This section describes how error, warning, and question messages are created.
What does this section cover?
Error Messages
In order for an error message to appear on screen, a java exception must be created and thrown.
- Create the Exception class.
- All exception classes must extend com.crm.exception.CRMValidationException.
- All exception methods should have a com.crm.exception.CRMValidationException object as an input parameter and use setMessage method of com.crm.exception.CRMException class.
- To create the exception method:
- Use com.crm.businessobject.CRMSession object as an input parameter and any other String input parameters needed.
- Put all String input parameters in a String ArrayList.
- Use setMessage method of com.crm.exception.CRMException class to construct the exception message.
- To create the exception method:
public class AccountTerminationException extends CRMValidationException { /** * You are not allowed to terminate the Accounts Receivable %1. This is only allowed for Active or Suspended accounts. * * @param crmSession - the session object * @param value - the exception value * @throws Exception */ public AccountTerminationException(CRMSession crmSession, String value) throws Exception { super(); ArrayList<String> parameters = new ArrayList<String>(); parameters.add(value); try { setMessage(this.getClass().getName().toUpperCase(), crmSession, parameters); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
2. Define the exception in the messages.xml file. Use a unique key for the expression tag.
<messages> <message> <code>COM.CRM.EXCEPTION.ACCOUNTS.ACCOUNTTERMINATIONEXCEPTION</code> <expression>key_com_crm_exception_accounts_accountterminationexception</expression> <description>You are not allowed to terminate the accounts receivable. This is only allowed for Active or Suspended accounts.</description> </message> . . . </messages>
3. Define the exception in English translation properties file, by using the expression tag key defined in metadata messages file as the entry key, and specifying the exception message. Use %<number> where the input parameters should be placed. Note that <number> is their index+1 in parameters array list.
<properties> <entry key="key_com_crm_exception_accounts_accountterminationexception">You are not allowed to terminate the accounts receivable %1. This is only allowed for Active or Suspended accounts.</entry> . . . </properties>
4. Throw the exception.
Question Messages
In order for a question message to appear on screen, two java methods should be created.
- Create the java method that will display the question.
- Use showConfirmQuestion method of com.crm.process.CRMUI class to display the confirmation question.
- Define the method to be called if the user clicks 'YES' (class name, method name, question code) and message parameters, as input parameters for showConfirmQuestion method.
- Continue implementing what should be executed right after postPayment method, if the user clicks 'YES', or right after the user clicks 'NO'.
- Use showConfirmQuestion method of com.crm.process.CRMUI class to display the confirmation question.
- Create the java method that will be called if the user clicks 'YES'
3. Define the question code in metadata messages file.
4. Define the question in the English translation properties file, by using the expression tag key defined in metadata messages file as the entry key, and specifying the question message. Use %<number> where the message parameters should be placed. Note that <number> is their index+1 in message parameters array list.
Warning Messages
The last example is about showing warning messages and as previously the same procedure is been followed. The following example constructing a warning message about the license on its interface class. Firstly, an InfoMessage object is created and some parameters are parsed. The first parameter is the crmSession, second the code of the message, third are some message parameters, then the path of the session and the organization id as follows. Lastly, the showInfoMessage method is called to demonstrates the warning message on the screen by parsing the message details.
Once again, the code of the warning message must be defined in messages of metadata file whilst the expression key must also be mentioned in labels file, as follows.
Then, on the following screen is illustrated the warning message, when a field is been changed.