CRMQL stands for CRM.COM Query Language and was developed by CRM.COM for querying information within the system. CRMQL supports specific types of queries which depend on the entity selected in each segment.
CRMQL Syntax
The structure of CRMQL syntax is described below (using regular expressions). In general, a CRMQL query consists of at least one set of criteria, one operator and one value. More than one set can be defined, separated by using AND or OR.
The values of criteria depend on the type of criteria and operator.
Global functions can be used instead of the set of criteria, operators and values.
(criteria_name operator criteria_value|global_function) ((AND|OR) (criteria_name operator criteria_value|global_function))*
CRMQL Functions
Global Functions
Function | Parameters | Result | Description |
only_one(query) | CRMQL query | Boolean | Returns true if the specified query retrieves only one record; otherwise returns false. |
more_than_one(query) | CRMQL query | Boolean | Returns true if the specified query retrieves more than one record; otherwise returns false. |
Date Functions
Function | Parameters | Result | Description |
week_start() | none | Date | Returns the start of the week. |
month_start() | none | Date | Returns the start of the month. |
year_start() | none | Date | Returns the start of the year. |
day_start() | none | Date | Returns the start of the day having the time set to 00:00:00. |
day_end() | none | Date | Returns the end of the day having the time set to 23:59:59. |
current_date() | none | Date | Returns the current date and time. |
week_end() | none | Date | Returns the end of the week. |
month_end() | none | Date | Returns the end of the month. |
year_end() | none | Date | Returns the end of the year. |
seconds_before(date,seconds) | Date, Number | Date | Returns the date which is before the specified number of seconds. |
minutes_before(date,minutes) | Date, Number | Date | Returns the date which is before the specified number of minutes. |
hours_before(date,hours) | Date, Number | Date | Returns the date which is before the specified number of hours. |
days_before(date,days) | Date, Number | Date | Returns the date which is before the specified number of days. |
weeks_before(date,weeks) | Date, Number | Date | Returns the date which is before the specified number of weeks. |
months_before(date,months) | Date, Number | Date | Returns the date which is before the specified number of months. |
years_before(date,years) | Date, Number | Date | Returns the date which is before the specified number of years. |
seconds_after(date,seconds) | Date, Number | Date | Returns the date which is after the specified number of seconds. |
minutes_after(date,minutes) | Date, Number | Date | Returns the date which is after the specified number of minutes. |
hours_after(date,hours) | Date, Number | Date | Returns the date which is after the specified number of hours. |
days_after(date,days) | Date, Number | Date | Returns the date which is after the specified number of days. |
weeks_after(date,weeks) | Date, Number | Date | Returns the date which is after the specified number of weeks. |
months_after(date,months) | Date, Number | Date | Returns the date which is after the specified number of months. |
years_after(date,years) | Date, Number | Date | Returns the date which is after the specified number of years. |
date_only(date) | Date | Date Only (time set to 00:00:00) | Returns the specified date having the time set to 00:00:00. |
current_day() | none | Integer | Returns the current day's value (1-31). |
current_month() | none | Integer | Returns the current month's value (1-12). |
current_year() | none | Integer | Returns the current year's value (). |
new_date(year,month,day,hour,minutes,seconds) | Number, Number, Number, Number, Number, Number | Date | Returns a date based on the parameters passed to the function. Any null values are replaced with the current date or time value |
CRMQL Operators & Possible Values
Global Operators
Global operators are used to check whether a specific value is present within a set of values.
