
Navigate to Wallet Transactions and view existing Wallet Transactions

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Navigating to Wallet Transactions Module

Follow the steps below In order to Navigate to Wallet Transactions

  1. Login using your username and password
  2. Click on the  menu option, which is part of the Navigation Menu, located at the left side of the screen
  3. Click on the Finance Application > Wallets > Access Wallet Transactions
  4. The Wallet Transactions summary screen is displayed!
    Wallet Transactions summary page 

Searching for existing Wallet Transactions

The first step in searching for Wallet Transactions is to define the criteria for your new search. You can define your search criteria in two different ways:

  • Basic search 
  • Advanced search.

Basic Search

You can find an existing Wallet Transactions through the Wallet Transactions summary screen by specifying at least one of the following criteria:

  • No: An auto generated number that uniquely identifies each wallet transaction
  • Type:The wallet transaction type, which determines the nature of each wallet transaction, based on the wallet transaction type classification which can be one of the following classifications:
    • Credit
    • Debit
    • Reimburse
    • Void 
  • Wallet:The related wallet
  • Amount:The total amount of the wallet transaction
  • Extra Added Amount:An extra added amount that will affect the wallet balance on crediting the wallet.
  • Life Cycle State:The life cycle state of the wallet transaction that can be:
    • Effective
    • Voided
  • Voided by Wallet Transaction:The wallet transaction that voided a debit, credit or reimburse wallet transaction

Click on Find to retrieve the results based on the search field you completed.

You may search within the results modifying the above fields and then click on Find

Wallet Transactions summary page

Advanced Search

Additional criteria can be found in the advanced search by clicking on the arrow next to the Find button. Those criteria include the following:

  • Created By: The user that created the Wallet Transaction
  • Created By Unit: The unit of the user that created the Wallet Transaction
  • Updated By: The user that last updated the Wallet Transaction
  • Updated by Unit: The unit of the user that last updated the Wallet Transaction
  • Date Created: The date the Wallet Transaction was created
  • Date Last Updated: The date the account was last Wallet Transaction

Click on Find to retrieve the results based on the search field you completed.

You may search within the results modifying the above fields and then click on Find
Advanced Criteria for Wallet Transactions

Setting your own criteria

Not enough criteria for your business needs? That's not a problem. You can select your own criteria through a rich list of available criteria, designed to meet any industry's need. You will find those criteria in the Available Filters & Advanced Filters section of the Summary Page Settings, in four simple steps:

  1. Click on the Preferences button in the Summary Page
  2. Go to Filters or Advanced Filters section
  3. Select the criteria that should be available on you summary page

Wallet Transaction Preferences

Going through the search results

Taking a glimpse

After each search, you will come across with the most important Wallet Transactions information, which becomes available to you with just a quick look at the results.

  • Number:An auto generated number that uniquely identifies each wallet transaction
  • Type:The wallet transaction type, which determines the nature of each wallet transaction, based on the wallet transaction type classification. The supported wallet transaction type classifications are the following:
    • Credit
    • Debit
    • Reimburse
    • Void
  • Wallet:The related wallet
  • Amount:The total amount of the wallet transaction
  • Extra Added Amount: Extra added amount that will affect the wallet balance on crediting the wallet, but will not be taken into consideration during various processes such as reimbursing the wallet or invoicing the related accounts receivable. This information is applicable only for credit wallet transactions
  • Voided by Wallet Transaction:The wallet transaction that voided a debit, credit or reimburse wallet transaction
  • Allotments:A wallet transaction allotment is used to identify restrictions on how the wallet available amount, generated by wallet credit transactions, can be consumed. This information is available only for credit wallet transactions. Wallet transaction allotments consist of the following:
    • Allotment Amount
    • Consumption Validity Date (The date 
    • Set of Conditions
      This information matches the information which is kept in wallet allotments
  • Products:Wallet products are used to track the amount per product that the wallet was credited or debited as part of a wallet transaction. Multiple products can be shown on each wallet transaction.

