a point of sale or portal. It can only be set through the WEB APIs. External System Reference Number (read-only): Provides a unique ID for the event (in the external system and CRM.COM). Product for which the achievement is registered (e.g., a business loan). Amount of money for which the achievement is registered (e.g. the remaining balance of the business loan). Payment Medium: Information associated with the payment medium for which the achievement is registered(e.g., visa debit or credit card). The following settings or fields are optional:
The brand and type inherit the values set at the customer definition provided the identifier meets the definition rules. |
Award Transaction |
Results from a reward offer associated with the event under evaluation and can generate a transaction that credits the wallet of the participant. |
Financial statement fields
The table below describes the sections of financial statement customer event Data Entry page and explains how the fields in the page are used.
Mandatory Configurable
Main Information | ||
Accounts Receivable of the customer associated with the event, or (in case of rewards ) of the participant who will benefit from the awards. Classification of the customer event that can be evaluated through rewards to award a customer. Only customer event classifications associated with the specified customer event type can be selected. Performed By Unit: The unit that initiated the event. For example, the participant's bank branch. Performed On (date/time) Life Cycle State: 'Posted' or 'Cancelled'. Period (month and year) The combination of the accounts receivable, customer event classification and period must be unique. External system (read-only): Defines the third-party system that generated the customer event, e.g., a point of sale or portal. It can only be set through the WEB APIs. External System Reference Number (read-only): Provides a unique ID for the event (in the external system and CRM.COM). | ||
Measured Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) (Multiple KPIs can be specified on each statement but the combination of KPI and related product must be unique) | ||
Name: The KPI that is measured through the statement. Product: The product that is related to the defined KPI. Value: The amount that will meet the KPI objective and trigger the reward.
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Award Transaction | ||
Results from a reward offer associated with the event under evaluation and can generate a transaction that credits the wallet of the participant. |
Spend request fields
The table below describes the sections of spend request customer event Data Entry page for each type of customer event and explains how the fields in the page are used.
Mandatory Configurable
Main Information | ||||
Accounts Receivable of the customer associated with the event, or (in case of rewards ) of the participant who will benefit from the awards. Purchase Customer Event: ID Number of the event that the spend request is used to settle. Performed By Unit: The unit that initiated the event. E.g., the store where the award was redeemed. Performed On (date/time) Requested Spend Amount: The amount that should be spent. Applicable and mandatory if it is enabled through the spend request rules of the active customer events definition. In this case, the 'spend amount' defaults to the total purchase customer event amount and can be edited. Classification: The classification of the customer event that can be evaluated through rewards to award a customer. Only customer event classifications associated with the specified customer event type can be selected. Actual Spend Amount: The redeemed amount. Applies only to automatic awards and not to the instant spending process. Life Cycle State: 'Posted' or 'Cancelled'. Reduction Method of requested amount (read-only). The reduction method depends on the 'Performed by Unit' of the purchase customer event for which the spent event is settling. If that unit is mapped to a rewards participating merchant, then the reduction method defined on the merchant is adopted.
Process Immediately: Initiates business procedures directly after saving, such as reward offer evaluations. Check to enable (not checked by default). If the specific customer event type has been defined through the active customer events definition, it will be checked and set to 'read-only'. Instant Spend (read-only, set by the system): Indicates whether the event was created as a result of an instant spend Reward Offer. Automatic Spend (read-only): Indicates whether the event was created as part of the automatic awards spending process (as defined by the rewards merchants and participants) External system (read-only): Defines the third-party system that generated the customer event, e.g., a point of sale or portal. It can only be set through the WEB APIs. External System Reference Number (read-only): Provides a unique ID for the event (in the external system and CRM.COM). | ||||
Spend Transaction | ||||
Results from the spending of awards and can generate a transaction that debits the wallet of the participant. 'Spend request customer event rules', which may apply when creating reward spend transactions, are configured in the customer event definition. |
Creating and processing customer events
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Validations take place before an action is initiated (prerequisite) or after it is submitted (postcondition). |
Selecting and creating a customer event
To select a customer event, navigate to 'Access Customer Events' and specify the criteria that match the events you are interested in (for example, Type and Life Cycle State).
Manual creation
To create a customer event, navigate to 'Access Customer Events' and click on NEW from the Actions menu, selecting the required type of customer event.
Automatic creation
Customer events can be created in an external system and imported into CRM.COM through a WEB API.
Purchase customer events can also be automatically created when an invoice is registered in CRM. When a third-party system (such as a point of sale) updates CRM.COM with a new sale, a new invoice is created. At the same time, CRM.COM can create a purchase customer event for the rewards platform.
The financial transaction types that trigger purchase customer events when an invoice is posted must be defined in the active customer event definition.
Modifying a customer event
Customer events cannot be modified.
Canceling a customer event
Customer events can be cancelled (for example, in case a customer returns a purchased good).