Function | Parameters | Result | Description |
exist(query) | CRMQL query | Boolean | Returns true if the specified query retrieves one or more records; otherwise returns false. |
not exist(query) | CRMQL query | Boolean | Returns true if the specified query retrieves zero records, otherwise returns false. |
count(query) | CRMQL query | Number | Returns the count of the query. |
Using Global Operator with Set Data Object
Global operators must be used when a Set of Data Objects is used:
(criteria_name operator criteria_value|global_function) ((AND EXIST|OR EXIST| AND NOT EXIST| OR NOT EXIST) (criteria_name operator criteria_value|global_function))*
String Operators
Operator | Possible Values |
= | value | string field | empty |
!= | value | string field | empty |
<> | value | string field | empty |
> | value | string field |
>= | value | string field |
< | value | string field |
<= | value | string field |
like | value |
not like | value |
in() | (value | string field) ( , (value | string field) )* |
not in() | (value | string field) ( , (value | string field) )* |
Numeric Operators
Operator | Possible Values |
= | value | numeric field | empty |
!= | value | numeric field | empty |
<> | value | numeric field | empty |
> | value | numeric field |
>= | value | numeric field |
< | value | numeric field |
<= | value | numeric field |
between X and Y | value | numeric field |
Date Operators
Operator | Possible Values |
= | value (dd/mm/yyyy) | date field | date function | empty |
!= | value (dd/mm/yyyy) | date field | date function | empty |
<> | value (dd/mm/yyyy) | date field | date function | empty |
> | value (dd/mm/yyyy) | date field | date function |
>= | value (dd/mm/yyyy) | date field | date function |
< | value (dd/mm/yyyy) | date field | date function |
<= | value (dd/mm/yyyy) | date field | date function |
between X and Y | value (dd/mm/yyyy) | date field | date function |
Boolean Operators
Operator | Possible Values |
= | true | false |
!= | true | false |
<> | true | false |
CRMQL Autocomplete Enable Fields
Specific fields of objects (type, status, life cycle state) provide users the ability to select values from a pre-populated list. The list is populated after the operator is provided next to an <object.field> expression.
Object | Field | Entity to be Populated |
contact_information | type | Type name |
subscription | type | Type name |
activity | type | Type name |
job | type | Type name |
service_request | type | Type name |
payment_gateway_card | type | Type name |
payment | type | Type name |
Object | Field | Entity to be Populated |
bill | status | Status name |
activity | status | Status name |
job | status | Status name |
service_request | status | Status name |
Life Cycle State
Object | Field | Entity to be Populated |
contact_information | life_cycle_state | Life cycle state name |
subscription | life_cycle_state | Life cycle state name |
accounts_receivable | life_cycle_state | Life cycle state name |
bill | life_cycle_state | Life cycle state name |
activity | life_cycle_state | Life cycle state name |
job | life_cycle_state | Life cycle state name |
rewards_participant | life_cycle_state | Life cycle state name |
service_request | life_cycle_state | Life cycle state name |
payment_gateway_request | life_cycle_state | Life cycle state name |
buy_in_advance_request | life_cycle_state | Life cycle state name |
CRMQL Main Data Objects
Field | Type |
number | String |
name | String |
life_cycle_state | String |
balance | Number |
outstanding_amount | Number |
contact_information | Single Data Object |
subscription | Set Data Object |
bill | Set Data Object |
classification (name) | String |
credit_limit_status | String |
primary_account | Boolean |
created_date | Date |
updated_date | Date |
billing_address | Single Data Object |
payment_preference | Set Data Object |
wallet | Single Data Object Note: Only refers to 'Effective' wallets |
parent_account | Single Data Object |
presentment_preference | Set Data Object |
assets | Set Data Object |
owned_by_business_unit | Set Data Object |
is_parent_account | Boolean |