Wallet Transactions Summary Records

Digging for more

Soon after taking a glimpse at the result, you will probably need to look for more information. Well, CRM.COM Software is designed for that! Use the multilevel drill down menus to check additional Wallet Transactions information such as:

  • Allotments:
    • Debit Wallet Transactions 
    • Credit Wallet Transactions:
      Provides information related to restrictions on how the specific amount can be used for. Restrictions are not mandatory, i.e. A credit wallet transaction may be used freely with no restrictions/conditions
      • Amount: The amount of money used for the specific condition group
      • Validity Date: The last date by which that amount of money can be used
        Validity Date and Amount 
      • Time conditions:
        • From:  Time within a day from which the money can be used. i.e. From 8:00
        • To: Time within a day to which the money can be used. i.e. To: 18:00
          Time conditions 
      • Product Conditions
        • Product: A specific product which the money can be used for
        • Product Type: A specific product type which the money can be used for. i.e. any product that has the specific Product type
          Product Conditions 
      • Unit Conditions
        • Units that are allowed to spend the amount of money. These can either be Units or Groups
          Unit Conditions
      • Date Conditions
        • Day(s) of the week: Specific days within the week that the money can be spent
          Date Conditions 
  • Products:
    • Credit Wallet Transactions:
    • Debit Wallet Transactions:
      The Product(s) which has/have consumed the amount of the transaction
      • Code: The product Code
      • Amount: the amount of money that the specific product has used

You could further use the expand section at the end for even more information such as the related log information.
Expand Section

Making your search results more meaningful

Are the search results too basic for your business needs? It is up to you to make them more meaningful and up to CRM.COM to provide you the tools to do so. You can add more information to your test results through the summary page setting, through the Summary Page Settings, following three simple steps:

  1. Click on the Preferences button in the Summary Page
  2. Go to the Summary Fields sections
  3. Select the fields that should be visible in your search results by adding from Available Columns to Summary

Summary records Update

Viewing a Wallet Transactions

Having a first look


Wallet Transactions are divided in various sections is divided in various sections . providing semantic meaning to each and every piece of information that you are accessing. Those sections include the following:
  • Main Information: This Section provides information such as the wallet the type of the transaction the amount e.t.c
  • Log Information: This section provides log information such as when the Wallet Transaction was created or last updated and by which user.
  • AllotmentsProvides information related to restrictions on how the specific amount can be used for Credit Wallet Transactions
    • Credit Wallet Transactions: Provides information related to restrictions on how the specific amount can be used for
    • Debit Wallet Transactions
  • Products:Provides information related to the products and the amount that has been spend for each product
    • Credit Wallet Transactions
    • Debit Wallet Transactions: Provides the products and the amount that has been spend for each product
Wallet Transactions Detail Page

Getting down to details

Soon after having a first look, you will probably need to pull your sleeves up and get down to details. CRM.COM Software is designed to provide the ability to view as much information as possible within the same screen, but in the same way making it easy for you to navigate through them and quickly get to the information that you are looking for. This is achieved by navigating through the various semantic sections provided by the data entry screen. Those sections include the following:

Main Information:

  • Wallet:The related wallet
  • Type:The wallet transaction type, which determines the nature of each wallet transaction, based on the wallet transaction type classification. Possible classifications are the following, however the Type is custom and can have any name
    • Credit
    • Debit
    • Reimburse
    • Void
  • Amount:The total amount of the wallet transaction
  • Extra Added Amount:An extra added amount that will affect the wallet balance on crediting the wallet. This amount is not taken into consideration during various processes such as reimbursing the wallet or invoicing the related accounts receivable. This information is applicable only for credit wallet transactions
  • Shared Notes:Notes for the wallet transaction, which include the user and the time that the note was taken
  • Life Cycle State:The life cycle state of the wallet transaction that can be:
    • Effective
    • voided
  • Voided by: The wallet transaction that voided a debit, credit or reimburse wallet transaction

Wallet Transaction Main Information

Log Information

  • Created By User: The user that created the Wallet Transaction
  • Updated By User: The user that last updated the Wallet Transaction
  • Created by Unit: The Unit of the user that created the Wallet Transaction
  • Updated by Unit: The Unit of the user that last updated the Wallet Transaction 
  • Created On: The date the Wallet Transaction was created
  • Updated On: The date the Wallet Transaction was last updated


  • Amount: The amount available per Allotment
  • Validity Date: The last date by which that amount of money can be used
  • Conditions

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Check also our How to: Developing custom pages for more information on how to customize your screens!






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