GET accounts_receivable/configuration/payment_preferences/list
This method returns the payment preferences that are allowed to be used in the system, as specified in the active accounts receivable definition. Multiple payment preferences are returned by each call
Resource URL
Name | Type | Description |
token | String | The token retrieved from the login method |
fields_set (optional) | List of Strings, comma separated | A list of fields that should be included in the results. If not specified then all the available fields will be returned |
Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the retrieved payment preference |
name | String | The name of the retrieved payment preference |
alternative_code | String | The alternative code of the retrieved payment preference |
type | Sting | The type of the payment preference, such as
BRAINTREE_PAYMENT_GATEWAY and CUSTOM_PAYMENT_GATEWAY are available from CRM.COM R14.2.0 WALLET available from CRM.COM R17.0.0 |
description | Sting | The description of the retrieved payment preference |
default | Boolean | It determines if the presentment payment is set as the default in the accounts receivable definition |
GET accounts_receivable/configuration/presentment_preferences/list
This method returns the presentment preferences that are allowed to be used in the system, as specified in the active accounts receivable definition. Multiple presentment preferences are returned by each call
Resource URL
Name | Type | Description |
token | String | The token retrieved from the login method |
fields_set (optional) | List of Strings, comma separated | A list of fields that should be included in the results. If not specified then all the available fields will be returned |
Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the retrieved presentment preference |
name | String | The name of the retrieved presentment preference |
alternative_code | String | The alternative code of the retrieved presentment preference |
type | Sting | The presentment method type which can be one of the following: POST, EMAIL, SMS, F2F, OTHER, CUSTOM_1, CUSTOM_2, CUSTOM_3, CUSTOM_4, CUSTOM_5 |
state | String | The state of the presentment preference, which can be ACTIVE or INACTIVE |
description | String | A description of the presentment preference |
default | Boolean | It determines if the presentment preference is set as the default in the accounts receivable definition |
Contact Information Object | The contact information related with the retrieved presentment preference |
Referred Objects Response Data
GET accounts_receivable/configuration/classifications/list
This method returns the classifications that are allowed to be used in the system, as specified in the active accounts receivable definition. Multiple classifications are returned by each call
Resource URL
Name | Type | Description |
token | String | The token retrieved from the login method |
fields_set (optional) | List of Strings, comma separated | A list of fields that should be included in the results. If not specified then all the available fields will be returned |
Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the retrieved classification |
name | String | The name of the retrieved classification |
alternative_code | String | The alternative code of the retrieved classification |
description | Sting | The description of the retrieved classification |
default | Boolean | It determines if the classification is set as the default in the active accounts receivable definition |
GET accounts_receivable/configuration/banks/list
This method returns the presentment preferences that are allowed to be used in the system, as specified in the active accounts receivable definition. Multiple presentment preferences are returned by each call
Resource URL
Name | Type | Description |
token | String | The token retrieved from the login method |
fields_set (optional) | List of Strings, comma separated | A list of fields that should be included in the results. If not specified then all the available fields will be returned |
Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
code | String | The code of the retrieved contact information relation type, that can be one of the following: FAMILY MEMBER, EXTENDED FAMILY, PARTNER, CLOSE FRIEND, FRIEND, WORK COLLEAGUE, PARTNER COMPANY, CLIENT, EMPLOYER, EMPLOYEE, BUSINESS, CUSTOM1, CUSTOM2, CUSTOM3, CUSTOM4, CUSTOM5 |
name | String | The label of the retrieved contact information relation type, as configured in the active contact information definition |
is_supported_for_person | Boolean | Defines if the relation type for the contact type PERSON is supported Available from CRM.COM R15.0.0 |
is_supported_for_company | Boolean | Defines if the relation type for the contact type COMPANY is supported Available from CRM.COM R15.0.0 |
is_mandatory_for_person | Boolean | Defines if the relation type for the contact type PERSON is mandatory Available from CRM.COM R15.0.0 |
is_mandatory_for_company | Boolean | Defines if the relation type for the contact type COMPANY is mandatory Available from CRM.COM R15.0.0 |
GET accounts_receivable/configuration/bank_account_types/list
This method returns the bank account types that are allowed to be used in the system, as specified in the active accounts receivable definition. Multiple bank account types are returned by each call
Resource URL
Name | Type | Description |
token | String | The token retrieved from the login method |
fields_set (optional) | List of Strings, comma separated | A list of fields that should be included in the results. If not specified then all the available fields will be returned |
Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the retrieved bank account type |
name | String | The name of the retrieved bank account type |
alternative_code | String | The alternative code of the retrieved bank account type |
description | String | The description of the retrieved bank account type |
GET accounts_receivable/configuration/credit_ratings/list
This method returns the presentment preferences that are allowed to be used in the system, as specified in the active accounts receivable definition. Multiple presentment preferences are returned by each call
Resource URL
Name | Type | Description |
token | String | The token retrieved from the login method |
fields_set (optional) | List of Strings, comma separated | A list of fields that should be included in the results. If not specified then all the available fields will be returned |
Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The id of the retrieved industry |
name | String | The name of the retrieved industry |
code | String | The code of the retrieved industry |
description | String | The description of the retrieved industry |
parent_id | String | The id of the retrieved category's parent industry |