is_partner_account | Boolean |
sign_up_date | Date |
sign_up_business_unit | String |
participating_reward_scheme | Set Data Object |
tier (name) | String |
lifetime_value_units | Number |
period_value_units | Number |
udf_string_1 - udf_string_8 | String |
udf_float_1 - udf_float_4 | Float |
udf_date_1 - udf_date_4 | Date |
Field | Type |
number | String |
type (name) | String |
status (name) | String |
category (name) | String |
life_cycle_state | String |
contact_information | Single Data Object |
start_date | Date |
estimated_completion_date | Date |
actual_completion_date | Date |
service | Set Data Object |
owned_by_business_unit | Set Data Object |
udf_string_1 - udf_string_16 | String |
udf_float_1 - udf_float_10 | Float |
udf_date_1 - udf_date_10 | Date |
Field | Type |
number | String |
accounts_receivable | Single Data Object |
classification | String |
life_cycle_state | String |
from_date | Date |
to_date | Date |
due_date | Date |
total_credit_amount | Number |
total_debit_amount | Number |
total_billed_amount | Number |
total_amount_to_be_paid | Number |
outstanding_amount | Number |
unsettled_amount | Number |
status | String |
communication_queue | Set Data Object |
udf_string_1 - udf_string_8 | String |
udf_float_1 - udf_float_4 | Float |
udf_date_1 - udf_date_4 | Date |
Field | Type |
type | String |
life_cycle_state | String |
title | String |
name | String |
first_name | String |
middle_name | String |
last_name | String |
category (name) | String |
gender | String |
day_of_birth | Number |
month_of_birth | Number |
year_of_birth | Number |
birthday_date | Date The birthday date of the contact information as defined by the combination of the day of birth, month of birth and year of birth, for example if the birthday is set on 24/04/1985 then if this tag is used within 2018, it should retrieve 24/04/1985 |
birthday_current_year_date | Date The birthday date within the current year, for example if the birthday is set 24/04/1985 then if this tag is used within 2018, it should retrieve 24/04/2018 |
name_day_date | Date The name day date within the current year, for example, if the name day is 24/04 then if this tag is used within 2018, it should retrieve 24/04/2018 |
name_day_day | Number |
name_day_month | Number |
industry (name) | String |
industry_sector (name) | String |
udf_string_1 - udf_string_16 | String |
udf_float_1 - udf_float_8 | Float |
udf_date_1 - udf_date_8 | Date |
address | Set Data Object |
phone | Set Data Object |
Set Data Object | |
accounts_receivable | Set Data Object |
activity | Set Data Object |
consent_state | String The state of the Contact's Consent. Applicable values are:
consent_updated_date | Date |
created_date | Date |
updated_date | Date |
owned_by_business_unit | Set Data Object |
send_direct_ marketing_material | Boolean |
send_affiliate_ marketing_material | Boolean |
kyc_profile | String The KYC profile name |
kyc_profile_expiration_date | Date |
kyc_profile_state | String The KYC profile's life cycle state. Available values are: PENDING_VERIFICATION, VERIFIED, REFUTE, EXPIRED |
Field | Type |
type (name) | String |
category (name) | String |
number | String |
life_cycle_state | String |
discount_amount | Number |
vat_amount | Number |
tax_amount | Number |
net_amount | Number |
total_amount | Number |
issued_on | Date |
posted_on | Date |
accounts_receivable | Data Object |
udf_string_1 - udf_string_8 | String |
udf_float_1 - udf_float_4 | Float |
udf_date_1 - udf_date_4 | Date |
Field | Type |
type (name) | String |
category (name) | String |
number | String |
life_cycle_state | String |
discount_amount | Number |
vat_amount | Number |
tax_amount | Number |
net_amount | Number |
total_amount | Number |
outstanding_amount | Number |
unsettled_amount | Number |
issued_on | Date |
posted_on | Date |
due_on | Date |
accounts_receivable | Date Object |
udf_string_1 - udf_string_8 | String |
udf_float_1 - udf_float_4 | Float |
udf_date_1 - udf_date_4 | Date |
Field | Type |
type (name) | String |
category (name) | String |
number | String |
life_cycle_state | String |
issued_on | Date |
posted_on | Date |
