The <crm:birthday> tag is used to display a birthday component on the page.
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
dayValue | true | Object | null | The day value of the component. |
id | true | String | null | Unique identifier of the component. |
labelKey | false | String | null | A valid key defined in translation properties file. Its translation through the glossary will be used as the presentable name of the component. |
managedBean | true | String | null | The name of the Java managed bean class that will be used for retrieving the component values. |
mode | false | String | The mode of the managed bean. | The mode of the component. Allowed values are VIEW and EDIT. |
monthValue | true | Object | null | The month value of the component. |
process | false | String | @this and the value of the refresh attribute | Component(s) to process in partial request. |
refresh | false | String | null | Component(s) to update with ajax. |
tip | false | String | null | A valid key defined in translation properties file. Its translation through the glossary will be used as an advisory tooltip information. |
visible | false | Boolean | true | Controls the visibility of the component. |
readonly | false | Boolean | The value of the dataobject is readonly | Controls whether the component will be readonly. |
yearValue | true | Object | null | The year value of the component. |
Getting Started
The following example shows a birthday component.