What is a Wallet? Check how CRM.COM defines it!
A Wallet is a type of account which contains an amount of money that can be used to fund transactions within CRM.COM. It works as a mini-ledger that can easily be topped up by various payment events, or spent by CRM.COM functions such as Prepaid Subscriptions or the redemption of Awards.
Wallets are debited and credited through Wallet Transactions.
What are you going to learn by reading this manual?
How to view, create and modify wallets
How wallet allotments are used
What are wallet transactions
How to manually or automatically create wallet transactions
How the wallet balance is calculated
How you can set up wallet definitions to meet your business requirement
Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Wallets - The Basics'.
Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Wallets - The Advanced'.
Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'Wallets - The Admin Stuff'.
Related Areas
Wallets - R5&R6 —
A Wallet is a type of account which contains an amount of money that can be used to fund transactions within CRM.COM. It works as a mini-ledger that can easily be topped up by various payment events, or spent by CRM.COM functions such as Prepaid Subscriptions or the redemption of Awards.
Wallets are debited and credited through Wallet Transactions.
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