total_amount | Number |
accounts_receivable | Data Object |
Field | Type |
number | String |
type (name) | String |
status (name) | String |
category (name) | String |
life_cycle_state | String |
accounts_receivable | Single Data Object |
subscription | Single Data Object |
start_date | Date |
estimated_completion_date | Date |
actual_completion_date | Date |
expiration_date | Date |
physical_good | Set Data Object |
expense | Set Data Object |
subscription_physical_good | Set Data Object |
subscription_service | Set Data Object |
subscription_expense | Set Data Object |
billing_terms | Set Data Object |
owned_by_business_unit | Set Data Object |
udf_string_1 - udf_string_16 | String |
udf_float_1 - udf_float_8 | Float |
udf_date_1 - udf_date_8 | Date |
Field | Type |
start_date | Date |
expected_completion_date | Date |
actual_completion_date | Date |
owned_by_business_unit | Set Data Object |
accounts_receivable_name | Single Data Object |
accounts_receivable_number | Single Data Object |
number | String |
type (name) | String |
status (name) | String |
category (name) | String |
life_cycle_state | String |
importance_level | String |
priority_level | String |
source_type (name) | String |
source_name | String |
product_of_interest.code (code) | String |
(name) | String |
product_family_of_interest.name (name) | String |
product_brand_of_interest.name (name) | String |
subscription_package_name (name) | String |
team.username | String |
team.email | String |
(name) | String |
udf_date_1 - udf_date_8 | Date |
udf_float_1 - udf_float_8 | Float |
udf_string_1 - udf_string_26 | String |
Field | Type |
number | String |
reference_number | String |
type (name) | String |
payment_method (name) | String |
category (name) | String |
posted_date | Date |
amount | Number |
accounts_receivable | Single Data Object |
voucher | Single Data Object |
communication | Set Data Object |
udf_string_1 - udf_string_8 | String |
udf_float_1 - udf_float_4 | Float |
udf_date_1 - udf_date_4 | Date |
Field | Type |
type (name) | String |
category (name) | String |
number | String |
life_cycle_state | String |
issued_on | Date |
posted_on | Date |
payment_amount | Number |
accounts_receivable | Data Object |
Field | Type |
payment_gateway_provider (name) | String |
expiration_month | Number |
expiration_date | Number |
brand | String |
type | String |
address_line_1_check_result | String |
address_zip_check_result | String |
security_code_check_result | String |
created_date | Date |
updated_date | Date |
default | Boolean |
opt_in_for_subscriptions | Boolean |
opt_in_for_purchases | Boolean |
Only the cards which are related with an accounts receivable payment preference which is used for recurring payments are retrieved.
Field | Type |
payment_gateway_provider (name) | String |
life_cycle_state | String |
process_run (number) | String |
created_date | Date |
execution_date | Date |
updated_date | Date |
type | String |
process_name | String The options should be EXECUTE_NORMAL_BILLING_RUN, MANUAL |
Only 'Posted' payments are retrieved.
Field | Type |
type (name) | String |
category (name) | String |
refund_method (name) | String |
number | String |
life_cycle_state | String |
refund_amount | Number |
issued_on | Date |
posted_on | Date |
payment_gateway_reference_number | String |
accounts_receivable | Data Object |
Field | Type |
number | String |
type (name) | String |
status (name) | String |
category (name) | String |
classification (name) | String |
life_cycle_state | String |
accounts_receivable | Data Object |
urgency_level | String |
impact_level | String |
priority_level | String |
start_date | Date |
estimated_completion_date | Date |
actual_completion_date | Date |
response_date | Date |
response_category | String |
temporary_resolution_category | String |
temporary_resolved_by | String |
temporary_resolution_date | Date |
temporary_resolution_accepted_by | String |
final_resolution_category | String |
final_resolution_resolved_by | String |
final_resolution_accepted_by | String |
final_resolution_date | Date |
physical_good | Data Object |
services | Data Object |
