What does this section cover?
What are Communications?
Communications are used to log any interaction between your customers and your company. Communications can be incoming or outgoing and can support multiple communication media such as Emails, SMS, phone calls, letters etc.
Communications Glossary
Term | Description |
Communication | Communication refers to any interaction with a physical person or company through the CRM.COM software. |
Communication tags | Communication tags can be used to generate the subject or the content of a communication based on data kept on the related contact information or referred business entities. |
Communications Key Processes and Concepts
Processes / Concept | Description |
Communication Queue Usage and Communication Queue External Systems |
SMS Gateway and Email Provider Integration |
Communication Templates, Communication Tags and Auto-complete |
Communications Network Characteristics
Network Characteristics define the level of access for each record. i.e., whether it will be available for selection, viewing, editing etc.
Entity | Network Characteristics |
Communications | |
Communication Queue External Systems | |
Communication Templates |
Communications Related Modules
Interaction Entity | How |
Contact Information |
Job |
Subscription |
Activity |
Service Request |
Lead |
Related Communication |
Notification |
Accounts Receivable |
Bill |
Payment |
Payment Gateway Card |
Payment Gateway Request Number |
Reward Participant |
Reward Award Transaction |
Reward Spend Transaction |
Communication Queue |
Provisioning - CA Systems |
Communications - Business Examples
The following section provides business examples to help you understand how CRM.COM Communications module is used.
Notifying overdue subscribers
Business Requirement
Company ZX would like to send an SMS to overdue subscribers to urge payments before disconnection
CRM.COM Solution
- Configuration
- Communication Definitions should be set up so an SMS provider is enabled
- Communication Template is created for overdue subscribers (optional)
User Process
- Create a Communication:
- Contact: Select a contact with overdue subscription
- Direction: Outgoing
- Media: SMS
- Template: Overdue Subscribers (optional)
- To: Select the contact's phone number
- Content: Update or enter message
- Click on "SAVE"
An SMS will be sent on the contact's mobile phone
Communicating Subscription details using template
Business Requirements
Company ZX would like to send an Email to every newly registered Subscriber to welcome them as customers and to provide them with important information.
CRM.COM Solution
A template should be created as provided in the box below. Every time that a new Subscription is created the agent should:
- Go to the Subscription
- Execute Action > Communicate Subscription
- In the modal Communication window, the agent should select the "New Subscribers" communication template
Template Text for New Subscribers
- Subscription Number: #subscription.number
- Subscription Type: #subscription.type
- Subscribed Packages: #subscription.services
- Hardware: #subscription.installed_items
Communication Templates using Communication Tags
Business Requirement
Company ZX would like to send Communication Emails to its customers regarding their Account balance, Job status, Subscriptions etc.
CRM.COM Solution
Create communication templates using communication tags.
Communicate Subscriptions
Communicate Jobs
We would like to inform you that your Job related to #job.type, with number #job.number, has been successfully completed.
Thank you for requesting our services. Should you need further assistance please do not hesitate to call our Call Centre at any time.
Communicate Activites
We would like to inform you that your activity related to #activity.type, with number #activity.number, has been successfully completed.
Thank you for requesting our services. Should you need further assistance please do not hesitate to call our Call Centre at any time.
Communicate Accounts Receivable
We would like to inform you that your Account, #accounts_receivable.number, has #accounts_receivable.outstanding_amount Euros.
Please proceed with settling your outstanding amount as soon as possible as we will proceed with disconnections coming Monday.
Should you need more information please do not hesitate to call our Call Centre at any time.
Communicate Bills
Communicate Service Requests
Dear #contact_information.name
We would like to inform you that your Service Request related to #service_request.type, with number #service_request.number, has been successfully #service_request.status.
Thank you for requesting our services. Should you need further assistance please do not hesitate to call our Call Centre at any time.
AluxSat Co.
Communicate Rewards Participants
Dear #contact_information.name
We would like to inform you that your Rewards Membership, with number #rewards_participant.number, has been successfully created on #rewards_participant.sign_up_on by #rewards_participant.sign_up_by_unit.
Your Rewards Membership is connected with your Account #rewards_participant.accounts_receivable.number
You may start collecting awards and we hope you enjoy your rewards!
