Self-Service APIs

Self-Service APIs

CRM.COM’s self-service API collection offers a vast range of consumer operations which are performed within a secure environment whilst offering you the flexibility to design your own apps or portals according to your needs.

This is not a complete list of our self-service APIs, but rather a sample of the most important APIs which are available to perform actions for contacts in a front-end.

Refer to the self-service APIs documentation for a complete set of self-service APIs, and you may also find our Integrators Hub useful for integrating with CRM.COM.

First and foremost, a contact authentication process must be performed before using any self-service APIs. As a result, an access token is to be provided and must be used in subsequent API calls.

Identity Management

Self-service API


Register Contact

Create a new contact of type ‘person’. A contact is created as part of the contact registration process via an app or portal. Contacts can register and authenticate their registration using one of the following methods, subject to configuration:

  • email & password

  • email & OTP

  • phone & OTP

  • Facebook

  • OpenID Connect

Contact Authentication

Authenticate a contact using one of the available methods, and get a token to be used for subsequent API requests. The authenticated contact will have access only to their own data.

Verify Contact Email

Verify a contact’s email address after an email verification communication (email communication with a verification link) has been sent to the contact.

Add Authorisation Credentials to Existing Contact

Create a set of credentials for a contact who exists on CRM.COM but has never used the app or portal before.

Request One-Time Password

Request a one-time password to identify a contact based on the provided details (credentials). An outbound communication (SMS or Email) will be sent with a 6-digit number that can be used to verify the contact.

Sign Up/Out Organisation

Sign-up or sign out a contact from an existing organisation. Used in cases where a Service Owner owns a contact registry.

Request Contact Token

Request to create a contact token to spend. The API will generate an OTP for the requested amount.

Reclaim Purchase to Contact

Reclaim a purchase customer event for a contact by scanning a QR code or a bar code.

List Community People

Lists all people that a contact's community has. The Web API returns only community people who accepted the invitation to join the community.

Add Community Person

Add a new person to a contact's community. The new community person can either be an existing contact or even a contact who is not yet registered. In both cases only Contacts of type Person can be included in the community.

Create Service Request

Create a service request for a contact.

eWallets & Promotions

Self-service API


Create Wallet

Sets up a contact’s CRM.COM Wallet by either creating a new one or linking the wallet they already have to the business.

Request Wallet One-Time Password

Sends an OTP (6-digits) to a contact in order to link their CRM.COM Wallet to the business to which they just registered.

Create Intent

Create a payment intent for a specific contact

Add Payment Method

Add a new payment method for a contact. Card, Account Debit and Wallet payment methods are supported based on supported payment gateway integrations configured in Applications confation.

List Account Journals

Retrieve a list of account journals. Only journals of Posted transactions are returned. By default, accounts journals of the last 12 months are retrieved.

Redeem Pass

Redeem a single pass for a contact.

Create Top-up

Create a top-up for a contact’s account or wallet.

Transfer Money

Transfers an amount of money from one of the contact’s accounts or wallets to another account or wallet or the same contact or another contact.

List Wallet (Journal) Transactions

Get all wallet journal transactions for a specific wallet with amount information, as well as reasoning on how they originated.

Contact Reward Schemes Actions

Sign-up a contact to a reward scheme, or sign out a contact from a reward scheme.

Subscriptions & Commerce

Self-service API


Order Fulfilment

Preview an Order’s fulfilment information, i.e. whether an Order can be fulfilled and by which Organisation.

Order Preview


Preview an order’s information before placing the order, including fulfilment, location details and invoice estimations.

Submit Order

Place an order for a contact based on an order’s estimation.

Business Locations

Get a list of business locations for a specific service owner


Get a list of organisations (merchants, venues) ordered by the nearest first.

Search Products

Retrieves a list of products that contacts can purchase through an order. Modifier and Variant products are excluded.

Order Recommendations

Provide product recommendations to contacts/organisations on additional products that can be included in their Order based on the ordered items' cross/up-sell products.

Product Recommendation

Provides targeted product recommendations to a specific contact. Recommendations are grouped in various categories:

  • Top selling products of the business

  • Where the contact can spend their Business Commerce Money

  • One category for each Reward Offer and Promotions that that the contact is eligible to get an Offer (contact is included in the offer’s Segment conditions). In this case, each category is the offer’s name.

Service Recommendation

Recommends a number of services to which a contact or organisation (who might already be a subscriber or not) can subscribed to. The Web API returns the services as well as their prices for different flows where a contact/organisation is willing to:

Subscribe to their first service or Subscribe to more services or Change an existing service (change its price terms or components or change into another service).

List Contact Subscriptions

Returns a list of Subscriptions of the contact

List Contact Services

Returns a complete list of services that the contact is subscribed to (across all of their subscriptions).

Add Service

Subscribes the contact to one or more new subscription services.

Update Service

Update a single subscription service by changing the service’s terms or its life cycle state.

Authorise Usage Consumption

Returns an estimation on whether the contact is allowed to consume a usage allowance, and if so, returns the remaining allowance.

Service Delivery

Returns an estimation of a change for a subscription service without applying the change. The estimation is based on existing services owned by the contact, plus any requested changes.


Preview a contact’s upcoming billing.



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