Prepaid Subscription Actions

Prepaid Subscription Actions


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Subscription Actions Overview

Actions are used to carry out processes specific to subscriptions and their associated services, such as activating, deactivating, resting and providing discounts.

Using the Subscription Action Modal

The actions that can be performed on a subscription are available in the Action Panel on the right of the subscriptions Data Entry page. Actions fall into three categories, determined by the entity they are acting on:

The Action Panel is filtered to display actions that can be carried out on the subscription, based on its current life cycle state; this ensures that an action that could disrupt the execution of an already scheduled action cannot be scheduled.  VIEW ALL ACTIONS displays a comprehensive list of actions, including those that cannot be executed at present.  These actions can be scheduled to take place once the life cycle state of the subscription changes.



Select an action to open the subscription action modal and provide the required information. 


The action modal is split into three areas.

Action Selection Area

Located on the left side of the modal, this area changes the most between actions. Amendments allowed by the subscription action can be selected here.

Before using subscription actions with multiple classifications, select the appropriate classification:

Preview Area 

Located on the top right of the modal, under Preview & Action Panel, this area displays the changes that will be performed on the subscription once the action is submitted.  The information displayed depends on the subscription action. 

Subscription Action Detail Area

Located at the bottom right of the modal, under the Preview Area, this area displays information regarding the execution of the action.

  • Performed by User indicates the user who performed the Action.  Defaults to the logged-in user.
  • Select the Performed Date (and time) of the action. 
    Unless defined, Performed Date is equal to the date of execution. For activation related actions, it can be set 
    to a date in the past from which billing will start. The past date must be after the date on which the service was added on the subscription in a 'Draft' state.

  • Scheduling Information (available for some actions only)

  • Preview Rates demonstrates how the upcoming bill is affected if the action is submitted (available for some actions only for Normal and Prepaid Subscriptions).
  • Click Submit to execute or schedule the action.

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Subscription actions in CRM.COM

Subscription Service Related Actions

Subscription service actions are used to handle individual services of a subscription.

Subscription Service Actions



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Subscription Installed Items Related Actions

Subscription installed item actions are used to handle individual installed items of a subscription.


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Subscription Related Actions

Subscription actions affect the whole subscription.  


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Working with Scheduled Subscription Actions

Viewing scheduled subscription actions

Scheduled subscription actions can be viewed from here:

  • Subscription Data Entry page > View History link > Subscription Actions History > Scheduled
  • Subscription Summary page > Subscription Information drill-down > Scheduled Actions
  • Communication Centre > Subscription section > View History link > Subscription Actions History > Scheduled

Executing scheduled subscription actions

Scheduled subscription actions are executed by the Maintenance Utilities process. Once the process is configured and enabled, scheduled subscription actions with a scheduled date of execution before or equal to the current date are executed. Depending on the selected Logging Method, the log will either display the runs processed with errors or the ones processed successfully and the ones processed with errors.

Billing > Subscriptions > Subscriptions Maintenance Utilities


The process is configured once and executed on a recurring basis according to the Frequency settings. 

  1. Navigate to the Subscription Maintenance Utilities Definition, click EDIT
  2. Provide the Frequency settings 
  3. ENABLE and SAVE.

Once the settings are saved, the system will execute the scheduled actions.  When the process is finished a log will be available at View Process Runs.  Depending on the selected Logging Method, the log will either display the runs processed with errors or the ones processed successfully and the ones processed with errors.

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Rejecting and canceling scheduled subscription actions

Scheduled subscription actions that do not meet their postconditions (as defined in the actions tables) are rejected during execution. This is either because postconditions met during scheduling were not met during the execution, or because an affected service, installed item or distribution is no longer available on the subscription.  Rejected actions are logged with the reason they were rejected.

Scheduled subscription actions can be canceled from here:

  • Subscription Data Entry page > View History > Subscription Actions History > Scheduled
  • Communication Centre > Subscription section  > View History > Subscription Actions History > Scheduled

To cancel an action:

  1. Open the Subscription History Modal (View History link from Data Entry page)
  2. Click on the Subscriptions Actions History section
  3. Select the Scheduled tab
  4. Find the scheduled action to cancel
  5. Click on CANCEL to open a modal prompting for an optional cancelation reason 
  6. Click on SAVE.

When a scheduled action is canceled or rejected, modifications that resulted from scheduling are reverted.  Possible modifications include:

  • The binding period end is rolled-back to the previous date 
  • The life cycle state history of the subscription and/or affected services is updated
  • Added or swapped services are removed from the subscription
  • Billing for services is reverted (related Rated Billing Items are canceled) 
  • Scheduled subscription actions submitted after the rejected action remain scheduled but scheduled services are adjusted according to those affected by the rejected action.

Amending scheduled subscription Actions

Scheduled subscription action details and scheduling information (such as the execution date) can be amended.

Scheduled actions can be amended from here:

  • Subscription Data Entry page > View History > Subscription Actions History > Scheduled
  • Communication Centre > Subscription section > View History > Subscription Actions History > Scheduled
  1. Open the Subscription History modal (View History link from Data Entry page)
  2. Click on Subscriptions Actions History section
  3. Select the Scheduled tab
  4. Find the scheduled action to amend
  5. Click on AMEND and set
    1. New Scheduled Date: Click on the calendar to set a new date for the action.
    2. New Performed Date: Click on the calendar to set the date on which the action will be logged as performed
    3. New Performed By User: Search and add the user the action will be logged from
  6. Click on SAVE.

The action is updated with the new information. The system updates the scheduled action by cancelling the existing and creating a new one with the updated information.

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Billing scheduled subscription actions

Scheduled subscription actions that fall within the current billing period of the subscription are taken into consideration by billing. For example, if a subscription is scheduled to rest for the last half of the month, then the system will only bill the first half.

If the action is canceled or rejected, then the system will settle the discrepancy by crediting or debiting the subscriber's account accordingly. In the example above, if the customer were to cancel the resting scheduled for the last half of the month, the system would bill the period that was not billed in the next billing cycle.

Provisioning of services coming from scheduled subscription actions

Provisioning (i.e., sending information to a third party Conditional Access (CA) and Over-the-top (OTT) platformtakes place during the execution of the subscription action (unlike other processes, such as billing which usually takes place during scheduling).

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