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Analytics are available in most CRM.COM modules and make information easier to visualize and process.  Dashboards, reports, and printouts can help identify business trends, capture business cycles and assist in management and marketing planning. 

A dashboard is a modular data visualization tool consisting of one or more graphical components.  Dashboards make information regarding key performance indicators available from a single integrated screen and provide a consolidated way to view data stored in the system.

A report is a document that presents system data in a structured format for analysis.  Reports assist in strategic marketing planning, in business decisions and in the preparation of financial reviews.

A printout is a personalized report available through the Data Entry page of each module.  It displays information on records, which can be directly sent to the customer upon request.

Major features

  • Dashboards are modular and can include multiple movable components, selected from a predefined list.

  • Dashboard components include pie, bar, stacked bar, and summary charts (displaying info from the Summary page).
  • Dashboard components can contain links to summary pages.  The results are filtered based on chart data.  Screen filters can be used to customize the displayed data. 
  • Release or custom reports are grouped by module into sections  and can target diverse business areas, such as marketing, finance, and sales.

  • Reports let the user filter data based on current business needs.  They can be used to extract information such as seasonal business revenue data, best selling products, new customers and to evaluate the success of marketing campaigns.  

  • Reports can be scheduled and emailed to users automatically and on a recurring basis, subject to criteria.  

  • Printouts are available from the Data Entry pages of the module for which information is extracted.
  • Printouts can be emailed to the customer.


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Setting up dashboards

Configuration > Foundation Application > Analytics > Set up Dashboards

The page is used to create new dashboards and define the components included in each dashboard.

Set up Dashboards fields

The table describes the sections of Dashboards Data Entry page and explains how the fields in the page are used.

 Mandatory   Configurable

Main Information

Name of the dashboard as it will be available for selection from the Dashboard page.

State of the dashboard determines whether it is available for selection (only 'active' dashboards are available).  Activate or Deactivate dashboards from the Actions menu on the Data Entry page.


(Define those displayed when the dashboard is selected)

Order: Components are displayed on the dashboard screen in ascending order, with odd-numbered components displayed on the left and even-numbered components on the right.  

Order No 1Order No 2
Order No 3Order No 4
Order No 5Order No 6
Order No 7Order No 8
Order No 9Order No 10

Item: Components available for use in the dashboard. For a description of available components, refer to the Analytics section in the manual of each module.


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Using dashboards

Foundation > Analytics > View Dashboards


Viewing a dashboard

Dashboards that have been configured and are 'Active' are available for selection through the View Dashboards page.  Use the 'Switch to Dashboard' drop-down list to display another dashboard.  

Changing the position of a component 

The initial position of a component is defined during dashboard setup (using the Order field).  Subsequently, components can be dragged and dropped into a new position while viewing the dashboard.

  1. Click and drag the component. A red dotted line will display possible drop positions.
  2. The component can be released in the selected section, rearranging the other components.


Updating the data displayed in a component

Settings icon () on the top right corner of a component indicates that it can be modified.

The component on the right can be modified, while the component on the left cannot.

To modify the data displayed in a component:

  1. Click on the  icon.
  2. Click on ADD. Using the modal, search for preferences to add, or select an option from the drop-down list. 
    1. Enable wanted preferences and click on SELECT
  3. Click on SAVE to update the chart.

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Filtering displayed results

On a number of components, it is possible to filter the displayed data by selecting an item on the dashboard. To do so:

  1. Click on the drop-down list or any other available filtering element and select an item.
  2. Click 'Refresh' to display the filtered data.


Foundation > Analytics > Run Reports

A report is a document that presents information saved in CRM.COM in a structured format. The information is selected and grouped based on user-defined criteria. 

The Run Reports page is used to extract reports and to schedule reports and send them by email.

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Extracting report information

Navigate to Run Reports and explore available reports grouped by module.  Click on the report you are interested in to go to the Data Entry page.

  1. Use Criteria to define the filtering of extracted data.

    Variable date criteria such as 'today', 'this month' or 'next year' (dynamic dates instead of specific dates) can be selected. Dynamic dates can also be used for scheduling reports (e.g., to schedule a daily report displaying service requests registered 'today').

  2. Double-click on Fields Displayed to add or remove fields from the report.
  3. Double-click on Group by Fields to define data grouping.
  4. Use Report Options to select the format (HTML, PDF, CSV, Excel) of the report. 
  5. Click on VIEW SCHEDULED from the menu bar to view existing, or SCHEDULE to create a new schedule.

