- GET subscriptions/show — This method returns information related with a subscription. A single subscription is returned by each call
- GET subscriptions/list — This method returns information related with subscriptions owned by the same accounts receivable. Multiple subscriptions are returned by each call
- POST subscriptions/list — This method returns information related with subscriptions. This method is similar to the GET method, but it supports identifying the accounts receivable of a subscription that will be retrieved using an access token. Multiple subscriptions are returned by each call
- POST subscriptions/create — This method is used to create a new subscription by identifying an existing or new subscriber and the subscription services or installed items that should be added on the subscription. A single subscription can be created by each call
- POST subscriptions/update — This method is used to update information related with an existing subscription. Note that services, installed items or billing terms cannot be updated through this method; there are specific methods that should be used in order to perform those actions.
- POST subscriptions/apply_promo_code — It applies a promo code on an existing subscription
- POST subscriptions/activate — This method is activating a draft or not effective subscription. The method can be applied on a single subscription only
- POST subscriptions/deactivate — This method is deactivating an effective subscription. The method can be applied on a single subscription only
- POST subscriptions/cancel — This method is cancelling a draft, effective, not effective or in resting subscription. The method can be applied on a single subscription only
- POST subscriptions/regret — This method is regretting a draft, effective, not effective or in resting subscription. The method can be applied on a single subscription only
- POST subscriptions/bill — It bills one subscription based on a specific as of date
- POST subscriptions/preview_bill — It previews the bill of one subscription based on a specific as of date
- POST subscriptions/calculate_rates — This method is used to calculate the rates that will be applied while creating a new subscription or modifying an existing one, before submitting the actual request. The rates calculation can be applied on a single subscription per each call.
- POST subscriptions/change_location — This method is changing the location of an existing subscription. The method can be applied on a single subscription only
- POST subscriptions/change_subscriber — This method is changing the subscriber owning a specific subscription, to a new or existing accounts receivable owned by a different customer. The method can be applied on a single subscription only
- POST subscriptions/change_accounts_receivable — This method is changing the subscriber owning a specific subscription, to a new or existing accounts receivable owned by the same customer. The method can be applied on a single subscription only
- POST subscriptions/rest — This method is setting an effective, not effective subscription in resting. The method can be applied on a single subscription only
- POST subscriptions/end_resting — This method is ending the resting period of a specific subscription. This method can be applied only on subscription in resting life cycle state. The method can be applied on a single subscription only
- POST subscriptions/extend_grace_period — This method is extending the grace period of a draft, effective, not effective subscription. The method can be applied on a single subscription only
- POST subscriptions/short_term_activation — This method is setting a draft or a not effective subscription in short-term activation period. The method can be applied on a single subscription only
- POST subscriptions/end_short_term_activation — This method is ending the short term activation period of a specific subscription. This method can be applied only on subscription in Short Term Effective life cycle state. The method can be applied on a single subscription only
- POST subscriptions/short_term_deactivation — This method is setting an Effective subscription in short-term deactivation period. The method can be applied on a single subscription only
- POST subscriptions/end_short_term_deactivation — This method is ending the short term deactivation period of a specific subscription. This method can be applied only on subscription in Short Term Not Effective life cycle state. The method can be applied on a single subscription only
- POST subscriptions/change_subscription_distribution — This method changes the provisioning distribution of either existing subscription services or installed items within the same subscription. The method can be applied on a single subscription only
- POST subscriptions/amend_billing_terms — This method is amending the billing terms of a Draft, Effective, Not Effective or In Resting subscription. The method can be applied to a single subscription only
- POST subscriptions/amend_services_installed_items — This method amends a subscription by adding and distributing new services or physical goods, removing existing services or physical goods or changing the distribution of existing services or physical goods. Only one subscription can be amended through each call but multiple services or physical goods can be amended through each call
- POST subscriptions/swap_package — This method is used to swap a packaged subscription type of a specific subscription with another packaged subscription type.
- POST subscriptions/replace_subscription — This method is used to replace an existing subscription with a new one. The initial subscription is replaced in cases in which users require to move:
- subscriptions/services
- POST subscriptions/services/stop — It stops one or multiple effective subscription services from a specific subscription
- POST subscriptions/services/cancel — It cancels one or multiple effective, not effective or in resting subscription services from a specific subscription
- POST subscriptions/services/regret — It regrets one or multiple effective, not effective or in resting subscription services from a specific subscription
- POST subscriptions/services/add_usage — This method adds the usage of one or multiple subscription services belonging on a specific subscription.
