- p_demou (Deactivated)
- Joseph Ioannou (Unlicensed)
Name | Type | Description |
| Boolean | Defines if the account owner can only consume services for which a Usage Allowance Limit is specified Available from CRM.COM R13.1.0 |
| Number | The percentage of amount that the limit can be exceeded for the related accounts receivable Available from CRM.COM R13.1.0 |
accumulated_maximum_rated_amount_per_day | Float | The accumulated maximum rated amount that the accounts receivable is allowed to use within a day. |
accumulated_maximum_rated_amount_per_month | Float | The accumulated maximum rated amount that the accounts receivable is allowed to use within a month. |
accumulated_maximum_rated_amount_per_transaction | Float | The accumulated maximum rated amount that the accounts receivable is allowed to use per transaction. |
accumulated_maximum_usage_per_date | Integer | The accumulated maximum usage amount that the accounts receivable is allowed to use within a day. |
accumulated_maximum_usage_per_month | Integer | The accumulated maximum usage amount that the accounts receivable is allowed to use within a month. |
accumulated_maximum_usage_per_transaction | Integer | The accumulated maximum usage amount that the accounts receivable is allowed to use per transaction. |
currency | Currency object | The accounts receivable's currency |
usage_services_allowance | Set of Usage Services Allowance objects | The usage allowance limits per usage service, service type or service family |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
maximum_rated_amount_per_transaction | Number | The maximum rated amount that can be used per transaction on the specific usage service, service type or service family. |
maximum_rated_amount_per_day | Number | The maximum rated amount that can be used within a day on the specific usage service, service type or service family. |
maximum_rated_amount_per_billing_cycle | Number | The maximum rated amount that can be used within a billing cycle on the specific usage service, service type or service family. Available from CRM.COM R17.0.0 |
maximum_rated_amount_per_month | Number | The maximum rated amount that can be used within a month on the specific usage service, service type or service family. Deprecated in CRMCOM R17.0.0 |
maximum_usage_per_transaction | Number | The maximum usage amount that can be used per transaction on the specific usage service, service type or service family. |
maximum_usage_per_day | Number | The maximum usage amount that can be used within a day on the specific usage service, service type or service family. |
maximum_usage_per_billing_cycle | Number | The maximum usage amount that can be used within a billing cycle on the specific usage service, service type or service family. Available from CRM.COM R17.0.0 |
maximum_usage_per_month | Number | The maximum usage amount that can be used within a month on the specific usage service, service type or service family. Deprecated in CRM.COM R17.0.0 |
service | Product object | The product related with the retrieved usage allowance limit. |
service_type | Product Type object | The product type related with the retrieved usage allowance limit. |
service_family | Product Family object | The product family related with the retrieved usage allowance limit. |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The ID of the product |
code | String | The code of product |
alternative_code | String | The alternative code of product |
description | String | The description of product |
priority_level | Integer | The priority level of the product Available from CRM.COM R12.3.0 |
global_rate | Global Rate Object | The global rate of the retrieved product Available from CRM.COM R15.0.0 |
product_type | Product type object | The type of the product |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The ID of the retrieved product type |
name | String | The Name of the retrieved product type |
alternative_code | String | The Alternative Code of the retrieved product type |
description | String | The Description of the retrieved product type |
classification | String | The Classification of the retrieved product type which can be SERVICES or PHYSICALGOODS |
service_type | String | The Service Type of the retrieved product type which can be TERMED, USAGE, ONETIME or EXPENSE |
physical_good_type | String | The physical Good Type of the retrieved product type which can be TRACEABLE or NONTRACEABLE |
composition_method | String | The Composition Method of the retrieved product type which can be FLAT, FLEXIBLEBUNDLE or FIXEDBUNDLE |
used_for_provisioning | Boolean | The flag shows if the retrieved product type is used for provisioning |
udr_type | Usage Detail Record Type | The UDR type related with the product type. This is applicable only if the product type is classified as SERVICES and the service type is set to USAGE |
meter_reading_type | Meter Reading Type | The Meter Reading type related with the product type. This is applicable only for traceable physical goods Available from CRM.COM R14.0.0 |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The ID of the retrieved usage detail record type |
name | String | The Name of the retrieved usage detail record type |
alternative_code | String | The Alternative Code of the retrieved usage detail record type |
description | String | The Description of the retrieved usage detail record type |