owned_by_business_unit | Data Object |
udf_string_1 - udf_string_16 | String |
udf_float_1 - udf_float_4 | Float |
udf_date_1 - udf_date_12 | Date |
Field | Type |
type (name) | String |
type_classification | String |
life_cycle_state | String |
number | String |
is_free | Boolean |
accounts_receivable | Single Data Object |
billing_terms | Single Data Object |
subscription_location | Single Data Object |
billing_address | Single Data Object |
service | Set Data Object |
installed_item | Set Data Object |
owned_by_business_unit | Set Data Object |
closest_service_rated_up_to_date | Date |
date_created | Date |
applied_process | Set Data Object |
udf_string_1 - udf_string_8 | String |
udf_float_1 - udf_float_8 | Float |
udf_date_1 - udf_date_8 | Date |
Field | Type |
number | String |
submitted_date | Date |
amount | Number |
alternative_amount | Number |
reward_offer | Single Data Object |
initiated_currency | Single Data Object |
Field | Type |
number | String |
total_amount | Number |
total_alternative_amount | Number |
submitted_date | Date |
submitted_by_business_unit (name) | String |
initiated_currency | Single Data Object |
Field | Type |
number | String |
amount | Number |
Field | Type |
number | String |
estimated_consumption_days | Number |
estimated_consumption_date | Date |
estimated_consumption_as_of_date | Date |
balance | Number |
alternative_balance | Number |
opening_balance | Number |
opening_alterntive_balance | Number |
opening_balance_date | Date |
life_cycle_state | String |
last_transaction_date | Date (The date that the last transaction was created) |
udf_string_1 | User Defined Field 1 of type String |
udf_string_2 | User Defined Field 2 of type String |
udf_string_3 | User Defined Field 3 of type String |
udf_string_4 | User Defined Field 4 of type String |
udf_string_5 | User Defined Field 5 of type String |
udf_string_6 | User Defined Field 6 of type String |
udf_string_7 | User Defined Field 7 of type String |
udf_string_8 | User Defined Field 8 of type String |
udf_float_1 | User Defined Field 1 of type Float |
udf_float_2 | User Defined Field 2 of type Float |
udf_float_3 | User Defined Field 3 of type Float |
udf_float_4 | User Defined Field 4 of type Float |
udf_date_1 | User Defined Field 1 of type Date |
udf_date_2 | User Defined Field 2 of type Date |
udf_date_3 | User Defined Field 3 of type Date |
udf_date_4 | User Defined Field 4 of type Date |
Field | Type |
type (name) | String |
number | String |
amount | Number |
alternative_amount | Number |
extra_added_amount | Number |
extra_added_alternative_amount | Number |
life_cycle_state | String |
caused_by_entity | String |
wallet | Data Object |
initiated_currency | Data Object |
udf_string_1 - udf_string_20 | String |
udf_float_1 - udf_float_12 | Float |
udf_date_1 - udf_date_12 | Date |
Field | Type |
type (name) | String |
category (name) | String |
number | String |
life_cycle_state | String |
issued_on | Date |
posted_on | Date |
total_amount | Number |
accounts_receivable | Data Object |
Field | Type |
number | String |
subscription_number | String |
type | String |
sub_type | String |
behavior_code | String |
classification_code | String |
executed_date | Date |
scheduled_date | Date |
udf_string_1 | User Defined Field 1 of type String |
udf_string_2 | User Defined Field 2 of type String |
udf_string_3 | User Defined Field 3 of type String |
udf_string_4 | User Defined Field 4 of type String |
udf_string_5 | User Defined Field 5 of type String |
udf_string_6 | User Defined Field 6 of type String |
udf_string_7 | User Defined Field 7 of type String |
udf_string_8 | User Defined Field 8 of type String |
udf_float_1 | User Defined Field 1 of type Float |
udf_float_2 | User Defined Field 2 of type Float |
udf_float_3 | User Defined Field 3 of type Float |
udf_float_4 | User Defined Field 4 of type Float |
udf_date_1 | User Defined Field 1 of type Date |
udf_date_2 | User Defined Field 2 of type Date |
udf_date_3 | User Defined Field 3 of type Date |
udf_date_4 | User Defined Field 4 of type Date |
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