- POST subscriptions/services/add — This method adds one or multiple subscription services on a specific subscription, as draft or effective, and any installed items which might be required in order to add those services
- subscriptions/services/configuration
- GET subscriptions/services/configuration/become_subscriber/list — This method returns the services that can be used to create a new subscription of a specific type and billing term scheme. Multiple services are returned by each call
- GET subscriptions/services/configuration/add_expenses/list — This method returns the the expenses that can be added on an existing subscription. Multiple expenses are returned by each call
- GET subscriptions/services/configuration/add_services/list — This method returns the termed services that can be added on an existing subscription. Multiple termed services are returned by each call
- GET subscriptions/services/configuration/swap_services/list — This method returns the services that can be used to swap an existing subscription service. Multiple services are returned by each call
- POST subscriptions/services/start — It starts one or multiple draft or not effective subscription services from a specific subscription
- POST subscriptions/services/cancel_expenses — This method cancels one or multiple subscription expenses related with a specific subscription. The subscription expenses can be cancelled only if they were not already billed.
- POST subscriptions/services/add_expenses — This method adds one or multiple subscription expenses on a specific subscription, as effective
- POST subscriptions/services/remove_draft — It removes one or multiple draft subscription services from a specific subscription
- POST subscriptions/services/swap — It swap one or multiple effective or not effective subscription services belonging to a specific subscription with other subscription services, based on the specified subscription service tiers
- subscriptions/installed_items
- POST subscriptions/installed_items/add — It adds one or multiple installed items on a specific subscription
- POST subscriptions/installed_items/remove — It removes one or multiple subscription installed items from a specific subscription
- POST subscriptions/installed_items/swap — It swaps one or multiple installed items belonging to a specific subscription with other installed items
- POST subscriptions/installed_items/move_to_another_subscription — It moves one or multiple installed items belonging to a specific subscription to another subscription belonging to the same accounts receivable owner.
- subscriptions/installed_items/configuration
- GET subscriptions/installed_items/configuration/become_subscriber/list — This method returns the the physical goods that can be used to create a new subscription of a specific type. Multiple physical goods are returned by each call
- GET subscriptions/installed_items/configuration/add_installed_items/list — This method returns the the physical goods that can be added on an existing subscription. Multiple physical goods are returned by each call
- subscriptions/actions
- GET subscriptions/actions/get_rejected — This method returns the subscription actions which are in Rejected life cycle state and were never re-submitted. Multiple subscription actions are returned by each call
- POST subscriptions/actions/cancel — This method cancels a scheduled action. This web API method can be used only on actions which are in a scheduled life cycle state. A single subscription action can be cancelled by each call
- GET subscriptions/actions/get_scheduled — This method returns the subscription action which are scheduled to be executed and are in life cycle state Scheduled. Multiple subscription actions are returned by each call
- subscriptions/usage_allowance_limits
- POST subscriptions/usage_allowance_limits/add — This method adds Usage Allowance Limits to a Subscription. A single Subscription is updated by each call
- POST subscription/usage_allowance_limits/remove — This method removes (deletes) the usage allowance limits from a Subscription, allowing thus unrestricted usage consumption. A single Subscription is updated by each call
- POST subscriptions/usage_allowance_limits/update — This method updates the Usage Allowance Limits of a Subscription. A single Subscription can be updated by each call
- subscriptions/configuration
- GET subscriptions/configuration/types/list — This method returns the subscription types that are allowed to be used in the system. Multiple subscription types are returned by each call
- GET subscriptions/configuration/behavior_codes/list — This method returns a list of behavior codes and business classification codes that can be applied on a specific subscription, subscription service or subscription installed item, considering their life cycle state. Multiple behavior codes are returned by each call
- GET subscriptions/configuration/billing_term_schemes/list — This method returns the billing term schemes that are allowed to be used by a specific type of subscription. Multiple billing term schemes are returned by each call
- GET subscriptions/configuration/provisioning_distributors/list — This method returns the provisioning distributors that are allowed to be used by a specific type of subscription. Multiple provisioning distributors are returned by each call
- GET subscriptions/configuration/allowed_buy_in_advance_request_durations/list — This method returns a list of buy in advance request duration ranges, that can be used to submit buy in advance requests against subscriptions of a specific type, as specified in the active buy in advance definition. Multiple duration ranges are returned by each call
- GET subscriptions/configuration/get_package_information — This method returns the information of a subscription type classified as "Package", such as the mandatory and additional termed services, installed items, and billing term scheme attributes
- GET subscriptions/configuration/billing_term_schemes/price_plans/list — This method returns the price plans that can be applied on a subscription, considering the billing term scheme that will be used. Multiple price plans are returned by each call
- GET subscriptions/configuration/action_types/list — This method returns the subscription action types and the related sub action types that are allowed to be used in the system. Multiple subscription action types are returned by each call