Tree-structured data entry page with right panel
Tree- structured data entry pages organize and present database data in a tree.
The template that is used for this type of pages is data_entry_template.xhtml.
A data entry with right panel for tree page should define the following metadata in "content" ui:define tag, where managedBean is the managed bean name of the page.
Also additional parameters that are mapped with managed bean class properties can be defined.
<f:metadata> <f:viewParam name="id" value="#{}"/> <f:viewParam name="action" value="#{managedBean.action}"/> <f:viewAction action="#{managedBean.onload}" /> <f:event type="postAddToView" listener="#{managedBean.setCRMSessionHandle()}"/> </f:metadata>
Getting Started
The following example illustrates a data entry with right panel page of the tree entity Unit Category.