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Useful methods frequently used in the system concerning date, SQL and metadata handling.
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Date Handling Methods
Date handling methods can be found in com.crm.framework.util.DateUtil class.
Handling Java Dates
truncate(Date date) method returns the date rounded to the day with a time of 00:00:00:00. setEndOfDay(Date date) method returns the date rounded to the day with a time of 23:59:59:999.
public DateRange getDateRange(Date fromDate, Date toDate){ if (fromDate!=null && toDate!=null ) { fromDate = DateUtil.truncate(fromDate); toDate = DateUtil.setEndOfDay(toDate); range = new DateRange(fromDate, toDate); } return range; }
getDateDiff( int calculationUnit, Date d1, Date d2 ) method returns the difference of the two dates in the given calculation unit.
public Boolean expired(Date fromDate, Date toDate, Integer daysValid){ Integer numberOfDays = DateUtil.getDateDiff(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, fromDate, toDate); if(numberOfDays>daysValid) { return true; } return false; }
add(Date date, int timeValue, UnitOfTime uot) method adds the given number(time value) of units to the given date.
public Boolean getCompletionDate(Date startDate, Integer timeValue, UnitOfTime uot){ Date completionDate = DateUtil.add(startDate, timeValue, uot); return completionDate ; }
Alternatively, any of the following methods can be used if the unit of time is known and not given.
- addYears(Date date, int numberOfYears) method adds the given number of years to the given date.
- addMonths(Date date, int numberOfMonths) method adds the given number of months to the given date.
- addWeeks(Date date, int numberOfWeeks) method adds the given number of weeks to the given date.
- addDays(Date date, int numberOfDays) method adds the given number of days to the given date.
- addHours(Date date, int numberOfHours) method adds the given number of hours to the given date.
- addMinutes(Date date, int numberOfMinutes) method adds the given number of minutes to the given date.
- addSeconds(Date date, int numberOfSeconds) method adds the given number of seconds to the given date.
Handling SQL Dates
getSelectSQLDate(String dbType, String datefield) method returns a script which is the given date or date field in the correct form for the given the database type. It works for both SQL and Hibernate queries.
public ArrayList<CRMDO> loadEffective(Date asOfDate){ ArrayList<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); String dbType = getCRMSession().getDbtype(); if(expirationDate!=null) { values.add(asOfDate); criteria+= " and " + DateUtil.getSelectSQLDate(dbType, getDOName().toLowerCase() + ".effectiveDate")+"<=:p"+values.size(); criteria+= " and " + DateUtil.getSelectSQLDate(dbType, getDOName().toLowerCase() + ".expirationDate")+">:p"+values.size(); } return load(getDOName().toLowerCase() + ".isDeleted=0" +criteria, values, getDefaultAssociations(), null, null); }
public Boolean isEffective(CUSTOMCRMDORentalType rentalType, CRMDODate asOfDate){ String dbtype = getCRMSession().getDbtype(); String sql = "\n SELECT RENTTYPEID FROM TRN_RENTALTYPES RT " + "\n WHERE RT.RENTTYPEID = ?" + "\n AND PV.PRODVALIDITYDELETED = 0 " + "\n AND " + DateUtil.getSelectSQLDate(dbtype, "RT.RENTTYPEEFFECTIVEDATE") + " <= " + DateUtil.getSQLDate(dbtype, asOfDate) + "\n AND " + DateUtil.getSelectSQLDate(dbtype, "RT.RENTTYPEEXPIRATIONDATE") + " > " + DateUtil.getSQLDate(dbtype, asOfDate) ; ArrayList<Object> parameters = new ArrayList<Object>(); parameters.add(rentalType.getId()); if (SQLUtil.queryReturnedRows(sql, getOrganisationID(), parameters, dbType)) { return new Boolean(true); } return new Boolean(false); }
addMonthsSQLDate(String dbType, String dateField, int months) method returns a script which adds the given number of months to the given date field. It works for both SQL and Hibernate queries.