Should you need further assistance please do not hesitate to call our Call Centre at any time.
AluxSat Co.
Communicate Award Transactions
Dear #contact_information.name
We would like to inform you that your Rewards Membership, with number #award_reward_transaction.rewards_participant.number, has been successfully awarded from the offer #award_reward_transaction.offer on #award_reward_transaction.date
Your Rewards Award Transaction, with number #award_reward_transaction.number, awards your account with #award_reward_transaction.amount
We hope you enjoy your rewards!
Should you need further assistance please do not hesitate to call our Call Centre at any time.
AluxSat Co
Communicate Spend Transactions
Dear #contact_information.name
We would like to inform you that you have successfully used #spend_reward_transaction.total_amount Euros from your Rewards Membership, with number #spend_reward_transaction.rewards_participant.number .
Your rewards were spent following the spend request with number, #spend_reward_transaction.number, on #spend_reward_transaction.date from #spend_reward_transaction.unit
We hope you enjoy your rewards!
Should you need further assistance please do not hesitate to call our Call Centre at any time.
AluxSat Co
Communicate Payment Gateway Card Tags
Dear #contact_information.name
Please see below your registered Card details.
Related Card Account Number: #payment_gateway_card.accounts_receivable.number
Related Card Holder Name: #payment_gateway_card.card_holder_name
Related Card Last 4 digits: #payment_gateway_card.last_four_digits
Related Account Receivable Balance: #payment_gateway_card.accounts_receivable.balance
Please review and contact our Call Centre for any required corrections
AluxSat Co
Communicate Payment Gateway Request Tags
Dear #contact_information.name
Please see below the information you have requested with regards to your Account with number: #payment_gateway_request.accounts_receivable.number connected to card registered to #payment_gateway_request.payment_gateway_card.card_holder_name
The balance of your accounts receivable is #payment_gateway_request.accounts_receivable.balance and the outstanding amount is #payment_gateway_request.accounts_receivable.outstanding_amount
Should you need further assistance please do not hesitate to call our Call Centre at any time.
AluxSat Co
Communicate Payment Tags
Dear #contact_information.name
We would like to inform you that your payment, with payment number: #payment.number for $#payment.amount has been successfully processed.
Your current balance is: #payment.accounts_receivable.balance and your outstanding amount is:#payment.accounts_receivable.outstanding_amount
Should you need further assistance or any clarifications please do not hesitate to call our Call Centre at any time.
AluxSat Co
More Information on Communication Tags can be found at: Using Communication Tags
Communication Templates Using Notification Tags
Business Requirement
Company ZX would like to send Notification Emails to its customers regarding their account balance, wallet balance, welcoming new subscribers etc.
CRM.COM Solution
Create templates using notification available tags.
Unsettled Subscriptions
Unsettled Accounts Receivable
Wallet with low credit
Wallet Product Consumption near estimated date
New Subscribers
Completed Jobs
Completed Activities
Following up on Communications
Business Requirements
A customer of company ZX has called in the Call Centre and has registered a complaint regarding the quality of his picture. The agent arranged an appointment with the technical department. Once the technician came back in, the agent called the customer back to confirm whether the problem was solved.
CRM.COM Solution
Customer calling in to complain
Once the customer calls in to file a complaint then the user should create a new communication of Direction Incoming, Media Phone and Category: Technical Issue. The communication should be saved using the Save as Draft option, so that the Life Cycle State is not updated to Completed.
Agent registering an appointment
At the same time the agent should schedule an activity and assign it to the Technical Department with all the related information.
Agent calling back at the customer
Once the activity is closed by the technician the agent should go back to the initial communication and save it using the "Save" option, so that the communication life cycle state will be updated to completed.
Then the Follow up action should be used. On the new Communication that will be created the agent should provide the following information
- Media: Phone
- Direction: Outgoing
- Category: Service Satisfaction
At the same time the agent should call the customer and inquire regarding the quality of the picture and the service provided by the technician. The related information should be logged by the agent in the Shared Notes field.
Once completed the user should save the communication by clicking the "SAVE" button
More Information on creating Follow Up communications can be found at: Creating Follow Up Communications
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