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When to use Swap Installed Item
Swap Installed Item is used to replace an existing Installed Item. The existing item might be replaced because it is broken or exchanged for a new or different model. The existing item could also be stolen or lost and therefore a new one has to be added to the Subscription.
View the Information Table below for information related to the Scheduling, Preview Rating and Classification of the Subscription Action. Check the Validations & Restrictions Table for a list of available Actions, including each Action's related validations, restrictions and a description of its system process.
View 'Using Subscription Action Modal' available in Managing Subscriptions for more information on executing the Action.

Action can be scheduled | Preview Rate Available | Behaviour Code | Business Classification Code |
Restrictions & Validations
Action | Validations | Restrictions | System Processing |
Swap Installed Item | - The Subscription should be owned by an 'Active' Accounts Receivable.
- A valid Warehouse to store the removed item exists, as defined in the 'Active' Inventory Management Definition.
- If the Subscription is 'Effective' then:
- 'Active' Subscription Definition Rules are observed.
- Subscription restrictions are observed.
- Subscription Service restrictions and dependencies are observed.
- Restrictions and dependencies of each Subscription Service Distributor are observed.
- Subscription Installed Item restrictions and dependencies are observed.
- Restrictions and dependencies of each Subscription Installed Item Distributor are observed.
| - The Installed Items available to be added are as defined in the 'Active' Inventory Management Definition.
- The Action is available only if the Subscription is in one of the following Life Cycle States:
- Draft
- Effective
- Not Effective
- In Resting
- Short Term Effective
- Short Term Not Effective
| - For the new Installed Items:
- The specified Installed Items and the related Provisioning Distributors are added.
- The specified Installed Items are distributed to their related Provisioning Distributors.
- The Installed Item is removed from the Warehouse using a Stock Out Warehouse Transaction.
- The Installed Item History is updated.
- For the existing Installed Items:
- The Installed Items, distributions and related Provisioning Distributors are removed.
- If the Installed Item was rented then it's added back to a Warehouse as specified in the 'Active' Inventory Management Definition using a Stock In Warehouse Transaction.
- The Installed Items History is updated.
Swapping Fixed Bundle Installed Items
When swapping an Installed Item related to a Fixed Product Bundle you have 2 options:
- Swap the whole bundle with a new one Check Swap Bundle
- Swap a component of the bundle with another Installed Item (that will be of the same type). Check Swap Component
Validations and System Processing
Validations | |
System Processing | Swapping a Fixed Product Bundle Physical Good or a component of a bundle from a Subscription will trigger the following actions in the system - New Installed Item
- Installed Item and its related distributors are added
- If specified Installed Item is related to a Fixed Product Bundle, then all of the Installed Items which compose the bundle will also be added to the Subscription
- If the specified Installed Item replaces a component of the Fixed Product Bundle, then the new Installed Item is added in the bundle i.e. will also be considered as a component item.
- Installed Item is removed from Warehouse based on Warehouse specified in the Inventory Management Definitions by creating a stock out Warehouse transaction
- If specified Installed Item is related to a Fixed Product Bundle, then all of the components are also included in the stock out Warehouse transaction.
- Installed Item history is updated that was added
- Existing Installed Items
- Installed Item and its related distributors are removed if there are no other Subscription Services or Installed Items distributed on them
- If specified Installed Item is related to a Fixed Product Bundle, then all of the Installed Items which compose the bundle will also be removed from the Subscription
- If the specified Installed Item was added to the Subscription as part of an item bundle, then the Installed Item is removed from both the Subscription and the bundle.
- Installed Item is placed back to Warehouse based on Warehouse specified in the Inventory Management Definitions using a stock in Warehouse transaction
- If the specified Installed Item is related to a Fixed Product Bundle, then all of the components are also included in the stock in Warehouse transaction.
- Installed Item history is updated that was added
Swapping the Bundle and its components
- Go to Installed Items section
New Installed Item Serial No: Search for a new Fixed Product Bundle Physical Good and select the product to replace existing one with
The search will only retrieve items of the same product

Swapping a component from a bundle
- Go to Installed Items Components Section
- Check the item you would like to swap
New Component Serial No. : Select and search for a component Installed Item to be swapped
The search will only retrieve items of the same product
Select the item you would like the component to be swapped with