public ArrayList<CRMDO> loadEffectiveAfterAMonth(Date asOfDate){ ArrayList<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); String dbType = getCRMSession().getDbtype(); if(expirationDate!=null) { values.add(asOfDate); criteria+= " and " + DateUtil.addMonthsSQLDate(dbType, DateUtil.getSelectSQLDate(dbType, getDOName().toLowerCase() + ".effectiveDate"),1)+"<=:p"+values.size(); criteria+= " and " + DateUtil.addMonthsSQLDate(dbType, DateUtil.getSelectSQLDate(dbType, getDOName().toLowerCase() + ".expirationDate"),1)+">:p"+values.size(); } return load(getDOName().toLowerCase() + ".isDeleted=0" +criteria, values, getDefaultAssociations(), null, null); }
public Boolean isEffectiveAfterAMonth(CUSTOMCRMDORentalType rentalType, CRMDODate asOfDate){ String dbtype = getCRMSession().getDbtype(); String sql = "\n SELECT RENTTYPEID FROM TRN_RENTALTYPES RT " + "\n WHERE RT.RENTTYPEID = ?" + "\n AND PV.PRODVALIDITYDELETED = 0 " + "\n AND " + DateUtil.addMonthsSQLDate(dbType,DateUtil.getSelectSQLDate(dbtype, "RT.RENTTYPEEFFECTIVEDATE"),1) + " <= " + DateUtil.getSQLDate(dbtype, asOfDate) + "\n AND " + DateUtil.addMonthsSQLDate(dbType,DateUtil.getSelectSQLDate(dbtype, "RT.RENTTYPEEXPIRATIONDATE"),1) + " > " + DateUtil.getSQLDate(dbtype, asOfDate) ; ArrayList<Object> parameters = new ArrayList<Object>(); parameters.add(rentalType.getId()); if (SQLUtil.queryReturnedRows(sql, getOrganisationID(), parameters, dbType)) { return new Boolean(true); } return new Boolean(false); }
The following method works in a corresponding way:
addDaysSQLDate(String dbType, String dateField, int days) method returns a script which adds the given number of days to the given date field. It works for both SQL and Hibernate queries.
SQL Handling Methods
SQL handling methods can be found in com.crm.framework.util.SQLUtil class.
The following methods return a ResultSetUtil object containing the records returned by the given SQL prepared statement and the list of parameters run on the given DB . In the first method, the maximum number of returned rows can be defined.
executeUsingPreparedStatement(String sqlStatement, String dbName, ArrayList<Object> parameters, String dbType, Integer maxRows)
executeUsingPreparedStatement(String sqlStatement, String dbName, ArrayList<Object> parameters, String dbType)
public ArrayList<CUSTOMCRMDORental> loadLatest(CRMDOAccountReceivable account, Integer numberOfRentals){ ArrayList<CUSTOMCRMDORental> rentals = new ArrayList<CUSTOMCRMDORental>(); ArrayList<Object> parameters = new ArrayList<Object>(); String sql ="\n SELECT RENTALID FROM TRN_RENTALS" + "\n WHERE RENTALDELETED = 0 " + "\n AND ACCRECID = ?"+ "\n ORDER BY RENTALCREATEDDATE" ; parameters.add(account.getId()); ResultSetUtil rsu = SQLUtil.executeUsingPreparedStatement(sql, getOrganisationID(), parameters, getCRMSession().getDbtype(), numberOfRentals); if(rsu!=null && rsu.next()) { if(rsu.getString("RENTALID")!=null) { rentals .add((CUSTOMCRMDORental)rentalBean.load(rsu.getString("RENTALID"))); } } return rentals; }
The following method returns true if the given prepared statement and the list of parameters run on the given DB return at least one row. If not the method returns false.
