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Implement Process Run Definition

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This section describes how a process run definition can be implemented.


What does this section cover?


In order to implement a process run definition, you need to:

  1. Create a new data object class extending com.crm.dataobject.ViewObject class.
  2. Create five new summary pages.
  3. Create a new data entry page.
  4. Create a new user interface class extending com.crm.process.processrun.CRMUIProcessRunDefinitionBean class.
  5. Create a new class extending com.crm.businessobject.processrun.ProcessRunDefinitionXMLUtilBean class, to save and load any criteria, action inputs and/or scheduling settings.
  6. Define the process in modules metadata file.

Create Data Object Class

The new data object class must extend com.crm.dataobject.ViewObject class and must implement both getViewMandatoryFields() and getAssociatedObjects() methods. The associated objects will be used by setMandatoryFields() method of com.crm.dataobject.ViewObject for mandatory field calculation. This method calculates the associated objects' mandatory fields and along with the ones defined in getViewMandatoryFields() method it constructs the new data object's defaultMandatoryFields linked hash map.

com.crm.process.utilities.SchedulerTask object must be defined as well, in order for the process run definition to be handled by the scheduler mechanism.
public class RewardSettlementRunDefinition extends ViewObject {
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
	private CRMDOProcessRunDefinition processRunDefinition;
	private SchedulerTask schedulerTask;
	//input settings
	private RewardSettlementType rewardSettlementType;
	private Set<RewardSchemeCriterion> schemeCriteria;
	private Integer daysAgo;

	public CRMDOProcessRunDefinition getProcessRunDefinition() {
		return processRunDefinition;
	public void setProcessRunDefinition(CRMDOProcessRunDefinition processRunDefinition) {
		this.processRunDefinition = processRunDefinition;
	public SchedulerTask getSchedulerTask() {
		return schedulerTask;
	public void setSchedulerTask(SchedulerTask schedulerTask) {
		this.schedulerTask = schedulerTask;
	public RewardSettlementType getRewardSettlementType() {
		return rewardSettlementType;
	public void setRewardSettlementType(RewardSettlementType rewardSettlementType) {
		this.rewardSettlementType = rewardSettlementType;
	public Set<RewardSchemeCriterion> getSchemeCriteria() {
		return schemeCriteria;
	public void setSchemeCriteria(Set<RewardSchemeCriterion> schemeCriteria) {
		this.schemeCriteria = schemeCriteria;
	public Integer getDaysAgo() {
		return daysAgo;
	public void setDaysAgo(Integer daysAgo) {
		this.daysAgo = daysAgo;
	protected LinkedHashMap<String, CRMDO> getAssociatedDataObjects() {
		LinkedHashMap<String, CRMDO> dataObjects=new LinkedHashMap<String, CRMDO>();
		dataObjects.put("processRunDefinition", getProcessRunDefinition());
		return dataObjects;
	public LinkedHashMap<String, String> getViewMandatoryFields() {
		LinkedHashMap<String, String> viewMandatoryFields = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
		viewMandatoryFields.put( "rewardSettlementType", "key_reward_settlement_type");
		return viewMandatoryFields;

Create Summary Pages

In the following steps, five summary pages need to be implemented in order to have a complete image of a process run definition screen, thus the image below illustrates the run definition summary page. The main summary page includes other four, starting from the first summary page, which is shown in the process runs drill-own. This drill-down also includes another two summary pages for successful and failed entries accordingly and lastly one summary page for the previous versions, as we can see. 


 Summary Page


In this case, a UI class have to implement as well, extending the CRMUIProcessRunDefinitionBean. Also, module id and process id, must be defined in the UI as they declared in the module.xml file. To implement the basic functionality, we will need to create the following methods: createButton, loadForm, editButton, saveButton, submitButton, deleteButton and amendButton, as demonstrated below:
 * Session Bean implementation class CRMUISmsMessageRunDefinition
@Stateless(mappedName = "ejb/CRMUISmsMessageRunDefinition")