Click on Cancel from the Actions menu of the Data Entry page of the event that should be canceled.
If the event had triggered an award or spend transaction and the respective credit or debit wallet transactions, then all transactions are canceled and the awards are returned.
If the customer event is of type Purchase, then spend request customer events referring to the purchase are also canceled.
Preconditions | The action is not available if the customer event is already canceled. |
Previewing awards on purchase customer events
CRM.COM Reward Offers generate awards for purchase customer events (subject to conditions).
By using the 'Preview' function, it is possible to view the following information on the awarded amounts before submitting an event (through WEB API only):
- Amount to be awarded
- Amount to be spent instantly
- Additional amount that can be spent on a purchase customer event (based on funds available in the customer's loyalty account).
Setting payment brand and type automatically
Payment brand and type (for example, 'visa debit') is stored with purchase and financial achievement customer events. In case a payment type or brand is not specified, the process can be automated using the payment medium identifier.
Set up rules that are triggered when the events are saved, in the active customer event definition.
Blocking spending for rewards participants
Spend request customer events can be blocked, stopping the spending of awards, in case of a dispute or suspicion of fraud.
Refer to Rewards for more information.
Applying business flows on customer events
Immediate versus batch processing
Customer events can be directly evaluated and processed by the rewards engine or awarded at a later stage in one flow. In order for an event to be processed immediately:
- 'Process Immediately' must be enabled on the customer event.
- The 'Evaluation Method' field of the reward offer that will evaluate the event must be set to 'Batch Process and Interactively'.
The customer event types and reward offer classifications that allow immediate processing are:
Customer Event Types |
Reward Offer Classifications |
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All customer event types except 'spend request' are used for awarding rewards participants.
Customer events are evaluated by the rewards engine, either when the event is executed or at a later stage with other customer events in one flow, to determine whether the participant will be awarded.
When a rewards participant redeems an award, a spend request customer event must be registered in CRM.COM with the information for the redemption. Once the spend is successfully processed by the system, the participant's wallet is debited by the redeemed amount.
Spend request customer events can only be created for specific purchase customer events. When a rewards participant uses an awarded amount to make a purchase:
- A purchase customer event is created
- A spend request event is created and associated to the purchase event
- Awards are redeemed
- If the cost of a purchase is greater than the sum of the awards in the participant's wallet, the participant must pay the difference.
The following table displays the reward offer classifications that each customer event type is evaluated against, provided that a reward offer of the same classification is set up in CRM.COM.
Customer Event Type | Reward Offer Classification |
Purchase |
Referral | Referrals Reward |
Achievement | Reward Achievements |
Financial Achievement | Reward Financial Achievement |
Social Media | Reward Behavior |
Web | Reward Behavior |
Spend Request | Triggered by customer requests rather than specific reward offers, for redeeming awards. |
Customer event business examples
Canceling customer events
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Scenario 1 Company ZX will import purchase customer events into CRM.COM from a third-party system using WEB APIs, for rewarding purposes. In case a customer regrets making a purchase, then the update process in CRM.COM is performed manually. The user must trace the events and accounts related to the returned goods and cancel those events before rewards are calculated. In some cases, customers return the goods AFTER they have been awarded points for the purchase. Solution
User Process The Cancel action will be used for both requirements. In each case, the system will decide whether to (only) cancel the event, or whether awarded points should also be deducted from the reward participant's account.
Award participants using event classifications
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Scenario 2 Company ZX would like to award their sales persons with a €5 bonus reward each time they receive a '5 Star Service' feedback. The sales persons are selected through ad-hoc customer surveys. Solution Configuration
Create a customer event classification of type '5 Star Service'. Create a reward offer of type Reward Achievement, with an offering of €5 per event and with a '5 Star Service' customer event classification as a condition. For each sales person that receives a '5 Star Service' feedback:
When the reward process is executed, the sales person's account will be credited with the awarded points. |
Award specific top-up amount
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Scenario 3 Company ZX would like to award reward participants that top up their Electron card with €100 or more, with a €10 bonus. No more than one bonus is to be awarded per year, regardless of the number of effected top-ups. Solution Configuration
Create a reward offer with the following attributes:
User Action
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CRM.COM Term | Definition |
Accounts Receivable | A ledger of the financial transactions carried out between a company and its customers, such as invoices and payments. The accounts receivable keeps a running balance of debits and credits and displays the amount a company is owed in exchange for goods supplied and services rendered. |
Financial Transactions | An agreement between a buyer and seller to exchange services or physical goods for payment. |
Wallet | A customer account whose credit balance is used to fund transactions within CRM.COM. |
Wallet Transaction | A financial transaction that debits or credits the wallet. |
Reward Offer | An offer which awards rewards participants subject to award and spend conditions. |
Rewards Participant | A customer participating in a rewards program and can be awarded offers provided through the program. |
Rewards Participating Merchant | A merchant that collaborates with a rewards platform. |
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