Versions Compared


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Bills are generated by the system, through the normal billing run, or by billing individual accountssubscriptions and jobs from the entity's Data Entry page.  Bills cannot be created manually.

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Bill fields

The table describes the sections of the Bills Data Entry page and explains how the fields in the page are used.




Scenario 1

Company ZX sends new bills by email to customers that have requested their bills in electronic rather than printed form.


Normal Billing must have already been executed. 

  1. Set up a Communication Template using Bill Communication Tags, supplying the information to be conveyed.
  2. Create a new bill sending run definition.
    1. Specify Input Settings
      Communication settings:
      1. Template
      2. Media: email
    2. Specify Criteria for bill retrieval
      1. Presentment Preferences: email
        (To retrieve customers with email preference)
      2. Bills
        Select the latest Billing Run
    3. Specify Scheduling Settings
      1. Schedule the definition to run repeatedly, the day following the execution of the Normal Billing Run.

  • If you are using a previous release, view CRM.COM Release ChangesChanges.
  • Use the Bills WEB API to create and manage Bills from an external system, such as a customer portal. View the Bills WEB API for a complete list of actions available through the WEB API.