public class CRMUISmsMessageRunDefinitionBean extends CRMUIProcessRunDefinitionBean {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
	//Declare module and process id as defined in metadata
    private static final String MODULE_ID = "SMS_SERVICES";
    private static final String PROCESS_ID = "SMS_MESSAGE_PROCESS";
    @EJB private CRMBOProcessRunDefinitionBean processRunDefinitionBean;
    @EJB private CRMBOProcessRunLogBean processRunLogBean;
    @EJB private smsInfocasMessageRunDefinitionXMLUtilBean smsInfocasMessageRunDefinitionXMLUtilBean;
     * Default constructor. 
    public CRMUISmsMessageRunDefinitionBean() {
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

    public smsMessageRunDefintion createButton() throws Exception {
        smsMessageRunDefintion definition = new smsMessageRunDefintion();
        CRMDOProcessRunDefinition processRunDefinition = (CRMDOProcessRunDefinition)processRunDefinitionBean.construct();
        definition.setSchedulerTask(new SchedulerTask());
        return definition;
    public smsMessageRunDefintion loadForm(String id) throws Exception {
            CRMDOProcessRunDefinition processRunDefinition = (CRMDOProcessRunDefinition)processRunDefinitionBean.load(id);
            smsMessageRunDefintion definition = new smsMessageRunDefintion();
            definition = smsMessageRunDefinitionXMLUtilBean.loadProcessingRunDefinition(definition);
            ArrayList<CRMDO> provisioningRequestProcessingRuns = processRunLogBean.load(definition.getProcessRunDefinition());
            if (provisioningRequestProcessingRuns!=null && provisioningRequestProcessingRuns.size() > 0)
                    definition.setAlias(PROCESS_RUN_LOG_ENTRIES_EXIST, "1");
                    definition.setAlias(PROCESS_RUN_LOG_ENTRIES_EXIST, "0");
            Boolean isLatestVersion = isLatestVersion(processRunDefinition);
            if (isLatestVersion)
                    definition.setAlias(IS_PROCESS_RUN_DEF_LATEST_VERSION, "1");
                    definition.setAlias(IS_PROCESS_RUN_DEF_LATEST_VERSION, "0");
            return definition;
        public smsMessageRunDefintion editButton(smsMessageRunDefintion definition) throws Exception {
            CRMDOProcessRunDefinition processRundefinition = 	(CRMDOProcessRunDefinition)processRunDefinitionBean.load(definition.getProcessRunDefinition().getId());
            if (processRundefinition==null)
                processRundefinition = processRunDefinitionBean.loadLatest(definition.getProcessRunDefinition().getCode());
             definition = loadForm(processRundefinition.getId());
             if (definition.getAlias(PROCESS_RUN_LOG_ENTRIES_EXIST).equals("1"))
                definition = amendMessageRunDefinition(definition);
            return definition;
     public smsMessageRunDefintion saveButton(smsMessageRunDefintion definition) throws Exception, MandatoryFieldException {     
         definition = smsMessageRunDefinitionXMLUtilBean.setMessageRunDefinitionXML(definition);
         CRMDOProcessRunDefinition processRunDefinition = definition.getProcessRunDefinition();
         if (processRunDefinition.getCode()==null)
         if (definition.getBroadcastPeriod()==null)
            throw new MandatoryFieldException(getCRMSession(), "key_broadcast_period");
         if (definition.getBroadcastInterval()==null)
            throw new MandatoryFieldException(getCRMSession(), "key_broadcast_interval");
         ArrayList<CRMDO> provisioningRequestProcessingRuns = processRunLogBean.load(definition.getProcessRunDefinition());
        if (provisioningRequestProcessingRuns!=null && provisioningRequestProcessingRuns.size() > 0)
            definition.setAlias(PROCESS_RUN_LOG_ENTRIES_EXIST, "1");
            definition.setAlias(PROCESS_RUN_LOG_ENTRIES_EXIST, "0");
        Boolean isLatestVersion = isLatestVersion(processRunDefinition);
        if (isLatestVersion)
            definition.setAlias(IS_PROCESS_RUN_DEF_LATEST_VERSION, "1");
            definition.setAlias(IS_PROCESS_RUN_DEF_LATEST_VERSION, "0");
         return definition;
     public smsMessageRunDefintion submitButton(smsMessageRunDefintion definition) throws Exception {
         CRMDOProcessRunLog processRunLog = (CRMDOProcessRunLog)processRunLogBean.construct(definition.getProcessRunDefinition());
         return loadForm(definition.getProcessRunDefinition().getId());
    public smsMessageRunDefintion deleteButton(smsMessageRunDefintion definition) throws Exception {
        return definition;
    public smsMessageRunDefintion amendMessageRunDefinition(smsMessageRunDefintion definition) throws Exception {
        CRMDOProcessRunDefinition processRunDefinition = definition.getProcessRunDefinition();
        CRMDOProcessRunDefinition newProcessRunDefinition = (CRMDOProcessRunDefinition)processRunDefinition.clone();
        newProcessRunDefinition.setVersion(new Integer(processRunDefinition.getVersion().intValue()+1));
        newProcessRunDefinition.setProperty("name", new FieldAttribute("1"));
        newProcessRunDefinition.setProperty("altCode", new FieldAttribute("1"));
        definition.setAlias(PROCESS_RUN_LOG_ENTRIES_EXIST, "0");
        definition.setAlias(IS_PROCESS_RUN_DEF_LATEST_VERSION, "1");
        return definition;


