Name | Description | Value |
id | Unique Identifier | any |
name | A name that describes the component | any |
tipexpression | A question mark that is positioned on the top left corner of the component and when the mouse moves over it an information box appears | any |
newrow | Moves the component to the next row. The default value is false. | true, false |
isgroup | Boolean that specifies if the component will be displayed as a group of multiple elements. | true false |
visibilityconditions | The conditions that should be met in order to display the component. | '[[pagefunction, datatype, datapath ]]' operator(==,!=) 'value' |
readonlyconditions | The conditions that should be met in order for the component to become read-only. | '[[pagefunction, datatype, datapath ]]' operator(==,!=) 'value' |
visiblemodes | The modes that the component is visible. The component is visible in every mode by default. | new,edit,read |
showonlyinmodal | If it is set to true then the component will be visible only when the page opens in modal. The default value is false. | true, false |
hideinmodal | If it is set to true then the component will be hidden only when the page opens in modal. The default value is false. | true, false |
columns | The number of columns the component is divided into. The default value is 1. | numeric |
isgroup | If it is set to true then the component is displayed as a group of elements. the name of the component appears as the title of the group. | true, false |
allowcollapse | If the component is defined as group and this value is set to true then the user can collapse/expand the component by clicking the title of the group. | true, false |
defaultcollapsed | If the component is defined as group and this value is set to true then the group of elements is by default collapsed. | true, false |
elements | The elements of the component. | List of elements. |
quickcreate | If it is set to true then the component is displayed in "quick create" mode. | true, false |