Scheduling reports

Scheduling report definitions are used to automatically generate and email reports to their intended recipients as attachments.  A definition can be submitted and executed once or on a recurring basis.  Reports are sent when the definitions are executed.

Scheduled definitions can be tested before they are submitted.  A test email is sent to the logged in user verifying the extracted report and email information.

Recipients or email information in a definition can be modified.  A scheduled definition can be canceled (set as 'Not Effective'), while previously canceled definitions can be set to 'Effective' again.  

Scheduling report definition fields

 Mandatory   Configurable

Main Information

Name provided for the scheduling definition. It is recommended that the given name is meaningful as there can be multiple scheduling definitions for each report.

Format of the report sent as an attachment (can be PDF, HTML, CSV, or Excel).

Input Settings


(The users that will receive the report each time the definition is executed)

User Name

Person Name

Email: The selected users must have a valid email address. The address is validated when the definition is saved.

Email Information




Report Criteria: Displays the list of criteria specified in the report that is being scheduled. Define criteria on the report page before selecting to create a new schedule.


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Setting up the schedule definition

To access the scheduling report definition and schedule the sending of a report: 

  1. Navigate to the report.
  2. Define the criteria and fields to be included.
  3. Click on SCHEDULE to create a new schedule.

  4. Provide the required information as defined in the schedule report definition table.
  5. Click on SAVE.

Testing a report schedule

The scheduled definition can be tested by sending a test email to the logged-in user.

  1. Navigate to the report page and click VIEW SCHEDULED from the Actions menu. 
  2. Click on the name of the scheduled definition.
  3. Click Test Report from the Actions menu.

The email server must be enabled in the communications definition.

The logged-in user must have a valid email address.

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Submitting a report schedule

Definitions can be created without being scheduled for execution. 

Once a definition is executed, email recipients from successfully executed definitions are included in the 'Run Successful' records of the process run, while email recipients from unsuccessfully executed definitions are included in the 'Run Error' records.

  1. Navigate to the report page and click VIEW SCHEDULED  from the Actions menu.
  2. Click on the name of the scheduled definition.
  3. Click Submit from the Actions menu.


The email server must be enabled in the communication definition.

The users specified in the recipient section must have a valid email address.

Modifying a report schedule

To modify the recipients, email information or scheduling of a report, EDIT the schedule by following the steps below. Criteria cannot be modified through this process. To change criteria cancel the scheduled definition and create a new schedule.

  1. Navigate to the report page and click VIEW SCHEDULED  from the Actions menu.
  2. Click on the name of the scheduled definition.
  3. Click on EDIT from the Action menu.
  4. Once the definition is modified, click on SAVE.

The definition must not be in a 'Not Effective' life cycle state.

Cancelling a report schedule

Schedules can be canceled as long as there are no scheduled or executed runs.

  1. Navigate to the report page and click VIEW SCHEDULED  from the Actions menu.
  2. Click on the name of the scheduled definition.
  3. Click Cancel Report from the Actions menu.

There are no runs scheduled.

Setting the life cycle state to 'Effective' 

When a schedule with no executed or scheduled runs is canceled, its life cycle state is set to 'Not Effective' (it is disabled).

To set the state back to 'Effective':

  1. Navigate to the report page and click VIEW SCHEDULED from the Actions menu.
  2. Click on the name of the scheduled definition.
  3. Click Set as Effective from the Actions menu.

The definition must not be in a 'Not Effective' life cycle state.

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Whereas reports and dashboards are available from a single page, printouts can be obtained from the Data Entry page of a number of system modules.

Printouts provide specific information on entities, such as a customer payment, a product warranty, or the balance of an accounts receivable. Printouts can be extracted in various formats (HTML, XLS, CSV, RTF, or PDF) and saved or printed immediately, or sent to the customer by email.

Extracting a printout from a data entry page



  1. Navigate to the module's Data Entry page and click on PRINTOUTS from the Actions menu. 

  2. Select the format in which the printout should be extracted (indicated by an asterisk):

    1. PDF
    2. HTML
    3. XLS
    4. CSV
    5. RTF 
  3. Click on PRINTOUTS again and on the selected printout.
    The printout is extracted and downloaded.


Sending a printout via email


  1. Navigate to the module's Data Entry page and click on PRINTOUTS > SEND VIA EMAIL from the Actions menu. 
  2. Provide the required information:
    1. Subject (in the free text area)
    2. To Address: Select one of the available email addresses.
    3. Printout: Select one of the available printouts.
    4. Body: A message can be included in the available text area and formatted with the Editor.
  3. Click on SUBMIT.