Later on, data entry page must be implemented by giving the ability to the user create, view, modify, delete or apply other operations on a process run record. Below, we can see the detail page of the process run definition and specifically the process runs tab, showing the successful whilst failed runs.


 Data Entry Page



In addition, an XMLUtilBean need to be implemented, in order to save action inputs, criteria and schedule settings in the xml. Also this, messageRunDefinitionXMLUtilBean extends ProcessRunDefinitionXMLUtilBean.

On the last step, the CRMProcessRunBean mentioned in the module.xml as additional process need to be implemented whilst the method executeMessageProcess which executes the process runs via threats mechanism like in Implement a Multithreaded Process section. Firstly, process run method saves the action inputs. Then each process run request processed from a thread and if procedure works correctly, the next process run prepares to been processed and the current one saved as completed. On the other hand, if something goes wrong, the current process run is saved as failed and moves to process the next request. This procedure continues until all the process run requests pass from the multi-threading mechanism. As a result, all the successful and failed process runs are illustrated in the summary page image above. Also, below is illustrated the example of the multi-threaded method implemented:


executeMessageProcess method
public class CRMProcessSmsRunBean extends CRMProcessRunBean { 

	@EJB private smsMessageRunDefinitionXMLUtilBean messageRunDefinitionXMLUtilBean;


	public void executeMessageProcess(CRMDOProcessRunLog processRun) throws Exception {
        CRMDOProcessRunDefinition processRunDefinition = processRun.getProcessRunDefinition();
        smsMessageRunDefintion  messageRunDefinition= new smsMessageRunDefintion();
        messageRunDefinition = messageRunDefinitionXMLUtilBean.loadProcessingRunDefinition(messageRunDefinition);
        CRMDOProvProvider provProvider = exsetProviderBean.loadEffective();
        provProvider = exsetProviderBean.setObjectsFromXML(provProvider);
        Boolean processComplete = new Boolean(false);
        JDBCConnection connection= null;
			//At this point is implemented the threats mechanism like in Implement a Multithreaded Process section
        catch (Exception e)
            processRun = saveNextProcessRun(processRun);
        if (processComplete)
            processRun = saveNextProcessRun(processRun);




CRMProcessSmsRunBean must be also bind to the server by specifying the EJB in the ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xml binding file.This xml found in CRMEJB > ejbModule > METADATA-INF


	<session name="CRMProcessProcessSmsRun" simple-binding-name="ejb/CRMProcessProcessSmsRun" />


The process must also be added in the CrmEJB/ejbModule/META-INF/ibm-ejb-jar-ext.xml to define how much time the process could been executing on WebSphere server as follows:


	<session name="CRMProcessProcessSmsRun">
		<global-transaction transaction-time-out="86400" />
        <time-out value="86400" />


Then the process, should be mentioned in CrmEJB/ejbModule/META-INF/jboss-ejb3.xml file where we declare in enterprise beans, the process and in assembly descriptor we mention the timeout of the execution on WildFly server as follows:


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