myLoyaltyCash App Tutorial

myLoyaltyCash App Tutorial

The myLoyaltyCash Application will be used by the merchants to easily and quickly record customers’ cash purchases and consequently reward them based on current offers. As a result  the cardholders will collect cashback with their registered cards. 

In general, the flow will be the following: 

  1. The merchants will need to login to the myLoyaltyCash application with their organization credentials
  2. The merchants will need to enter or scan the customer’s code number of the cardholder
  3. Insert the amount of the transaction 
  4. Select the unit (outlet) that performs the transaction
  5. The merchant clicks submit

Login Screen

When the merchants open the myLoyaltyCash app they will see the following screen.

The merchants will login to the myLoyaltyCashapp with their myLoyalty platform (Back-end) credentials.

The merchants will select the language they would like to interact with the application.


Home Screen

This is the home page of myLoyaltyCash application.

Here, merchants will:

  1. Enter or scan the customer’s code number → The code can be found on the myLoyalty consumer app in the section of the specific merchant. 
  2. Enter the amount of the transaction
  3. Select the outlet that performs the transaction
  4. Click Submit


Transactions Screen

Through the Transactions screen, the merchants can see the transactions that were posted during the day.

By clicking on a transaction, the merchants can view more information about the transaction and they have the option to void it.


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