unit_of_measurement | String | The Unit of measurement of the retrieved usage detail record type |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The identifier of the Unit of measurement |
name | String | The name of the Unit of measurement |
description | String | The description of the Unit of measurement |
alternative_code | String | The alternative code of the Unit of measurement |
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The ID of the retrieved meter reading type |
name | String | The Name of the retrieved meter reading type |
alternative_code | String | The Alternative Code of the retrieved meter reading type |
classification | String | The Classification of the retrieved meter reading type |
description | String | The Description of the retrieved meter reading type |
unit_of_measurement | String | The Unit of measurement of the retrieved meter reading type |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The identifier of the Unit of measurement |
name | String | The name of the Unit of measurement |
description | String | The description of the Unit of measurement |
alternative_code | String | The alternative code of the Unit of measurement |
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The ID of the retrieved rate |
rate_model | String | The price plan rate model which can be one of the following:
global_base_amount | Number | The base price of the product in the Global Price Plan |
base_rate_applied_per | String | The value for 'Base Rate Applied per' Available when the rate model is 'Quantity & Quantity Based' and it is a selection between
uot | String | The 'UOT' applicable for the rate
Available for one-time services |
time_period | Time Period Object | The period and unit of time for which the base amount is applicable for. This is available only on termed services rates. |
uom | String | The 'UOM' applicable for the rate Available when the product type is of Usage Service Classification |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
time_period_value | Number | The time period value |
time_period_uot | String | The time period unit of time. The supported values are the following: MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS, YEARS |
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The ID of the retrieved product type |
name | String | The Name of the retrieved product type |
alternative_code | String | The Alternative Code of the retrieved product type |
description | String | The Description of the retrieved product type |
classification | String | The Classification of the retrieved product type which can be SERVICES or PHYSICALGOODS |
service_type | String | The Service Type of the retrieved product type which can be TERMED, USAGE, ONETIME or EXPENSE |
physical_good_type | String | The physical Good Type of the retrieved product type which can be TRACEABLE or NONTRACEABLE |
composition_method | String | The Composition Method of the retrieved product type which can be FLAT, FLEXIBLEBUNDLE or FIXEDBUNDLE |
used_for_provisioning | Boolean | The flag shows if the retrieved product type is used for provisioning |
udr_type | Usage Detail Record Type | The UDR type related with the product type. This is applicable only if the product type is classified as SERVICES and the service type is set to USAGE |
meter_reading_type | Meter Reading Type | The Meter Reading type related with the product type. This is applicable only for traceable physical goods Available from CRM.COM R14.0.0 |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The ID of the retrieved usage detail record type |
name | String | The Name of the retrieved usage detail record type |
alternative_code | String | The Alternative Code of the retrieved usage detail record type |
description | String | The Description of the retrieved usage detail record type |
unit_of_measurement | String | The Unit of measurement of the retrieved usage detail record type |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The identifier of the Unit of measurement |
name | String | The name of the Unit of measurement |
description | String | The description of the Unit of measurement |
alternative_code | String | The alternative code of the Unit of measurement |
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The ID of the retrieved meter reading type |
name | String | The Name of the retrieved meter reading type |
alternative_code | String | The Alternative Code of the retrieved meter reading type |
classification | String | The Classification of the retrieved meter reading type |
description | String | The Description of the retrieved meter reading type |
unit_of_measurement | String | The Unit of measurement of the retrieved meter reading type |
Referred Objects Response Data
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The identifier of the Unit of measurement |
name | String | The name of the Unit of measurement |
description | String | The description of the Unit of measurement |
alternative_code | String | The alternative code of the Unit of measurement |
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The ID of the retrieved product family |
name | String | The Name of the retrieved product family |
code | String | The code of the retrieved product family |
description | String | The Description of the retrieved product family |