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Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The ID of the retrieved provisioning request |
number | String | The number of the retrieved provisioning request |
type | String | A code that uniquely identifies the type of provisioning request that is performed. The supported options are the following: - ADD_SUBSCRIPTIONS
Sequence Number | String | The sequence number of the retrieved provisioning request |
Scheduled Date | Date | The date that the provisioning request is scheduled to be send |
Executed Date | Date | The date that the provisioning request was actually send |
Priority | String | The priority of the provisioning request. The supported values are the following: |
life_cycle_state | String | The life cycle state of the retrieved provisioning request which can be PENDING, REJECTED or COMPLETED |
Request | String | The actual request that was send to Conax |
Response | String | The actual response that was received from Conax |
Reference number | String | A reference number provided by Conax after receiving the request |
Error Code | String | The error code received by CRM.COM or Conax in case that the provisioning request was rejected |
Error Description | String | The error description received by CRM.COM or Conax in case that the provisioning request was rejected |
Process Name | String | The name of the process that submitted the provisioning request, which can be one of the following: - PROVISIONING_REQUEST_PROCESSING
Process ID | String | The ID of the process that submitted the provisioning request |
log_information | Log Information Object | The log information related with the retrieved provisioning request |
parameters_set | Set of Notification Item objects | The parameters which will be used to generate the Web Service Calls that will be send to Conax. That information differentiates based on the type of request |
Referred Objects Response Data
log_information object response data
Name | Type | Description |
created_date | Date | The date that the retrieved record was created |
updated_date | Date | The last date that the retrieved record was updated |
created_by_unit | Unit Object | The unit that created the retrieved record |
created_by_business_unit | Unit Object | The unit that created the retrieved record |
created_by_user | User Object | The user that created the retrieved record |
updated_by_unit | Unit Object | The last unit that updated the retrieved record |
updated_by_business_unit | Unit Object | The last unit that updated the retrieved record |
updated_by_user | User Object | The last user that updated the retrieved record |
Referred Objects Response Data
unit object response data
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The ID of the retrieved unit |
name | String | The name of the retrieved unit |
group_name | String | The name of the group that the retrieved unit belongs to |
community_name | String | The name of the community that the retrieved unit belongs to |
alternative_code | String | The alternative code of the retrieved unit |
description | String | The description of the retrieved unit |
business unit object response data
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The ID of the retrieved business unit |
name | String | The name of the retrieved business unit |
code | String | The code of the retrieved business unit |
unified_code | String | The unified code of the retrieved business unit |
description | String | The description of the retrieved business unit |
parent_business_unit_name | String | The name of the parent business unit that the retrieved business unit belongs to |
user object response data
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The ID of the retrieved user |
username | String | The user name of the retrieved user |
person_name | String | The full name of the retrieved user |
email | String | The email of the retrieved user |
notification item response data
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The ID of the retrieved notification item |
entity_name | String | The entity name of the retrieved notification which can be one of the following: - ACTIVITIES
entity_value | String | The primary key value of the notification item |
notified_amount | Number | Additional information which is populated if the notification type is classified as financial, and if the notified information is set to Subscriptions or Bills or Jobs. It defines the total initial notified amount for each subscription or bill or job included in the notification |
outstanding_amount | Number | Additional information which is populated if the notification type is classified as financial, and if the notified information is set to Subscriptions or Bills or Jobs. It defines the total amount which is still outstanding for each subscription or bill or job included in the notification |
unsettled_amount | Number | Additional information which is populated if the notification type is classified as financial, and if the notified information is set to Subscriptions or Bills or Jobs. It defines the total amount which is still unsettled for each subscription or bill or job included in the notification |
estimated_consumption_days | Number | Additional information which is populated if the notification type is classified as financial, and if the notified information is set to Wallets or Wallet Product Consumption.It defines the number of remaining days, as of the date of the notification
estimated_consumption_date | Date | Additional information which is populated if the notification type is classified as financial, and if the notified information is set to Wallets or Wallet Product Consumption. It defines the estimated consumption date, as of the date of the notification |
expiration_amount | Number | Additional information which is populated if the notification type is classified as financial, and if the notified information is set to Wallets. It defines the amount that is about to be expired up to a specific date set in the notification's related run definition |
expiration_date | Date | Additional information which is populated if the notification type is classified as financial, and if the notified information is set to Wallets. It defines the date that the expiration amount will expire.
upcoming_bill_amount | Number | Additional information which is populated if the notification type is classified as financial and if the notified information is set to Bills, having the "Calculate upcoming bill" option enabled. It defines the total upcoming bill amount to be paid of each entity (Subscription or Job) included in the notification |