Release CRM includes the following features, enhancements & bug fixes:
Issue key | Summary | Description | Issue Type | Components |
V5-3273 | Add 'submitted date' to the Order details report | Add the 'submitted date' to the Order details report. Also include it as search criteria and optional column selection | Task | ANALYTICS |
V5-3186 | Enhanced BI and Mongo events |
| Improvement | ANALYTICS |
V5-3382 | Contact Statement has the wrong period in body of email | A statement was requested for 'This Year', however, in the email received by the contact, the content reads: Your requested contact statement (account A00010023) for the period 01/01/2022 - 31/1/2022 is ready for download. | Bug | CONTACTS |
V5-2435 | Include Spend cancellation entry in Contact Activity Feed | When cancelling a purchase transaction that had a spend, a purchase cancellation is logged. Include an entry for cancellation of spend under both the 'Activity Feed' and 'Financial Events'. | Improvement | CONTACTS |
V5-480 | Clone an Order | Orders can be cloned, i.e. used as a template for creating additional orders with similar items for the same or a different contact. | Story | ORDERS |
V5-3323 | Ability to keep last filter in all summary screens | The last filter used by a system user is saved and reapplied when the user revisits the same summary screen | Improvement | PLATFORM |
V5-3370 | Enhanced User Information | Extra information to be kept for back-end users:
| Improvement | SECURITY AND USERS |
V5-3392 | Sidebar issue with collapsing menu items on small menu | Issue with small sidebar menu when collapsing menu option | Bug | USER EXPERIENCE AND TECHNICAL |
V5-3374 | Users Role selection should behave the same for 'Invite User' and 'Edit User' actions | Edit User screen should also have the autocomplete for user role | Bug | SECURITY AND USERS |
V5-3369 | Issue when creating an automation with two communication actions | When you change the marketing info setting (enable/disable) of the second marketing communication, the first ones is changed instead | Bug | PLATFORM |
V5-3358 | Number fields don't accept negative input | When creating a Top-up, with a negative amount, a positive top-up is created instead | Bug | ACCOUNTS |