Understanding Integration to Zapier

Understanding Integration to Zapier

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What is Integration to Zapier?

Zapier is a web tool that connects and moves information between web apps, automating tedious tasks in the process.  Several  web applications can communicate with CRM.COM via Zapier.  This involves setting up Zaps, links between connected services which define the communication principles between the integrated web apps.  Zaps consist of Triggers, the events that start the Zap, and Actions, the events that complete the Zap.  Whenever the Trigger event occurs, such as a  "new email" or a "new contact", Zapier automatically completes the Action. 

Please contact us if you would like to have access to CRM.COM Zapier integration.

Integration to Zapier Glossary

ZapierZapier is a web tool that connects and moves information between web apps, automating tedious tasks in the process.

Zaps are links between connected services which define the communication principles between the integrated web apps and consist of Triggers, the events that start the Zap, and Actions, the events that complete the Zap.

Zap TriggersAn event that when executed triggers an action.
Zap ActionsAn action which is triggered by an event.
Zapier integrated - Web AppsAny Web Application that integrates with Zapier.

Integration with Zapier Key Processes and Concepts

Processes / ConceptDescription
Zapier Triggers

Zapier Triggers are events that occur in CRM.COM and trigger an action in a third party app.
CRM.COM available Triggers are:

  •  New Communication
    i.e. A Zap can be set up so that whenever a new Communication is created in CRM.COM (the Trigger) an Action occurs in a third party app.
Zapier Actions

Zapier Actions will cause a change in CRM.COM, as a result of an event that happened in a third part app (trigger)is initiated.
CRM.COM available actions are:

  • Create Contact Information
  • Update Contact Information
  • Create Payment
    I.e., A Zap can be set up so that whenever an event occurs in another Zapier integrated application (Trigger), CRM.COM data is automatically updated (Action).

A registered CRM.COM account in Zapier in necessary to be able to create Zaps using CRM.COM Triggers and Actions. The account is registered through using User information. 
Users must also have registered accounts with the other web applications that will use the Zaps.   For example, to create a Zap which sends an email through a Gmail account every time a Communication is created in CRM.COM,  the user must have a Gmail and a CRM.COM account registered in Zapier.
View Registering your CRM.COM Account or Other App Accounts in Zapier for more information.


Integration to Zapier Related Modules

EntityHow Zapier Interacts with Entity
Contact InformationA Zap can create or update Contact Information stored in CRM.COM when a modification takes place on an external system.
Financial Transactions - PaymentsA Zap can create a new Payment in CRM.COM when a transaction takes place in an external system.
CommunicationsAn action on an external system can be performed when a Communication is created in CRM.COM.
User ManagementA CRM.COM User will be used to register an account in Zapier with CRM.COM.


Integration to Zapier - Business Examples

The following section provides business examples of how CRM.COM Integration to Zapier module is used.

Create a new Contact in CRM.COM when a new Google Contact is added.

Business Requirement

Company ZX manager uses Google Contacts to save potential leads, which he would then like to process via CRM.COM. Every time a new contact is added in his Google Contacts, a new contact should be created in CRM.COM.

CRM.COM Solution

  1. Sign up to Zapier.
  2. Create a new Zap using the following:
    1. Trigger App: Google Contacts
    2. Trigger: New Contact
    3. Action App: CRM.COM
    4. Action: Create new Contact Information
  3. Follow the steps as described in the manual.

Zapier will be checking Google Contacts every 15 minutes and importing new contacts in CRM.COM.

More information on creating new contacts in CRM.COM via Zaps can be found at Using Zaps to import Contact Information in CRM.COM from third party Applications 

Create multiple Contacts in CRM.COM by importing Google Sheets

Business Requirement

Company ZX manager receives a list of potential leads once a month. The list of contacts is saved on her Google Drive Sheets. The leads are then further processed via CRM.COM. The contacts should be created in CRM.COM (automatically) every time they are added on the Google Sheet.

CRM.COM Solution

  1. Sign up to Zapier.
  2. Create a new Zap using the following:
    1. Trigger App: Google Sheets
    2. Trigger: New Spreadsheet Row
    3. Action App: CRM.COM
    4. Action: Create Contact Information
  3. Follow the steps as described in the manual.

Zapier will now be checking the Google Sheet every 15 minutes, and when a new row is added on the Sheet, a new contact will be created in CRM.COM.


More Information on creating new Contacts in CRM.COM via Zaps can be found at Importing Contact Information to CRM.COM using Zap 

Update Contacts in CRM.COM when update occurs in Google Sheet

Business Requirement

The lead information provided in Google Sheets is sometimes outdated. When this happens, the information is updated in the Sheet, and this should be reflected in the CRM.COM Contact Information.

CRM.COM Solution

  1. Sign up to Zapier.
  2. Create a new Zap using the following:
    1. Trigger App: Google Sheets
    2. Trigger: Updated Spreadsheet Row
    3. Action App: CRM.COM
    4. Action: Update Contact Information
  3. Follow the steps as described in the manual.

Zapier will now be checking Google Sheet every 15 minutes and every time an existing row is updated in the Sheet the contact will also be updated in CRM.COM.

More Information on creating new Contacts in CRM.COM via Zaps can be found at Using Zaps to import Payments in CRM.COM from third party Applications

Create multiple Payments in CRM.COM by importing Google Sheets

Business Requirement

Company ZX cooperates with payment collectors responsible for collecting money from debtors in remote areas. Collectors log these Payments in Google Sheets. The Payments must then be imported in CRM.COM so that the customers' account balance is settled.

CRM.COM Solution

  1. Sign up to Zapier.
  2. Create a new Zap using the following:
    1. Trigger App: Google Sheets
    2. Trigger: New Spreadsheet Row
    3. Action App: CRM.COM
    4. Action: Create Payment
  3. Follow the steps as described in the manual.

Zapier will now be checking your Google Sheet every 15 minutes and every time a new row is added in the Sheet a new payment will be created in CRM.COM.


More Information on creating new Payments in CRM.COM via Zaps can be found at Using Zaps to import Payments in CRM.COM from third party Applications

Send an email whenever a new Communication is created in CRM.COM

Business Requirement

Company ZX would like to send an email to its subscribers every time a new Communication is created in CRM.COM.

CRM.COM Solution

  1. Sign up to Zapier.
  2. Create a new Zap using the following:
    1. Trigger App: CRM.COM
    2. Trigger: New Communication
    3. Action App: GMAIL
    4. Action: New Email
  3. Follow the steps as described in the manual.

Zapier will now be checking for new unprocessed Communications created in CRM.COM and will send an email via Gmail every time a new communication is created.

More Information on sending emails when new Communications are created in CRM.COM via Zaps can be found at Using Zaps to trigger third party Applications when creating Communications in CRM.COM .