Identity Management & eWallets and Promotions Go Live Checklist

Identity Management & eWallets and Promotions Go Live Checklist

If your business focuses on Identity Management and eWallets and Promotions flows, then follow this checklist to ensure that you have configured CRM.COM correctly before going live. Note that you will also need to reference the “Go Live Checklist” in order to ensure that you have completed the settings as a whole.

This checklist provides you the items you need go through in order to setup the way you register your customers, enable front-end applications, setup effective and powerful promotions that award into the CRM.COM Wallet; and optionally setup the finance layers of CRM.COM such as accounts and payment methods.

Check our Bootcamp’s Repeat Purchases with Rewards guide in the Help Center. This guided tour, takes you through the minimum configuration needed to get you business up running quickly.

Identity Management


(Settings > Platform > Applications)

Allow your contacts to register to your business through various front-end applications. CRM.COM offers a contact app and a portal, as well as Landing Pages and Mobile Pass Cards, as an easy way for your contacts to not just register, but also keep track of their awards and manage their CRM.COM Wallet.

You can also use CRM.COM’s self-service Web APIs to develop you own applications. Discover various options to get your contacts onboard in our Contact Registration guide in “Integrators Hub” by clicking here.


Optionally, start setting up how your business wants to segment contacts based on who they are and their various characteristics (e.g. demographics) and most importantly their behaviour i.e. what they do (e.g. their purchases, services subscribed etc).


Capture purchases performed by your contacts throughout your Business Network by integrating your POS system to CRM.COM. You have the following options:

  • Enable one of CRM.COM’s POS Integrations

  • Utilise CRM.COM’s Web APIs to log purchases. Follow POS Integrations guide in our Integrators Hub for more details by clicking here.


(Settings > Financials)

If your business utilises CRM.COM’s Finance components, it’s recommended to go through the following financial settings before going live since they define your business’s Financial rules and most important;y, its financial obligations.

Allocation Settings
Specify your allocation settings - FIFO or FIFO and against an item. Allocations settings dictate how to allocate a credit transaction against a debit transaction in order to settle an amount. By default, CRM.COM uses FIFO allocation and this setting can be modified at any point of time (i.e. even after issuing the fist financial transactions).

Accounting Period Closing Settings
CRM.COM supports only monthly Accounting Periods which are automatically closed on the 5th day of a month. With this setting, you specify how many past accounting periods (excluding the current months) can remain open. At the end of each accounting period, all transaction amounts posted within that period for an account are aggregated in order to calculate the opening balance for the next accounting period. If you do not have a policy for this, we suggest that you set it to 2 months which is also the default option. This setting can be modified at any point of time.

Numbering Schemes
Define how numbers will be automatically generated for new Accounts, Invoices and Credit Notes. It’s important to set up these numbering schemes once your business goes live in order to issue financial transactions with the correct numbers.

Credit Terms
Define the default Credit Limit and Payment Terms to be applied to all accounts. Optionally, create additional rules to be applied to conditions if necessary. By default, CRM.COM, sets the Credit Limit to 0 and Payment Terms to Immediately Due, but these can be amended whenever required.

Allowed Payment Methods

Select the acceptable methods of payment for your Business.

At first, CRM.COM allows your business to choose between two taxation models; Tax-inclusive or Tax exclusive. This is the default taxation model when setting up prices in the Product Catalogue.

The next step is to set up your Tax Regions. Simply put, a Tax Region groups together the various countries that your business operates, based on their taxation obligations, e.g. European Union. For each one of the countries in all of these regions, define its Tax Rates (e.g, VAT, Sales tax etc).



(Settings > Rewards)
Reward Tiers
Configure a tiering system where Contacts can be classified based on their purchase behaviour; a Contact can advance or revert to the next/previous tier level based on their purchases within a specified time period. Pre-defined default tiers are available if reward tiering is enabled.

Reward Resolution
Configure your reward resolutions that determine how Contacts will be awarded in cases where more than one reward offers or B2B Peer award a purchase.

Reward Offer Restrictions

If your business is collaborating with Merchants, then you can restrict which types of reward offers and spending methods they can configure.

Reward Redeem and Payout on Redeem

Determine how your contacts can redeem their awards, either ‘on Contact spend request’ or ‘automatically’. In the first case, contacts specify the amount to spend at the point-of-sale, when the purchase is submitted, the specified amount is automatically redeemed and used to fully or partially pay for the transaction. In the latter case, the redeemed amount is automatically issued as a Payout, thus returning money either to the contact’s bank account or to their CRM.COM Cash Pocket.


(Rewards > Schemes)

Choose between Open Loop Schemes where Contacts can Auto sign up (upon registration), or Self sign-up (at the discretion of the Contact), or Closed Loop Schemes where Contacts can be signed up in a selective and controlled manner (e.g. student number or domain-specific emails, or even through unique codes).

A default, Auto sign-up Reward Scheme is created on your Business sign-up and has the same name as your Business’s name. Just activate it, so it will be used to automatically sign-up your contacts in front-end systems.


(Rewards > Offers)

Define your Reward Offers to provide incentives to improve Contact engagement (e.g. purchases) with the business. Every offer type has its own conditions that affect how and when an award will be provided and/or spent. Upload images for your offers that will appear on the app/portal. We also recommend using Tags for your offers to facilitate filtering in front-end systems.

Upon your business sign-up, a number of Reward Offers were configured. Take some time to review these ready-made offers, their target conditions and offerings and simply activate them and start awarding your contacts. Use each offer’s “Copy” feature to easily configure new offers with fewer steps.

Business Network

(Business Network > My Merchants | Business Network > My Venues)

Create your Business Network by defining Merchants who have a collaboration agreement with your organisation and optionally their operating Venues and Transaction Acquiring Points (a.k.a TAPs).

A Business user can masquerade as a Merchant and create data on their behalf. For each Merchant/Venue, it’s also recommended to set up their Opening Hours as well, as this is essential information when these organisations fulfill Orders placed within your business.

For multi-merchant rewards platforms, the Reward Commercial Terms must also be created per Merchant, whereby the reward scheme that Contacts will be able to sign-up to will be specified. 

Premium Memberships

You can optionally, introduce Premium Memberships to your contacts. Add a termed service in your Product Catalogue, make it available for ordering via the front-end, segment your premium members and provide them with Reward Offers exclusive to them. Contacts subscribe to the premium membership for a small fee billed on a termed basis (e.g. monthly), they provide their payment details for automated recurring payments and are offered various exclusive offers like additional discounts, increased cashback into their CRM.COM Wallet or free products.




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