The customer is the owner of the accounts receivable connected to the selected entity. All of the customer's addresses are available for selection. If the customer has only one address it will be selected automatically.



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Dashboard Components, Reports, and Printouts available in CRM.COM

Dashboard components

The table displays the components that can be used in the dashboards of each module. For more information, refer to the analytics section of the respective manual.

Module Manual LinkAvailable Components (Charts)
Accounts Receivable
  • Accounts Receivable per Classification and Credit Limit Status Stacked Bar
  • Accounts Receivable per Payment Preference Pie
  • Accounts Receivable per Presentment Preference Pie
  • New Activities per Type and Month Stacked Bar
  • Completed Activities per Type and Month Stacked Bar
  • Pending Activities per Type Pie
  • Overdue Activities per Type Stacked Bar
  • Activities (Assigned to Logged In User) Summary
Buy in Advance
  • Buy in Advance Requests per Duration and Subscription Type Stacked Bar
  • Buy in Advance Requests per Subscription Type and Month Stacked Bar
  • New Communications per Media and Month Stacked Bar
  • New Communications per Direction and Month Stacked Bar
  • Tracked Communications per Notification Run and Month Stacked Bar
  • Tracked Communication Links per Notification Run and Month Stacked Bar 
Financial Transactions
  • Average Product Revenue per Unit per Month Bar
  • Receipts per Month Bar
  • Revenue per Month Bar
  • New Jobs per Type and Month Stacked Bar
  • Completed Jobs per Type and Month Stacked Bar
  • Pending Jobs per Type Pie
  • Overdue Jobs per Type Stacked Bar
  • Jobs (Assigned to Logged In User) Summary
  • Award Expiration Amount per Month
  • Award Expiration Transactions per Month
  • Award Transactions per Offer and Month
  • Awarded Amount not Spent per Scheme
  • Awarded Amount per Month
  • Reward Settlements per Month per Logged-in Unit
  • Reward Settlements per Month per Unit
  • Rewards Participant Scheme Sign ups per Month
  • Rewards Participant Sign ups
  • Rewards Participant Terminations per Month per Termination Reason
  • Rewards Participants per Scheme
  • Rewards Participants per Sign Up Unit
  • Spend Transactions per Month
  • Spent Amount per Day of Week
  • Spent Amount per Month
  • Top 5 Reward Offers based on the awarded amount during last month  
Service Requests
  • New Service Requests per Type and Month Stacked Bar
  • Completed Service Requests per Type and Month Stacked Bar
  • Pending Service Requests per Type Pie
  • Overdue Service Requests per Type Stacked Bar
  • Service Requests (Assigned to Logged In User) Summary
  • Subscriptions Life Cycle State Changes per Month Stacked Bar
  • Subscriptions per Life Cycle State Pie
  • New Subscriptions per Month Bar
  • Effective Subscriptions per Type and Group Stacked Bar
  • Effective Subscriptions per Type and Service Stacked Bar
Warranty Policies
  • Service Requests per Coverage Reason per Month Stacked Bar
  • Jobs per Coverage Reason per Month Stacked Bar 


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The table displays the reports that can be used in the dashboards of each module. For more information, refer to the analytics section of the respective manual.

Module Manual LinkAvailable Reports
Accounts Receivable
  • Accounting Periods
  • Accounts Receivable Balance
  • Terminated Accounts Receivable
Additive DiscountsApplied Additive Discounts
Financial Transactions
  • Financial Revenue List

  • Financial Transactions List

  • Financial Summary by Accounting Type

  • Monthly Recurring Revenue and Revenue Growth
Inventory Management
  • Stock Balance
  • Stock Balance per State
  • Physical Good Sales per Partner
  • Warranty poicies for Physical Goods

Jobs Status


Leads Status

Rewards - Up to R14
  • Rewards Participation Balance
  • Reward Settlements
  • Partner Unit Credits
Service Requests
  • Service Requests Status
  • Subscriptions Life Cycle State
VouchersPrinted Vouchers Reconciliation
Warranty PoliciesWarranty Policies for Physical Goods


The table displays the printouts that can be used in the dashboards of each module. For more information, refer to the analytics section of the respective manual.

Module Manual LinkAvailable Printouts
Accounts Receivable

Accounts Receivable Balance


Bill Details


Financial Transactions
  • Credit Note
  • Invoice
  • Payment
  • Invoice Cancellation
WalletsWallet Balance
Warranty Policies

Warranty Policy



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