queryReturnedRows(String sqlStatement, String jndi, ArrayList<Object> parameters, String dbType)
public Boolean isEffective(CUSTOMCRMDORentalType rentalType, CRMDODate asOfDate){ String dbtype = getCRMSession().getDbtype(); String sql = "\n SELECT RENTTYPEID FROM TRN_RENTALTYPES RT " + "\n WHERE RT.RENTTYPEID = ?" + "\n AND PV.PRODVALIDITYDELETED = 0 " + "\n AND " + DateUtil.getSelectSQLDate(dbtype, "RT.RENTTYPEEFFECTIVEDATE") + " <= " + DateUtil.getSQLDate(dbtype, asOfDate) + "\n AND " + DateUtil.getSelectSQLDate(dbtype, "RT.RENTTYPEEXPIRATIONDATE") + " > " + DateUtil.getSQLDate(dbtype, asOfDate) ; ArrayList<Object> parameters = new ArrayList<Object>(); parameters.add(rentalType.getId()); if (SQLUtil.queryReturnedRows(sql, getOrganisationID(), parameters, dbType)) { return new Boolean(true); } return new Boolean(false); }
The following method runs an update SQL prepared statement on the given DB .
executeUpdateUsingPreparedStatement(String sqlStatement, String dbName, ArrayList<Object> parameters, String dbType)
public void deleteNonEffective(Date asOfDate, CUSTOMCRMDORentalType type){ ArrayList<Object> parameters = new ArrayList<Object>(); String sql = "\n UPDATE TRN_RENTALTS " + "\n SET RENTALDELETED = 1" + "\n WHERE RENTALTYPEID = ?" + "\n AND "+ DateUtil.getSelectSQLDate(dbtype, "RT.RENTTYPEEXPIRATIONDATE") + " < " + DateUtil.getSQLDate(dbtype, asOfDate); parameters.add(type.getId()); ResultSetUtil rsu = SQLUtil.executeUsingPreparedStatement(sql, getOrganisationID(), parameters, getCRMSession().getDbtype(), numberOfRentals); SQLUtil.executeUpdateUsingPreparedStatement( sql, getOrganisationID(), parameters, getCRMSession().getDbtype()); }
Metadata Handling Methods
Metadata handling methods can be found in com.crm.framework.metadata.MetadataUtil class.
The following methods return an Entity object which holds information about the entity as defined in entities metadata file.
getEntityByClass(String className, String context, String mpID)
getEntity(String entityID, String context, String mpID)
... Entity rentalEntity = MetadataUtil.getEntityByClass(CUSTOMCRMDORental.getClass().getName(), getCRMSession().getRealPath(), getOrganisationID()); String entityId = rentalEntity.getId(); String moduleId = rentalEntity.getModuleid(); String typeEntityId = rentalEntity.getTypeentityid(); Entity typeEntity = MetadataUtil.getEntity(typeEntityId, getCRMSession().getRealPath(), getOrganisationID()); ...
getEntityByTable(String tableName, String context, String mpID)
getEntityByTypeEntity(String typeEntityID, String context, String mpID)
... Entity rentalTypeEntity = MetadataUtil.getEntityByTable("TRN_RENTALTYPES", getCRMSession().getRealPath(), getOrganisationID()); Entity rentalEntity = MetadataUtil.getEntityByTypeEntity(rentalTypeEntity.getId() , getCRMSession().getRealPath(), getOrganisationID()); ...
The following method returns a Module object which holds information about the module as defined in modules metadata file.
getModuleByID(String moduleID, String context, String mpid)
... String moduleId = rentalEntity.getModuleid(); Module module = MetadataUtil.getModuleByID(moduleId, getCRMSession().getRealPath(), getOrganisationID()); ...
The following method returns a Process object which holds information about the process as defined in modules metadata file.
getModuleAdditionalProcess(Module module, String processID)
... Process process = MetadataUtil.getModuleAdditionalProcess(rentalsModule, "CUSTOM_SET_RENTAL_AS_EFFECTIVE"); ArrayList<Method> methods = process.getMethods(); ...
The following method returns a global variable value as defined in variables metadata file.
getVariable(String variableName, String context, String mpID)
... String testVariableValue= MetadataUtil.getVariable("myvariable", getCRMSession().getRealPath(), getOrganisationID()); ...
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