Go-Live Checklist

Go-Live Checklist

Getting Started with CRM.COM

This checklist provides a step-by-step instructions on how a Business can set up the essentials to get started using CRM.COM.


(click on the logged-in user name at the top-right-hand-corner of the screen > My Business)

Start by adding your business logo and your company’s contact information. This information is visible in the user interface (back-end and front-end) but most importantly, can be included in communications with your contacts.


My Business is also your access point to your CRM.COM Subscription Plan. Through this page, you can manage your subscription and view your business’s billing information.


You need to add your business’s payment method before the 14-day Trial ends, to continue using CRM.COM.


These are the recommended system settings that could be defined prior to any configuration; note that this is not a complete list of settings but rather the suggested settings - some of which may not apply to your organisation; for a complete list of settings, refer to the relevant user manuals.

Business Kick-starter tour in CRM.COM’s Bootcamp is a guided tour that takes you through the same steps directly through the user interface.


(Go to Settings > Business Network)

Business Network Model

Select the model which best suits your line of business:

  • Merchants & Venues - rewards/loyalty-related businesses

  • Service Providers & Service Points - subscription-related businesses


(Go to Settings > Platform)

Time Zone

Select the correct time zone for your organisation; all processes and transactions will be created based on the selected time zone.

A base currency is assigned to the organisation upon registration and acts as the default currency for all its financial operations. Make sure you set the base currency of your business before creating any transactions because this cannot be changed afterwards.

If your business is handling multi-currency transactions, you can also enable all currencies you will be dealing in, along with the respective exchange rates against the base currency.


A base Country of operations is set on your business sign-up but this can be changed. If your business is operating on an international level, then you will need to enable all countries of operations and each country’s accepted Currency (from the pre-defined list of enabled Currencies).

Countries also serve as your contacts' Country of Agreement, which is specified on contact registration, and can be used to apply rewards, pricing and billing policies.


A base Language is set on your business sign-up but this can be changed. Enable additional languages and utilise this information for both your business users and contacts. Languages are used by the user interface and also when sending communications to users and contact base don their preferred language.


(Go to Settings > Security)

User Roles
Define User Roles for your business users and specify permissions for all areas of the software. We strongly suggest reviewing User Roles before inviting users to the CRM.COM platform.

Users are members of your business who will have access to CRM.COM (either through the UI or Web APIs) to perform certain tasks subject to their user role. You can invite users to the system by email; a user must accept the invitation to gain access to CRM.COM. You can also invite users by selecting your user’s name on the top right menu and clicking on the option “Invite User”.


The “Setup Walk-through” available at the top of the right-hand menu, takes you through all of CRM.COM’s configuration settings. Take some time to review the platform’s settings per CRM.COM product and how these can be utilised by your business.

Before diving into detailed configuration of your Business, you can also check CRM.COM’s Bootcamp guides available in our Help Center. These are step-by-step guided tours on how you can set up the minimum required settings in order to achieve Repeat Purchases with Rewards, Repeat Commerce and use of the Commerce Wallet.


(Platform > Integrations)

CRM.COM provides the ability to integrate with a variety of third-party tools such as Communications, Payment Gateway services and Point-of-Sales systems. Set up the necessary integrations relevant to your business needs.

You can set up Integrations even in Test Data mode, but make sure that these integrations do offer a test system as well. Take advantage of this feature to test your business flows using test data before going live!


Import your business’s data, such as Contacts and Products, using CRM.COM’s import capabilities:

  • Import Data to import Contacts, Products and Devices

  • Utilise CRM.COM product synchronisation Web API to synchronise your Product Catalogue based on an external system, such as a POS.

  • Use CRM.COM’s Web APIs to import any piece of information from a third-party system using utilities such as Make.com.

CRM.COM Support team is always available to help you with your data migration. You can send your request to either support@crm.com or contact the team directly through our Help Center.




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